CRank: 5Score: 71090

Not really that angry that Home will not make it this summer. By all means if Sony can make it better then let them do so. Lets not get a half baked cake when they can turn up the degrees and add a little bit more heat (like how I used that metaphor huh :)). But seriously I'm sure all consumers want quality so in my own opinion I think it's for the best. As for Killzone 2 thank God they pushed it back till Feb of 09. How could you have two heavy hitters such as Resistance and Killzone so clos...

5846d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

And I don't mean world of warcraft. I think it's simple math MS. I'm no fanboy but I also did not go to school for lunch. Well maybe a little :). A greater install base means what people? More sales. It's quite obvious they will sell more but showing the UK region was quite silly I think. It's not even by that much. Why not show NA instead where they know it's their bread and butter. Oh MS sometimes I wonder about you. Anyways I guess I should say congratulations because I don't know what els...

5846d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

No disrespect my dude but I think you're living in a fantasy world. I see why you have so little bubbles because I see you're quite the fanboy (understatement). If you support MS that's no problem. I myself am neutral and enjoy the competition but you do realize that although MS sells more software sony has been selling more hardware for the past 3-4 months. As I do feel Mr. Reeves should remain humble about the position Sony is in because they are still behind in the so called "console ...

5846d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

One man's better lineup is another's garbage. Personally the better line up is based upon the gamer's preference of gaming. Personally MGS4, socom, Resistance, LBP for PS3 are looking great for me. Gears 2 will definitely be a must buy for me and i'll eventually get ninja gaiden 2 and left 4 dead if it's any good. So based upon my preference I have more options with the PS3 lineup opposed to the 360. It's not a fanboy issue as I have both but just simple preference. There will be those who pr...

5846d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

But i will be expecting scores between the 9-10 category. Excellent gameplay, superb story-telling and great characters will deserve no less. By far my facvorite franchise. MG3 was my favorite of them all. Final battle was great and that song which they played at the end was excellent. I'm sure people will be pissed if it scores lower than 10 but hey, sometimes that's how things go. I know reviews are not going to stop me from playig it so I know it won't for y'all. Hopefully Kojima may do a ...

5848d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This absolutely makes no sense this generation unless you're making it as an add-on. MS will have to consider its current customers who have already purchased the console so then one would think how can games which would fit on a blu-ray disk fit on those who don't have the blu-ray 360 if it is internal. Nice of MS to try and make a push for blu-ray but perhaps not this gen but next gen. It would just cause too much confusion for consumers and it would be quite unfair as they would not be for...

5852d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not to be a party pooper but do gamers really care? I guess some do seeing that this article is on here and we're commenting on it. Yet at the same time I cannot help but wonder why gamers take pleasure or rather boast that "their" console is outselling the oposition. Not a fanboy so I guess I would not understand or perhaps you don't need to be one to understand. It's all good for MS so I can see where they are coming from but sometimes I have to give the :$ face cause you those co...

5852d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Looks pretty good. However I believe that the game will be showered by the other games which have been released in and around its release date. GTA4 sales plus metal gear sales will surely disrupt it momentum. It may be a stellar game but will probably not see astronomical sales as such as a MGS4. My opinion of course.
On a another note, i'm looking for ppl who use a mic online. I just got GTA4 today and it appears no one speaks. My psn id: PiedPiper85. Hit me up with a friend's reque...

5853d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

But I gotta ask. How old are you? This question not only goes out to you personally but also some others on this forum. If you're 17 and under then cool, but man if you over that age then all I could say is damn. Do you really care that much if the 360 version sells more than the ps3 or ps3 fans do you really care that much if the ps3 version sells more than the 360. I mean I like the game myself but somehow I feel we all need to do a little growing up and leave the little trivial oooh oooh 3...

5853d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nope. Why should anyone be. Greater install base will usually equate to greater sales. Just simple math. No real biggy as the consumers are getting basically the same game at launch so good job on R part in making a good game. Just came back from buying my copy. Tried the single player and the multiplayer. It's pretty good and my ps3 has no issues with it. Planning to get the 360 version later down in the month when my xbox gets back. If you wanna hit me up with an invite my psn id: piedpiper...

