Massive Action Gamer
CRank: 5Score: 74480

When individual stores are literally getting less than a dozen per month, it's easy to call "high demand". It's almost a guarantee that once these things become more widely available during and after the holidays, you'll never be able to not find one again.

2532d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

Two words: Artificial Demand. The Nintendo apologists try to pretend it's not a thing, but it is and Nintendo is incredibly guilty of it. The plan is to build up demand by constantly telling people it's selling out, then when the holidays roll around, they're going to conveniently choke retailers with a crap ton of units that they've been keeping on standby this whole time.

2532d ago 8 agree3 disagreeView comment

Maybe. Depends on the holidays.

2532d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Because despite how well the Switch sells, third party titles will still sell very poorly on it, and with the massive hardware disparity, the benefits of making ports don't outweigh the costs.

2532d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

And? PS Now is a service still in its infancy, and unless you have insane internet speeds, you'll be playing PS4 games in only sub-HD @ ~30 FPS, regardless of of whether you're using the service on PC or PS4. If you want the best experience with PS4 exclusives, you're gonna play them natively on PS4/ Pro.

On a side note, if that's a snide remark about PS4 somehow being multiplat, keep in mind that 1) you don't own any of the games you play on PS Now, and...

2533d ago 13 agree2 disagreeView comment

This is why PS4 is such an excellent console, despite what haters say. Regardless of what one's preferred platform is this gen, to deny that PS4 is a very solid system is pure blind fanboyism and corporate slavery.

PlayStation will always be my primary gaming platform.

2533d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

Online functionality sounds interesting. Ascension's multiplayer wasn't the greatest, but it had some good ideas. I doubt we'll see something of that nature in this, but I'm sure there could be something. Either way looking forward to it.

Not sure how I feel though about Square being for the son, seeing as it was the primary melee button in previous games. Still no doubts the game will be incredible overall

2533d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

DriveClub has long since destroyed Forza Motorsport until next gen.

2534d ago 47 agree29 disagreeView comment

I imagine there's going to be a GT7. This clearly is their side entry for eSports.

2534d ago 24 agree3 disagreeView comment

I must be missing something here, because Forza 7 really doesn't look that impressive, especially compared to a game like DriveClub. You can tell Turn 10 sacrificed a lot to achieve that 4K/ 60 FPS mark. The only thing that is somewhat impressive is the realtime puddle filling/ evaporation effects, but this is a linear racing game we're talking about. Something like that was far more impressive in Horizon.

2534d ago 55 agree38 disagreeView comment

I think it's pretty obvious that PS5 will be fully BC with all PS4 games. That alone will clear that issue up.

2534d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Sounds like a sign it will come to PS4 eventually as well.

2534d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment
2535d ago Show

Never said Mario would flop, but Switch's sales will be very underwhelming compared to PS4's this holiday. Even after the Wii U failure, people continue to completely overestimate how much hardware sales Nintendo titles push. Yes, Mario will sell millions of copies, and yes a good amount of Switches will be sold, but it will mainly be the Nintendo devoted buying them since Mario is going to be the main seller. Sony is guaranteed to have the price advantage, and when people see games l...

2535d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@Septic You have to be the saddest no-life having loser on this site bro. Is there an article to don't comment on where you have to find any excuse to swallow more of Xbox/ Spencer's baby gravy?

2536d ago 5 agree8 disagreeView comment

It's hilarious how most people are pointingbthe finger at Sony. You all do realize this is an EA game, right? Meaning EA are the ones who submitted the footage to Sony for the PlayStation channel. They're the ones who did the botched photoshop job.

Also, in response to the "ZOMG! PS4 Pro can't compete with X1X graphix!!!", keep in mind that the gameplay wasn't even on X1X at MS's E3; it was on a PC build "comparable to X1X".

2536d ago 5 agree6 disagreeView comment

I guess you missed the part where, even though Infinite Warfare didn't sell very well as a CoD game, it STILL was the best selling game of 2016. I guess we can pretend none of people play it though

2536d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Woah there now! Nintendo female characters have the best Rule 34's! (Except candy Kong)

2536d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Ouch... once again, another reason Switch sales are going to suffer this holiday.

2536d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

Nope. They still have a long way to go. I wouldnt even call this year a start, simply because they need to prove that they have a solid release schedule from here on out.

Also, for god's sake they need to do something about that insanely bland UI on Switch.

There's so much this company can do for Switch, but I've grown to have so little faith in them that I just don't see it happening. I like my Switch, but it's going to forever be a...

2538d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment