
Microsoft tease “The Future of Titanfall” Announcement This Monday

During the latest Major Nelson podcast, Larry Hryb and his co-hosts mentioned that Austin’s Titanfall event will include an announcement on the future of Titanfall.

MorePowerOfGreen3714d ago (Edited 3714d ago )

I watched a PVZ Twitch stream from my XB1 last night when he mentioned this(can watch follower status friends or full friends streams through feed) and posted a thread on reddit. Certain people were saying "doritos" and "pepsi" as if. It was all good fun and games.

So this again? https://twitter.com/tomwarr...

A possible sign devs are liking Azure if this is what I think it is. I wonder what other revolutionary goodies MSFT has coming. XB1 staying an "always online" console would have insured fast adoption of Azure from devs but this works! Betting there are Azure dev tools built into Directx 12

NewMonday3714d ago

MS already have one of the biggest FPS franchises in Halo, getting another FPS is just redundant, do they expect an FPS gamer to buy the XBone twice?

it would be like Sony buying Tomb Raider when they already have Uncharted.

what MS need to do is diversify, for example I have no interest in TitanFall but I want Quantum Break.

with the Original XBox they did it right, they had different types of great games for different kinds of gamers, if they they go back to that policy they can start to win back gamers.

OpieWinston3714d ago

Going off the original Xbox comment...Bringing Titanfall into the cluster of exclusives would be like bringing back Mech Assault for all the Xbox fans back in the day.

They've got some great diversity..Between Remedy making Quantum Break and Team Dakota making Project Spark.

Microsoft Game Studios realized that when you give people the tools to make games and mod games....crazy fun ideas come out and they funded Team Dakota.

Godmars2903714d ago

With two leading FPS franchises they could give the other, older one some time on the shelf. Reevaluate and determine a new direction. And some time off is likely what Halo needs.

As for diversity and the Xbox brand, no, its never been diverse. That the original Xbox actively ignored or couldn't genres like JRPGs, stumbled onto FPS, is one of the reasons it only sold around 20 million.

Nevermind that Titanfall has yet to actually prove itself. Will still carry as much interest as it does now, for what that's worth, last six months or a year from now. If more can be done with a sequel.

ncc-0173714d ago

well said, i agree completely

ZodTheRipper3714d ago

From my point of view they are free to make it exclusive. Would be cool if PS4 users would get another EA exclusive in return.

gaffyh3714d ago

If they manage to lock down complete exclusivity, then that's great for them, but if that happens, I highly doubt it will be Xbox One exclusivity, it will be "Microsoft" exclusivity. But I honestly think it is going to be a Timed DLC exclusivity like COD.

palaeomerus3714d ago

" That the original Xbox actively ignored or couldn't genres like JRPGs, stumbled onto FPS, is one of the reasons it only sold around 20 million. "

Unlikely. It outsold the game cube which had JRPG's and had a few JRPG's itself.

3714d ago
4Sh0w3714d ago

NewMonday, X1 has very diverse lineup, 360 did too, but there's absolutely no reason microsoft should shy away from their STRENGTH= Shooters and Online. 》IF《 they made Titanfall franchise exclusive it would be huge, basicly they could rotate, Halo, Gears of War and Titanfall and release them on a 3 yr dev cycle every holiday season. That would be a megaton dropping a blockbuster exclusive shooter every year along with a game linep complimented by a couple other game sequels, plus of course 1 or 2 new IPs per year.

NewMonday3714d ago


as a 3rd party game you will already going Titanfall anyway, how dose this befit you instead of getting a new IP?

this will just prove MS have no commitment in investing in new games

PONTIAC08G8GT3713d ago

If MS could secure Titanfall for life, like Halo, I think it could be huge. Halo is already a massive game, but its a totally different type of game than Titanfall. You could release Titanfall, then after a year Halo, then another year later Titanfall, etc etc. So every year your getting a major title, alternating gears. Would be great for MS

Kingthrash3603713d ago

man it will be funny when the fps genre slows to a crawl like platformers and rpg's did before it.
not saying fps games will die...no genere has died...heck even point and click games still get goty (for example: the walking dead) but who wants to play a fps get tired of playing the game only to find ALL you have are fps games...smh. i made that mistake this gen...i picked up kz,bf,cod and i play blacklight..then i had ac..1 adventure game to 4 fps games...not to mention metro last light, bioshock infinite, payday2 and farcry bd from ps+ on the ps3...coupled with outlast not really a fps but that fp perspective is there..i got tired of playing fps..

awi59513713d ago (Edited 3713d ago )


The original xbox had KNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC IT CRAPPED ON ALL THOSE JAPAN RPG'S. They were stupid and the combat sucked and the final boss was just all the bosses you fought thrown back at you with more power such cheap ass gameplay. Also xbox one had elder scrolls Morrowind it didnt need japanese rpg's

Death3713d ago

"this will just prove MS have no commitment in investing in new games"

Microsoft securing Titanfall, the hottest new IP at the moment, as an exclusive is proof Microsoft has no commitment investing in new games?

In what way does that actually make sense to you? If Sony had made the deal to make Titanfall a PS4 exclusive, you'd be saying the same thing about Microsoft not being committed.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 3713d ago
hello123714d ago

Titanfall future. They've bought the franchise, free dlc can't think what else they mean?

Directx 12 coming for x box 1 is weird to say the least. Its requires a modern GPU to run directx12.

Its seems to me Microsoft paid AMD to build a customised GPU to run it and Microsoft is only going to reveal this is the case soon. Microsoft has not released everything about the console yet, and this is the only logical conclusion one can have, if directx12 is coming to the x box 1

jgrigs093714d ago

Also I want to hear about this "raytracing". They can supposedly do. Even though their hardware seems like it couldn't handle it

DeadlyFire3714d ago (Edited 3714d ago )

As for Titanfall it wouldn't surprise me if Microsoft tried to buy it. Respawn owns it though. The reason they left Activision was due to the publisher. I wonder if the same happens again for Respawn and they go to Deep Silver? :P

Raytracing. hahaha no.

Raytracing on the cloud? yes, but it would have to be streamed to/from you for you to experience it like OnLive.

DirectX11 hardware can patch in DirectX12. No biggie there. It coming to XB1 confirms it to be the case for Windows as well. Alot of people forget the the days when DirectX was updateable with software before DirectX 10 happened.

The GPUs in XB1/PS4 are only a year old. They have full feature sets and custom software to keep them running tightly optimized. DirectX 12 can either help or hurt the XB1. Depends on if there is a bigger performance hit or not.

lifeisgamesok3714d ago

I believe your thoughts are very precise on this matter

The X1 had issues with the driver but they have been fixed and a new Sdk has been sent to developers recently

3713d ago
darren_poolies3713d ago

The only thing I don't understand is that EA want Titanfall to be competing with COD right? So how do they ever expect that to happen if they're going to keep it exclusive? Makes zero sense to me.

cabbitwithscissors3713d ago

You seriously sound like a person who is brainwashed by reading too much of MisterX's blog.

Nothing weird about it. MS is coming out with DX12 to contend against AMD's Mantle, and MS wants to get more power out of the platform so they need to go closer to the metal so to speak. This will be a minor upgrade to DX11.2.

With the latest functions for DX11.2, you most definitely need a modern GPU, nothing new here. Semantics and redundant emphasis on information and knowledge ;P.

MS did pay AMD to come up with a customized chip for their xbone. Seriously is that really news ? I need to tell you, Sony also paid off AMD to come up with a CPU for their PS4.

Also, what else did MS not release about their platform ? DGPU ? Triple layers processing capability ? Hidden processing capabilities in the power adapter ?

Really, please get off the kool-aid. MisterX's website is for laughs, don't take it seriously.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3713d ago
Blaze9293714d ago

sounds like they just made it an exclusive series. Future of Titanfall? Besides DLC, gotta mean sequels.

TheTwelve3714d ago (Edited 3714d ago )

This just in from Vince Zampella(via Twitter): "For those asking about the 'future of titanfall' announcement, I'm confused as to what that is. We did not sell tf to MS."

So let's just end the whole Microsoft buying the IP jazz....

Looks like this is just DLC.

Blaze9293714d ago

Vince, the same guy who didn't even know Titanfall was going to stay a Microsoft exclusive? Oh, okay.

DigitalRaptor3714d ago (Edited 3714d ago )

I dunno Blaze.

By that admission, MS and EA are not even being honest with the people who are making the game. Why would they be happy signing up knowing that is what the relationship would be, after all they've been thorough with Activision?

NobleTeam3603713d ago

That doesn't mean they didn't pay them to keep the game away from PlayStation.

TheTwelve3713d ago

Keep the dream alive, fellas...

its_JEFF3713d ago


Vince would know if he sold the franchise to MS. EA doesn't own the IP, they published the game... they don't own it. Vince owns the IP, if MS did buy anything it could be full exclusivity... forever. But in order for MS to buy the IP they would have to buy it from Vince.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3713d ago
ifistbrowni3714d ago

wonder how much they paid to make the franchise exclusive?

Sure, im just speculating that this is what they're teasing. Would be a smart move if they did. Halo multiplayer is a dying franchise (unless they re-boot it with classic play, like Halo 2) and Gears multiplayer is dead too (never matched Gears 1 competitiveness).

A franchise like TitanFall would be a good lock-up for Microsoft. Though, they'll probably just milk/kill it, too.

I have X1 and PS4 and im hoping future TitanFall games go multi-platform... for TitanFall's sake. Not ours.

DoubleM703713d ago

Look at all those disagree Hilarious. Not true gamers true gamers play everything...

blackmanone3713d ago

So by your own admission, no one is a true gamer unless they've played every game ever? The lack of logic some people on here can have is astounding.

showtimefolks3713d ago

reapwn left activision because of bullshit within publishing, I doubt they would let MS buy their IP/freedom when they fought long and hard to get both

som dlc announcement is the most we should expect

xtremeimport3713d ago

If this goes exclusive...how much money do you think they're gonna pay EA?

If it was any other publisher I wouldn't be so sure this game will eventually make its way to PS4. EA loves money and there's a lot of extra pennies sitting across the hall.

andibandit3713d ago

Yep ms is sitting across the hall with pennies in to pocket for EA

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3713d ago
Irishguy953714d ago (Edited 3714d ago )


Guess it's an exclusive series now

Edit -

I kinda agree Foxtrot, but Titanfall may end up the new Cod. Heck, it's getting even more hype and praise than Cod 4 did when it suddenly came along and took over back in 2007. MS are betting on it sure. There is good reason to bet on it but it is also risky to bet on one game I agree.

About the new Ips, again, COD is worth more money than multiple Ip's, regardless of quality. Personally I don't really give a ****, i'll have both the X1 and Ps4 by the time Titanfall 2 is out anyway. I would prefer more ips, but MS have alot of new ips on the way anyhow.

Edit - the point is MS is paying for exclusivity Foxtrot, EA aren't losing money by not putting it on PS that way. What this does is sell more Xbox 1's. Which is how it benefits MS>

-Foxtrot3714d ago

Which would be pointless in my opinion, spending lots and lots of money on the IP when

1) You don't even know how the first game will do and...

2) You could be spending that money on opening up new studios for new IP's.

Focusing on one third party game isn't going to help them that much. It seems they are gambling everything on Titanfall.

ArbitorChief3714d ago (Edited 3714d ago )

Considering that the vast majority of people loved the BETA and the game has fantastic pre-order numbers. 80+ Awards, Best of Show at almost every event and is sure to sell incredibly well, it's a pretty safe and smart move by Microsoft, just like Gears of War last generation.

-Foxtrot3714d ago (Edited 3714d ago )


You have to remember though that hype is something which blind most people at launch and especially with reviews, so even though it could look good to MS now who knows what will happen. Remember how much hype was behind GTA4 and in the end I think most of us can agree it was a letdown....we were blinded by hype.

" it's a pretty safe and smart move by Microsoft, just like Gears of War last generation."

The thing is though EA and Epic on a little different though. You know what EA are like, they'll up the price they'll want for it, maybe not to buy the entire rights but for each instalment....money can only get you so far. Then comes the question again if they keep wasting a ton of money of these installments then why not put it towards something like a new studio.

EA know how much they'll be loosing not releasing it on the PS4 and it doesn't make sense business wise, it means MS will have to pay MS more money each time to make up for the lost sales of other platforms. If the PS4 continues to grow a larger install base then that means EA are missing out on potential sales. You know how EA are with money, thats why in the end the Epic/Gears deal wasn't as bad, especially when at the start of last gen MS was in the lead making the deal to Epic look like the right move.

ArbitorChief3714d ago (Edited 3714d ago )

To have a Titanfall, surely a system seller franchise for the Xbox One would be a huge selling point for the XB1, called competition and MS have the pockets to pay for exclusivity. Considering we've played Titanfall and know how fantastic it is, it's a different situation to GTA 4 where none of us played beforehand.

mad at me3714d ago

So u are saying don't support ips so new studios can arise with more new is that you say they should not support?

Reasoning? #fail

HomerDog3714d ago

sort of like the hype tlou and uncharted got. at the end they are just linear and below average Gameplay with a good story. played every one of them accept uncharted 3. and I never understood the hype.

malokevi3714d ago

Respawn is a new studio, Titanfall is a new IP, and Microsoft knows it will do well.

There, glad wo cleared that up!

