
Yes you can sit or stand with Kinect.

Aaron Greenberg confirms you can use Kinect while sitting.

deadreckoning6665102d ago (Edited 5102d ago )

He said depends on the game...whatever u say Greenburg.

@DWeezy91- Bubbles +

Tony-A5102d ago (Edited 5102d ago )

How about showing us instead of just telling us?

Thanks, dead. I'll return the favor. You look like you could use some. haha

Bnet3435102d ago (Edited 5102d ago )

How about you go to their booth and try it out yourself?

SmokeyMcBear5102d ago

people have tried... and they say no sitting

Anon19745102d ago (Edited 5102d ago )

I think I'm just going to have to call it a draw, because I'm not paying $150-200 for this either way.

Tony-A5102d ago

Trust me. If I could, I would. For now, I have to go by what people have said and those people HAVE tried it. No sitting for them. Do I believe the ones who tried it, or the ones who are trying to make bank on it?

Until they actually show us with no strings attached, I'm calling bull.

Bnet3435102d ago

Weezy, how do you know those reports weren't based off games that you can't play while sitting down? Do you really think you can play Dance Central while sitting down? Some games are just not possible while you sit down.

How do you know those "reporters" actually did try it out? Maybe they just saw or are lying? How about calling bull on that lol.

Tony-A5102d ago

Maybe your conspiracy theory is out of hand. Why would they want to try Dance Central sitting down? That would be retarded. Obviously if they're trying to demo a game, they tried it sitting down and it didn't work.

I don't know if they actually tried it, but if they lied, they would be caught for fabricated stories then, wouldn't they? As journalists, they are not supposed to lie. They can get shut down for those things.

Until they prove sitting down is no problem, I'm not going to go by a Twitter post from some guy who hasn't even built the hardware. The guy works for the company selling it for god's sake.

The Wood5102d ago

we say....dude do we look like celebrities ??

N4G king5102d ago Show
Bnet3435102d ago

I'm not even going to try to have a conversation on this website anymore. It's been over run by fanboys for the last few days. What's the point? If you hate MS and Kinect, nothing will convince you otherwise. I won't bother wasting my time.

nycredude5102d ago Show
Bathyj5102d ago

I believe Aaron.

I just cant see him getting excited about something you have to stand up for.

Qui-Gon Jim5102d ago (Edited 5102d ago )

They say that the skeletal mapping software has trouble tracking when you sit down. During the conference, they showed that video chat tracking the person on the other end while she was sitting down, but that doesn't need the skeletal mapping, it can be done with the RGB camera using normal head-tracking software.

My guess is "depending on the experience" means "depending on if it needs the skeletal mapping or not." Voice control can be used sitting down. RGB camera can be used sitting down. 3D skeletal mapping requires you to stand.

sikbeta5102d ago


The thing is that YOU don't get convinced So Easy, they show really nothing about kinect in the First Conference more than pre-recorded videos, in the second one they show some WTF things, so YOU dont get your Hopes too High when you didn't see anything about it

there are lot of x360 supporters that have the guts to assume and accept that MS failed and didn't give anything For Them like more Games and they are not trying to be indulgent with whatever thing MS shows now and that's the way it has to be...

HolyOrangeCows5102d ago

Well, you might be able to do some stuff with skittles sitting down....otherwise....eh...

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 5102d ago
stb5102d ago Show
Shadow Flare5102d ago

If Aaron said you can sit and use Kinetc, why did the developer say you can't sit and use Kinetc?

Elven65102d ago

Which developer said that? I can only remember IGN saying it in their preview.

Shadow Flare5102d ago

"According to Microsoft, you can play some Kinect games sitting down. It "varies" by experience. However, several developers giving us demos have said the exact opposite. Sometimes the contradiction comes from the same person--one day telling us you have to be standing and then the next saying everything can be done while sitting.

Which is true? We don't know for certain, as we have not had the opportunity to play anything seated. Suffice to say, if you have to stand for every game (or for menu navigation), that's a big problem. This remains a concern until we ourselves can test out Kinect from our rear."


Bigpappy5102d ago

IGN said it was a concern that they could not test. The PR guy for the developer only knows that his game does not allow sitting. He can not speak for all things Kinect because he does not know. Greenburg is the PR guy for M$. I think if he did not know if you could sit he could easily reach some one who knew. Better than that, I am pretty sure he gets to see pretty much every game for the thing and how they can be played. You guys are enjoying this Kinet bashing way too much. I have mine already pre-order and I am confident that I will sit and use it Nov 4th.

Shadow Flare5102d ago

hmm....or if you read the quote again you'll see its not "PR Guys" IGN were talking to, but the developers themselves. And i think they would know, since they make the games. Or you can choose to believe Aaron Greenberg who will do anything to impress anyone; even to the extent of using pre-recorded footage of natal for 2 conferences at E3. Aaron Greenberg wants to make sure these things sell so of course he'll say yes. Game developers know the limitations of hardware intimately.

Believe whoever you want

Bzone245102d ago

IGN said the developers contradicted themselves so you can't take that for fact that you can't sit. It's not too difficult to understand, that if someone gives you two different answers, you can't just choose the one you want to call it a fact.

Just wait till it comes out and see if your lazy ass can sit the whole time. Oh wait you don't really care, you are just here for one reason...to troll. I'm sorry, carry on I guess.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5102d ago
Joule5102d ago ShowReplies(1)
Captain Tuttle5102d ago

I don't even know why I bother to read the comments anymore.

Redlogic5102d ago

whats more fun than reading childish arguments? a pile of dead babies thats what!! muahahaha

Mista T5102d ago

lol! it can do anything! we can go anywhere! :P

kewlkat0075102d ago

Too polarizing on here meng...If any gamer on here had any interest in the 360 for any reasons related to gaming.. I don't think it's MS kinect on MS's 5th year, they were waiting for to win them ova...lol

Obviously, depending on the game is what dictates your stance.

Motion gaming is not traditional in most aspects. From Sports games/Dance games...etc there is no point of sitting down if a games was meant to be played a certain way.

A Dev making games for Kinect and other motion Sensing approaches, might as well just use a traditional controller, if that's the case.

IdleLeeSiuLung5102d ago (Edited 5102d ago )

PrimeSense which is a MS partner for Kinect shows this video of people is sitting down:


I guess they must be blatantly lying in their promo video? I can see how people would think MS is evil and will lie, but do you think PrimeSense would lie to?



But I'm sure that is a lie too!

Fact is there are plenty of videos around showing people sitting down in front of the camera and the camera tracks fine in 2D. If you can locate the target, doing 2D or 3D isn't much harder. So I say it is a load of BS that it can't track while a person sits.

The only reason I would see it is such is people choose not to implement that mode, because it doesn't make sense for that game. For instance why would you be dancing WHILE sitting on the coach playing Dance Central?

Redlogic5102d ago (Edited 5102d ago )

and this is probably just my ignorance with not knowing what exactly Kinect is made of, but what does PrimeSense have to do with anything? I actually watched that first video, which in all honestly looks to much like a promo video and completely staged to a ridiculous degree. I saw that guy order pizza and I had to turn it off. Did PrimeSense create a part of the Kinect camera?

I too read IGN's 5 concerns article and they mentioned the thing about natal having trouble picking up the skeletal something or other when you sit so naturally I wondered as well. (Btw full disclosure: I'm not planning on getting Kinect but am curious to see what kind of advances it makes (or doesn't make)). I don't understand why you guys can't just have a sensible argument, all the comments section turns into is people callin each other fanboys....when all else fails call him a fanboy, that'll teach him!!!

Redlogic5102d ago

Just incase you guys wanted to read it....

Standing Room Only
According to Microsoft, you can play some Kinect games sitting down. It "varies" by experience. However, several developers giving us demos have said the exact opposite. Sometimes the contradiction comes from the same person--one day telling us you have to be standing and then the next saying everything can be done while sitting.

Which is true? We don't know for certain, as we have not had the opportunity to play anything seated. Suffice to say, if you have to stand for every game (or for menu navigation), that's a big problem. This remains a concern until we ourselves can test out Kinect from our rear.

IdleLeeSiuLung5102d ago

What has been reported and makes sense is PrimeSense is providing parts of the technology for the hardware and part of it for software, more specifically the simple interface controls. The skeleton mapping is all MS.

Check out the second link and the second video at the bottom to see the technology in action with a guy sitting. That is less of a promo video and more of a tech demonstration.

IaMs125102d ago

Well they have showed us before, it was a race car driving game and the family was sitting down "driving". Why wouldnt it work sitting down... and it would depend on the game wehter you need to jump and stuff so what is the problem about depending on the game?

Doc Sony5102d ago

Oh yeah I remember them showing us that ? It was in one of Microsofts scripted Natal adds.


TheDeadMetalhead5102d ago (Edited 5102d ago )

Because Greenberg has NEVER lied before, Right? ...Right?

Also, am I the only one that wants to punch him whenever I see that article picture?

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 5102d ago
mrv3215102d ago


Natal causes pregnancy depends on the game or experience.

xc7x5102d ago

1 of 10 games? need more clarification microsoft!!

BubbleSystemSuck5102d ago (Edited 5102d ago )

so... if the game is seated, you need to sit, and sit Kinect WITH you?

And if you have no experience on gamming?

Sit? Jump? Roll?

wee need a Nintendo Wii manual like.

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How Valve has treated Team Fortress 2 is a disgrace, and its community deserves better

17 years on from release and 5 years into a botting epidemic, Team Fortress 2 is on its knees, and it's high time Valve stepped in to fix it.

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badz1498h ago

Valve can do no wrong, remember?

fsfsxii5h ago

Ah yes, pc gaming aka the bastion of fairness and equity and everlasting online playerbase, all i can say is lmao
Not to mention that these tf2 idiots were the progenitor of mrx in gaming


Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay - 20 Years of the Surprisingly Good Film Adaptation

Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay debuted 20 years ago, and to this day is a surprisingly good film franchise adaptation.

porkChop15h ago

I'd love a remaster of both games with 4K, raytracing, and the ability to have both AA and AO at the same time.

Petebloodyonion11h ago

Remasters were made for Xbox 360 and PS3 in 2009 Chronicles of Riddick Assault on Dark Athena

porkChop1h ago

It was a remaster of the first game, plus a sequel. The sequel was never remastered though. In the PC version you couldn't even have AA and AO, you had to choose one or the other. You can't buy it anymore either on PC.

MrBaskerville15h ago

MS owns the developer, if only they wanted to bother with the license, could be a nice addition to Series X BC program. These titles and Arx Fatalis.

Petebloodyonion11h ago

Microsoft does not own Starbreeze Studios; it is owned by Digital Bros through its subsidiary, 505 Games.
Tigon Studios, founded by Vin Diesel, primarily develops games featuring him and holds licenses related to these games.

ZwVw7h ago

You're thinking about MachineGames (Wolfenstein) which was formed by several ex Starbreeze staff after Assault on Dark Athena was released (whose owned by Zenimax/Bethesda), now owned by MS.

rlow113h ago

Great games, wish they would make another.


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