
Sony's response : EA Access Doesn't 'Represent Good Value To The PlayStation Gamer'

Game Informer: Following EA’s announcement of the company’s new subscription program, Access, we were curious about it being tied only to Xbox One. We reached out to Sony for clarification, and it seems like PlayStation 4 owners shouldn’t hold their breath for the program.

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Ballsack3567d ago

Not really hell yeh

Coz playstation now at its current pricing is even less value to a gamer than EAs offering

Mikelarry3567d ago (Edited 3567d ago )

not really, ps+ offers you discounts on multiple titles from different publishers big or small not just Sony first party titles. EA subscription only offers discounts on EA titles nothing more nothing less how is that better value to the gamer??

@ riverstars86: thanks for pointing that out, ok then you are right ballsack and apologies for reading your comment wrong

PeaSFor3567d ago (Edited 3567d ago )

EA rly Access, So they are just delaying games for a week so they can make people pay more..

EA can barely release a finished product on their normal release schedule and they want me to pay $5 to play it even earlier or have discounts on (probably) old EA titles, LULZ!

thx but no thx even if DanzoSAMA think otherwise.

riverstars863567d ago

Mikelarry, Ballsack said PS Now, not PS+.

G20WLY3567d ago (Edited 3567d ago )

When did EA ever offer good value to anybody? Everyone knows they're among the most money grabbing companies in existence.

EA Access is just another mechanism, ultimately designed to milk the gamer wallet, whether through direct transaction or hidden via the MS Money Hatting Program...

Darkstares3567d ago (Edited 3567d ago )

When is Sony going to admit that 200% rise in PS+ membership fees are largely due to having online multiplayer behind a paywall (which is now like XBox Gold)?

For $5 a month or $30 a year with EA access you get,

1. 10% off digital purchases (meaning a $60 game is $6 off, already paying for itself)

2. Game trials 5 days before it's released

3. Full access to some EA games, The Vault.

PS+ also offers some good value but the members have no idea what those free games are (which are almost always older titles that nobody wants to buy any longer) and the discounts are only towards certain games. Isn't it the consumers who should decide, not Sony, on what we view value on?

torchic3567d ago (Edited 3567d ago )

why are people comparing PSNow to EA Access? two completely different things.

asking gamers to pay another $30 on top of the PS+ $50/$60 is steep for basically the same thing... PS+ gives you a wide variety of publishers over 3 different platforms (PSV/PS3/PS4) for $60 while for half that you only get EA titles and discounts on one platform...

Microsoft agreed to this plan as a shortcut method of bringing Xbox services on par with PS+

FATAL1TY3567d ago

EA access = Trojan Horse

Achievement unlocked


donthate3567d ago

The only reason it isn't good value to "Playstation Gamers" is because it ain't good value to Sony!

For almost half the cost of PS+, I get access to a vault of multiple games that grow as time goes by as opposed to getting a few games every month.

I would ask Sony:

a) if it is good value to pay to be able to play online on a console that rarely has updates (after all, it is FREE on PC!)?

b) does Sony really think PS Now is good value "Playstation Gamers"?

c) why not let "Playstation Gamers" decide if it is good value?

Simply put, Sony doesn't want to have a service to compete with their own, or they are just SALTY for screwing up the deal!

I personally just subscribed to EA Access and downloading BF4 and Peggle 2 while looking forward to more games being added into the mix.

truefan13567d ago

So 1 game 4 hours for $5 is good value but 4 games 1 month $5 is bad value? Sony is clearly salty, in this damage control sratement.

I thought ps4 was for the gamers. I guess this should be revised for the gamers, excluding those who like EA.

stuna13567d ago

With EA and Microsoft showing their hands with this program, this actually gives Sony the overall advantage! With their pricing scheme as well as what they have on offer.

Nothing dictates really what Sony will offer in the long run with PS now still being in Beta, and not really being aclimated to how well it will be received. Looking at it from one perspective, PS Now already has a huge advantage simply on how many devices it'll be offered on. Not only that, Developer backing that I'm sure will include not only 1st party developers, but 2nd, 3rd and Independent developers as well.

To me I don't really believe there's a comparison to be made.

badz1493567d ago Show
stuff3567d ago

I have a feeling that they will only offer games that have sold to a certain quota. EA still has to make a profit and are responsible to their shareholders. This, in a lot of ways,is an incentive for people to buy games digitally. But in the end it's a technique for getting people to give them money for there year old games instead of buying a used copy.

Madden 25 for Xbo is less than $20 now on ebay and will be far cheaper when Madden 26 releases.

Ocsta3567d ago

Dude. Sony know what EA are. THEY weren't interested.

Darkstares3567d ago


"we don't see value in EA offering a subscription model to play games early, get discounts and to play some games as much as they want"


In what bizarro world is this? Thanks Sony for choosing for me and not letting me decide what is of value or not.

How can the same company endorse 4 hour rentals that cost upwards of $4 yet tell me that I don't want this for $5 a month or $30 a year. What a joke.

UltraNova3567d ago (Edited 3567d ago )


I guess you really wanted that Kinect when you bought the XB1 for 500 bucks didn't you?

Double standards much?

PSnow pricing was part of the BETA. If and when PSnow is released with that kind of pricing or even close to that I will join the crowd dissing it myself. For now lets be civilized here.

One question though are xbox fans ok with paying an additional 30 bucks on top of the 60 already paid for live gold?


So I take it your are still SALTY since June's NPD results...

nicksetzer13567d ago

Yea, I agree with you guys ... choice totally sucks. I am glad Sony can make all my decisions for me. Thanks Sony.

ramiuk13567d ago

well EA service isnt great,sounds better than it is.

Old games on it,who plays fifa 14 when 15 is out?
same with all others that on it.
new games are not included but you can buy them at 10% off price(which going off digital)would still be more than retail with no resale value.

what peopel need to remember is its EA and they a pure greed,so there is more bad to come from this and alot of direct profit.

jmac533567d ago

@Salty You are still paying for Gold are you not? $60 + $30 does not equal $50.

SonyWarrior3567d ago

im glad sony doesnt let these turd companys clutter the PS store with there trash and clutter.

MorePowerOfGreen3567d ago (Edited 3567d ago )

Clearly this was a painful and devastating thing for Sony to find out about. Fanboys are either envious or really worried. The fact Sony had to do PR on it tells you the gravity of this EA and MSFT partnership. Sony knows that this isn't some superficial deal but a co developed program by both companies .

The web was shocked/stunned and was silent for a day, now here comes the damage control, then the attacks will follow.

This PR damage control will only be comforting to the most fanatical and delusional PS4 fans.

Prime1573567d ago

Psnow is streaming, that's the difference. Psnow will be playable on bravia TV's. It also has plans to go to tablets. Ea access is downloading to one system.

cemelc3567d ago (Edited 3567d ago )

I dont understand something, do xbox owners have to pay for live + EA acces? or does EA acces comes with the live price already included?

Cos youll otherwise be paying a 60$+30$ year to keep playing online right?

Teddy-Duchamp3567d ago

Nice try! U wish, jelly fish.

Sevir3567d ago

Devastating? The normal XB trolls are out in full force, seriously, EA's line up is paltry and outside of the Mass Effect and Dead Space IP, the games they have are broken and unfinished experiences rushed to compete with another stale IP that's stifling innovation in the gaming industry.

Why on earth would I pay $30 a year to play pre release battlefield, or A slew of sports titles I don't give a rat's ass about..

Most of their IP's only sell 2-3 million with the exception of Battlefield.

The value simply isn't there. Most of these games come to PS+ in a matter of months anyway so what's the flipping point. They get larger discounts on PS+ anyway.

It's great to have options, but this is clearly a price gouge. And the program brings no value to Xbox fans either.

TheGreatAndPowerful3567d ago

This could be the reason why Sony said no to this service.

EA reserves the right to change and update the EA Access Services, and the EA Content offered through the EA Access Services without any liability to you. In particular, Vault Titles are subject to change and may be removed, and the online services for certain Vault Titles may be discontinued.

BallsEye3567d ago (Edited 3567d ago )



Funny how horde of people copy info from one another that is completely false. If you pay 60$ for gold I feel sorry for you. You can get 12 months for 40$ on amazon (even cheaper at my place).

As for EA Access, I never was fan of it but it does look pretty tempting. 30$ a year is NOTHING and you get ever growing library of actually amazing games. So far even ps+ and xblg don't offer that good titles... I mean...battlefield 4, that's pretty neat!

Whoever say it has no value need to go back and see how sony charges for ps now. How can you defend this and bash ea access?

incredibleMULK3567d ago

Agreed. Insecure Sony. Not one positive comment all generation. Nothing but negative shit all generation toward Xbox/Microsoft even when they showed professionalism and spoke high of the ps4.

Now they're talking shit to ea. Someone needs some humble pie...how quick we feel what number 3 feels like....cough cough ps3.

MSBAUSTX3567d ago


I think EA is doing this because they don't feel they are getting enough money from what PS+ is offering and they want in on the money train that Sony has stumbled across with PS+.

TheGreatAndPowerful3567d ago


nothing but nice? professional? they were nothing but d**kheads all last gen but now they're too busy eating humble pie to open their mouths to say anything else.

MS marketing director: "We are going to kill Sony at E3!"
However, the key for me was the end of a revealing interview with Craig Davidson, Director of Global Marketing Microsoft. According to him, "Xbox One will surprise the world during E3." Ending with a resounding "We will kill Sony at E3".

3567d ago
DragonKnight3567d ago

Wow. People are really trying to compare EA Access, which is a subscription service that tries to justify (apparently successfully based on the ignorant comments here) the Early Access model that PC gaming already has and gets blasted for; to PSNow which is a streaming service and thus has an entirely different infrastructure, and is indeed completely different to EA Access?

The lengths some "gamers" will go to defend the complete lack of willpower they have so as to justify their need to be without any money and allow companies like EA and Microsoft to nickle and dime them to death.

There's nothing of value in EA Access. These are EA games. EA's games are terrible. Paying to access garbage early is still paying to access garbage, and you're trying to be proud of that?

And the absolute irony of this situation is that the people who are saying "thanks for deciding this for me Sony, why not let US decide what value is for US" would also be the first people to jump on the hate wagon if Sony did do this saying "first you make us pay for online on the PS4 (which they don't, considering there are so many games that don't require you to have PS+ to play online, so that's a B.S. argument) and now you're letting this add another $30 a year onto the price? You're just as bad as Microsoft."

And when people say that one company is as bad as another, yet support the other company they just said was bad with such fervor, guess what that is?

4Sh0w3567d ago (Edited 3567d ago )

lol, Who said Xbox gamers love EA now? No, Xbox gamers who want to play a bunch of EA games for a fraction of the price, get early access and 10% off new games just appreciate a good deal.

By your logic do ps owners love Bobby Kotick/ Activision now?

pfft despite the soap box rants gamers ultimately play games they like.

Call a spade a spade, sonys done a great job so far this gen but this statement is self-serving BS. Yesterday this **OPTION wasn't available, if it has no value let the end user decide.

Visiblemarc3567d ago

Ps+ is an awesome value.

The bizarre thing is people complaining that Sony won't let a company cut them out of their own ecosystem.

EA is, generally speaking, a greedy bully. I wish they didn't own so many IP's I enjoy.

bmf73643567d ago

Sony should really consider a $10/mo sub-fee to PS Now for unlimited access to the titles.

ABizzel13567d ago (Edited 3567d ago )

Well that makes it even more interesting then, since it seems like EA did come to Sony as well, who denied it.

Personally I think it has potential, but first and foremost you have to be a big EA fan for this to even matter. How it currently looks, this is nothing more than a cash grab from EA, since the games they're trying to add are all games that are about to have their online community replaced due to annual installments with the exception of Peggle 2.

It only makes sense depending on when they replace the games in the EA line-up (Do the sports games go up at the beginning of the year), and what games they add to the catalog (PS360Wii / PS2XBCG / etc...).

I think this EA program is most beneficial to Sports gamers. You could theoretically, buy the game new, trade it in when it hits the service (probably 6 - 9 months after launch), and play them for the remainder of the year until the next installment comes out. At the end of the day EA is still getting over, but it give you a bit more value than you currently get with trading / keeping sports games too long.

The early access game trail is nice, and 10% digital discounts is good if that's your lane. It has potential, but for it to be great they need to make sure the Vault builds up fast.

PS3/360/Wii/PS2/XB/GC/DC/olde r: Mirror's Edge 1, Mass Effect Trilogy, Syndicate, Need for Speed, Medal of Honor, Burnout, Dragon Age, Portal 2, Dead Space, Crysis, Army of Two, Dante's Inferno, Brutal Legend, Mercenaries 2, The Godfather, Unreal Tournament 3, Alice, Bulletstorm, Skate, Def Jam, Harry Potter, Hasbro Game Night, Shadows of the Damned, NBA Streets, Fuse, Plants vs Zombies, Command and Conquer, Boom Blox, etc...

If they really push their back catalog it could be a worthwhile service. But I understand Sony, because right now where it's at it's just not worth it to most gamers, but later down the line that could change.

But at the same time, more options are almost always best (too many options can become a problem), and this is a case where Sony should have went ahead and just did it IMO.

loulou3567d ago Show
ziggurcat3567d ago (Edited 3567d ago )


How is sony's statement "damage control" or "salty"? it's pretty funny seeing you attack/trolling people/sony for doing exactly what you do here *every single day*. Based on your activity over the last few days, the only one being "salty" or controlling any damage here is you (with your desperate attempts at downplaying PSNow, and TLOU).

Sony's right, too - PS+ gives you much more value than EA's service (because their service is more akin to PS+ than it is PSNow). You get discounts/freebies for games from *all publishers*, not just EA. Plus, you're paying an extra $30 on top of what you already pay for your XBL subscription - and they didn't even include titanfall as one of the games available as part of their service.


"For almost half the cost of PS+, I get access to a vault of multiple games that grow as time goes by as opposed to getting a few games every month."

you're limited only to EA titles...

diehardmetallicafan3567d ago

wow, darkstares gets 'well said' and zodtheripper gets 'trolling'? wooow.
Alot of people claiming that one service is better than the other, why not pay for both? Isn't that what all the neutral fence sitters always say when it comes to buying a console?

RosweeSon3567d ago

My mates just text me to say pretty much the same thing playstation now prices are not even final... It's a beta!!! Microsoft's marketplace is overpriced but hey that's just the way it is, it's launched and overpriced deal with it. They could change it like they could do this and that but it's Microsoft they won't unless there's an outrage like when both consoles revealed.

Eddie201013566d ago (Edited 3566d ago )

Xbox One get shiny new turd, Sony doesn't want it.
Xbox One fanboys praise the Shiny new turd because it is something Playstation 4 will not have.

EA, previously despised by Xbox and Playstation gamer's for crapy business practices is suddenly the hero of Xbox fanboys, not surprising.

ShinMaster3566d ago

A small number of games from EA is not a good value.
Especially when they're delaying the games on purpose to make people pay for "EA Access".

+ Show (39) more repliesLast reply 3566d ago
DanzoSAMA3567d ago

"EA Access Doesn't 'Represent Good Value To The PlayStation Gamer"


Killz4Twinkies3567d ago

As PS4 owner i wish sony would have given the consumer the choice to pick this up or not. However most ppl havent read the fine print...

Games will leave the vault (similar to PS Plus)
$100 value at any given time (last years madden will account for $40 of this)
"Unlimited Online Play (not for certain single player will be avail)
Partial early access to new sport titles five days in advance (you can play a 2 minute quarter demo)

Seems like everyone thinks they will have this huge library of EA games to play when in reality it will probably be 2-3 old games at a time (one previous year sport title / one old indie game / Franchise Game #1 (when the 4th is on the way for xmas)

mixolydian_id3567d ago

30$ for access to an ever changing pool of EA games for a year?

This is a better deal to those who buy one new EA game per year.

I think I worked out XBL is something like 11p per day.
So were looking at 16p-ish per day for both services.

Not too shabby to be fair.

Games with gold and a number if EA titles available. Brand spanking games available as standard.

Sounds like there'll always be games available.

mochachino3567d ago

Agreed, Sony should let me decide what I think a good value is. I don't want them dictating what services I can or can't purchase.

I love my PS4 but shame shame Sony. I hope this trend doesn't continue.

objdadon3567d ago

I have all three systems and I have no interest in ea subscription or playstation now! I buy my games, own my games, when I'm done I sell my games! I pay for xbox live and psn+. My wii u is free, the way it should be!

redwin3567d ago

Got my code. I'm downloading ... I'm gaming. Maybe I'll get early bata for bf5. ...take my $30 now please.

turdburgler10803567d ago

I commented on how this was going to go down yesterday and I was right. Sony at the height of their hubris took jabs at EA during E3 and now EA took a jab back. I said Sony would make some PR comment trying to downplay their screw up and they just did. EA doesn't hurt for money so they don't have to give anything to Sony despite their reputation. Sony on the other hand needs EA so they can get money from EA's game sales. You don't bite the hand that feeds.

cee7733566d ago

It do not represent A good value when xbone has more EA games than ps4 and yet we still pay the same price hell no and I dont like the precedent EA is starting next thing you know every pub will want 30$ A year.

Jonny5isalive3566d ago

yea it is not a good value to ps gamers because if they paid for it, then it wouldnt work on their PS consoles.

JasonKCK3566d ago

Sony thinks $2.99 for 4 hrs is just so much better.

N4Gaf never changes.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3566d ago
lelo3567d ago (Edited 3567d ago )

EA Access doesn't represent good value, but PS Now does?
Unless PS Now is offered free with PS+ (witch I highly doubt), it's a no go for me. Paying a high price to play last gen games, no thanks.

As for EA Access, I'm sceptical...

Menkyo3567d ago

The price model is set up by the publishers of the games on Psnow. Plus its a beta.

chrisarsenalsavart3567d ago

Psnow is a streaming service.
Nothing to do with ea access or ps+ for that matter.

madpuppy3567d ago

I guess if they were the same thing, the first part of your comment would mean something.

as for the second part....you have seen the final pricing list for playstation now? I love it when no actual pricing has been revealed but, everyone "knows" what its going to be in lieu of an "actual" finalized pricing list.

Utalkin2me3567d ago


First EA access is more like PS+ and not PS Now. And plus blows EA access out of the water in value. And i didn't know PS Now prices was set in stone yet anyways.

dcbronco3567d ago


I believe EA Access is also a beta so maybe the price will go down.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3567d ago
Pogmathoin3567d ago

Its $30 a year, for this, its great value.

Keltech3567d ago

You can also add the $50-60 that customers have to pay for XBL. Let's not ignore that.

Sheikh Yerbouti3567d ago

Whatever happened to Games for Gold? Will Activision have their own service too if they wanted? This is just a money grab.

Ginesis3567d ago

Add in the price to rent games on PS Now and the Plus subscription. Let's not ignore that.

XStation3567d ago (Edited 3567d ago )


1.) It's optional to get the EA subscription service, so if you're having money issues you wouldn't get it anyways.

2.) $10 a month for XBL or $60 for a year...

3.) PS+ comes with a cost also, so it would be the same thing if it was on the PS4.

frostypants3567d ago

$30 a year, with no guarantee whatsoever that a given game will be available.

thekhurg3567d ago

Until you factor in this service forces digital purchases meaning you can never sell or trade the game to get more value back once you're done.

JorboTron3567d ago

I have never paid more than $45 for a year of XBL. It's called being a savvy consumer.
OT: EA Access is clearly not for everyone. But I wouldnt mind throwing down $5 once in awhile to play some older EA annual releases that I would never pay a full $60 for. To each his own. It's at least a good option to have. and PS+ > EA access clearly. but its nice to see more competition that will improve future offerings

jnemesh3567d ago

$30/year + DLC costs. For games that are in a bargain bin at your local pawn shop.

Who wants to play old versions of FIFA and Madden anyway? Usually sports game enthusiasts want to play with the most current stats and rosters!

Then there is BF4, the most BROKEN shooter ever. Maybe by the time this service launches, they will have fixed the bugs! (yeah, I couldn't say that with a straight face either...)

$30 for FOUR games? Four OLD and BROKEN EA games? No thanks!

I have done just fine without buying or playing a single EA game for years now.

Thanks Sony (honestly!) for keeping a CRAP service off of your console!

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3567d ago
OmegaShen3567d ago

Doesn't matter if PS+ or PS Now, both are far better and both offer more working games.

Its funny how people keep using a beta as a finally product.

mrpsychoticstalker3567d ago

I'm not a big fan of the consoles war . But this is a big win for Microsoft. Whoever doesn't think the same is in plain denial. It's a great deal, for a cheap price.

OmegaShen3567d ago

Need to try harder to not sound like a troll buddy, its EA. Theres no real win with them, so far the have screw up on alot of things that do online.

They weren't on the list for worst company for nothing.

ThePope3567d ago

"Its funny how people keep using a beta as a finally product."

The same can be said to you. EA Access is a beta as well so how do you know which is a better value. Maybe you should shut your mouth.

OmegaShen3567d ago

If you seen how there games been online,an them being the worst company. Beta or not, its EA.

bluzone3567d ago

Is this an example of MS buying its way out of a deficit in offerings? Much like it's buying its way into "owning Titan Fall" as an exclusive.

@mrpsychoticstalker "I'm not a big fan of the consoles war" Now that I've that watched your comments for a while this seems like a strange statement from you. troll much?

Jonny5isalive3566d ago

yea 30$ to rent FF 13-2 for 90 days. you can probably buy it forever for 10 on sale like it was last year. You can say these are just test prices, but who ever at sony thought those were good test prices was a moron and needs to be fired.

It reminds me of the vita when it came out and they charged 25$ for a ridge racer demo that oyu could buy more DLC for, or 40$ for dungeon hunter alliance that was old and only 10-15$ on PS3. Seems to me like alot of sonys pricing is way to high for some old shit. THey have good sales now but thats the only time Id buy stuff from the PS store. If its not on sale or BRAND NEW then its a ripoff.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3566d ago
HaydenJameSmith3567d ago

I don't care about EA Access regardless of Xbox One exclusivity but these statements are coming from the Guys who thinks its good value to gamers to have to pay extra money for an extra difficulty mode in Killzone Shadow Fall and The Last of Us...

C'mon this is just BS article, how is EA Access any different from PS+ either ? PS+ forces you to pay for discounts for certain exclusive games and pay to play your free games that you get every month... this is just specifically for EA Games and also includes 5 day early access so...

Sheikh Yerbouti3567d ago

That's the point Hayden. If we already have PS+, how is this any more valuable. Why can't EA offerings be on PS+? Because it is just an EA moneygrab. You already have Games for Gold.

HaydenJameSmith3567d ago (Edited 3567d ago )

@Sheikh Yerbouti

But shouldn't it be left up to the Players to decide if its worth the money or not ? It seems to me that Sony just want a monopoly on what gets discounted and what can be played for free from there store... there only saying its not good value to player cause its not good value for them, it may stop people subscribing to PS+ and decide to subscribe to EA access instead or effect sony published games sales etc. Not everyone plays online games... and may see little value in paying for PS+ if they can pay half the price for big games like BF4, FIFA or Titanfall... and not everyone has all three PS platforms the PS3, PS4 and Vita like me for example I can only take advantage of the PS+ for my PS4.

I just find it ironic there talking value for players and then they charge for dlc thats adds a difficulty to a game, allow ridiculous pricing for playstation now services and then state that EA Access is not good value. there limiting the players choice... I personally wont be subscribing cause I dont like that many EA Games but I don't think its a particularly bad service, it would be great for ppl who love EA Games. If ubisoft did one I may subscribe to that...

for the record I didnt disagree with you and I have been too because people prefer to just stealth disagree with ya without giving any logical reason....

MotherLight3567d ago (Edited 3567d ago )

PS+ forces you? No, unless you're a moron who can't think for himself there isn't anything in this world that can force you to do anything if you don't want to.

If you don't want PS+ or want to use the benefits or features, you simply have the choice not to buy it.

No one is forcing you to.

Funny seeing all the Xbox fans try to hate on PS+ now ever since it is needed for online multiplayer on PS4 but oh god when Playstation fans talked about Xbox Live before when it was just Xbox 360 and PS3, they would take a bullet for that service.

You people talking shit about PS+ really never had it, it is pretty obvious or sadly you only own a PS4, which really is your choice but anyone who owns a PS3, PS4 and PS Vita, they know damn well how amazing PS+ and it's discounts can be.

What is stupid is anyone trying to downplay a service that actually has value when you people never said shit about Xbox Live when all it offered was using your internet and nothing more.

HaydenJameSmith3567d ago (Edited 3567d ago )


okay I used the wrong syntax but If you build up a collection of Games from the Instant Games service PS+ provides you have to continue paying for that service to play those games... that is a bit forceful... I wasn't trying to say that they make you pay for the service.

But you are just singling out one thing I said when my point I was trying to get across was clearly that PS+ and EA Access are similar in principal... and EA Access is not necessarily bad value for users, and its kind or ironic that they said it was bad value when PS+ is similar and that they have PS now service that is terribly priced and that charge for difficulty mode dlc...

for above

I wasn't downplaying PS+, I think its a great service... same with Xbox Gold, both pretty similar services now. I just don't see how its fair for Sony to state EA Access is of no value to PSN Users and then offer a service is based on the same principals. So don't go putting words in my mouth.

And I dont see how its sad that I Dont own a PS3 or Vita as well as a PS4. I didn't have enough money to have both an 360 and PS3 when I was younger so I just got the 360, and the Vita never appealed to me... So it would have been no value to me having those extra consoles. I have gotten to the stage where i can own both the X1 and PS4 and pay for both the servies but I just dont see why you people have a problem with an additional service that doesn't force you to pay for it either that further gives users more games to play and discounts if the user so wishes to pay for, Sony shouldnt be limiting there audience and stating that it is no value to them when they can decide for themselves.

MotherLight3567d ago

Of course you don't have to use either subscriptions but I think Sony's point is this.

I think the reason Sony doesn't see the value is honestly because there isn't much. It is a subscription service from people who mainly release their games annually ever single year and it is also a way for them to make more money from digital content without worrying about their games being bought used which I bet is a big problem for EA.

Another problem is EA closes down their servers for a lot of these games fairly quickly because of how fast they release these titles, so you're essentially paying to be locked into a subscription you really don't need or a bunch of old games you can't even play online anymore, which are usually a huge selling point of many of their games.

The reason I see a problem with it is also the numbers. Essentially this will net them more income for games you would probably already pay less in a year to play anyway or games you probably had no intent on buying period but will just play them if you end up a subscriber. So all in all it is more money for them at the cost of the consumer but with no real added value since you would already pay that anyway most the time.

The difference between PS+ and this is PS+ has some benefit to the actual subscriber, the only people this will benefit is EA.

This is also an obvious ploy for them to make even more money from microtransactions, why? Because again just like I said those games people had no interest in or intent on ever buying at retail, they might end up playing now and spending money in those particular games.

I mean it is a good business tactic on their behalf I'll give them that.

From my perspective and I think Sony's, it would just be easier to stick to what you did before when buying EA games either used or new because there really isn't much difference.

EA has never once cared about value for the consumer and they have done some of the shadiest things in gaming and still continue to do so, to the average joe who doesn't know any better this will seem like heaven but in reality it is perfect for EA to rake in more cash off DLC, microtrans and further monetize digital content.

From a business perspective it all makes sense but from Sony's it is a unnecessary service.

I mean I understand where you're coming from, I don't like needing a subscription for anything honestly myself but I have PS+ because I have had it long before it was ever needed for online multiplayer, I know that aspect sucks and I am not saying it doesn't but because of that I knew regardless I planned on keeping PS+ anyway before I ever heard of Sony planning on doing that for the PS4.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3567d ago
Kavorklestein3567d ago ShowReplies(6)
jcnba283567d ago

Sony are becoming arrogant again. Last time I checked PS Plus wasn't optional to play online. Also how is $4.99 a month to play a bunch of games not better than paying $4.99 just to play one game on PS Now for a few hours?

Volkama3567d ago (Edited 3567d ago )

Quite ridiculous and petty response. It is clearly good value, even with only these initial 4 games available.

What I do find intersting is that EA are forging this path hand-in-hand with Microsoft, with no mention of bringing a similar deal to their own Origin platform. That suggests Microsoft are driving this, with EA the willing partner.

jkendrick3567d ago Show
Volkama3567d ago (Edited 3567d ago )

jkendrick if they offered the service and you did not see it as good value you would just not subscribe. Do you think other gamers are incapable of making that assessment?

Personally I already own FIFA14 and Battlefield 4, and I have no interest in Madden or Peggle. The access pass doesn't represent great value to me at this time. But I certainly think I'll be a subscriber sooner rather than later, and I would not be thankful if Microsoft turned around and said "No we don't want to offer XBox gamers something like that".

Utalkin2me3567d ago

Please give me a link where Sony has officially stated that pricing for PS Now is going to be 4.99 to stream a game for a few hours.

kenshiro1003567d ago

Where's the arrogance?


trouble_bubble3567d ago (Edited 3567d ago )

PSNow isn't out yet geniuses. It's a closed beta. Proof? I'm not in it. Stop quoting old test prices on unrelated services or I'll just say EA should be free like Crackle.

This honestly sounds like some kind of EA employee plan for people already in bed with them. Who honestly cares that much for one publisher?!

I don't buy full retail games digitally anyways as there's no resale value and I'm limited on how many systems I can play it on, so the 10% discount is a joke. Simply not interested in the EA roster other than mass effect. If brokenfield's online is borked at launch every year, why would I wanna pay extra for 5 day early access to a loading screen? It's Overpriced already. BF3 and DeadSpace3 were already free on Plus.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3567d ago
ZeroX98763567d ago

the deal seems nice for X1 owners, but I'm wondering if a just released title (example would be Fifa 15) will be available on launch on this service?
Or is it just previous released titles?

Volkama3567d ago

The blurb on the service says you get a 10% discount on games like Fifa 15 and Dragon Age, so it is safe to say that new games are not included.

How long it takes for games to get added? We don't know. Potential for a higher tier price plan that includes new games? Similar packages from other publishers?

This is all breaking new ground, we'll just have to wait and see how it shapes up. It could potentially have a huge impact.

Hardcore_gamerxbox3567d ago

Hell no Sony sayin this becaue it's only on Xbox one typical Sony

Magicite3567d ago

EA has done nothing good in past few years. They screwed major franchises like dead space, dragon age, battlefield, simcity and more. They lost any trust.

Anon19743567d ago

I don't get this. If Microsoft were serious about beefing up XBL (which is already more expensive) to compete with the PSN+ offering for less money they would have cut a deal to include this in their XBL service and not just add it as another cash grab on top of an already paid service.

Seriously, if Microsoft was making this available at no extra cost to XBL subscribers to help boost their "Games with gold" program, I'd say this was excellent value for gamers. But it isn't. To get close to the type of service Sony has been offering for years with PSN+, Microsoft just made it an extra $30. How is this value for anyone? The only one that benefits is EA as they rake in the money from the naive.

Team_Litt3567d ago (Edited 3567d ago )

"Microsoft just made it an extra $30. How is this value for anyone?"
You don't NEED Gold for EA Access so how is it extra? And Microsoft did not just do anything, this is EA's subscription.

Also, GwG and deals with gold already offer what ps+ does.
Do you think you are going to see many more EA games on PS+ after this?

You see no value in $5 a month for access to 4 AAA games? Lol, sure buddy. Let me guess, you hate PS+ and PSNow as well right? Of course not, Lord Sony is perfect.

Anon19743566d ago

Wow. Thanks for that snarky response. Glad to see you seriously considered the points I raised.

I thought I made myself pretty clear. If Microsoft were serious in bringing their XBL offering on par with what we're seeing offered from PSN+ they would have worked out a deal to include this EA thing at no extra cost to their customers.

And actually, on the topic of PS Now, yes..yes I do hate the pricing of it currently and won't be using the service when it comes out.

3567d ago Replies(1)
Azzanation3567d ago

Its a bad mistake to shut EA down as we learnt after Nintendo turning down there deals. EA might now offer better deals to MS and even exclusives since there willing to accept EA Access. I think MS just got a lot stronger.

Ihatetrolls763567d ago

I'd say if ever ms and ea went partners and ea stopped making games for ps that would definitely hurt sony in a bad way. I'd hate to see something like that happen used ps4s would be crowding local game stores definitely in America where ea sports games sell big time and all the diehard battlefield players

t-hall7853567d ago

Lol I thought Sony was for the gamer. This would just be another option for the gamer to have. I don't know about you guys but 30.00 bucks a year for "used" games (follow me now). Is not a bad deal.

My personal example. I've been wanting to play battlefield for a while now but didn't feel like buying it. Didn't wanna pay gamestop an absurd amount either. But for 30.00 bucks i'll try that out and i'll maybe get back in to sports games. Albeit i'll be a year behind but i'd rather do that and play with all the other people who get the pass than pay 60/yr for the "sports update". Also been wanting to know what the big damn deal is about Peggle 2 but not willing to pay to firgure it out. So for 30 bucks a year you really can't beat this. Especially if they expand the library and the free previews are awesome as well.

Too bad for Sony. They're getting arrogant again...smh.

PRock103567d ago

Why hell yeah? Regardless of whether it's a good deal or not, that's my decision as the consumer to make, not Sony's decision to make for me. I think people are losing sight of that fact, your right as the consumer was taken from you.

TheTwelve3567d ago

Hell yes to real competition taking place now...I like how Sony will attempt to do better than this EA/Microsoft bedding.

baodeus3566d ago


I don't think you understand/see the bigger picture in this and why this might be problematic for Sony in the long run. Let me expand on your perspective on how this works.

First and for most, think of MS Azure (cloud infrastructure) like how Amazon works. MS can rent out this virtual space to developers/publisher for a small fee (MS been trying to keep it cheaper than Amazon to compete).

1. Advantage for Developers:
- Full ownership/control over their digital contents within that space = rip full profit from what ever they make on it.
- Developers/publisher can update, change contents, adjust price, sale, etc...without going through any certification (because it is their space)
- Massive distribution of contents across the globe almost instantly due to the large MS azure cloud network; MS practically has data center almost everywhere now. I CAN IMAGINE EVEN SMALL DEVELOPERS CAN DO THIS WITHOUT THE NEED FOR A PUBLISHER. Also MS azure/apps are not restricted to just MS devices (as seen from recent MS application on iphone/ipad/androi, etc...). You probably don't see how big of a deal this can be.

Advantage for MS:
- they get paid for the rental
- they get massive contents from 3rd parties
- they can keep exclusive contents for their own devices, while allowing 3rd party to distribute contents to any devices (it doesn't affect MS in anyways because 3rd party content are also on other systems anyways).
- MS just technically allow every developers/publisher to become like a Steam services, and with much larger market to distribute that contents.

Advantage for Consumers:
- You can pick and chose to pay for the services/contents that you want, rather than keep paying hoping to see that you might see something that you like
- convenient, convenient, convenient = access to any content, anywhere and you can bring it anywhere you want.
- Disadvantage, it could be come costly if you are greedy and want every contents out there.

baodeus3566d ago

Now how all of this will be problematic for Sony:

1. Sony doesn't have the large cloud infrastructure network that they can rent out to developers/publisher. They have to rent virtual space from Rackspace no less just to run their PS Now/Gaikai service. Do you think Sony can afford to rent out virtual space to others when they are renting it themselves?

2. PS now services depend greatly on the amount of contents that they can deliver (mostly from 3rd parties). Now if each developers/publisher can charge $5 for their contents through MS azure and get full profit from it, can Sony able to adjust PS Now prices so that developers/publisher can still get the same benefit? Simple math, let say 5 publishers charging $5 each. That is $25 per month. Can PS now do that (because Sony have to include everyone into it, unlike MS where consumer can pick and chose their contents). Now if you imagine hundreds/thousand of developers/publisher, how much would that cost?

3. Can developers/publisher get the ability to vastly distribute contents across the globe through Sony PS Now and on the same infrastructure (which sony RENT from Rackspace)? Can Sony helps any developers to distribute contents anywhere and with ease like MS azure, where developers don't even need a publisher (they just need to pay for a space on MS Azure)?

4. With PS now, can developers/publisher do anything with their contents and getting full profit with those contents, or do they always have to adjust and make deals with Sony? Why would any developers/publisher would chose to have less control over their contents,make less profit just to put it on Sony while undermine/shafted their own services that they have full control over on MS Azure?

Are there any reason why you think any developers/publisher out their would chose PS Now or any other Sony services over MS azure?

and pretty funny that for such a group of gamers who take pride in making their own decisions or can think for themselves, now agree with Sony making decision for them or what best for PS4 gamers?

FanboyKilla3567d ago

Lol still going at it today too. Obviously someones upset. And no class sony trying to hate. Lmfao you are sounding like a looser sony. Show some class. Im almost ashamed i bought a ps4. They all ways talking slick. You are the little guy. A flea on the big dogs balls. Shut up and be happy you are still here.

Lmfao hey sony, where is the value for me when you sell me tlou twice? Buying the same game twice isnt that good of a value either. Lol you got no problem with that. Sit yo ass down and watch how we do this.

BoriboyShoGUN3567d ago

You save 10% on a digital copy you can no longer trade in!!!!! If the library us extensive it might be cool, but those old sports games are dirt cheap after a couple years anyways.

ion6663567d ago

Well playstation already gives free awesome games already. Ea wants to nickle and dime everybody. Why not give a ea game to playstion plus members.Just goes to show you how ea are money hungry business men.So yeah it was not a value because sony didnt want us to have 2 subscriptions for games that should be free with plus members.

lawgone3567d ago

@Kid Prodigy KP...Did you seriously just "hell yeah" Sony not giving you the option to use EA Access? Are you that blinded by your loyalty to one console over the other?

greenlantern28143566d ago

IMO that decision should be left to the consumer not sony. I have to disagree with them on this decision. If you want it you should be able to make that choice

GamerRetro3566d ago

Hell yeah to what Sony screwing us once again , Sony thinks for itself and not the Gamers

DonFreezer3566d ago

Well I can't remember the last time I have commented on N4G but I can see that the moto goes strong. We are talking about the biggest publisher of all times.The one that casuals sctream to their name. The one that releases the most profitable games except COD in consoles.And they don't represent great value to ps customers.Why do I have a feeling that if this was ps exclusive everyone would type the nails in the coffin for the Xbox One and scream victory for Sony?Why is it that you feel so threatened by just a service that you have to praise Sony for giving competitor;s services a bad name. Well in modern history companies that used bludder and lies were left in the dust. If Sony continues the same game of lies and fud then by Holiday when Master Chief comes back , Sunset Overdrive and Ori release and all those triple A games get gameplay footage I don't think they'll talk that much.

Azzanation3566d ago

Sony just shot themselves in the foot. EA would have read that statement and you can bet your chickens they will do things similar to what they did with Nintendo. I don't like EA however they house amazing titles and franchises.

+ Show (22) more repliesLast reply 3566d ago
Aldous_Snow3567d ago ShowReplies(3)
jackanderson19853567d ago

their response makes no sense at all unless they plan on offering PS Now as a freebie add on to PS+

Kayant3567d ago

ikr.... The service is optional. The consumer will choose if it's represents value or not.

BitbyDeath3567d ago

EA would have cut their titles from PS+ if they had their own service running alongside.

This way Sony gets EA titles and a magnitude of others still within PS+ where as Xbox owners will need to pay for both if they want EA games.

jackanderson19853567d ago (Edited 3567d ago )

not necessarily, EA can just opt not to allow Sony put their titles on PS+

Also i think EA clarified yesterday you don't need the gold if you only intend to play the games as Single Player games so you could just pay the 5 dollars for the month or 30 dollars for the year and be done with it

BitbyDeath3567d ago

Ea would cut their games going to other services to make their own look better. Sony gives them no choice but to only use PS+ or they miss out on extra revenue.

Think about it.

jackanderson19853567d ago

I somehow doubt Sony forces publishers onto PS+ seeing as they have to pay the publishers to get their games on it... if it was just the case of Sony demanding it surely they'd have brand new AAA games on it as it'd drive up the PS+ subs and the console sales

Mikelarry3567d ago (Edited 3567d ago )

"We don’t think asking our fans to pay an additional $5 a month for this EA-specific program represents good value to the PlayStation gamer"

exactly what i was thinking when they made this announcment yesterday and some fans were praising EA. i already pay for both xbox live and ps+ what sense does it make to get another subscription with EA for discounts on games but again if people are willing to pay for that more power to them, i for one will only be paying for live and ps+ and if i want any more savings on games shop aggressively around i could do without more subscriptions services

mhunterjr3567d ago

But somehow, their PSNow prices are good for gamers?

Mikelarry3567d ago (Edited 3567d ago )

exactly what i meant with the last part of my comment. ps+ and xbox live are the only services i am willing to pay for. psnow and this new ea subscription services really does not make any sense to me or offer me any value i can think of.

in the case of psnnow sony seems to be on a roll with remastering all their hit titles of last gen so why would i want to pay a subscription when i know the big hitters will be remade or even better if the prices shown in beta is any indication then i might as well just stick with my ps3 to play the old games. i understand this might not be convenient for all gamers but i guess they must be paying for the convenience and kudos to them.

EDIT: just thought about this that means if this becomes successful every publisher would try this and the thought of activision going this route ...... GOD help us all

Edit 2: @ harry

i hope they don't but come on Sony knew those prices were rip off and if people accepted those prices that is what they would charge

HarryMasonHerpderp3567d ago (Edited 3567d ago )

I was under the impession that Sony hadn't set prices for PSNow since its in beta? there were just those place holders, which i agree they were a rip off. I cant see them sticking to those prices though when its officially released.

OrangePowerz3567d ago

As someone who buys retro games, PS1 and PS2 are actually a lot more expensive to buy compared to last years EA sports games. I bought some old Fifa games recently and they cost all more than what I would need to pay for Fifa 14.

mhunterjr3567d ago (Edited 3567d ago )


So it's ok for Sony to criticize beta prices as 'not good for gamers', but Sony's own beta prices are not open to that same criticism?

Sony has no business making this comment. It's BS for them to pretend they are against the ea access because it's bad for consumers. Not to mention that it's pretty clear that EA's service is already widely regarded as a good deal for fans of EA games.

TheFanboySlayer3567d ago


Sony already has been criticized for their PS Now prices from people like you and me......They are not going to criticize themselves.

The only thing they can do is change the prices cause if not they will fail miserably.

Chevalier3567d ago

Please show factual proof of bad PSNow prices. They are in beta so your opinion is not proof. There's not enough info to compare even.

mhunterjr3567d ago

Both of these services are in beta... It's ok for Sony to bash this beta, but not ok to bash sony's

PSNow beta $2.99 for a 4hr rental of a ps3 era game. EA access beta $2.5 for a month long rental of 4 current gen games...

How much proof do you need?

Chevalier3566d ago

You seem to think Sony isn't getting criticized?! Lol. Just look at these links. And your proof is beta pricing in testing phases and aren't representative of final prices. They're trying to figure out the pricing.






" Both of these services are in beta... It's ok for Sony to bash this beta, but not ok to bash sony's"

Okay wtf?! They are getting more then their fair share of criticism and like Thefanboyslayer mentioned why the hell would Sony criticize themselves when there are people like you already doing that?! You guys want to pay for demos which are usually free and play old games? Good for you.

"Sony has no business making this comment. It's BS for them to pretend they are against the ea access because it's bad for consumers. Not to mention that it's pretty clear that EA's service is already widely regarded as a good deal for fans of EA games."

Last time I checked it's everyones right to speak their minds and comment, just because you think it's a good deal and good for consumers doesn't mean we all agree with you. It is a free country and yeah Sony should comment as is their right considering they probably have more info than an armchair commentator. I think it's shitty to pay for access to demos which should be free and to play last years games on top of PSN/Live? Nope that's not value to me.

Also widely regarded?! By a handful of people like you on a forum speaking for everyone? That's just rich. Sorry did I miss a survey where 90% of the thousands of people came back with a positive result with statistical data with 95% accuracy?! Otherwise this 'wide regard' is from a very skewed group of individuals of a small and very vocal Xbone fanbase.

mhunterjr3566d ago (Edited 3566d ago )


You still seem to misunderstand me. Sony is being hypocritical. Sony has no right to bash EA Access Beta as a 'bad deal for gamers' when their own Beta is a worse deal for gamers. Looking at their own service, how can you their reasoning for passing on access as genuine? Clearly they did it because it competes with their own offering, not because it is a bad deal. I don't mind a company speaking their mind, but why not tell the truth? We passed on EA because we want to do our own thing so that we can make money.

As far as the value of EA's service, if you typically buy a lot of EA content each year, the service will pay for itself. So it may not be good for you, but for fans of EA titles, it's unarguably a good deal, as it will save them money. Paying for it on top of live isn't a bad thing if it means your spending LESS on software overall...

TheFanboySlayer3566d ago

I don't think Sony was bashing EA Access at all they just said their reason for not allowing their service on the system was that they thought it was a bad deal...in no way were they saying "This service is sucks".

Its like ordering food. someone recommends you buy some pasta or something but you think that won't be enough to fill you up lol...you didn't say the pasta or whatever sucks lmao

Chevalier3566d ago (Edited 3566d ago )

The 'truth' as we know it is from a skewed point of view with bias. No one yet knows the full details enough to justify either point. Basing an argument on very limited info of the inside dealings and very far reaching implications during a beta is misinformed based on lack of information and idiotic. Your reaching to make your conclusion based on a beta.

If a year from the service began and every major studio started their own access program and things got fragmented I will say it's a terrible idea. Just imagine no netflix, except instead of the majority of the big studio's decided to have their own version of netflix? With separate subscriptions. Want to watch Disney/Marvel - buy subscription, want Lord of the Rings/Batman - buy a Warner bros. subscription etc.

So until more time has passed and we see how it shakes out it's jumping the gun a bit. Also it may be hypocritical to you, but, I could say based on context so are you. You haven't provided any info to support your argument and make it seem like Sony hasn't received their share of criticism yet there are all those links proving otherwise. We can judge 'value' when we've seen all the offerings and pricing.

" . Looking at their own service, how can you their reasoning for passing on access as genuine? Clearly they did it because it competes with their own offering, not because it is a bad deal"

It's clear?! How so? Do you have a list of all the studio's that will be involved in the final product? For all you know PS Now launches and they have 2K games, Ubisoft, Konami, Capcom, Square Enix, Sony's etc., and we end up with a netflix of games. Unless you know something we don't? It would be like me passing judgement on a 9 course meal based on the appetizer and NO knowledge of what the actual 9 dishes are.

" As far as the value of EA's service, if you typically buy a lot of EA content each year, the service will pay for itself. So it may not be good for you, but for fans of EA titles, it's unarguably a good deal, as it will save them money."

I don't so it's a terrible deal. So before your argument 'widely' regarded and now it's just EA customers?

Are EA customers only flocked on Xbone? This is only being offered to a small group of people. If it were available across all Xbox platforms then it'd support your argument more. As it stands I doubt just over 4 million Xbone users is representative of your typical EA customer.

Again stop assuming things and reaching based on limited information, for all we know a year from now PS Now launches and it turns out to be a netflix of games and EA decided to exclude themselves and it turns out terrible. Or EA started something worse and no gaming netflix occurs because all the studios have their own subscriptions because of EA's setting a precedent.

mhunterjr3566d ago (Edited 3566d ago )


Again, I have never said, implied, or otherwise suggested that Sony has not receive criticism. I said its hypocritical of Sony to levy criticism towards EA's Beta service, when their Beta service is actually guilty of the criticism that they are levying. The would have been better suited to say "we want to offer the only service in town" instead of giving a BS reason for not allowing their customers the CHOICE.

And your right PSNow could end up being the netflix of gaming, but right now it's in Beta. And the beta isn't a very good deal for gamers. Likewise, EAs offering is in beta, and it currently represents a good deal to EA fans ok xbox one. I'm not assuming things based on limited information, any more than Sony did when then passed on EA.

Chevalier3566d ago (Edited 3566d ago )

Sony doesn't think it's a good deal and yes we get they have their own similar service, but, I don't think it's a great deal. Hypocritical or not the truth may be bad for consumers in the end. Hypocrisy doesn't make it any less true.

The fracturing of EA from storefront is not good for consumers and it is a valid comment regardless of whether you think their is bias or not. You think it's a good deal to pay for access to some discounts and playing older games? Great. But not everyone like subscription models and for good reason.

I think it may lead to publishers pulling content to get you to buy the prescription. If you don't have the prescription you don't have access to that content pack etc. Just look at how they've pulled all their content from Steam? Origin is garbage and now they have purposely made it unavailable to a huge PC base from pulling all their new products from Steam. EA left the mall your referring to they have set up shop next door and are charging to get in the door.

Next is they pull all their content from PSN and Live if they get a foothold. Then what's to stop Ubisoft, Activision pulling their content from Steam and their sales? Nothing.

Let's just assume every major company has their own subscription and storefront rather than crowding into the mall and each has exclusives ONLY if your a member. Should I have to potentially own 10 subscriptions to get all the content I want from Deep Silver, 2K, Konami, Activision, Ubisoft, Sony, Microsoft, EA, Bethesda, Capcom, Nintendo? No, but, that is a possibility that may come from this. I don't see that as a good thing for customers do you?

This was quite well put by the blog:

mhunterjr3566d ago (Edited 3566d ago )


Let be preface this rebuttal by noting that I'm working with the assumption that MS will allow other companies (gaming or otherwise) to open their own storefronts on the xbox live marketplace, as evident by the GoPro, Dominoes, and EA Access apps present today.

I think other publishers will take advantage of the opportunity to open their own storefront, and I think it will benefit gamers.

"Not everyone likes subscription models, and for good reason". True. But EVERYONE likes having options. This is just another way to get contents, and for some people, it will be the cheapest method. Dont want the sub? You can still go to the store or download it from the MS store at regular price.

"I think it may lead to publishers pulling content to get you to subscribe". that's just conjecture. But even if it does happen, competition will handle that situation. Let's say EA does pull this stunt, but another publisher with a similar Access program promotes the fact that they don't do that kind of thing. Which publisher would get the good press and subsequently the support from customers? That pressure from the other publisher would force a change in behavior, in the same way Sony forced a change in Microsofts paywall behavior.

"Next they start pulling the content from PS+ and Gold" and? That would mean that Sony and Microsoft would have to find more creative ways to satisfy their customer, and couldn't just rely on 3rd parties to make their service justifiable. maybe it would mean 1st party exclusives would get discounted more quickly, maybe gold and ps+ would become even cheaper... Competition is a good thing.

"Let's assume each publisher has their own subscription" why should we assume that? A subscription model is just one possibility. Maybe Ubisoft store would give out a free game based one achievements you unlock in their games, maybe Activisions store would give you free DLC passes when you buy a game on launch day, maybe 2k's store will give you points towards a new game everytime you buy one. Maybe Amazon could get a store front, and sell games from all of these publishers at a discount to Prime account holders. Their is an infinite number of ways publishers could try to fight for our attention. And as a customer you could pick and choose between all of them, or you could get your games the way you've been doing it. you are too blinded by the worst case scenario to see the potential.

Chevalier3566d ago (Edited 3566d ago )

"A subscription model is just one possibility. Maybe Ubisoft store would give out a free game based one achievements you unlock in their games, maybe Activisions store would give you free DLC passes when you buy a game on launch day, maybe 2k's store will give you points towards a new game everytime you buy one"

It's still a possibility. As I've said before just look at EA pulling content from Steam and going their own way. By your logic if everyone had a site like Origin there would somehow come to be more competition and prices magically come down. Then how come their are much better deals with all publishers together on Steam vs. Origin?! They're not bothering because the content is ONLY available on Origin and did they discount anything? NOPE. They save on delivery/shipping and also not printed disc/case and have we seen that passed on to buyers or to make product cheaper or entice previous buyers? NOPE. Every cent ends back with EA. The 'service' your paying for pays forward any discount they 'give' you.

Your mall analogy doesn't even make sense as I've pointed out and your example of Amazon? Terrible, they're one of the top 5 internet companies in the world and make a ton of money, they don't need to make a storefront or App, their website is more then enough and guess what?! I don't pay an access fee to get on www.amazon.com for yearly access.

"Maybe Ubisoft store would give out a free game based one achievements you unlock in their games, maybe Activisions store would give you free DLC passes when you buy a game on launch day, maybe 2k's store will give you points towards a new game everytime you buy one. Maybe Amazon could get a store front, and sell games from all of these publishers at a discount to Prime account holders. Their is an infinite number of ways publishers could try to fight for our attention."

That's a lot of 'maybe's', is that some kind of argument?! Really maybe? Why would a company that has a strangle hold on their own product give you back anything? Is EA's Origin giving discounts on products? NOPE. Discount on preorders? NOPE. Discount for previous purchase? NOPE. Those discounts of 10% they saved on not having to make a physical media print or shipping cost and you've paid it forward with the membership fee.

The point is I shouldn't have to have a subscription these things, EA already gave us first expansion on Battlefield 4 China Rising for preordering at EB, did I pay for the right to get that? NOPE. I put down $5 preordered and could cancel anytime. By your logic I should pay a Gamestop membership fee of $30 for the right to order and get that DLC?! Really?!

You open your argument with an assumption

""I'm working with the assumption that MS will allow other companies (gaming or otherwise)"

then say to me:

"why should we assume that?"

So you can make assumptions then I shouldn't make assumptions of my own? Uh What?!

Microsoft won't just 'allow' them to do whatever, it's THEIR network, EA is paying them for that use. Guess who the costs for paying Microsoft get passed onto?! The consumer ends up paying that cost.

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 3566d ago
NYC_Gamer3567d ago

What about giving people the option to decide for themselves?

BitbyDeath3567d ago

Wouldn't be an option, read my post above.

abc12333567d ago

I really hope people aren't buying into this BS of them not offering it because they have the consumer in mind. If EA offers this service and it's successful, other companies will follow along, which won't be great for Sony's own subscription services.

Spotie3567d ago

And you think that'll be good for us consumers? If every publisher has a $30 plan? Activision, Ubisoft, Square-Enix, Capcom, all charging for their own games. How does that sound better than getting games from all of them for one fee?

abc12333567d ago

Where did I say that this becoming the standard is good for consumers? I'm saying that Sony's primary motivation in this is their own subscription service. What is good for consumers is having options, which Sony is denying. If consumers feel that this is good value then it'll succeed, if not then it'll crash and burn, as it should be.

MrBeatdown3567d ago (Edited 3567d ago )

"which won't be great for Sony's own subscription services."

Services which we will be paying for anyway.

Services which no longer offer games from publishers who keep games exclusive to their own services.

That sure as hell isn't good for us. It's great for publishers. That's about it. Options aren't always in the consumer's best interest.

This is going to be the online pass all over again. EA sees a way to cash in, yanking their games off Plus and GWG to put on their own service, every publisher follows suit, and we get screwed in the end, stuck paying even more for something that once came free with what we were already paying for.

I'm glad at least Sony passed on it. DLC, season passes, online passes... once publishers see an idea succeed, they've got to milk it for every penny they can.

maniacmayhem3567d ago

I'm with Mr. Beatdown on this. If Sony and EA's service proves to be successful we can expect a lot more big dev/publishers following in their footsteps.

I already mentioned in the past that PSNow was the foundation towards an all digital future. I am sure that it will be happening sooner than later.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3567d ago
Corpser3567d ago

Exactly, don't see the value? Don't subscribe! That 10% off all EA digital games/DLCs alone is worth $30 a year to me, not worth it to you? It's optional!

BattleTorn3567d ago

$30 really isn't much value to justify really.

But im still not seeing it for me, only value is the $5 I'd save on BF Premium.

Otherwise if I start buying EA titles Digital. (Not a sport game fan at all)

PRock103567d ago

BattleTorn. Might not be value to you but it is to some people. Why can't that be their decision and not yours and it shouldn't be Sony's.

MrBeatdown3566d ago (Edited 3566d ago )


There is no real value in it.

The 10% off is off standard prices. I read yesterday the discount don't even stack with a sale on EA games currently running on XBL. It's a discount that's only good if you're not getting a better deal for free.

Everybody seems to be in agreement digital versions of retail games should be cheaper. EA's trying to get us to pay for that. The standard pricing is absurd to begin with. It's $60 to buy Battlefield 4 or NFS on PSN, despite them being 9-10 months old. It's far less on Amazon any day of the week.

It's like a going out of business sale. 10% off everything in the store! What they don't tell you is the liquidators jack up everything to full price, so you think you're getting a deal when you're not.

And in the past year, Plus has gotten Battlefield 3, Kingdoms of Amalur, Dead Space 3, and in August, Crysis 3. Four good, recent EA games.

There's already a system in place for EA to offer their games for free, yet still make money off of them.

EA is essentially attempting to charge $30 for perks that are things we're already getting, and things we should be getting for free.

I'm glad Sony is saying no to it. Imagine if all publishers followed suit, the same way they did with EA's online pass. Before you know it, we're not getting third party game discounts via Plus, or demos for free. We're paying EA, Activision, WB, and Capcom for the "luxury" of reasonable digital pricing.

Choice isn't always a good thing. What next? We going to insist Sony let EA use Origin services for their online games, not PSN? We going to let EA games operate their multiplayer via their own paywall?

Is Sony the bad guy for making every game utilize PSN for multiplayer, so they can make all the money?

There's a reason EA is doing this. They can make more money off Access than Plus or GWG. But it doesn't necessarily benefit us. Just like the online pass, which started out as Project $10... bonus content for new buyers. "Choice". It ultimately didn't benefit us. It was just an inconvenience for us, having to put in a code to access standard features in our new games. It benefited them.

Athonline3567d ago (Edited 3567d ago )

Choice = less potential revenue. Sony, Microsoft, etc are all companies.

For me the £20 annual fee sounds about OK! It means I can sell my Fifa 14 copy for £20-25 and with that money get the subscription for "free" for a year, without loosing access to Fifa.

The real question is: Will it be a good value a year after? Will they add more games to the vault? I wouldn't mind waiting 8-12 months for a game to "enter the vault collection" and get it within the subscription.

trouble_bubble3567d ago (Edited 3567d ago )

EA has been in bed with MS for a while. From Mass Effect1 to Titanfall1. They probably had no aim of wanting/needing this on PS in the first place. It's like blaming Sony for MIcrosoft's COD contract with Activision, or the EA online pass and Origin experiment. It's just publishers looking out for themselves

Ihatetrolls763567d ago (Edited 3567d ago )

They went to sony and offered the service sony turned it down seems like they wanted it on ps and xbox. Sony is as greedy as any other company there not the good guys looking out for you they will bend you over and take it from you while all the time you will be thanking them and I'm not as blind to think for one second ms doesn't do the same thing

aquamala3567d ago

I would have subscribed just for the 10% off EA stuff. give me the option Sony

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Sony Patents To Prevent You From In-Game Harassment By Reading Your Emotions

A new patent recently published by Sony wants to gather biometric data of gamers to track whether one is being harassed using AI tools.

Profchaos10d ago (Edited 10d ago )

I hope this is one of those patents that never comes to fruition.

I already dislike the fact you can pay a significant amount for a online service buy associated games and content on said service and get banned from that service over potentially a misunderstanding the bans are already handed out for flimsy reasons

I'd rather see money invested in a ban that simply removes the offensive players ability to communicate with unknown players allow them to continue party chats with friends but not with Joe blow on cod.

exputers10d ago

Agreed. Blizzard recently banned a college Overwatch 2 player who's dependent for saying "shit." Pretty harsh.

Profchaos9d ago (Edited 9d ago )

How rediculas really. You can't say a word that's allowed in most PG films and prime time TV but the game is based around killing the enemy team using guns, explosives etc.

