
Edge - Time Extend: Manhunt

Edge writes: "Manhunt is one of the worst games made during the last generation. It is also one of the best. It divided consumers and critics alike, garnering effusive praise from some and vituperative condemnation from others. While its dark, uncomfortable and morally dubious content was ripe for tabloid hysteria, less understandable was criticism that it was badly designed or intellectually retarded. Nothing could be further from the truth."

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Ten best games from the 2000s you may have missed

The 2000s was a great decade for a lot of brilliant video games. Here are the ten best games of the 2000s that you may not have played.

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isarai514d ago

You know usually when someone says "you may have missed" it's games that were lesser known, hidden gems, underrated games. These are all super high profile games that sold extremely well.

FPS_D3TH513d ago (Edited 513d ago )

You know the 2000s is 20 years ago too? Maybe, just maybe this wasn’t an article targeted to 30+ gamers? Still says at the very beginning of the title “THE BEST GAMES you may have missed”. Regardless of how well they sold there’s tons of gamers who haven’t touched these older well known games lol.

Welshy513d ago (Edited 513d ago )

It's games you "may have missed", insinuating you were around and gaming in the 2000's and were there to miss them. If it was aimed at everyone else then they missed literally everything, not just the top games.

The original commenter is right, this is a badly written article at best pointless at worst.

Crows90513d ago

Besides only being able to miss it if you were around during that time..if your point stands then this is a horrible list. Tons of better games people may have missed

XxINFERNUSxX513d ago

I would like the original max payne remade in a new engine with ray tracing. 😊

FPS_D3TH513d ago

Remedy games already working on that and I’m so stoked for it

XxINFERNUSxX513d ago

Oh yeah thanks for reminding me I totally forgot they were doing it. Also what the hell happened to Kingpin: Reloaded? On Steam coming soon and nohting from the dev.

MadLad513d ago

Yeah, I was just going to say. It's interesting seeing them back behind the series. Max Payne 3 was amazing, but then Rockstar just sat on the IP.
Well, they sit on virtually anything that isn't GTA and Red Dead now.

porkChop513d ago

What is this list? These are all hugely popular games. I was expecting games like Dark Messiah of Might & Magic, Advent Rising, Arx Fatalis, etc.

FPS_D3TH513d ago

the title didn’t say lesser known titles from the 2000s. This is 20 years ago now lol. Big assumption this list was made for older gamers.

Dirty_Lemons513d ago

That makes me feel so old.

Inverno513d ago

I've only played 3 on that list. Part of me feels bad about how little I used all the consoles I've owned as a kid. One bright side is, there's over 30 years of games to experience for the first time.

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Seven Games I Would Love to See Remade, Remastered, or at Least Re-Released

Some games of yesteryear were just ahead of their time. So Half-Glass Gaming takes a moment to wax poetically about some favorites from a bygone era and whip up a list of games we would love to see remakes of.

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Magog857d ago

Had a lot of fun with Scarface. That was around the peak of GTA clones. The amount of them has decreased substantially.

roadkillers857d ago (Edited 857d ago )

I agree, the side jobs of selling drugs was a blast.

porkChop856d ago

GTA 4 actually got some of the ideas for the new wanted system from Scarface.

-Foxtrot857d ago

Beyond Good and Evil would be fantastic

Simpsons Hit and Run, expanded with new areas from the newer seasons and with all the hubs joining on from one another to make one massive open world game

Bugs Bunny Lost in Time / Bugs Bunny and Taz: Time Busters

Sheep, Dog n Wolf (Sheep Raider)

Toy Story 2

Legend of Dragoon

Some of my "out there" picks anyway...

isarai857d ago

Ape Escape series
Path of Neo
Max Payne trilogy (or at least 1&2) BY ANYONE OTHER THAN GROVESTREET GAME FFS!
Rise of the Argonauts
Killzone 2

Just off the top of my head

Profchaos856d ago

Yup max Payne 1 by Grove St games would be the mobile version they did which dropped the difficulty to none existant just in 4k unfortunately.

FPS_D3TH857d ago

I would’ve added stalker but were thankfully getting a sequel soon. This would be my list

Max Payne 1 & 2
Freedom Fighters
Syphon Filter
Dino Crisis

Eidolon856d ago

Dino Crisis Remake, hell yeah. Like RE2/3 remake would be great.

Eidolon856d ago

PC has Mods, Xbox Series X has (4K?)/60fps. For consoles this would probably come down to deeper visual quality and quality of life improvements in one package, like the treatment Mass Effect trilogy got.

Yui_Suzumiya856d ago

I want it specifically on Switch though.. now later this year I plan on getting a Series X and I'll enjoy it there as well. My main problem is the fact that Bethesda has re-released Skyrim on nearly every console for 3 generations yet they haven't done anything with Fallout 3 or New Vegas. Those are just as popular as Skyrim so why haven't they been Remastered for all the current or even last gen consoles yet? I feel like us Fallout fans are getting the short end of the stick here.

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10 Popular Banned Video Games and Why They Were Banned

Xfire writes "As you'll soon learn, while it is true that some popular banned video games do at least warrant the censorship or ban they received, some games were banned from sale for some pretty weird and radical reasons."

gold_drake1161d ago

i dont get censorship in games.
they have warnings on the boxings, age ratings, drug use warnings, strong language and sexual themes and many more.

its not so much the government's job to censor, as it is for parents to make sure their kids dont play those games. and those who are easily disturbed or sensitive, should stay away from them.
i do understand that some things might be triggering for some but.... why do ppl suck so much lol.

but being in debt before 18 or 21 is highly acceptable somehow ha


Highrevz1161d ago

I’m glad there’s not much censorship in the UK towards video games. Reading bully was banned confused me as i don’t recall that at all.

Nintendo has always been bashed for its censorship (green blood in MK controversy) and then they gave us some dark moments like Crocomire’s death in Super Metroid and even let us strangle people to death with the Wii controller. It’s like they have tried at times but there image is very much Cemented as family friendly so I don’t think they will ever be able to stray far from that.

I remember my mom coming home from work with a copy of Thrill Kill and saying “I heard this games banned so I got you a copy” 🙌
Honestly the game wasn’t even that bad, there’s far worse content in books and movies.

Fist4achin1161d ago

Thrill kill at the time was edgy, but there has been much worse. Fun times with Imp the pimp!

darklaw1161d ago

honestly, its up to the parents and the players on what kind of experience they want to have, not the publisher.