
CRank: 5Score: 7510

I told people Blu-Ray was going to win. I had to laugh at my cousin who bought the 360 add on and tried to explain to me how HD-DVD is better. Ha

5919d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Again and to anyone saying Nintendo is wrong or the bad guy. Think about MS's virtual arcade store. MS doesn't have all the resources that Nintendo and Sony have when it comes to previous titles. They have to rely on third parties to sign a contract and put the title on their store. Why would a company like Nintendo or Sony who hold many previous titles since they have been in the industry a lot longer and have a lot of games within their company do anything to help MS like this situation. Ni...

5919d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ok to make my point a little more specific and accurate since you find the need to nit pick at an example that is just used to make a point. Nintendo has rights to the title, and so does Rare which is now under MS. If a classic game was released on my console, why would I want another company to benefit from it. How is that bad. On top of that aren't there things that need to be addressed with EA who now owns the James Bond franchise rights? And with Halo lets say I used an example that isn't...

5919d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

I'm trying to figure out how people are going to try and complain about Nintendo. This title was a classic on the Nintendo console and if anything should stay as a Nintendo product. How in the hell does MS or any of it's customers feel they have any right to a game from another console, and another company. If a few generations from now Bungie is completely bought out by Sony and Sony decides to try and bring Halo and Halo 2 to the Playstation store and MS stops it from happening, can you rea...

5919d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Can't wait. Loved the first one and I know this will definitely deliver. Ohh and I'm not talking about this picture cause it doesn't look that real, but just the idea of a sequel of this great title is something to comment about.

5920d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

As much as I don't want to be a fanboy it's nice to see how a year later how things have changed for us PS3 owners and fans. Finally all of our expectations have come true and there appears to be even more improvements and enhancements coming down the road. Just a superior console delivering well for the well respected Playstation brand.

5920d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

After my experience with Final Fantasy XI, I've come to hate the MMO genre. It's so repetitive and turns more into a chore than a fun experience. But this sounds very open and bringing new life to the genre. With the cops vs. robbers, if it delievers it will do what Kane & Lynch could have done with this cops vs. robbers idea.

Also I don't think this is such a mind blowing idea to make an MMO. WoW owns the genre and you can't beat down the same path and expect success. Blizz...

5925d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

If Gears came out a year later to the PS3 people would buy it because it is a classic game that has broaden that genre and will be a game to define this "next-gen" era. Lost Planet is a joke. A subpar game that sold because of the lack of any other serious titles besides Gears. Thats why Saints Row and Dead Rising were able to sell. You think any of those games would have a chance today with all the games available for both systems. Even games like Crackdown were able to sell with a...

5925d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don't really think that list is that good with Killzone 2 and Home on there. But I agree with flower that could turn out to be great, and Socom that seems to not get the respect and publicity it once did. As long as they make this title a worthy purchase compared to 2 and 3 that weren't really impressive to warrant a buy compared to Socom 1 it should do fine. I think Tekken 6 should be on that list since it really doesn't seem like people are talking about it and it is arguably the best &qu...

5926d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm proud to be a Sony supporter. How can people hate Sony when all they've done is expand the gaming market and only produced great systems that have had amazing games. And like someone said before, these are gamers saying this. Standing up for a company that relies on it's monopoly of the PC software market to get away with an inferior product. And they carry this trend into the gaming market with a defective product. And till this day they haven't been able to fix the problem. And the mai...

5928d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

the PS3 has improved greatly in the games department and has the most stellar lineup for 2008. Compare Sony's entire first year lineup compared to the 360's. You made a statement about the 360 being better in the graphics department. The developers of Uncharted would really like to have a word with you. Because of a few cheap/ lazy ports you want to go and label the 360 as the superior graphic titan? As far as online, the 360 has the edge. But how long has Xbox Live been around. Since the Xbo...

5930d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Although he could have been a little bit more in-depth about somethings, it was for the most part pretty good. I'm just happy to finally see what I've been saying about the PS3 taking effect now. The sad thing this shows about the market is how easily people are willing to succumb themselves to inferior products than to embrace technology that is taking things to the next level and expanding the norm. If a system like the PS3 that can be used as a key part of a home theater/media system was b...

5931d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I couldn't agree more. Feels good to be on the winning side and we can now get this over and done with and get the best possible things delivered instead of having to deal with this unnecessary split that wasted so much time.

5932d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I still don't understand how people tried to argue that HD-DVD was going to last year. When it comes to HD people always pick the best because of the prices. If you already have the best setup with your TV and Surround sound, why would you choose an inferior format. It would just be a disgrace to both you and your excellent setup. It's like running your PS3 on an 1080p HDTV and using component cables or using cheap gas in your Benz.

5932d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Although the game all around could have been better, I think this teaches everyone a lot about giving multiple options for games. The worst part is they forced this on a console that isn't big on the motion control but uses it as a side thing and a little extra in the controller as they were dealing with their lawsuit over Rumble. The worst part is that this game had a lot of hope and from all early indications seemed like it was going to be amazing.

5936d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If people find out about the extra content for the 360 then it will easily sell more here in the USA. Also to the individual who said GTA is a casual game, in all seriousness it really is. Most people don't collect all the hidden packages and do every rampage mission. I've gotten 100% in everyone and by doing that the "hardcore" element of the game is seen. But most people just put in as many cheats as possible and than play the game barely beating the missions and call it a day. It...

5938d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

In all seriousness if it is that much a necessity for you to play the game that 30 mins is a problem then you really need to reevaluate your life. People with PC's have dealt with install times and so have many other devices. Although you wonder if Capcom really needed to use the install or if this is a just due to lack of development tools for the PS3, it does give you time to read the instructions and accomplish any little things before you sit down for a period of gaming.


5939d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

When people who know very little about the economy talk, it's a sad thing.

5941d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

See I love how the media tried to swing things to be far from the truth. American media really wanted to push that inferior console because it's American. Anyone buying the 360 should really analyze what they are paying for.

5943d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

They had this one commercial talking about after the Super Bowl get an HD DVD player to fulfill your needs and so on. In all seriousness this is getting to the point of being childish. I'm a business major and understand where Toshiba is coming from but they should try their best to kill the brand or expensive support of it while still maintain some type of sales. It's an inferior product and never deserved to win. Games are different where the most powerful device doesn't ensure quality game...

5944d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment