
Red Dead Redemption 2 has won over 175 Game of the Year awards

Rockstar games writes:- Red Dead Redemption 2

Over 275 Perfect Scores and 175 Game of the Year Awards

The Highest Rated Game On PlayStation®4

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TheSocietalAnomaly2030d ago

GoW extremist fans make me want to attack an amazing game... you guys, not just who I’m replying to, really need to shut the fuck up.

Story to story RDR2 and GoW are both 10/10. In EVERY other department RDR2 wins tho. Graphics, characters, gameplay, amount of enjoyable content, and voice acting.

There’s literally a handful of you, but Jesus Christ you’re so loud and obnoxious. Just look at actual ratings and sales, that tells you which is really overall the better, more complete game. I’m PS for life, but you guys are turning it into the new terroristic political parties.

MrVux0002030d ago (Edited 2030d ago )

"Graphics, characters, gameplay..."

Gameplay... seriously? Even the critics that 'gave out' 10s criticized gameplay of RDR 2.
And there are fair few of people (more than a handful, mind you) that are not blind to the flaws of RDR 2, especially on RDR reddit page.

MasterCornholio2030d ago

There’s no need to throw a tantrum. Just relax they are both amazing games despite that some might think that one is better than the other.

The Wood2030d ago (Edited 2030d ago )

Burn a splif bro and relax. Also. . Did you consider the other toxic end who championed red dead just because gow was an exclusive on the opps platform. Goes both ways my friend. No hero's no victims

Also using the sales of a well established franchise to a single platform game as a metric for which game is more complete kinda nullifies your validity. Both games are great but neither tick everyone's boxes. Gow got the majority and more of the high profile sites nod for game of the year but that doesn't detract from red deads accomplishments and accolades.

smolinsk2030d ago

The gameplay? What.. It's some of the worst seen in AAA games in a long time..

tinchotin2030d ago

RDR2 is one of the worst games I've ever played. The story is meh. Beautiful graphics though.

35 years old, been playing all my life.

sampsonon2030d ago (Edited 2030d ago )

i wouldn't know. i was soo bored i had to delete the game because it was taking up too much space, and i wanted to down load an actual fun game.

notachance2030d ago

so people can't have different opinion than you?

also what is this "new terroristic political parties"??? god, hysteric much just from some games?

starchild2030d ago

He's right though. A lot of Sony fanboys do have the habit of trying to downplay any big, potentially successful multiplatform games. Especially if they have amazing graphics and the potential for very high scores and GOTY awards. These kinds of people are deeply emotionally attached to the brand and they need to feel that Sony exclusives are above everything, so they attack anything that seems to threaten that.

I don't know why we can't just acknowledge that they are both phenomenal games that have achieved extreme critical and commercial success and that they simply appeal to different kinds of tastes and leave it at that.

nucky642030d ago

societal, speaking of "loud and obnoxious" - you RDR2 apologists are worse than anyone.

Dark_Knightmare22030d ago (Edited 2030d ago )

Lol did you just say rdr 2 wins in gameplay over GOW smh you must like mediocre gameplay. GOW has better graphics,it’s characters were just as enjoyable and well written as rdr 2,GOW has more enjoyable content that was fun to play because of the way better gameplay and the voice acting was on the same level for both. Oh and GOW won the most goty awards this year

Hydrazinezz2030d ago

Yet red dead and all rockstar products use ps2 controls for their games. If rockstar had controls that didnt suck absolute ass, im sure red dead online would be a hit. But look how that turned out. Rockstar needs help with those ancient controls, maybe someone from naughty dog can help them. They know how to make some third person shooting mechanics.

Razzer2030d ago (Edited 2030d ago )

"A lot of Sony fanboys do have the habit of trying to downplay any big, potentially successful multiplatform games. "

And a lot of other fanboys have the habit of trying to downplay any successful Sony game. You can make that argument against every platform's fanboys. You seem focused on Sony fanboys exclusively for some odd reason.

DarkHeroZX2030d ago


GoW won more awards and beat RD2 for GOTY. No one cares lol. The beautiful thing about the GoW fans is they can play both games on their platform of choice. But honestly neither are really all that comparable. Though the controls in RD2 are stiff.