It's just backwards.

just_looken9d ago

What your talking about is called block list

In 2006 a spaceship dropped of the playstation 3/xbox 360 i say that that generation was the last great gen with game functions/tech that has yet to comeback

Anyhow the playstation 3 if you block listed a id they could not talk to you in chatroom with either text or voice. But that was pre mind fucked 2018 when people were more human than sheep.

But hey gta 6 is coming out billion dollar budget without a single player custom character creator and without singeplayer coop off/online something saints row 1-3 had on the xbox 360.

z2g10d ago

Take my social security and bank account numbers too! Here’s a picture of my wife and our address.

phoenixwing10d ago

Cmon where's the pictures of your children. Don't hold out on them.

H910d ago

At this rate I feel Sony will eventually sell a room to play games in it where they can monitor your every breath

jambola9d ago

I genuinely get a bit worried sometimes when a friend says something that could be offensive In a party
Because I have no trouble believing some bans would happen when in a private party for saying something wrong

SegaSaturn66910d ago

I want them to censor erotic content by measuring my groin temperature so i dont get too distracted while playing black ops 2.

Popsicle10d ago

Terrible idea. Not only do I not consent to providing my biometric data, the potential for mishandling biometric data is almost a certainty. Positive stress and negative stress can produce similar changes in biometrics. Interpreting the precise emotion a person is feeling is not only invasive but could be easily misconstrued. I hope this never comes to fruition.

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Sony Could Increase Your Game's Difficulty If It Sees You Complain About It

Sony has recently published a new patent that wants to dynamically handle the games' difficulty and gameplay based on the player's emotions.

jznrpg10d ago

This is something I might use. Sometimes I play some good games but they don’t have difficulty option and are a little too easy.

Profchaos10d ago

Souls games will be like that players struggling make it harder

PassNextquestion10d ago (Edited 10d ago )

I think if used correctly it could work well

jambola10d ago

cool idea
cool idea for horror games especially
the way it's explained here sounds like it could never be forced hopefully, so that's ok with me

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Sony Taps Bungie's Head of Revenue to Lead Live-Service Games

Sony has recruited Bungie's head of revenue Jaremy Rich to head up its live-service gaming division, Rich has announced on social media.

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ChasterMies31d ago

Please do not put Destiny’s monetization into Sony’s first party games. The monetization is what’s driving players away from Destiny.

just_looken30d ago

The new temp boss is the sony cfo bean counter so i can see this being a thing get every penny.

Cacabunga30d ago

PlayStation officially losing it.. fans will never support gaas games

just_looken30d ago


The new boss did a interview in japan he wants to tap into the mobile market like nintendio so he give 0 fucks about gamers/fans


Redemption-6430d ago

You only speak for you and those who think like you, but most fans will support what they want. Playstation and PC fans are literally supporting Helldivers 2 and that is a gaas. Maybe you wouldn't, but many more would if they like it.

Huey_My_D_Long30d ago

Look, Im not making any judgement calls about this guy, but I will say that Helldivers 2 GaaS model is unique to Helldivers, and legit the only other game I can think of thats similiar was the Avengers game except HD2 pass is still better.
The fact that you can earn in game currency in a way that doesnt make you feel like you have to grind forever, as well you being able work on that pass that you bought...on your own time without a time limit...that right there is fucking huge to me, and I can't name any game other than avengers that avoided trapping players with FOMO logic...I think GaaS on HD2 shouldn't be compared to the rest of the industry...it should be copied.

Einhander197230d ago


Helldivers 2...


In Europe it's a 60 40 split favoring PC.
In the US its a 60 40 split favoring PS5.

So PlayStation owners supported the game just fine, it's not getting carried by PC or anything like that.

FinalFantasyFanatic30d ago

I'm perfectly fine with the way Nintendo entered the mobile market, I never touched their mobile games, meanwhile, the console/handheld stayed the way it is. As for being a bean counter, he's probably going to reel in these massive budgets that Sony's studios have had lately, I haven't played Spiderman 2, but I cannot see how they almost tripled the budget for that game.

That's an exception to the rule, I'm expecting a lot of these GAAS games from Sony to fail, to be fair, they only need a few to succeed, but I would have preferred that they put more of their resources into other types of games.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 30d ago
DivineHand12530d ago

True their monetization is driving players away and at the same time, their decision to chop out content and convoluted systems is keeping new players away from the game.

Joe91330d ago

I don't think that will happen based on how things worked out at Naughty Dog now that we know what we do, seems they had the option to fully commit to live service games or stay making single player experences so they gave up on their live service game. We are not sure how things came about with Bend making a live service game but I hope that was not a forced situation. Sony doesnt seem like they are forcing studios to switch up but we will see, Sony's bread and butter is single player games it is how they dominated the console market.

Obscure_Observer30d ago

Yeah, I though Sony learned something from all their failures in the LS segment under Bungie´s disastrous leadership and supervision which led to games been cancelled, studios closed and all the people laid off.

Looks like Bungie still plays a major role in Sony´s LS initiative and Sony is not backtracking on their GaaS plans.

S2Killinit30d ago (Edited 30d ago )

Are we forgetting that Destiny is also a highly successful franchise? I feel like that definitely deserves mention here.

Besides, there is no reason why a person cant learn from past experiences.

Joe91330d ago

I agree, people act as if Destiny flopped when it came out lol it took 9 to 10 years for the numbers to fall yet people are still playing it add the success of Helldivers 2 no wonder Sony is going forward down this path.

S2Killinit30d ago

Personally, I see no problem with Sony also having service games as long as they make good ones, and more importantly they deliver the AAA story driven games that they are known for. So yeah, I agree 100% with you.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 30d ago
Christopher30d ago

I mean, this person made some pretty bad decisions at Bungie. I hope they've learned from them because I definitely don't see those type of ideas as good for PlaySation in general.

CrimsonWing6930d ago (Edited 30d ago )

Honestly, what’s to learn from? How to make people happily continuously dump money into a single game over its life-time? Buy season passes continuously for several years with a smile on our faces?

GaaS is a design decision that is everything wrong with this industry. The fact that Helldivers 2 did so well and people defend the monetization because it was $40 and is a fun game, scares the sh*t out of me to see that the door is open and all shift will probably be to replicate that in future games. We already know the ROI for traditional game dev cost isn’t doing it for them.

I thought with Jimbo leaving we’d see a change for the better… I’m not so sure now.

S2Killinit30d ago

Service games are being offered by everyone. Sony cannot afford to only create single player AAA games. No one can. They already said they will be doing both.

Abnor_Mal30d ago (Edited 30d ago )

Ps5 gamers in 2023 seemed to play more live service types of games, so regardless to how people feel about them, numbers don’t lie and Sony is going where the money is. I mean look at the excitement around Helldivers2, people are showing that they want live service games.

Christopher30d ago

They play long-time existing live service games like CoD, Fortnite, Apex Legends, Destiny 2, and the like. Mass majority of new live service games are considered failures and aren't moving gamers away from older games.

just_looken30d ago

Yep the huge issue with live service is they need paid players along with a reason to play them.

You forgot mobile market that also taps into that player base as well as the eve online style games there is only a certain amount of krakens/whales blind supporters compared to the amount of live service games we have its not sustainable math wise.

700 restaurants making food for every seat for 1000-3000 eaters just does not work out

Einhander197230d ago (Edited 30d ago )


I am not a big live service fan and literally own zero of the games you listed, but that is not true, unless you call games that aren't the top games to be failures.

There are tons of live service games that are profitable.

Games don't have to be the biggest game ever they just need to make more than they cost.

I challenge you to show professionally prepared data that shows that more live service games fail than make enough to keep going.

Because all the data that I have seen shows that live service is less of a gamble than making a big AAA budget game which needs to survive off retail sales.

FinalFantasyFanatic30d ago

I sometimes wonder if we're at saturation point, where it's hard for a new game to join those ranks unless it's particularly exceptional, people only have so much time and money to devote to these types of games.

romulus2330d ago

Correction, they have no issue playing good live service games

shinoff218330d ago

Lol it's not even a quarter of the ps5s sold. Helldivers may have been a hit but let's not say most are enjoying it because truth is most(the real most ) don't care about it.

S2Killinit30d ago (Edited 30d ago )

I play what is fun. If a live service game is good I’ll play it as long as its not a money scheme which Helldivers is not.

And Im a single player gamer.

mastershredder30d ago

How do you kill a franchise that already been killed?
Destiny’s grind, cash-in-on-playbass-cha-Ching, and pop-culture-insertion mainstream-me-too bs totally killed any rep Bungie had. Sony/Bungie, if you are doing this to ward-off players, it’s already working.

crazyCoconuts30d ago

Headline truncated:
"... off a cliff"

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