
Conduit 2: 'We can compete with GoldenEye and Black Ops'

Eric Nofsinger tells Official Nintendo Magazine about The Conduit's influences, why he won't be hyping up this game as much as the original and why the shooter sequel will be able to compete with the likes of Call Of Duty: Black Ops and GoldenEye.

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BiggCMan4820d ago

Well I enjoyed The Conduit more than both the remake of Goldeneye and Black Ops, so I don't really know why you think its funny. The Conduit had a pretty good story with very polished gameplay which is rare for Wii shooters. The multiplayer was very fun, the weapons were unique, the graphics were impressive for the Wii. Give things a shot before you take jabs at them. I have confidence that Conduit 2 will be a great game. The Goldeneye remake was nothing more than a Call of Duty rip off with horrible graphics even for Wii. I played it enough to know I didn't like it.

vishant1014820d ago

imo nothing on the wii can come close to golden eye on the 64 it was a head of its time and still can give me a thrill when i start my 64 up occasionally

LoaMcLoa4819d ago

I think they are talking about the latest Goldeneye

Kon4820d ago (Edited 4820d ago )

It can't compete with one of, if not THE most classic FPS to date. But i can't say the same about BO

@BiggCMan Sorry, i thought he was talking about the orginal goldeneye

BiggCMan4820d ago

Well he is talking about the remake of Goldeneye, the one from last year. It was pretty crappy to me, though i'm sure others would disagree. There isn't much that can touch the original Goldeneye though. It was so original and unique for its time, that no other game could pull off what that game did, at least not with everyone trying to copy Call of Duty.

fastNslowww4820d ago

not wanting to hype it and then implying that it'll match games like black ops and goldeneye?

sp1deynut4820d ago

Looks like they left the " 't " off the end of the word "can". :o

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FPS Friday - Conduit 2 has been played how much? Official U.S. Nintendo Channel data report.

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