
The Simpsons: Tapped Out Now Available on Google Play

The Simpsons: Tapped Out is now available for Google Play.

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The 10 Best Simpsons Games of All Time

Grab some Duffs, and snack so much that you’ll need a muumuu. This is the ultimate list of the best Simpsons games ever made.

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jaymacx1784d ago

where's the Simpson's Arcade game by Konami?

harmny1784d ago

Lol it's not on the list!?

PurpHerbison1784d ago

Oh wow, that is the best Simpsons game of all time.

stokedAF1784d ago

I haven’t even heard of half of those. Hit and run was great though.

SegaGamer1784d ago

I wouldn't put Tapped Out in the list. It's a crappy mobile game designed around microtransactions.

I can't stand EA, they have sat on that mobile game for years now and done nothing with the Simpsons license. We have gone almost a full generation without a Simpsons game, the first time that has happened since the first ever Simpsons game was released. Literally the only reason why they bought the license to make Simpsons games was to make money off the movie and mobile phone players.

There is plenty of potential to make a great Simpsons game, but EA just can't be bothered. Probably because it won't make them an impossible amount of money. They are a joke of a games company. They lack originality and fun, they have some of the most dull and repetitive games going, games designed around microtransactions, games that copy the competition, games that feel like half hearted cash grabs. They just suck and I don't understand why people subscribe to their crappy subscription service. Every single license they own would be better in the hands of any other company.

Nintendew1784d ago

Honorable mentions:
Simpson’s Arcade.
Bart’s Nightmare.
Virtual Bart.
Simpsons Bowling.

( Bart’s Nightmare and Simpson’s Arcade still my favorite. )


Top 5 Worst EA Published Games

EA is known for publishing some of the biggest games in the industry. From Star Wars to FIFA the company has a lot of highly-acclaimed IPs to work with. However, EA's brand has taken a sharp turn over the years and delivered some extremely dishearting games. Here are the top 5 worst EA published games.

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anonymousfan1855d ago

Ah lot of those IPs could have been turned into great games but were otherwise ruined by EA.

AngelicToucH1854d ago

Battlefield 4 is one of THE best shooters out there and number 1 Battlefield among with bad company. Putting that game just for the shitty launch problems is a clear invalid article for me riddle by stupidity.

KeenBean3451854d ago (Edited 1854d ago )

The Simpsons license has so much potential and you could create some interesting and fun games out of it (see Simpsons hit & run + The Simpsons Game) but they are making fuck you money off of Tapped Out so no chance there.

Surprised me how well Hit & Run has aged as well. Despite it's numerous bugs it's still a fun and relaxing experience

AngelicToucH1854d ago

Kinda funny that EA has a lot of trash games but the article managed to put 2 of the best games they have in it...talk about "beauty is in the eye of the beholder".

Veneno1854d ago

Tapped out is the best style of game for the Simpsons because it gives you more of what we like: the comedy. Licensed games don't work when you shoehorn unrelated styles of play into a license, like all the other Simpsons games.

Seriously this writer doesnt know how to play Tapped Out and all they are doing is pulling on the "duh I'm on the side of the consumer" crap.

If you knew anything you would know what to do to continuously play Tapped Out. You have to plan your actions according to time frame. Do the seconds/minutes long tasks and go up from there. Then start the long tasks when You put your phone away.

It's really simple. Yes the game has microtransactions but it never once tries to fool you and they don't spam you with the option and the game has NO ADS.

oh but of course leave out all the great things about the game because that just wouldn't fit your " duh I'm pro consumer" narrative.

Goddamn amateur.


Rolling the Dice: Do Modern RPGs Miss the Point of Team-Based Play?

It seems it was long time ago. A bunch of friends spending hours on end playing RPG games, sitting around the table with the box of cold pizza. Excited about the story, listening to the Game Master, they were completely engaged in the worlds only visible to them and their imaginations.

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Takwin2642d ago

The GM is the programmer, and in MMOs and co-ops, you can play with others. If you want to ONLY use your imagination for the visuals, read a book.