
Only First Titanfall Title to Be Xbox/PC Exclusive, Respawn Will Work on PS4, Zampella Confirms

The news that Titanfall will be an Xbox One/Xbox 360/PC exclusive for the whole lifetime of the title surprised many, but for those that want to see the developer work on PS4 there’s still hope, as Co-Founder Vince Zampella just confirmed, also mentioning that the developer learned just recently that Titanfall exclusivity wasn't temporary.

-Alpha3845d ago

So, pretty much confirms:

-Deal to make it exclusive forever was very recent
-Titanfall 2 coming to PS4... unless MS throws even more money

Lalanana3845d ago (Edited 3845d ago )

Too bad ps4 owners will never get to experience this game..such a shame.. if next titanfall is confirm for ps4 that's cool. only titanfall would have sold millions of consoles for MS already though. It'll be like what gta is to the ps3. but titanfall to the xbox one.

Millions of consoles.. like halo did for the xbox

The game comes to pc and xbox 360 but those are the lower end. Even the dev confirmed that


CGI-Quality3845d ago (Edited 3845d ago )

It's a shame that people won't get to experience a game that A. you've yet to play and B. is also on other devices that they may have? OK.

OT: With deals like these, a TitanFall 2 may be the case now for PS4, but if it does well enough on MS devices, they may opt to stay exclusive with them.

akhmenhawk173845d ago

'millions of consoles'??
Give me some that green you're smoking.

HebrewHammer3845d ago (Edited 3845d ago )

I'm buying a PS4, not an Xbox One.

And yet, I'll still be able to play TitanFall.

How? ON PC!

And guess what - it won't be 720p on PC lol

-Alpha3845d ago

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

SuperLupe3845d ago (Edited 3845d ago )

Every game that came out on the Xbox first did what it was intended to do: push the 360.

The time "insert game here" came to PS3 nobody cared and it had no impact whatsoever on the 360.

Same thing here. Titan Fall in this gens first system seller and MS will be getting the benefits.

Also, why is nobody begging for Planetside, Warframe and whatever PC/PS4 game and only ??

Destrania3845d ago (Edited 3845d ago )

Good thing I have a decent enough PC to run Titanfall in a higher resolution than 720p like on the Xbone, except for that fact that I don't want to. I'd rather not play a CoD clone with mechs, gave up on that franchise a long, long time ago. Too bad Xbots won't get to experience the legions of the most incredible games to ever release that are only on Playstation. Derp. I hate moronic and foolish people.

gaffyh3845d ago

I wonder how much money they handed over for this, it must be in the region of GTA exclusive DLC, perhaps even more. Money down the drain if that is the case because its not fully exclusive so is not guaranteed to shift consoles, so they will make royalties on it, but that's not really the point early in a console life cycle.

OrangePowerz3845d ago

You do know that the game comes to 360 and PC right?

TheOtherVitaOwner3845d ago

Think I'll just get this for my pc, cheaper that way.

B-radical3845d ago

For all the playstation fans saying they will get it on PC Microsoft still welcomes your money as do EA

Man I hate company greed

LEOPARD10303845d ago (Edited 3845d ago )

Titanfall is amazing, but isn't the only FPS for the next year, PS4 has Destiny and the new of Santa Monica Studios.......


Titanfall in XO is only 720 and in PC 1080.

Eonjay3845d ago

Its a little early to be comparing Titanfall to GTA... gotta crawl before you walk.

GiggMan3845d ago

I think you need to at least have a look at the Xbox One version before you go to tooting your horn.

As far as we know it may not be that much of an improvement over the 360 version. Chances are I can play the same game on my 360 with the same resolution and gameplay (720p according to rumors) without having to spend $500 on an X1 and wait for Titan Fall 2 on PS4...

Omegasyde3845d ago

3rd party exclusivity makes no sense in the beginning of a console launch.

Unless there is a @%#@%@ load of money involved. We all know MS has a big checkbook.

PSjesus3845d ago

PC u ignorant every one have it,mass effect played it on PC with superior graphics when it was 360 only

SIX3845d ago

My initial thought was that this is a good move by MS, but the more I think of it. The more I feel it won't be a big deal. Most new computers that sell for $500 will be able to run this game at 720p. Coupled this with the fact that the DS4 will work with all computers I'm thinking almost everyone will be able to enjoy this game regardless.

G20WLY3845d ago

^SuperLupe, XBone's potential customers have 360s. There are 70+ million 360's out there, why would they spend $500 on another console to play a game they can play on their existing one?

A: They wouldn't.

Meanwhile, the real next gen Titanfall (the sequel, i.e. not cross-gen and so limited in mechanics and AI) will likely be on PS4 as well.

Also, why would XBoners beg for Planetside when it's Sony's game? As much chance of getting Uncharted lol

Xsilver3845d ago

people talking about titanfall and im like who gives a crap walking dead season two was just announced.

ZBlacktt3845d ago

Yeah, then like always. When Naughty Dog shows of Uncharted 4 on the PS4. It's game over set match. The console that wins Game of the year exclusives thus far is Sony.

Rainstorm813845d ago

Didnt you know XBoxers think Xbox systems have the best/most exclusives..... ignorance is bliss I guess

Did u just compare Free to Play games to 60 $ retail game? Getting desperate

Harkins17213845d ago

I have a PS4 pre-ordered and ill be able to experience Titan fall....on my PC with a Dualshock 4. Bitchin!

NeloAnjelo3845d ago

Too bad Xbone owners won't be able to experience Naughty Dog, Santa Monica, Sony Bend, Guerilla... Should I go on?

That's the way the cookie crumbles.

ProjectVulcan3845d ago (Edited 3845d ago )

If the Xbox One version of Titanfall is better than the PC version on a half decent PC-

I'll eat my tin hat, white cat, black rat, fungus gnat, wombat, Gujurat, Anwar Sadat, David Platt and my Girlfriend's.....spaghetti .

Her spaghetti is awful.

-Foxtrot3845d ago (Edited 3845d ago )

You know what I find hilarious about this...remember Mass Effect, an Xbox exclusive at the time and after the sequel PS3 owners got the first one eventually.

So what's going to happen once Titan Fall 2 comes out...have a guess

It's pretty obvious EA cooked up this deal with MS before the Xbox Ones reveal. I bet they will kick themselfs if the PS4 ends up selling more units then the Xbox One.

P0werVR3845d ago

Yes sir, and even if part 2 release on PS4 more sells on Xbox One anyways. Better played with Azure.

jb2273845d ago

It's still a bit early to say that Titanfall will be such a huge hit and sell so many millions. The hardcore multiplayer contingent will be sure bets, and it will more than likely sell a lot of lifetime units, but look at other new ips. The original Mass Effect wasn't anywhere near as big as the other two that I know of, and that's a sure trend, new ips rarely ever put up the numbers of their sequels. Plus this game has no true single player component, so it's focus is even more narrow. Sure it's a big hit with the more hardcore players and the game journalist, but it has to get the casual crowd to put up those kinds of numbers, and at this point it doesn't have it. Say what you will about it being developed by the same creators of one of the biggest franchises ever, but casuals don't care about that, they care about military shooters and Titanfall is a bit different from that. Microsoft will more than likely market the living hell out of the game, and if they can get those casuals to play then it will be a big hit, but it won't be as big as it's inevitable sequel. I personally couldn't care less about the game, it looks fun for what it is, but I'm not a multiplayer gamer, without a single player component it's never really interested me in the least. Hopefully it turns out great for those that like that kind of thing though

johndoe112113845d ago (Edited 3845d ago )

Rest of the world: "EA, you're sleeping with microsoft."

EA: "That's not true", turns around and kisses balmer good night.

Rest of the world:"EA, You're obviously favoring microsoft."

EA:"We're not favoring anyone, we deal with both companies equally", gives albert penello his lunch bag and hugs him goodbye as he gets on the bus.

Rest of the world: "EA, Then explain to us about the fifa free giveaway and the recent titanfall exclusivity that not even the developers knew about".

EA: "It has nothing to do with favoritism, we are working on deals with sony as we speak and will be forming great opportunities in the future", comment made while giving birth to theirs and balmers second child who they name Herb.

XboxFun3845d ago

I just love the sony fanboy excuses...

"This game is crap"
All of a sudden the downplay of a game that has raving reviews is now crap and no one is excited about it. It went from; it will come to PS4 to who cares, that quick.

"I'll play it on PC"
Magically everyone has a gaming PC! They can't wait to play Warframe, Planetside 2, DCU for PS4, but strangely won't play them now for their high end PC's...how odd. Why is that?

"I'll wait for part 2"
Now the argument will be to wait three or four more years for the genre to become multiplat. Awesome.

In all seriousness, why are so many of you bitter about this news? Did you seriously not want it to be a Xbox One exclusive?

grimmweisse3845d ago

You mean like Mass Effect 1! Oh wait...regardless of being an exclusive at that time and for a long to Microsoft's platform, it didn't stop PS3 enjoying the 2nd and 3rd and eventually getting to experience the 1st.

So, it doesn't matter if the first Titanfall will be exclusive, if or when the second is released and across various platforms, then there is nothing stopping ps4 fans enjoying it just as much as Xbox or PC fans, regardless if millions of Xbox One consoles had been sold.

Xsilver3845d ago (Edited 3845d ago )

@XBOXFuN lmao like xbox fans when they heard Deep down was a exclusive:3 but here's the thing i can play titanfall on a 360 or my PC that's a fact :/

4Sh0w3845d ago

Well if Titanfall 2 comes to ps4 great, I never understand the war from a gamers perspective because I still get to enjoy it on my X1. Yeah I understand why micro made the deal because they saw all the hype and smartly locked it up to keep it exclusive. EA is greedy and has the "bird in the hand is worth more than the bird in the bush" mentality.

MizTv3845d ago

I'm going to play it on pc
No XBone needed

WeskerChildReborned3845d ago

I could wait for Titanfall 2. It's not like there won't be any great titles for PS4 till then.

Jaqen_Hghar3845d ago

Infamous has more preorders and it's coming out about the same time.

AliTheSnake13845d ago

I never really did care about it anyway.
Map,weapons and characters look really stale.
Maybe I'll try it on PC, if there was a demo.

KnAzEtHiX3845d ago

My heard hurts..... (referring to reading your comment)

serratos273845d ago

Not necessarily. Those PS4 owners who really want to play the game will opt to get it for PC and play it using their DS4. Course that doesn't include everyone, but to say that PS4 owners will NEVER get to experience Titanfall is false.

MysticStrummer3845d ago (Edited 3845d ago )

"It'll be like what gta is to the ps3."

I'm not even sure what you mean by this. Did you mean PS2?

Titanfall will be a good game, possibly great, but it won't have nearly the same impact on the industry as GTA3 did when it appeared on PS2 and it won't sell nearly as much as GTA5.

As others have said, the timing of this announcement is no coincidence. It's damage control to counter the BF4 comparisons. It's probably very effective damage control too, since TF is such an anticipated game. It doesn't make me want an XB1, but I'm sure it will make at least some people buy an XB1 that might not have. It won't effect launch numbers much though, if at all.

Pope_Kaz_Hirai_II3845d ago

PC the lower end? your a muppet.

ABizzel13845d ago (Edited 3845d ago )

I must say it's a sad day for Xbox fanboys, you guys are trying your best to hold on to any kind of.......I don't know what you're holding on and hoping for, but it's not coming.

That goes for PS fanboys as well. The PS4 has proven it's the more powerful system, and if you listened to myself and others you knew that long ago, but obviously you just wanted visual confirmation. You have it now let it go, and move on.

The XBO is a solid console, the PS4 is a better console hardware-wise and pricing wise. Get what you console you want to play online and whose exclusives you enjoy the most, and end it there.

The fighting should end now, and let's game. Drop the ban hammer on these fanboys from both sides.


On a side note, there is no winning here, as going exclusive was not something Respawn wanted at all. The deal was all M$ and EA. Obviously M$ felt the sting going into the next gen as well as the pre-order numbers, and so they paid more to make Titanfall a 1 game exclusive.

On Vince Zampella's twitter, he tweets with someone:

Always MS exclusive at launch, great partner and focus is good for a startup. EA made a deal for the rest, we only found out recently =(

@VinceZampella Not to read into something. But I have a feeling your not 100% happy with this deal. Not to say Microsoft or EA hurt you...

@VinceZampella my point being is that I think you feel with this deal the longevity of TianFall 2 3 how ever many you make gets hurt on PS 4

@HideousGamer No plans for anything past 1 yet, but I like the way you think =D

Now some may take that as him talking about TitanFall 2 and 3, but the fact of the matter is that what William said is true. By not being on the PS4 along with the XBO, means that gamers are going to consider TitanFall as an XB game, and when it comes time to sell on the PS it's not going to do well as the XBO version, because gamers had no chance to play the original game on their console (which was the case for many games this gen). Unless the PlayStation 4 continues to outsell the XBO by the rumored 2:1 ratio then this games PS sales are going to suffer.

EA has to be wondering if this was a good decision, but I guess M$ paid them at least $180 million (expect at least 2 million in sales $120, and paid another $60 million to stop potential PlayStation sales) for exclusivity, but is it worth missing out on another possible 2 million on the PS4. M$ is said to have spent $1 billion dollars on games for the XBO. This is a dangerous and stupid game they're playing. Yes it may help you console early on, but what happens when publishers begin to EXPECT this type of behavior, and they start coming to the consoles with deals up front for fear of getting an inferior version. It's time for M$ to go, and focus on software and services for the industry.

Johnsonparts233845d ago

You sir, are a tool. The PC version will be best obviously. You do know ever peice of footage and gameplay that's been released so far is on pc right? It's all PC architecture now so the consoles are ports, in a way. Anyway, your not very smart.

Ritsujun3845d ago (Edited 3845d ago )

Lalanana, did you count how many times you've got Xbone180'd by Microsofie, so far?

Twinblade3845d ago

Ps4 owners like myself would just play it on PC.

donman13844d ago

It a new unproven franchise. How about you wait and see how well it does first.

tubers3844d ago

Clarification: ONLY PS4 owners.

mkis0073844d ago

Don't be so sure that just because Titanfall 1 is a xbox exclusive that its sequels, if released on ps4, will only sell on xbox1. Case in point: Call of Duty Ghosts is now preordering better on ps4 than xbox1. http://www.amazon.com/best-...

But my point is just 1 point to be made. All this crap is just spin.

MarkusMcNugen3844d ago (Edited 3844d ago )


You do all realize that having it on PC and the X1 is a win-win for Microsoft right? You have to use their OS to play it on PC. Why would a company that primarily makes it's profit from the PC market not release a great title on both platforms to make both products more attractive?

Seriously guys, use your brain. If a Sony fanboys play Titanfall on their PC, Microsoft still wins.

I hope all three of the big console companies the best with their products, but its just stupid to think Microsoft wouldnt release a game on their PC product to potentially attract more customers to their PC OS.

I didnt realize Amazon was the only place to pre-order games. Damn, what happened to Best Buy, Gamestop, and every other offline and online store. They must be pissed that they arent allowed to offer pre-orders for games.

dcj05243844d ago

So basically it'll sell just as well. Like GTA. Sounds like a deal to me.

ChrisW3844d ago

Sure people can play TitanFall on the PC at 1080... but can their graphics card handle it at its fullest?!?

Many of the people above who are boasting about not needing an XboxOne probably can't play it on a graphical par on their PC. Thus, your comments are questionable.

RyuCloudStrife3844d ago

Lalana how are you comparing Titanfall to GTA:V? Titanfall hasn't even seen the light of day, an UNPROVEN franchise, looks like a 360 game, and its a FPS.

Please tell me how Titandump compares to GTA:V? And no it is not a shame that I will not experience this game because it's generic and a gimmick next-gen hype type of game, with CURRENT GEN graphics.

Wizziokid3844d ago

I'm a ps4 gamer, not getting an X1 until they cut the price or make a Kinect-less bundle, but if I want to play it my PC is more than capable. And I can use DS4 with it on PC which is another win.

If I want to play it.

MorePowerOfGreen3844d ago

Bu Bu Bu CBOAT said Titanfall will come to PS4 says Neogaf

Ps4Console3844d ago

I have to buy a Xbox One then so be it this game looks awesome .

DragonKnight3844d ago

Didn't Xbox fanboys said PS owners would never get to experience ME1?

PrinterMan3844d ago

Too bad ps4 owners will never get to experience this game ??? Ummm, are we positive this game is worthy of your admiration seeing as it is not even released yet? Triple A and no one has played it yet. Wow! Besides, some of us PS3(4) owners do (will) have PC's. :)

OCEANGROWNKUSH3844d ago (Edited 3844d ago )

I think you are grossly overestimating the impact this game will have on console sales. The best looking version will be on PC without a doubt so really its not even a true exclusive.

ZombieKiller3844d ago

Good thing for me I am a fanboy that has money. Guess i'll be buying an xbox now :/

Whatever. I'll wait for a price drop and the game to release....then I'll consider. I can't bring myself to buy that thing though (xbox one). I have a 360 and it collects dust. Gears got old for me, COD is stale, and the same every time. Plus on PS3 if I wanted it again for some dumb reason. Then MS capitolizes on EVERYTHING. Paying $50 a year to get advertised to and shafted at every turn with nothing free until they're forced to do it. Then Major Nelson. Ugh... the whole xbox "culture" needs to go away. They thumb their nose stating they're the best. No. They're the most expensive without reason. You get what you pay for doesn't apply because they are LITERALLY selling thin air with that $50 a year for just XBL.

@Lalanana: Do know what you are talking about? Because GTA didn't make PS3 a system seller. PS3 made PS3 a system seller with all of it's exclusives and alot of other things. GTA is on xbox too.

Speaking of GTA, does anyone think of that commercial in GTA V about the cloud when everyone mentions xbox one's cloud? I keep imagining these uneducated idiots like "It has the cloud though, we're all on the cloud!" yet have absolutely NO IDEA what the cloud is....

steve30x3844d ago

I'll own a PS4 but I will play this game on PC. Just because a person owns a PS4 doesn't mean that they don't own an Xbox One , Xbox360 or PC.

SilentNegotiator3844d ago (Edited 3844d ago )

I can only play Dead Rising 4 and Titanfall 2 with all of their inevitable improvements?


Just another repeat of the 7th gen, I'm sure. Microsoft buys a couple of exclusives that don't reach beyond game 1 and then we get to play all of the improved sequels. Makes it a pretty easy decision for me; skip Xbox, buy PS (like I wish I had done this gen).

titletownrelo3844d ago

"The game comes to pc and xbox 360 but those are the lower end."

BAHAHAHAHA! Because obviously 720p>1080p!!!! XD

CenturyDemolitons3838d ago (Edited 3838d ago )

So im geussing that no one is gonna remember that the steam os willhave its own console. Who needs A new comp ill just try out the new console..wich can play my pc games i already own on steam... Win win for me. I probally should add that even though steam will make their own os i have not seen a date for the Realese of it. Also i expect it to bea few more months after the os realeases before the console dose. But still thats my opinion, who knows maby Titanfall2 will already be out by the time the console is made. I dont know this is just my opinion.

+ Show (60) more repliesLast reply 3838d ago
colonel1793845d ago (Edited 3845d ago )

I guess money real speaks very loudly since third party developers always talk about no more exclusivity deals... until there is money on front. Must of third party developers refuse to put exclusive games (not content) on PlayStation, but they are totally great at putting exclusive games on Xbox. Even EA is doing it now with Titan Fall and Sunset Overdrive.

In short, this is prime example showing how Publishers only want money, and not quality anymore. They don't care anymore about having a great game, they only care how much noney they will make from it. They don't make a new IP to stablish a franchise and recognition over time. They have to have a great calculated profit before they even begin thinking about doing something new and different. And obviously, if there is someone that can give them millions before hand, they won't care, and become their intellectual slaves.

-Alpha3845d ago (Edited 3845d ago )

I don't see how this proves Titanfall isn't a quality game.

Respawn have been working on this game for quite a while. Like most devs, I assume they build a product with the intention of making it a quality title.

If publishers want to work out exclusivity deals, that their business. That doesn't reflect on the quality of the developer's efforts.

As far as I understand, EA is simply publishing, while the developers are exercising good freedom with the direction/vision of what they want the game to be.

Omegasyde3845d ago

What this shows is that EA was full of $@%@% saying they are console agnostic.


I Look forward to Battlefield 4, but after that I am buying all used games if I have to buy a EA game from now. I just pray that the NFL license agreement expires soon.

come_bom3845d ago (Edited 3845d ago )

What about Capcom's PS4 exclusive Deep Down or the just released Beyond two souls for the PS3 from Quantic Dream ... and Quantic Dream's new game for the PS4.

What about Bayonetta 2 and ZombiU for the WiiU.

Sony and Nintendo also pay for and have various 3rd party exclusives.
Stop being so blind!

mhunterjr3845d ago

man, get real. How many great franchises got their wings as Sony Exclusives before going multiplat?

GTA, Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Metal Gear Solid, Tomb Raider, just to name a few.,,

There's nothing wrong with starting out on one console. If anything, it allows the developer to focus. And doing so doesn't hamper innovation at all.

Are you going to complain that Deep Down isn't a multiplatform game? probably not...

Omegasyde3845d ago


Read the link I posted. It's not about the game being exclusive it's about the hypocrisy of EA.

First excuse was the "powa of the clowd" is needed for this game (yet comes out on Xbox360).



Bad Examples.

I get your point but you do realize this game is coming out on 360,Xbox One, and PC right? How is that focusing on one console?

Deep Down is a free to play to game vs Dead Rising 3 which are both published by Capcom and both console exclusive. I guess an even trade? I highly doubt Sony paid money for a free to play game.

@come bon
Bayonetta 2 is published by NINTENDO.
Zombiuu uses the Nintendo game pad which uses an exclusive controller.

MarkusMcNugen3844d ago

What would be the point of releasing a game on only one console, especially a free to play game, if there wasnt something in it for the developer or publisher? If Capcom isnt getting anything from Sony than they are just shooting possible profits in the foot.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3844d ago
B-radical3845d ago

Smart moves MS
Dumb move EA

Bathyj3845d ago

I was thinking the same thing.

Seems dumb for EA to limit the exposure of a potential new franchise for them to milk. I guess the payoff was huge.

One thing we all know for sure now, all the talk of only being possible on the cloud was bollocks. This had nothing to do with hardware and everything to do with money.

black0o3845d ago

it's still a smart move from EA .. NOW they can make $$ without worrying about the adv and sells numbers

AlexanderNevermind3845d ago

I said as much in another thread. Bold move by MS. As they needed to take some of the sting away of the BF4/COD resolution fiasco. These tweets by the dev show I may have been spot on that this move was recent.


4Sh0w3845d ago (Edited 3845d ago )

Exactly as I said above EA could likely make more in the longterm but who can resist a fat garuanteed check today from micro? Still good move by micro because judt looking at the comments you can see this IP has undeniable level of interest. I'll also remind people that micro has deep pockets and always has the potential to buy what ever the can to improve their position.

Kujii3845d ago

Smart move for MS
Safe move for EA

End of the day for EA its money in the bank.

Anyone got a guess to how much you think they got paid?

I think 60mil - 80mil

MajorGecko3845d ago

60-100 million is prob what they spent to make then game I bet its more like 200 million they played 400 million for the NFL tv on Xbox one so its believeable

JackISbacK3844d ago

what the fuck the guy never said that other sequels of titanfall will be on ps4.he only just said that other ips from respawn will be multiplatform and people will be able to play respawn games on ps4 but not titanfall and its sequels at least these devs are not owned by ms ,but this ip must have been byied by ms ,if not so in some time ms will buy the franchise for xbox exclusivity,so these silly news willl be considered false.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3844d ago
come_bom3845d ago (Edited 3845d ago )

I guess Titanfall is not a timed exclusive. Smart move by Microsoft. Too bad for PS4 gamers that wanted to play the game on the PS4. There is always the PC version...

T23839d ago

Meh true it woulda been nice to play on ps4 but guess just gotta wait for 2 or 1.5 lol whichever they count as fulfilling the deal

deadfrag3845d ago (Edited 3845d ago )

The second one will most likely will come with a Single Player portion to play.Im saying this because Respawn have told that one of the reason this game was exclusive and didnt have a SP campain is because the are at the begining of developing the studio and dont have resources like money and man power to devote to a campain portion at this time.So all in all if Microsoft stop trowing fat checks to EA the sequel wil come to the PS4 too.Even liking what i have been seeing of this game I certain will not pay $60,50£ or 69.99€ to play this game been it only SP thats for sure.Even Halo and Killzone have Single player .Ok i understand Respawn its a new studio and this is a new Ip but if its only MP it should cost half the price period.

mhunterjr3845d ago

if the first one sells well without a SP, i doubt the sequel will have it. The whole idea of a game needing both is what is senselessly driving up development costs.

The reason I say its senseless is because with typical online multiplayer games, developers spend so much time an money making SP experiences, yet players spend the lions share of their time in multiplayer.

on the flip side of that, you have developers trying to shoehorn MP into games that don't need it, and both the SP and MP end up suffering.

The industry would be better of if games could focus on what it is that makes them tick. There are some franchises that NEED their MP and their SP backstory (Halo, Killzone, etc), but there are others that only have them because its the status quo (Battlefield, COD etc)

some games should just focus on 1 or the other, and be priced accordingly

spicelicka3845d ago

Well if I was to get a ps4, I would rather know this than have hopes of it coming to ps4.

trywizardo3845d ago (Edited 3845d ago )

i really don't think its gonna be released on PS4
but if it is congrats PS4 owner you'll finally have a AAA game :P

Revolver_X_3845d ago

No thx. KZSF runs 60fps at native 1080p. Nice try though ;)

TENTONGUN3844d ago

titanfall looks fun. but who gives a damn.... most of these next gen games look fun as well. look x1 guys, ms didnt do a damn thing for you in this situation. they did it for themselves period. go thank them for nothing. do you acually care if i get to play it or not since im getting a ps4? hell i dont even care.

stuna13845d ago

To be honest, we all know that pretty much the majority of people on N4G know of TitanFall, but that's just it, people here know of it! What about people outside of this site? If we're going by pre-orders numbers, they are not the amount that suggest that it's going to do gangbusters numbers! And before anyone mentions it's a ways off from release, this is a issue I am well aware off. This itself could pose a problem! Considering the heat Microsoft is taking, by them being surrounded by incompetence and all the damaging situation that they have found themselves embroiled in that after the initial sell through of Xbox1 after the Christmas holiday that everyone will see a sharp downturn in sales. It's already pretty clear that regardless of what people here on N4G may say or think, the Ps4 is the more popular of the two.

If the Xbox1 does see a downturn in sales after the Christmas season it's almost a given that rumbling and rumors, and speculations will start surfacing about a TitanFall port. My statement doesn't just pertain to TitanFall either, pretty much any 3rd party title that is exclusive to the Xbox1 will undergo the same process as far as rumors surfacing about the possibility of a PS4 version. The same thing would have happened to the WII U, had it not been due to the fact that as of now, the WII U is pretty much existing off of its 1st party support! This is why it's not getting the bigger 3rd party titles, because most are looking at it as a risk they are not willing to take!

To be fair the PS4 is not immune to this either! If God forbid, the PS4 suffers extensive damaging setbacks, before, during or, after release; they could also see a downturn in sales which would play out the exact same way it would with the others, where once thought to exclusive titles, someone would mysteriously find hidden code somewhere on the internet that supports the possibility of there being a Xbox1, WII U or PC version out there in the wild.

What I'm really trying to say is 3rd party exclusives are just as much dependent on how well they perform on the platform they are exclusive too, as too how much money changes hands to secure that exclusive! Many developers don't pay attention to the fact that a exclusive that is a life time exclusive is more expensive to them than a timed exclusive! And here is why; a lifetime exclusive that sells below what is paid for that exclusivity is basically restricted to what the developer receives as payment from the platform holder! But a timed exclusive; receives not only payment from the platform holder that owns timed exclusivity, but a profit from every platform that the title is released on after the exclusivity deal has expired, even if the title underperformed on the platform it was initially exclusive to.

mediate-this3844d ago

You actually believe what you wrote? Titan fall will explode, word of mouth is the key to this. Many say its a cod clone but with mechs n jet packs, well thats the sort of thing that will get sheeple going. They masses want cod but they want it with a fresh twist.

Wall running ,jet packing ,mech shooting fun.

HugoDrax3844d ago

"To be honest, we all know that pretty much the majority of people on N4G know of TitanFall, but that's just it, people here know of it! What about people outside of this site? If we're going by pre-orders numbers, they are not the amount that suggest that it's going to do gangbusters numbers! And before anyone mentions it's a ways off from release, "

You're kidding me right? You really think N4G is the reason TitanFall won over 75 awards and the game is still under development? Every gamer has heard of TitanFall. Like seriously, there was 48,000 attendees at E3 alone. Not counting the gamers worldwide who was watching E3 events online.

Second, you bring up pre order numbers, as if that's the determining factor for game sales. Everyone doesn't pre order games you know? I for one will have 2 PS4 game at launch, and 7 XB1 games at launch. If you don't believe me my PSN ID and Gamertag keeps a history of my activity.

Last, you know what else is interesting? I didn't pre order Infamous nor have I pre ordered TitanFall yet. Although, I'm still purchasing both ip's at launch. So understand that you can't determine the success of a franchise based on current pre order numbers.

FITgamer3845d ago

I'm sure it would cost them almost 20% of $1 billion they have set for Xbox one exclusives to cover what the game could make across all platforms. They keep that up and it'll be another 360 situation.

bleedsoe9mm3845d ago

Don't rule out ms Throwing more at EA for an exclusive on Titanfall 2 , especially if Titanfall is moving allot of hardware for MS

ALLWRONG3845d ago

Still begging? It's not coming to the PS4 so... NEXT!

tordavis3844d ago

Lots of crying rivers in this thread.

Rimeskeem3844d ago

thank god it wont have a story so when titanfall 2 comes out ps4 people wont miss out on storyline

tagan8tr3844d ago (Edited 3844d ago )

MICROSOFT= "respawn we want TF exclusive on XO"
RESPAWN= "ok but you have to pay us as much as we would make releasing on XO and PS4"
MICROSOFT= thinking,thinking "Deal"


showtimefolks3844d ago

still buying a ps4 and playing it on PC

but i guess MS wrote a big enough check that EA accepted and Respawn accepted as well. As much as respawn wants to say EA signed the deal they have 110% control over their IP since they are under EA's partners program

if they didn't want to be exclusive to xbox/MS they never had to unless they saw the cehck and thought oh well

Patcher who is wrong more often than right lol, said that for titanfall to be lifetime exclusive MS has to cover the potential sales of the game on ps3/ps4. so just imagine the check MS had to write

yet people can still play it without buying an xbox

HugoDrax3844d ago

"yet people can still play it without buying an xbox"
"Still buying ps4 and playing it on PC"

Yet people can't still play it without supporting Microsoft (windows) & EA (Origin). So enjoy picking up TitanFall on X360 (Microsoft), or enjoy playing TitanFall on PC (Microsoft & EA origin). When it's all said and done, if you want to play this game you will support Microsoft. I for one hope every gamer gets to experience every game they're interested in. Just kill the disappointing comments Sony fanboys. You guys/girls sound butthurt over this news.

PS: Let's not forget Origin allows refunds, and steam doesn't. Also MS mentioned they're working on refund/trade in on digital downloaded games as well. Looks like a partnership brewing between MS/EA. Hate it, or Love it! the underdog MS is on top by securing this franchise.


showtimefolks3844d ago

Underdog MS lol first time I heard that. Their arrogance says nothing about them being underdog

SlyFoxC3844d ago

@AuricGoldfinger it doesnt matter who the publisher is or who makes the OS.

The fact is that people who dont get a X1 can still play the game.

i dont care if it is a microsoft os or whatever you are gloating..

It fact is that if i buy a ps4 i can still play the game regardless of not being on ps4 and the fact that it is on a microsoft system.....

the fact is for those people who arent getting a x1 and dont have a 360 but will be getting a ps4. sure they cant play the game on their console but they can still play the game on another platform i.e. PC. Who cares who makes the OS....you could play this on mac...

the fact is that people regardless of what nex-gen system they are getting can still play Titanfall either way.

people are flaming sooo bad

SuperBlur3844d ago

EA is a big supporter of MS and the original Xbox 1 drm.

they removed their online pass thinking they wouldn't need it anymore.

showtimefolks3844d ago


for last 3 gens EA and sony had an amazing working relationship, but EA wanted what MS had with activision and that was bunch of money for timed exclusive stuff

and i agree EA thought no need for online passes when DRM policies everywhere

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3844d ago
BBBirdistheWord3844d ago (Edited 3844d ago )

Titanfall only on XBO and PC.

Hmmm. I have a PC with i5 3570 and amd7950.
So that means I will be able to play it at near max settings.
Should I get it on PC?
No doubt the PC version will be best.

However, if I get the XBO version I will be able to play it on my 55" TV while reclining in my comfortable lounge... hmmm

I guess if it's anything like BF4, I think I'll go with the xbo. A few extra pixels won't be as fun as the big TV and the recliner. Also looking forward to the ability to issue voice commands with the xbo.

One thing's for sure. PS4 owners without a good PC graphics card and CPU are surely missing out!

That means more graphics cards will be sold.. or, dare I say it, perhaps more XBOs.

tagan8tr3844d ago

Does ur pc not have hdmi? I'll be lounging while my laptop is plugged into TV via hdmi. Any pc bought in the last year or so with halfway decent gpu will play it.

Aceman183844d ago

it's understandable since they don't have 1st studios that create anything else other than halo, forza, and fable. it's the only way microsoft can actually secure new ips.

either way one game is not enough for me to spend 500 even if that game turns out to be a world beater. if i was a PC gamer i'd just get the game for it instead of spending half a grand for it.

Golden_Mud3844d ago

Yeah , I think after it gets all the success , expect some huge money dropped at EA to buy the franchise , expect something like the Halo situation to happen

jeperty3844d ago

I know they say now that the first Titanfall will always be exclusive, but didn't they say the same thing about the first Mass Effect? Maybe it was under different circumstances, I dunno

JoSneak3844d ago (Edited 3844d ago )

Micro$ost can have the IP for all I care, the game is another COD... They think they can buy anything, you know what they can't buy the quality of Sony's first party studios.
Look at Rare! Micro$oft put them to work on freaking Kinect games! what a wasted opportunity! they don't care about their in-house developers,they never will, just take a look at what the Indie dev's have to say about microsoft...
they will just buy IP's because they can't come up with anything that good.
just like Capcom's deadrising and Epic's Gears of war hell even Crytek's Ryse (lol)
They will never match Naughty Dog, Polphony or Sony Santa Monica.

+ Show (19) more repliesLast reply 3838d ago
Kayant3845d ago (Edited 3845d ago )

That's quite shitty for the dev of the game to not even know news like this.... But I guess EA will be EA.

Also #Truthfacts. CBOAT restored loool :p

nukeitall3845d ago

Remember how everyone said because this game is published by EA, it will go multiplatform onto PS4?

Ironically, it turns out EA is the reason why Titanfalls is exclusive!

Epic Games was also a multplatform developer, but all these years, Gears of War was and still is exclusive.

xHeavYx3845d ago

You forgot Mass Effect I see, even if that game was mentioned a million times already

abc12333845d ago

Not really. MS is the reason why Titanfall is "exclusive". If this was up to EA, you can bet that they would want to make as much $$$ as possible. I.e. releasing it on more platforms, especially the PS3 with its massive userbase.

nukeitall3845d ago


I donæt think there is any doubt when both the publisher and the developer says it is *lifetime* exclusive.

Better wait for Titanfalls 2, but it might go the way of Gears of War exclusivity.

Mass Effect was not confirmed *lifetime* exclusive. It clearly was just time exclusive at best, but hey even if titanfalls come to PS4, we would have all moved onto something better.

IcicleTrepan3845d ago

If Titanfall does well enough I can see MS trying to buy Respawn up.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3845d ago
abc12333845d ago

One would think that after being dismissed by one bad publisher, they wouldn't then go and work with an even worse one.

Majin-vegeta3845d ago (Edited 3845d ago )

Hmm sounds awfully familiar....

@Abrial Exactly.

LEOPARD10303845d ago (Edited 3845d ago )

LOL ! I'm thinking the same Mass Effect. C'mon is EA, PS4 will reach the 10 millions of consoles during 2014 and they will release the game, for sure, EA is has a good vision $_$

Pandamobile3845d ago

Well, the first Mass Effect was published by Microsoft before EA bought Bioware.

black0o3845d ago

TitanFall GOTY edition lol

mhunterjr3845d ago

nah, this is very different from Mass Effect. MS published Mass Effect 1, and went Multiplat only after Bioware was purchased by EA.

also in this case, Respawn is still an independent developer and EA doesn't own the TitanFall IP, just the right to publish titanfall 1.

For all we know TitanFall2 will be published by Microsoft... Or even Sony for that matter

BBBirdistheWord3844d ago

@ Majin-vegeta

Metal Gear Solid?
Final Fantasy?

pyramidshead3845d ago (Edited 3845d ago )

Well the rumours did state it was a year timed exclusive... and seeing as EA has stated this franchise will be annualised...well that sorta all fits into place now doesn't it :).

Hopefully the second one won't look like ass either ¬_¬ or at least upgraded to something better than source engine.

3845d ago
nukeitall3845d ago

I doubt they would be able to annualize this game, but suspect Respawn would just iterate on it, by adding more modes and maps for a long time.

Even when CoD was annualized it required two teams and massive re-use of mature technology deep into the console cycle.

Jazz41083844d ago (Edited 3844d ago )

This is a fun bunch of comments to read. I finallly can sit back on n4g and smile. Notice I said smile as I dont go around hating on inadamant objects or corps that make me NO money. This is just fun and makes me smile wide. This is a fact and everyday articles on here run with rumos and hope the negatives against ms are true. I also think that gafs boat sunk along time ago. In otherwards find something else todo besides hate to on other peoples opinions that are diffrent from theres. Gotta love America.

thebudgetgamer3845d ago (Edited 3845d ago )

I think that is stupid, especially if the story carries over. Might as well just leave it.

Deadpoolio3845d ago

What story? It's a MP only title it has no campaign...It's going to do well because it's basically infinity ward but because it has no campaign it's not going to be a sky rocketing success, MP only titles never do

thebudgetgamer3845d ago

I totally forgot about that, thanks for reminding me.

mhunterjr3845d ago

False. It's multiplayer only, but you still play through as campaign. instead of just typical deathmatches and such, the skirmishes play out as levels in the campaign. There are two stories being told, one for each side of the conflict.

Show all comments (293)

15 Underrated FPS Games You May Want to Try

Popularized by Doom in 1993 and still making video game haters gnash their teeth today, first-person shooter games are the best thing to happen to gamers since pizza rolls. So here are 15 underrated first-person shooter games you may have missed.

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Jiub608d ago

Although the late 2000s Turok wasn't my favorite, I would love a new entry. Open world survival with shotguns and dinosaurs. Not sure how we'd get the fusion cannon, but that would be pretty sweet too.

MadLad608d ago


All of these games are pretty much universally praised. Outside of Timeshift I literally own all of these.

Venoxn4g608d ago (Edited 608d ago )

XIII, The Darkness 2, Far Cry: Blood Dragon, Timesplitters: future perfect, Bulletstorm are awesome games

gurp8d ago

I played them all, they are all good in their own way
I used to be obsessed with FPS games


An ode to Titanfall: The last twitch shooter I'll probably ever enjoy

Windows Central: "Titanfall 1 is being sunset, taken off storefronts by EA. While the servers remain live for now, one has to wonder just how much time it has left. I look back and pay tribute to the last "twitch"-styled shooter I ever truly loved."

Read Full Story >>

Respawn Entertainment is Discontinuing Sales of Original Titanfall

Sales for the original Titanfall are being discontinued.
It will be pulled from subscription services on March 1, 2022.

Ethereal889d ago

Physical media. Unfortunately the way games are going these days game servers will eventually be shut down and you can stare at the menu and wish you could play the game again.

littletad888d ago

This is why reading is so important. Nothing to do with digital or physical media. The game, which is online only, is being delisted because of DDOS and other hacker attacks. The case got so bad that only six players in the world log on. For PC. Rather than fix it, they continued to sell the game, broken as it is, and only now just decided to call it quits. But please, go on thinking what you will.

Ethereal887d ago

I'm aware of the DDOS attacks and that this case is not typical. This game would eventually have it's servers shutdown regardless of the current situation so that is a moot point. My comment was in a general sense and that there are instances in which games can be preserved physically when official support ends.

Let's recap your first sentence. I said, "the way GAMES are going these days" indicating a broader stroke than just this game. I agree, reading IS important. I was simply stating the obvious downsides of the digital marketplaces and online only trends in games these days. I could even make the argument that the online only offering which has allowed hacker manipulation has impacted the preservation of this great game. My comment is valid in the general sense and thank you for your permission to continue to think what I will.