From GameWatcher: "Far Cry New Dawn has made a fair few headlines in gaming media over the past few weeks, to be sure, making it easy to forget that it is not, in fact, a mainline Far Cry release, like 3, 4, or 5 were.
What this means for the hypothesised Far Cry New Dawn Season Pass is that it's straight-up not going to happen, so if you were eager for an expansion or two to get more playtime out of New Dawn, we'd suggest looking elsewhere."
Post-apocalyptic Hope Country just got a whole lot smoother. Time to take on the Highwaymen like never before !
Please up the frame rate on Far Cry 3 Classic Edition Ubisoft. No one cares about New Dawn.
GF365: "Among all the well-received and beloved video games, there are some that are horrendous. Here are our picks for the worst big budget games released since 2010."
Anthem; I'd forgotten that game existed. I remember thinking the trailer was BS though; turns out I was right.
"Worst big budget games" and immediately lists Genshin Impact, a game that has $4 billion in revenue.
I havent played Genshin Impact and Mafia 3 was alright. The rest though I kind of agree with.
I loved the 1st Kane and Lynch and I could not understand how the 2nd game was as bad as it was.
Xbox Series X's FPS Boost is game-changing when it works and disappointing when it doesn't. While frame rates are often consistent, many titles make concerning sacrifices. This lost compiles 20 FPS Boost games that make major sacrifices, detailing their drawbacks.
As someone with the Series S, it makes more of an impact there than on the X. From what i have seen, if the game already supported One X enhancements, then its best to just let it be on the Series X.
Great to have options I’ve gone back to playing dragon age inquisition and it runs superbly. Good article though detailing differences.
Wow, these downplaying articles are rife this week in the lead up to E3.
Funny how it is only this week these articles are surfacing, even though we knew about Series X not running upgrades from Xbox One X BC games months ago. As per article :-
"If a game doesn't run at a stable performance level, the Microsoft backwards-compatibility team can't adjust game settings or resolution to best reach the target frame rate."
Well yeah, you can not change some other developers game code, only they can enhance their own game via next-gen patches.
There is even one now on how Gamepass for PC is "broken".
Wonder what we will see next? We have had Xbox not making any money on any console ever, gamepass for PC is broken, FPS boost has lackluster upgrades, xbox division is being ran in the red at a consistent loss, gamepass has never been profitable, all in the lead up to Xbox and Bethesda's E3 showing.
Funny times, roll on E3 for me, can't wait.
In short :-
All 20 games on the list, are running at Xbox One resolution with FPS boost enabled, instead of the Xbox One X enhanced versions resolution.
This is a known issue, even when running the same games through the BC program.
People really need to stop buying garbage.
UBISOFT games are poor
i like far cry 5, but couldn‘t care less about dlc and/or season passes. so, not really sure what this blogger is at.
The map editor in FC games is one of ubisofts wasted potentials. They could release that map editor for free, add more options, modes, freedom for players to make their own games. Similar or dreams (although dreams is next level at this point) and I'm sure it could be easily monitized. It's so annoying that a map editor thats as good as it is is so misrepresented because of the basic level structure the FC games allow such as kill 30 people, reach end of map etc. So much potential there I swear.