
5 Reasons Why I've Had the Time of My Life as a GameSkinny Intern

So there has been a reason why I'm up to date on all the latest gaming news and playing video games all day, everyday. I've been an intern at GameSkinny silly! I've had the time of my life!

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MestreRothN4G4137d ago (Edited 4137d ago )

Perfect pic.



Kid Fans of Mario Kart Get a Present From Razor!

Razor introduces the CRAZY CART!

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Xbox One Fan Reaction Shows Microsoft Has A Lot Of Work To Do

Forbes - The crews have cleared away the demo stations and the journalists, analysts and publishers are back at work or traveling today, but the aftermath of the Xbox One reveal is being heard around the world. I’ve talked to the CEO of the biggest game publisher, Activision’s Eric Hirshberg, the president of the largest game retailer, GameStop’s Tony Bartel, and a top analyst about what Xbox One and next gen gaming means. But the most important voices in this fall’s next gen battleground are the gamers themselves. And their voice is usually only found through message boards or comments to published stories.

So I decided to go to Gameskinny.com, a community of approximately 100,000 gamers, to find out what they thought of the Xbox One press conference. The site allows anyone to sign up and post their opinions, which serves as a nice gauge of what actual gamers are thinking.

jagiii4139d ago

I want to see actual game demos and exclusives...COD is on every system

4139d ago
stage884139d ago

A LOT of work.

Who am I kidding, I don't even care anymore. I've made up my mind and won't be getting it.

golding894139d ago (Edited 4139d ago )

If they don't show how Xbox one takes gaming to next level at e3, i am not sure i will be getting it.

4139d ago
kma2k4139d ago

The deciding factor on this is used games. If sony sticks to there word & dosent force something on us like microsoft is. If at launch & microsoft doesnt have some deal worked out with gamestop & used games really are locked out but not on ps4 the xbox one will & should die a quick death!

4139d ago

Gamers Vent About SimCity Server Issues On Social Communities Like Reddit And GameSkinny

Forbes - For some gamers, it’s been over a decade of technological advances since the last SimCity was released. EA Maxis has crafted a beautiful new interactive world that looks like a model railroad city come to life. And the game has been receiving rave reviews from the press (many of whom got to play it early before these issues arose.)

But DRM issues have continued to plague the game as EA hasn’t been able to keep its servers up with the demand from fans. A similar problem plagued the launch of Blizzard Entertainment’s Diablo III, another critically-acclaimed game that just couldn’t keep up with demand.

Amy White, senior editor at GameSkinny.com, has been monitoring the situation and taking fan feedback on her social community. She explains what Digital Rights Management (DRM) is all about, why Maxis’ good gameplay is useless when gamers can’t access it right away and why DRM could cause a problem with next gen consoles like PlayStation 4 and the next Xbox in this exclusive interview.

jagiii4215d ago

Forcing gamers to play everything online only causes problems.

Godmars2904215d ago

By active and current example. Nevermind the prior one set by Diablo 3.

If publishers are trying to force this onto people, would at least be nice if they didn't also provide evidence of why its a generally bad idea day-one.

thehitman4215d ago

What happen with product keys?