5853d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Let's just use simple common sense or perhaps common sense is not that common these days. As far as I am aware, GTA4 is a Mature rated title, therefore it can or should on be bought by people over the ages of 17+. The discussion is quite trivial. If you're a parent who monitors there children's gameplay, then your underage child playing this game should not be a problem if you do not want him or her to play it. If you as a parent believe it is ok for your child to play this game then you woul...

5855d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Now why would you risk your job security and paycheck for a $60 game when you can easily use the same very paycheck to buy one? Just goes to show you that dishonesty does not pay plus didn't they think that the missing items would have been reported? Perhaps GTA4 has the effect on the postman like that.

5855d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thanks for the agrees whoever gave me. It's nice to see that some people can be mature about things. Definitely gonna hit up both psn and live and have some good fun on the both. I'm hoping that some psn players get some headsets cause playing with no communication is quite annoying. Plus a good conversation now and then never hurt anyone. It would be nice of sony to add those headsets that are used for the ps2 and bundle them with the ps3 cause the no headset thing on psn is getting tiresome...

5856d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

What the heck! I'm new here but it's quite amusing to see people disagreeing because I said that people should not be fanboys and should have a little maturity and grow up. I have no problem with people disagreeing with me but how can you diagree with common sense? I'm not a fanboy cause i'm too damn old to be one so that's out the door. Plus what's the use in being one. I have both consoles and I can assure you that sony nor microsoft pay me on the side for an allegiance. I guess I am learni...

5856d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's such simple math as 2+2=4. Why anyone would gripe about which version is "better" is beyond me. Fanboys are always knocking one another about one another's version is so stupid. I would hate to believe that fanboys sit and play a game and say to themselves "hehehe hehehe, my gta4 on the ps3 is so much superior than those xbox boys, or gta4 on xbox players say muhahahahahaha, superior online with in-game messaging. take that sony. muhahahahahaha." It's quite trivial I ...

5856d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

I think it's unanimous. The score cards are in and GTA4 won by way of knockout. We ain't need no stinking reviews to tell us that (maybe we do :)), but good job for R to make such a great game will be waiting for my 360 to return to get it on that but as for now i'll just pick it up on the ps3 and enjoy. Either way you play it's gonna be some darn good fun and I would not expect it anyway else. Damn you night classes.

5856d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sometimes people make things seem more difficult than it really is. If you are a dual console owner and only want to buy one version, buy the version which you have more friends on and are more likely to play with. I eventually will get both versions myself as I have friends on both consoles. As for people who own one console, the obvious answer is to get the one which they have the console for. It would be rather trivial to buy it for a console in which you know you have no friends and are p...

5856d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

There's just something about that game. Perhaps the cuteness or the fact you can create just about anything. I'm usually a sports and shooter guy but i definitely think that LBP is worth checking out. It's nice to diversify your gaming experience and sometimes the good ol shooting gets a little boring when you play it most of the time. It perhaps may not recieve a grand total of sales but definitely should not be slept on.

5856d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sadly I sold my ps3 to get the mg4 bundle so playing it on the ps3 is out of the question. My xbox just hit the good ol rrod so I have to send it in for repairs so no gta on that. Looks like i'll take a trip by ol pops to borrow his ps3. Either way i'll be playing it eventuallybut darn it I wish it could have been Tuesday. Ahh well. Yall can tell me how great it is. Have fun.

5856d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Don't really care what analysts have to say. I just rather pay the game and have some fun with it. With millions which will be sold and an uncanny high metacritic rating, it definitely has everything in its favor to become game of the year.It probably will be the best selling game of this year and perhaps the current console generation, however there are one or two titles which gamers cannot sleep on such as mg4 (compelling storytelling and does kojima ever dissapoint, no raiden quips please)...

5856d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment