
NeverDead Review - PlanetXbox360

When a good idea falls flat, it’s a very hard thing to watch. You’ve got an innovative producer trying his or her hand at something new, and some devoted developers working with him to try and make sure his or her idea is met with as much fruition as possible. But when you see the end product and all the flaws that come with it, you deal with your own frustration, but can’t possibly imagine what he or she might be going through seeing all the negative reviews. In that regard, I do feel bad for Shinta Nojiri, the producer of Konami’s NeverDead.

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13 Video Game Characters That Are Immortal

Immortality is a concept rare in most video games as it changes the basic mechanic of dying which is important for the majority of action, adventure and shooter games. But there are games that manage to geniusly incorporate immortality in their protagonists, antagonists, and main characters. So here are 13 Video Game Characters That Are Immortal.

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fisok2440d ago

My last paycheck was $2500 for working 12 hours a week online. My sisters friend has been averaging 8k for months now and she works about 30 hours a week. I can't believe how easy it was once I tried it out. The potential with this is endless. This is what I do >> http://tiny.cc/ww3opy

zerocarnage2440d ago

They're all immortal it's video games and if they die get reincarnated many times over lmao..

Garozhe702439d ago

Immortal based on the storyline


Gaming's Oddest Means Of Traversal

Game Informer

It’s no secret that half the fun of the imminently destructive Just Cause 3 is spying a location in the distance and using whatever means necessary to get there, whether it be paragliding, skydiving in a wingsuit, or hijacking a military jet with the help of an absurdly competent grappling hook. But before Just Cause 3 spurred the creation of a thousand hilarious gifs, the world of gaming had plenty of odd ways to get around. These are the weirdest means of traversal gaming has to offer.

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25 Most Disappointing Games of This Generation

Den of Geek takes a look at some of the biggest and most unexpected disappointments in gaming throughout the current console generation. Here are the 25 most disappointing games of this generation.

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ArchangelMike4025d ago (Edited 4025d ago )

I think Haze has to be the most dissapointing game of the generation. You have to remember the level of hype it was generating, you have to remember it was helmed by Free Radical of Timesplitters fame, you have to remember the PS3/360 flame wars. Not only did Haze bomb so badly, but it took down Free Radical with it.

Some games on that list however are not disappointments in teh same sense. For example, There wasn't anything really dissapointing about Rage, I absolutely loved the game. It was just abit short, in a few regards.

In my opinion The Bureau: XCOM Declassified, should be up there with Aliens Colonial Marines and Duke Nukem as one of the most disappointing games of the generation. It was a fail on so many different levels, and was not at all an XCOM game.

SegaGamer4025d ago

Sonic 2006 was one of the best games i have played this gen. Yes it has some glitches and there is a bit too much loading but the game in my opinion was fantastic.