The Wood2030d ago

'And a lot of other fanboys have the habit of trying to downplay any successful Sony game. You can make that argument against every platform's fanboys. You seem focused on Sony fanboys exclusively for some odd reason.'

Totally noticed that. Wish dude would just plant his flag and stop using Sony fanboys to mask his preference. Every Sony exclusive gets downplayed and guess who has more exclusives to downplay. . . Sony. Go to any ps exclusive article and you'll find some kinda downplay from false concern to full trolling. . . It's not all Xbox fans though and no it's not just Xbox fanboys who partake in the bs but dude definitely sways towards the Xbox side more than Sony's. Not a fanboy but definitely not an innocent

rainslacker2030d ago (Edited 2030d ago )

Damn, maybe relax a bit. No need to get all uppity.

Everything you say is subjective, and I found RDR2's story rather boring, with no reason for the main character doing 90% of what he does. The game play was easy with the lock on aiming, and it actually got even easier as you leveled up and gained some stats. Graphics I'd say RDR2 has the edge, but GOW has moments which surpass it at times. Characters are much better in GOW, and most of the characters in RDR2 are pretty one dimensional, and seem to have no actual relevance to the plot except to set up game play scenarios and some antagonism. I found the content of GOW enjoyable start to finish. RDR had more content, but most of it was boring, and paced extremely slow for the story missions, and I'd say 3 out of 4 of the side task things were nothing but endless grind with no decent reward, or fetch quests, which seem to be too tropish for open world games nowadays. Voice acting I think was much better in GOW. RDR2 was no slouch in the story voice acting, but there was very little nuance to any of the characters, unlike GOW, where Christopher Judge knocked it out of the park...just like he did in Stargate SG-1, because it's hard to convey emotion with a quiet, stoic character.

That's my opinion, but I'm not against others liking RDR2. I'm not against RDR2 getting lots of GOTY awards. And I'm not against it getting perfect scores. But I do question publications that give it a perfect score, or glowing reviews, and outright say, "The game isn't fun".


"A lot of Sony fanboys do have the habit of trying to downplay any big, potentially successful multiplatform games."

Yeah fan boys are annoying. Kind of like when the Xbox fan boys were practically acting like RDR2 was an exclusive to their system because the X1X had native 4K. I guess it's a new class of exclusives. The adopted exclusive.

Although, in this case, it was against Spider-Man and puddles, and not really GOW, until the GOTY rolled around. That said, Spider-Man was more fun in the game play dept than RDR2, and I think it's story was much better, although it had flaws as well. GOW's story was better than both. Graphics were different in Spider-Man, but worked well with the theme of the game.

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 2030d ago
2030d ago
King_Noctis2030d ago

Why? The game is great. I don’t understand people on N4G sometimes.

MoshA2031d ago

Good thing God of War won more. Norse mythology requires way more ambition and effort than cowboys and horses.

thedr9042031d ago

Really? It's hard to say which one requires more ambition and effort if you haven't worked on either game. Both games are phenomenal.

goldwyncq2030d ago

What these people don't realize is that RDR2 had been under development for over 8 years, requiring the effort of all Rockstar studios collaborating as a single team. As a project, it's a far more ambitious undertaking than God of War was.

The Wood2030d ago


You could argue God of war was more ambitious as it was a reboot and totally different from its predecessor whereas red was a sequel.

Hungryalpaca2030d ago

He’s a PS4 fanboy. Anything that isn’t a Sony exclusive that’s popular he hates with a passion.

King_Noctis2030d ago (Edited 2030d ago )

“Norse mythology requires way more ambition and effort than cowboys and horses.”

You mean they had to make up new Gods, new mythology, as well as the new location for GOW, which have never existed before?


DarkHeroZX2030d ago

They didn't really make up any gods. Kratos is the only original one.

thexmanone2030d ago

Never heard of God of War, Gears of war yes, God of War no

BehindTheRows2030d ago

Which is funny, given God of War is older.

Army_of_Darkness2031d ago

It appears that everything rockstar cramps out is gold! I personally haven't played rdr2 yet so I can't comment on the game, however it does look really good.

