
Nexus Mods Policy Change Sees Modders Rushing to Delete Mod Files from Nexus Communities

From GameWatcher: "Earlier this month, Nexus Mods announced a significant policy change that would no longer allow modders to delete mod files from its website. The decision comes in support of the upcoming collections feature, which should make it easier for users to access entire sets of mods.

Opinions are, however, split and some modders have taken to deleting their creations from the website while they still can."

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Mikeyy1338d ago

I don't even understand why modders are freaking out about this???

anubusgold1338d ago

I think they see them trying to pull some crap like blizzard saying we own your mods .

Sayai jin1338d ago

I am not sure why modders are uspet.

Rachel_Alucard1338d ago (Edited 1338d ago )

A group of mod makers tend to act very autistic about many things. I remember instances where modders would delete their mods off Nexus just because Trump won the elections in 2016, entire novels written in a single post on the forums just constantly overthinking every single thing, and even just the fact that their mod is being included in a collection just because they want all the attention. This is because doing mod making in itself is a very sedimentary lifestyle and you really have to have this kind of mindset to even dedicate yourself to this kind of work the way they do. Similar to getting good at solving rubiks cubes in 4 seconds or speedrunning. You really have to push yourself mentally to do that for a life which is difficult for anyone else.

1nsomniac1338d ago

…. Wow that’s a whole lot of stupid for one single comment!

VanDamme1337d ago

Did you mean sedentary or sedimentary?

1337d ago Replies(1)
CantThinkOfAUsername1337d ago

Not getting attention on their specific mods. If mods are included in a collection, you bet the majority of NexusMods' visitors will grab it instead of looking into each single mod, which will lower donations/Patreon subs.

Rachel_Alucard1337d ago

They shouldn't be in this thing for money if thats their main gripe. This scene has never been about money but collaboration, and if someone decides to throw you a few bucks then fine. Just a few years ago, modders started turning to patreon and paywalling their mods which prevents collaboration since most mods use somebody elses work and nobody will ever want to split money on there. This god complex crap needs to stop and this deletion is a good way to filter out the terrible ones. 2 months ago one modder who made a bunch of Mass Effect mods deleted all his mods just because he was afraid they'd get ported over to legendary, "Oh the horror!" /s

lodossrage1337d ago

Yeah but things have changed. Modding wasn't always about the money. But it is NOW.

And the reason why is companies try to monetize the people's work. So the way I see it, if companies can make money off these modders free work, then why shouldn't the modders make their money too?.

Heck, you even gave an example with Mass Effect. If I felt someone was going to take my FREE work and monetize it when I myself am not, I'd delete it too.

I don't like it either. But the fact of the matter is, we can't turn a blind eye to companies making money off people's work and then be mad at the ACTUAL CREATORS doing the same. Blame these gaming companies for trying to monetize free work in the first place.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1337d ago
lodossrage1337d ago

After reading through everything, I have to agree with the modders deleting their work if they so choose. Nexus mods is literally claiming ownership of their work without actually saying it.

And what's worse is how some feel that the modders that leave can be replaced. That to me is a slap in the face. People have to realize modding in itself is a talent. You can't just "replace" high quality modders.

BrainSyphoned1337d ago

Round up all the mods so MS can buy the real content Bethesda games are known for.


10 Female Protagonists Who Changed Gaming Forever

As we celebrate International Women's Day, we look at 10 female protagonists who changed gaming forever.

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Terry_B2h ago

Not one of them changed gaming forever, and that's totally good so.

Terry_B1h ago

And if you want to celebrate the international women's day with something gaming related...celebrate the women that helped to create great games.

Ghostwood1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

I wouldn't say Senua made gaming boring "forever" lol.

j/k there are some very iconic characters in your list like Samus, Lara, Jill and of course the OG Damsel, Princess Peach. Gaming wouldn't be the same with out them.

Happy International "Body Type B" Day!

Terry_B1h ago

Princess Peach was not the OG damsel in distress in video games. She just happened to be kidnapped more often and was in more popular games than others before her..including good old Paula from Donkey Kong 1.

Bubzy12m ago

Lara Croft, Samus & Jill Valentine for me.


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