
A Reflection On OnLive In 2010

OnLiveInformer writes: "As 2010 draws to a close some of us will look back upon the last year, reflect on our accomplishments or trials, and ponder where the next year will take us. Here at OnLiveInformer, we’ve decided to do the same for the OnLive service. 2010 was a big year for OnLive and 2011 seems to have just as much, if not more, potential.

OnLive launched on June 17th, 2010 with a number of games ‘in the teens’ and the promise of 50 to 60 games by 2011. With 2011 upon us, we currently count 49 unique games in OnLive’s library, which is pretty close to their original estimate. The company can count a number of other accomplishments under their belt, but also their fair share of stumbles and hurdles along the way."

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BlmThug4902d ago

Onlive Does Not Have Enough Games & The Games Are Too Pricey

Dorfdad4902d ago

Disagree Blm they just had a 75% off sale. OnLive is very much like STEAM with sales all the time. Agree with the games but give them some time man. 6 months and they have done ALOT!


OnLive teams up with London’s Green Man Gaming to resell its cloud-gaming service

Dean Takahashi of VentureBeat writes: "OnLive has teamed up with British game retailer Green Man Gaming to resell subscriptions for OnLive’s cloud-gaming subscription service. The deal is the first of its kind in which a game retailer resells OnLive’s online bundles of games delivered via web-connected data centers, or the cloud."

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OnLive CloudLift’s Video Game Streaming Service Does The Heavy Lifting For You

With all the recent subscription services increasing in popularity including EA Access and PS Plus, The Game Fanatics decided to take another look at OnLive and how it could be the dark horse in the video game streaming race.

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twdll3577d ago

I still have onlive and compared to psn now it seems faster response time, and the ui is tons better. Imho.


War Thunder debuts on OnLive's CloudLift streaming service

Samit Sarkar of Polygon writes: "War Thunder, the free-to-play military MMO from Russian studio Gaijin Entertainment, is launching today on CloudLift, the cloud-based gaming service from OnLive, the latter company announced today.

CloudLift, which OnLive debuted this past March in open beta, is a subscription-based service that allows players to "lift" a limited selection of Steam titles they already own to the cloud, and then stream them to a variety of devices without needing to download the full game. Those devices include Mac- and Windows-based computers, as well as TVs and Android tablets. Because CloudLift is integrated with Steam, save games are synced across devices."

ocelot073680d ago

I ant used Onlive in ages. But when I did I couldn't fault the service.

3-4-53680d ago

Been playing it on PC and between this & Planetside 2, PS4 owners are in for a real Double treat with these games.

So much fun, tons of content, High quality good looking games.