Stanjara2031d ago

Yeah, my backlog is ridiculously vicious, but I plan to pick it up.

goldwyncq2031d ago

It's Rockstar's best game by far IMO. A true masterpiece that pushes the boundary of what a game can achieve. Too bad it's being downplayed by a bunch of salty fanboys over here.

2030d ago
Hungryalpaca2030d ago

If it doesn’t work how did I beat it?

Araragifeels 2030d ago

Except the Red Dead Online which is trash that lack content.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2030d ago
mkis0072031d ago (Edited 2031d ago )

Ah it's Ezio of course. The guy was trying everything he could to get RDR2 to beat God of War for most GOTY awards. on the GOTY blog via Resetera. (would exclusively post RDR2 awards pulled from any website he could find) At this point God of War has over 190 though...

OT: I think the lustre of RDR2 wore off way fast, hence why God of War is winning the highest profile awards, as well as most of them.

MrVux0002031d ago (Edited 2031d ago )

Or people are starting to look thru those high scores, and see the game (RDR2) for what it is...a terribly flawed masterpiece.

The sad thing is, even R* are using those extra 45 GOTY awards, that came from minor Youtubers, Blogsites and half-dead media-outlets (seriously i could probably make a site right now and declare RDR 2 as GOTY and they would have counted my GOTY choice among those)...

Not to mention Ezio (and now R*) is desperate enough to use sites such as "GOTY.List" where some awards were even removed from GOW.

I'm all for loving a game, but this is straight up fanboyism.

starchild2030d ago

Oh, the ol' some sites should count and some shouldn't spiel. What nonsense. No person's opinion is worth more than another when it comes to something that is ultimately subjective.

You do realize that many of those mainstream sites that awarded GOTY to God of War are the same ones that gave higher scores to Red Dead Redemption 2.

From my perspective Red Dead Redemption 2 is a masterpiece. It isn't "terribly flawed", it has minor flaws just as God of War does, but this doesn't stop either game from being amazing gaming experiences, provided one has the taste for the kind of game they each represent.

I don't understand why some of you care so deeply about which game received more GOTY awards. It really doesn't mean that much. It's just a few hundred people's opinions, but we've all got opinions. GOTY is just a popularity contest. And as most of us well know, just because something is popular among critics doesn't mean it's objectively the best or even the best for us.

MrVux0002030d ago

"Oh, the ol' some sites should count and some shouldn't spiel. What nonsense. No person's opinion is worth more than another when it comes to something that is ultimately subjective. "

When it comes to GOTY? Absolutely disagreed. Review scores are review scores, but GOTY awards is something completely different. I mean how can you take any legitimacy from a site, that hasn't covered ALL of the major releases of the year? Or a site that pushes barely any gaming content? Or a site that has an infamous reputation?

"You do realize that many of those mainstream sites that awarded GOTY to God of War are the same ones that gave higher scores to Red Dead Redemption 2. "

And you do realize that those very-same mainstream sites, like to avoid public outrage? They played it safe (most of them at least) giving 9s and 10s, while quoting evident to STRONG criticism of the game in their reviews. Heck even RDR fans jokingly called them out on those things...

"it has minor flaws just as God of War does"
Well if clunky gameplay and immersion breaking bugs (missing campers for example) is "minor"... that's what most people talk about anyways, but that is without mentioning the story pacing and unoriginal (or better put, predictable) ending the game has. I can name only ONE flaw for the God of War, and that is lack of enemy/boss variety...

"I don't understand why some of you care so deeply about which game received more GOTY awards. It really doesn't mean that much. It's just a few hundred people's opinions, but we've all got opinions. "

Maybe because we are more passionate about our games then you are? Maybe because we like to see our beloved games achieve even more recognition then they already have? And its not only "few" hundred peoples opinions...

"GOTY is just a popularity contest."
If that were the case, games like Fortnite and PUBG would be winning the GOTY-s.

"And as most of us well know, just because something is popular among critics doesn't mean it's objectively the best or even the best for us."

You do know there are "reader's choice" included among those GOTY awards?

mkis0072030d ago

Ya that goty list site was created to have a place where rdr2 could have the most.

