
CRank: 5Score: 15000

If you can afford 500+ usd for a gpu then it really doesnt matter if its 50usd +-. What does matter is the driver support.

Personally i think Amd has really been lacking on the drivers.

3287d ago 18 agree5 disagreeView comment

I am gaming beyond 4k. Plus i am using 4x AA. I game at about 48XX * 21XX*. Which is about 10M pixles.

4k is about 8M Pixles. So this is 20% more resolution. Plus 4x AA hence it leads to 7.5GB VRAM used. Even at 2X AA the game uses 6.5GB of VRAM, which is still above 6GB VRAM provided by the GTX 980ti.

You can overclock the 980ti all you like, if it hits a VRAM bottleneck then it will stutter. Like i said 980Ti is am amazing GPU. However for the ultra high en...

3288d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Not at all, check my post above. Titan X owners dont really care about the price premium to begin with.

Also we play at resolutions where even a GTX 980ti would become VRAM limited. For example playing at a DSR resolution on a 3440 * 1440 monitor. You would end up rendering anywhere between 10m - 20m Pixles, thus a GTX 980ti would become VRAM limited.

I currently play GTA 5 using up about 7.5GB of VRAM.

3288d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

6GB of VRAM is amazing for the high end. However for the ultra high end I feel the Titan X is still relevant.

I personally play GTA 5 at a resolution of 48XX * 21xx its a DSR resolution of 3440 * 1440. I use about 4x AA. VRAM used on that game is about 7.5GB in this configuration. Hence if i were to have GTX 980ti it would be VRAM limited. Making Titan X sli as the only current solution for these extremes.

3288d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

Regardless i think this mod has huge potential. A full blown GTA Zombie mod will be awesome.

3288d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Cant compare PS4 to a 300GBP PC as the PC doesnt come with all the hidden costs a PS4 comes with.

PS4 300GBP + pay to go online + pay more per game + no BC so buy remakes + no mods so buy DLCs.

PC doesnt come with all those additional costs plus can do a lot more than a PS4 ever can. In the long run PC is much cheaper than gaming on a PS4.

3293d ago 15 agree4 disagreeView comment


As a PC gamer i just bought this game, after Patch 1.04.

I think developers were initially giving favors to the console makers. This was done by releasing review copies which clearly the consoles couldnt handle (thus the frame rate drops), meanwhile purposely gimping the PC version. So that both the versions look very similar.

However just as the release date comes they reduce quality on the console versions and increase PC version qual...

3293d ago 14 agree12 disagreeView comment

Except the process will repeat when PS5 and XBox whatever are out.

So people buying these games on console will again be without a library and might end up buying the games again on the next console.

3294d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Well this is exactly what happens when an industry slow down happens.

I have been saying this for a while. Lets face it Mom and Pops dont need to upgrade CPUs, GPUs, MBs etc to run their internet explorer or watch youtube, MS office Etc.

That leaves us with Servers and the gaming industry. Thats about the only 2 places that really need upgrades.

When it comes to gaming, if games are going to be designed around consoles that are weak to begin ...

3294d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


Check AMD financials, they are making losses. APUs sold to consoles sell for very low prices, not much money to be made there.

Edit: even then imagine if Apple was selling 100usd Iphones, the profit would be so low they wouldnt have money for any real research. Same goes with APU sales for consoles, the profits are so small it barely leaves AMD with any money for researches.

3295d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

Well hes a console gamer, where everything is charged so ofcourse he asks.

3296d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

Witcher 3 with Sweetfx is candyland free.

3296d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

As of today if you want to enjoy 4k gaming you will need a GPU with atleast 6GB of VRAM. Which would mean a GTX Titan or GTX Titan X.

Yes its expensive but it looks amazing. I personally have GTX Titan X in SLI. I have a 3440 x 1440 monitor its not 4k. Its about 5M pixles where 4k is 8M pixles.

Usually when a game is not demanding enough i use DSR, which gets resolutions upto 6880 x 2880. I can say the games look amazing at that resolution.


3296d ago 6 agree6 disagreeView comment

GTA 5 will be on my PC for a very very long time. I want to finish the missions, then mod the hell out of this game.

3299d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hell yea, the next patch which comes out allows more settings in the ini files. I cant wait for the mod kits to get released.

3299d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

This looks more and more like going the way of Skyrim. As time goes on Witcher 3 PC will further and further distance itself from the console version. Specially once the mod tools release.

3299d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well the Nvidia Hairworks takes alot of GPU power. The SSAO or HBAO on PC is far superior to the one on the PS4.

Also AF on the PC is far ahead too. If you reduce those to the PS4 levels then i am sure GTX 970 will be managing near 60fps.

3300d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Question is why are you comparing the console to a Titan. Then calling a victory.

Compare it to a r280 or a Gtx 960 much more comparable that way.

Now add in that console charges to go online, has more expensive games, has no BC. It adds up to be about even in the end.

Please dont make it a biased comparison where you compare a Titan to a console.

3300d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment


Just check all the retail outlets shutting down in the US or better yet look at the number posted by the government etc. They all show a weak ecnomy.

3300d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well anyone with a decent PC can go beyond 1080p. At which point you will see quite a difference between the versions.

My setup is a monster PC, I could probably run this game at resolutions like 5160 * 2160 Its DSR res for 3440 * 1440. At which point there will be no contest between console and PC. Not to mention Nvidia hairworks and much better AO, AF and AA.

I think as this generation progresses, 4k will become the new 1080p for the PC. While 1080p become...

3301d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment