
Pokemon World - Open-World Free Pokemon Game Powered By CRYENGINE - Gets New Update Video

YouTube’s member ’18T220′ is currently working on a Pokemon game that will be powered by CRYENGINE. Pokemon World is an open-world free game and 18T220 has released a new video update, showing the latest pre-alpha build.

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nX3555d ago

Unfortunately this will be taken down before it gets momentum. I hate Nintendo for not making a 3D Pokemon game, I can't enjoy the handheld versions anymore.

gaffyh3554d ago

Exactly. If this ever gets to the point where it is some sort of game (at the moment it's just some environments and static monsters), Nintendo will get it taken down. This is the one thing I hate about Nintendo, they could have made a 3D Pokemon by now if they really wanted to, but they keep doing minor progressions and stifle the franchise continuously. I love the Pokemon games, but the fact that they were 2D 18 years ago, and are still pretty much 2D now (3DS versions are again, just a minor step up), is ridiculous.

telekineticmantis3554d ago

Why are people playimg with my emotions?.. For a minute, I thought this was real. Back to smh at Nintendo, highway robbery those handheld versions...

RedDevils3554d ago

I wish Sony just buy the whole IP and let their own studio bring the Pokemon game to life

NintySonySoft3554d ago

Sorry but Pokemon Belongs at nintendo. I can't see it going with either sony or microsoft at all lol.

voodoochild3463554d ago

Nintendo selling pokemon? You're funny...

ABizzel13554d ago (Edited 3554d ago )

Never going to happen, Pokemon is the second best selling IP of all time (right behind Mario), and realistically it's the fastest selling IP of all time.

Nintendo will never let it go, but it would be nice if Sony made their own, which is beyond insane to me that it hasn't happened yet considering they have Folklore, Ni No Kuni, and Invizimals all pretty much there.

OT: I don't think cry engine is the engine for an open-world 3D Pokemon, or at least not that art-style.

Patrick_pk443554d ago

@NintySony And Nintendo is the one who is killing Pokemon. It is the same game every year with minor changes, or no changes at all. The only thing that changes is the character and some new Pokemons. Nintendo will always stick to the handheld version because it sells, and will probably never release a 3D Wii U Pokemon.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3554d ago
-Foxtrot3554d ago

This is the next step of Pokemon's evolution and Nintendo want to keep the game in the past. It's only recently with X and Y we got a major overhaul but lets be honest the content was lacking, especially after the main story finishes. Kind of miss the down point view aswell when exploring the world.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3554d ago
Kaimu3554d ago

I don't know what Nintendo is waiting for? -_-

Something like this should have existed ages ago

TimeSkipLuffy3554d ago

they already having a hard time with switching to 1080p...

levian3554d ago

It's not that they can't, it's that it would be too much "work". They like not having to change anything (essentially, I know there are minor improvements each iteration) between games. They've essentially been making the same game for all these years and making an insane profit.

They see no need to even attempt to make something like this. They don't have the experience in those type of games, so why bother wasting the time and effort to try to make it?

But damn, I wish they did..

Sirlancealot3554d ago

It's not even that it doesn't make business sense to make a 3D Pokemeon game(I like Digimon btw). They could make an insane 3d Pokemon game now but that wouldn't leave them with enough room to continuously milk the cash cow and unfortunately that's what Pokemon is. If the next game that was 2d didn't do well it would force their hand in making greater leaps in Pokemon game design in order for them to profit again.

levian3554d ago

Definitely, that's probably the biggest reason. They're releasing Pokemon games at a rate of one every year, one main game and one remake (TBH not sure what they're gonna do after Ruby/Sapphire remake - just make a direct sequel once a year?)

The only solution I can see that gets us the 3D/open world Pokemon we want, and the yearly purchases they want, is to introduce new pokemon yearly through DLC rather than making an entirely new huge console game every year.

I don't like most DLC, but if it wasn't done in a terrible way I'd consider it. However, if they made us buy every Pokemon, or say a 3 pack or something for an entire set of 100 new Pokemon, it'd be a no-go for me.

-Foxtrot3554d ago

Have to agree

Nintendo making solid, well crafted games but once they get to 100% in development that's it...DONE. They wouldn't add more things and go the extra mile

Remember when Uncharted 3 was coming out and NaughtyDog said "We went with a sand setting because sand particles are hard for us to do, we wanted the challenge"....if that was Nintendo they would of went

"A sand setting? Oh god no the sand particles would be way too hard, lets just do what we've done before"

Nintendo never go the extra mile and challenge themselves.

TheGamingArt3554d ago

Well, that was actually pretty unimpressive and simple to make. It's one thing to animate and create logic for a battle system and live interactions in the world with pokemon, it's another thing to just model everything and throw it together and say... my stuff is awesome....

spence524903554d ago

I don't understand would spend all this time knowing nintendo is going to bury this. I hope he's not hoping they'll try and pick this up, their devs would have a great laugh at this. I guess one could dream though.

trenso13554d ago

as cool at this the fact that it is in first person doesnt make me want to play it. but it looks amazing so far i hope the let us play 3rd person f they dont get C&D

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Hopes for Upcoming Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon

I have to say that I think the Pokémon games have been getting better with these recent generations. With it being out for over 20 years, we have got to experience many different Pokémon games. Now, what should we expect from the newest installment?

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InTheZoneAC2466d ago

Just started playing sun and got a level 60 legendary from a gift....who I'll not use until I've leveled up 40 more times since that would be op and boring. What does ultra provide or is it basically the same?

zacian2466d ago

That's exciting -to be honest they do something like that every game with random promotions and stuff. I'm one of those people that hoards legendaries but never actually uses them on their team xD the games not our yet so we have to wait and see

Name Last Name2466d ago (Edited 2466d ago )

They're like Black/White 2. Same world, different story.

PS: That legendary won't listen to you in battle untill you complete enough Island Challenges (Gyms)

InTheZoneAC2466d ago

I already used him in battle once to kill whatever Pokemon it was in one hit, said nope not using him again for awhile and this was before I started the first trials intro.


Pokemon World - Free Fan-made Pokemon Game Powered By CRYENGINE - Alpha Video Released

YouTube’s member ’18T220′ is currently working on a Pokemon game that will be powered by Crytek’s engine and will be released for free. While this project is still in early development stage, 18T220 released a video from its current alpha version.

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HystericalGamez3591d ago

The pokemon themselves are horrible.

OpieWinston3591d ago

The game isn't finished...Animations and Character battles haven't been done.

listenkids3591d ago (Edited 3591d ago )

And never will get done.
(Feel free to disagree with fact)

Army_of_Darkness3591d ago

I thought the animations were damn terrific!!! then there's charzar and that other pokemon at the stadium snow balling each other for quite a while LOL! disturbingly funny shit.

The_Hero3591d ago (Edited 3591d ago )

Still looks a lot better than anything Nintendo will ever make out of pokemon for the next 90 years.
I don't know why they haven't made a Zelda-style Pokemon for the Wii U, maybe because their portable games won't sell as much afterwards.

Mikey322303591d ago

Why... why do people even try. Nintendo always always always blocks Pokemon based on copyright infringement

e-p-ayeaH3591d ago (Edited 3591d ago )

A cell shaded graphic render would fit better for the anime look...

SnakeCQC3591d ago

It shows how colossally abysmal nintendo are that they haven't attempted something like this(not with cry engine but their own pokemon game thats openworld and 3d graphics)

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory3591d ago (Edited 3591d ago )

sure let Nintendo make an MMO Pokemon Open World game where millions of players at once and connection becomes terrible

This is Pokemon you are talking about.
MMO in this point of time for it isn't gonna turn out as you expect it would.

raWfodog3591d ago

He didn't say anything about MMO. He just said open-world. I'm sure he meant single-player.

SnakeCQC3591d ago

I meant sp but maybe some co op to battle friends etc.

Squeaky_door3591d ago

Why not MMO? That would be incredible

raWfodog3591d ago

I think if they invested in developing an open-world Pokemon RPG with HD graphics for the Wii U, it would help to move even more units.

SnakeCQC3591d ago

Yeah nintendo really need this if they are going to get out of their poor position.

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory3591d ago

then who gonna develop it.
Game Freak won't because they don't develop for console. So who?

Uh huh

Snookies123591d ago

@OtakuDJK1NG - Cool, let someone else do it then. Gamefreak can continue making handheld versions, and another team can tackle the console one. I'd love to see a studio like Retro do it.

NicSage3591d ago

It's not necessary. Cool, but it's not a Pokemon style.

ajax173591d ago (Edited 3591d ago )

people pretty much said the same thing for Fallout 3... this would be EPIC!

3591d ago
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