If Titanfall is an exclusive, pretending that it's a bad move or a useless move is... well... ignorant.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3714d ago
hello123714d ago

Microsoft claim they have no clue to what Respawn will be talking about in the article. If that's true.

Its more likely plans for DLC been talked about. DLC coming is the future.

ger23963714d ago

That would be odd if it remains Microsoft exclusive. I mean, numbers wise it can't compete with bf and cod. Ea would lose out on millions of dollars. Having said that, Microsoft does have deep pockets.

4Sh0w3714d ago (Edited 3714d ago )

EA is only the publisher for the first Titanfall, Respawn owns the franchise. They can make a deal for the sequel with any publisher. By definition exclusive means sales are limited to specific platforms, so EA/Respawn knew that going in, check from micro, ads from micro, also on 3 platforms so I'm sure they'll do just fine without ps consoles no different than Gears and ANY 3rd party exclusive on 360 did fine without a ps version.

Majin-vegeta3714d ago (Edited 3714d ago )

This can mean 1 of two things.

MS is keeping it exclusive or future(if there will be any)TF titles.They get first dibs on DLC.

@Dlacy Yea I'm going with DLC option

OC_MurphysLaw3714d ago

Yeah agreed. If they were able to lock this down "exclusive" I actually think this game becomes their new Halo and it is indeed a game changer.

My gut says they have a deal in place for all "future DLC" coming the One first.

Lawboy23714d ago

What does DLC have to do with anything...it's only on Microsoft platforms

DeadlyFire3714d ago (Edited 3714d ago )

This is definitely DLC.

Titanfall IP is owned by Respawn, but EA owns publishing rights for a time period in contract with Respawn. I just wonder if they read the fine print when they signed.

MightyNoX3714d ago

Titanfall series exclusive to Microsoft, probably.

Iltapalanyymi3714d ago

>make scifi game
>give it the same boring weapons as in our time
What happend to all the 90´s shooters with the crazy laser, plasma, sawblade, spike, multiple rocked, acid, brain homing celebral bore, etc shooting guns?

3714d ago
Geekman3714d ago

Uh, girl, dude, whatever you are.... did you expect laser blasters, beam swords, or whatever? And I'm sure invisibility and Titans are futuristic.

And since when are guns boring? Just look at Tomska.

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15 Underrated FPS Games You May Want to Try

Popularized by Doom in 1993 and still making video game haters gnash their teeth today, first-person shooter games are the best thing to happen to gamers since pizza rolls. So here are 15 underrated first-person shooter games you may have missed.

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Jiub607d ago

Although the late 2000s Turok wasn't my favorite, I would love a new entry. Open world survival with shotguns and dinosaurs. Not sure how we'd get the fusion cannon, but that would be pretty sweet too.

MadLad606d ago


All of these games are pretty much universally praised. Outside of Timeshift I literally own all of these.

Venoxn4g606d ago (Edited 606d ago )

XIII, The Darkness 2, Far Cry: Blood Dragon, Timesplitters: future perfect, Bulletstorm are awesome games

gurp6d ago

I played them all, they are all good in their own way
I used to be obsessed with FPS games


An ode to Titanfall: The last twitch shooter I'll probably ever enjoy

Windows Central: "Titanfall 1 is being sunset, taken off storefronts by EA. While the servers remain live for now, one has to wonder just how much time it has left. I look back and pay tribute to the last "twitch"-styled shooter I ever truly loved."

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Respawn Entertainment is Discontinuing Sales of Original Titanfall

Sales for the original Titanfall are being discontinued.
It will be pulled from subscription services on March 1, 2022.

Ethereal887d ago

Physical media. Unfortunately the way games are going these days game servers will eventually be shut down and you can stare at the menu and wish you could play the game again.

littletad887d ago

This is why reading is so important. Nothing to do with digital or physical media. The game, which is online only, is being delisted because of DDOS and other hacker attacks. The case got so bad that only six players in the world log on. For PC. Rather than fix it, they continued to sell the game, broken as it is, and only now just decided to call it quits. But please, go on thinking what you will.

Ethereal885d ago

I'm aware of the DDOS attacks and that this case is not typical. This game would eventually have it's servers shutdown regardless of the current situation so that is a moot point. My comment was in a general sense and that there are instances in which games can be preserved physically when official support ends.

Let's recap your first sentence. I said, "the way GAMES are going these days" indicating a broader stroke than just this game. I agree, reading IS important. I was simply stating the obvious downsides of the digital marketplaces and online only trends in games these days. I could even make the argument that the online only offering which has allowed hacker manipulation has impacted the preservation of this great game. My comment is valid in the general sense and thank you for your permission to continue to think what I will.