
Pathfinder: Kingmaker Review - D&D's Biggest Rival [WKG]

Pathfinder is one of the best selling tabletop RPG's around. It was built on the Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 system and has since become D&D's biggest rival, so now that Owlcat have picked up the rights to release their very own version of the game (in the form of an isometric RPG), is this version of Kingmaker worthy of your time, or simply an adventure best left at the table?

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Long Live Play Ep 15 - One Showcase to Rule Them All

In the fifteenth triumphant instalment of the Long Live Play podcast, hosts Khayl Adam and Govinda Whitehurst cover the PlayStation Showcase in-depth!

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PlayStation Now games for September: Tekken 7, Killing Floor 2, Final Fantasy VII, Windbound

Also available on Tuesday September 7 are Pathfinder: Kingmaker – Definitive Edition, Ghost of a Tale and Moonlighter

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lodossrage1280d ago

I could have sworn tekken 7 was on there a year or two ago. I'm guess popularity got them to bring it back if so

FallenAngel19841280d ago

But Tekken 7 was already on the service

Why make it limited time available now?

JackBNimble1279d ago ShowReplies(3)
Petebloodyonion1279d ago

Games come and go and come agains.

Basically it’s like Netflix.

FallenAngel19841279d ago

@ Pete

Tekken 7 never left the service. I’ve been playing it since it got added

JackBNimble1279d ago

Why would I go to games pass? I don't own an xbox I game on playstation.

That's the problem with sonybois, you think anyone who criticizes sony must be an xbox fanboy.

1279d ago
Chevalier1279d ago (Edited 1279d ago )

Maybe have some tact and people would care to listen. You come off as an immature idiot. Why would anyone care to listen or regard your comment with any consideration when you go in guns blazing with a shoot first and ask questions attitude?!

If you think Sony sucks them sell your Playstation and be done with it. There are alternatives like Nintendo, Xbox and PC. Otherwise if these options 'suck' as well then maybe get a new hobby?

TheDoomedGuy1279d ago

People don't buy things they don't like. You literally just claimed Sony sucks...that's it. No real argument ...nothing.

Besides your comment wasn't criticism. And seeing as this is a PSnow article and you just went out of your way to make a silly comment it is normal to assume you must think the competing service is better.

But let me guess you must be so smart that you buy Sony's exclusives but don't like them...lol

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1279d ago
Derekvinyard131280d ago (Edited 1280d ago )

Killing floor was on on Plus

Hikoran1279d ago

I'll just say it...That's crap.

EvertonFC1279d ago

I'll just say it, 75% of GP and psnow is crap.

MadLad1279d ago (Edited 1279d ago )

That really only holds for PS Now.
I got a PS4 Pro late in the generation, being I'm mostly PC.
Even then, the service barely justified even using it. Most of the content was mediocre, and even the exclusives were years old and had for dirt cheap elsewhere.

Gamepass is constantly hosting quality content, sometimes day one. Comparing the two services as the same level of quality is highly disingenuous. Gamepass, followed by Humble, are the best premium gaming services offered by a large margin.

TheDoomedGuy1279d ago


Nope. I played on game pass for about just as long as PSnow before unsubbing.

Both add new games every month but it's not their fault if you have already played them before.

For me gamepass saved itself with psychonauts and hades. A new game and an old one. But for me 2 games i haven't played and want to.

When I got PSnow there were a bunch of games i hadn't played and was able to.

In both cases it's old games that i never got around to buying and playing.

Hikoran1278d ago

@Ted Always has to chime in.

1279d ago Replies(1)
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“Pathfinder: Kingmaker” has now sold over 1 million copies since its release

"The Germany-based indie games publisher Prime Matter and Russia-based indie games developer Owlcat Games are today super excited and proud to announce that their critically acclaimed old-school-like isometric CRPG "Pathfinder: Kingmaker " has now sold over one million copies worldwide since its release on PC, Xbox One, and the PS4." - Jonas Ek, TGG.

anast1285d ago

It's a good game. I like playing the OP Alchemist.

jerethdagryphon1285d ago

Druid first playtgrough probably do something else when I try for unfair mode