1) they have a page of other awards to that completely goes against their "add nearly everything" rule.

2) goty blog which is more strict has gow at 193... why havent those been added?

MrVux0002031d ago (Edited 2031d ago )

Congratulations to God Of War, well deserved. ;)

ClayRules20122030d ago

Congratulations to Red Dead Redemption 2 =)

I love God of War, PHENOMENAL game by the folks at Sony Santa Monica. But Red Dead Redemption 2 “in my opinion” is an amazing game in its own right. I know there’s many here who don’t like it, and that’s okay. But many here do as well.

Regardless, glad to hear you enjoyed God of War.

MrVux0002030d ago

Just to be clear...i have only mentioned God Of War, cuz of certain 'someone' hates its guts.

I also love both games, invested hundreds of hours into both...but RDR2 has plenty of flaws in comparison to GOW.

Hydrazinezz2030d ago

I just dont understand how people say red dead redemption too is that great. Who the fuck is still playing it??? I beat the game, put 60-70 hours in, did all the side stuff, and have uninstalled it and will probably never reinstal it again. Online was trash, and without the dead eye system in the campaign the game would have sucked balls because of their shit ps2 stone age controls. It was a good game, but by no means was it a fucking masterpiece. Masterpieces last more than 2-3 months of hype.

ClayRules20122030d ago

I agree on RDR 2 having more flaws than God of War.

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Red Dead Redemption 2 (RDR2) Optimized Settings for PC: 2024

Red Dead Redemption 2 is Rockstar Games’ latest heavyweight, with nearly 40K concurrent players even five years after the (staggered) PC launch. Despite that, it can be a challenge to run the game on midrange and low-end PCs. RDR2 has gotten NVIDIA DLSS and AMD FSR 2 support following poor reception from Steam gamers.

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"Use the Windows “High Performance” power profile and set your GPU power management mode to the same."
Not if you use AMD Ryzen CPU's. That needs to be set to balanced. "Overclock your GPU if you’re narrowly missing the 60 FPS mark." Actually it would be better to undervolt and increase the clock speed and see how stable it is in game.


GTA5 Has Sold Over 200 Million Copies, Red Dead Redemption 2 at Over 65 Million

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Cacabunga44d ago

I bought GTA5 but never really got into it. I just get bored of GTA somehow after a few hours.

RDR2 on the other hand is the best game I have ever played.. so mesmerizing from beginning to that platinum trophy pop and beyond.. a glorious masterpiece that redefined open world after GTA5.

andy8544d ago

Reverse for me, red dead undoubtedly pretty and attention to detail second to none but I haven't felt the need to play it more than once. At times it was a bit slow. Where as I've platinumed GTA 5 3 times.

P_Bomb45d ago

I still see ppl on my friendlist playing them. GTAVI is gonna sell something fierce.

shinoff218345d ago

I think it'll set records. I think there's gonna be major hype. Mayne they can do a midnight release in my area. Last one I remember was gta 5 back on ps3,valentines day night.

Ninver44d ago

It'll be funny if GTA6 sell less than 5

Sciurus_vulgaris45d ago

GTA V had a budget of 265 million, while RDR 2’s budget was between 370-500 million. Rockstar Games is one of the few studios that can invest so extensively in projects without fearing a lack of return.

GamerRN44d ago

There is always a fear. I don't believe Take Two tests on the laurels of their last game. They seem like they keep progressing forward.

anast44d ago (Edited 44d ago )

GTAV was between some numbers too. I could say GTAV was between 100mil and 1billion... Read Dead numbers range from 130 mil. to 600 mil. this isn't a statement that will get anywhere. The estimated development budget for RDR2 was reported to be around 200 mil. That 265 number is for developing and publishing. The price of marketing has skyrocketed. That 265 million is 427 million today.

vTuro2444d ago

I guess I'm in the minority, but I bought GTA5 on launch day (ps3) and to this day have yet to beat it. The game just kinda bored me. A lot of time has passed though, I wonder how much my opinion would change if I played it now. I'll give it another go, one day...

Pyrofire9544d ago

I'm pretty much in the same boat. I've probably only played through half the story.

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