
TitanFall Runs At 720p on Xbox One: Leaker Issue Clarification, Also Comment on Rumor Sources

GP: Earlier today gaming community was hit by a massive rumor that "Call of Duty: Ghosts and TitanFall on Xbox One runs at 720p". It was started by a popular NeoGaf user "fam0usmortimer".

Xbox fans were not at all happy with this and accused "Famousmortimer" of being "Anti-Microsoft and Anti-Xbox". Seeing this RAGE of Xbox fans, fam0usmortimer via AMA on Reddit has issued a clarification of "Call of Duty: Ghosts and TitanFall on Xbox One runs at 720p" rumor.

ZBlacktt3852d ago (Edited 3852d ago )

Down to one month to go and all hell breaks loose on the X1.

If all this is true, it will be found out with in the first weeks of the console being out. There are hundreds if not thousands of testers just waiting to get their hands on both systems to run tests. This would be a big deal news breaker if it does become proven. Which again, it will be if true. Both systems are going to get tested and tested hard.

Good luck getting this story approved, lol.

theBAWSE3852d ago

I don't see why people are surprised?

we all knew Microsoft PR was just that... bull

if you think it's hot now just wait until the consoles are torn down an the truth about both consoles power is revealed... Microsoft have a shit storm ahead, which wouldn't have been so bad if it wasn't for all the lies

but regardless of resolution people will buy what they prefer so I wish xbone owners the best and ps4 owners the best.. let's enjoy the new generation

nukeitall3851d ago

The internet explodes based on a rumor from a guy that doesn't even feel good about their own source:

"Famousmortimer: I can't get into specifics even slightly about who it was because a blacklist from activision could murder any game based website. But I can say that, no, he/she isn't like a digital foundry pixel counter. I don't know how the 720p number was come up with, whether it's a guess or was told... and at this point if I asked I would get silence."

and then again:

"That said... this was done with one source and I never felt great about it. I teased it because, honestly, I'm dumb and couldn't control myself. There was a thread that was vaguely about what I heard and what I was trying to find a second source for and I teased and Bishop (the head mod at gaf) gave me a real hard time about it. So when I got home I said what I knew even though I didn't have a second source. As for other folks like Thuway and whoever else.... I have no idea if they have real sources or not. I wouldn't be surprised if my story just made it in a circle so many times that I'm the same source to like 9 different people who all think i'm someone different. The internet is stupid."

This is what fangirls are spreading and whereas straight from the developer, they say 1080p at 60fps on Xbox One:



theBAWSE3851d ago (Edited 3851d ago )


yup because things can't change cough 'Microsoft constant 180s' cough

ryse USED to be 1080p

infinity ward could have hit the bottle necks of the xbone architecture as that link you posted was in June

but if all is fine then the famous or whatever his name is on neogaf will lose a lot of credibility

ooquis3851d ago

A wise man once told me. YOU don't choose the console....the console choose YOU.

Gazondaily3851d ago

How sketchy is this "source"? Seriously, anyone could make that up.

Ah well. Time will tell.

GiggMan3851d ago

All of these talks about 1080's 900's and 720p's make me appreciate Killzone Shadowfall even more. I also can't wait for conformation or denial on all these rumors...

Eonjay3851d ago


Microsoft could EASILY kill this rumor. Or Respawn or Infinity Ward. NOBODY is stepping up.

BBBirdistheWord3851d ago


well two things can happen from here.

1. The game runs at 720p as predicted by the rumour.
2. The game runs at >720p and the rumour monger looks like a fool and so do all the fanboys jumping on this like it's a religious experience.

All we can do is wait and see.
Let them have their fun.

If the rumour is true, then I too am disappointed.
In all likelihood though, this rumour is just a way for some tryhard on a forum to get attention from loud fanboys and for hit seeking websites to milk hits from gullible gamers.

NewMonday3851d ago (Edited 3851d ago )


This is confirmed by multiple sources

MS officials refuse to deny the news

Most 3rd party games only demoed on PS4 , including CoD, a game that has exclusive marketing with Xbox

What CBOAT was warning us about is happening, most games will only be 720p on XB1, gamers who expect 1080p for most games need to know this now, MS trying to muzzle this fact will only cause another scandal after the XB1 is released and gamers feel betrayed

GribbleGrunger3851d ago (Edited 3851d ago )

@Septic: I don't think many people are aware of the Gaf rules. If an insider can't provide proof of a legitimate source then they are immediately banned. One you get the 'read my PM' message, then you'd better be prepared to share your source. Famousmortimer has had such PM requests and is still posting on Gaf. Rumour without any source is scorned on by the mods. Many people have fallen foul of the ban hammer in the last few months for that very reason. This is why CBOAT and Famousmortimer are believed more often than not.

FamilyGuy3851d ago (Edited 3851d ago )

I'd be surprised if either of these rumors were true. Titanfall isn't a graphical showcase to be struggling to hit 1080p. Fun as it may be it just isn't "next gen" in the visual department.

COD Ghost would be a surprise because they've already outright said that it would be 1080p 60fps and while it looks better than current gen it's also not some huge jump that should make the new system struggle.

I do believe in the rumor that the majority of X1 games will be under 1080p. X1 was built with "the best upscaler ever created" for a reason. They knew that this was something their system would have a problem with.

True or false makes no difference to me, we'll know all there is to know about all these games and both systems in a month or less. With next gen games already going gold and retail model systems already seen in the wild it's just a matter of time. I'd bet that we hear all this info within 2 weeks time actually.

awesomeperson3851d ago (Edited 3851d ago )

Call of Duty on Xbox One will definitely be running at 720p. Confirmed by numerous insiders on Neogaf.

Titanfall is more up in the air, I believe it was just CBOAT who mentioned it. That holds a lot of weight, going by his past rumours. I believe even Respawn said they were targeting frame rate above resolution?

The Titanfall one could certainly change, still a while until it releases. For it to hit 900p would be good.

EDIT: Another pooint of evidence for the COD situation: there has been no denial. If it was, in fact, running above 720p, it would immediately be rejected. Rumours like this hurt sales, and it would not be left to fester.

I don't believe it will change - there simply isn't enough time before launch.

Gazondaily3851d ago


Ah I see. Thanks for that. I would have known all that if Neogaf authorised my bloody account! Ah well, here's hoping the rumours aren't true. The source himself seems unsure about it so.....we shall see.

VENOMACR12273851d ago

Idk what the huge deal is. 720 or 1080, it's not the end of the world. Either way the game will look awesome and play awesome and be game of the year, well before PS fans get their hands on it. I'll take 720 and a March release, enjoy Killzone.

hiphopisdead3851d ago

cod ghosts and titanfall both do not look like graphical powerhouses... i expect them both to run 1080p 60fps on both xbone and ps4.

ZBlacktt3851d ago

More then aware, 35 years of watching launches, lol. But yes like I said.

darthv723851d ago


Lets all agree that it wont run any less than 720p.

XboxFun3851d ago

I have a some better questions...

Why should we care?

Will it take away any of the anticipation and awesomness of the game?

Will it make anyone not want to play it any less?

Now, instead of MS having exclusives, now the argument has shifted to every game must be in 1080p?

So are we moving the goal posts again?

And I like to point out that once again, looking at the comments above me, the only one's concerned are the sony fanboys on que to blow up these rumors. One minute they're wishing this game to hurry and come to the PS4, the next breath they're downplaying it as a CoD with mechs and now bashing it for a rumor of 720p. The SDF are very emotionally conflicted.

pyramidshead3851d ago

@gribble pretty much nailed it.

From all the development from yesterday all arrows are on IW and MS to confirm and all they've done is dance around it. It's pretty much confirmed but I'm waiting for that curve ball to break the internet if it turns out to be the reverse. I mean I prefer the Sony side of things but holy shit that would send internet seismic tremours along all of the wifi.

H0RSE3851d ago (Edited 3851d ago )


I like how only MS has a "shit storm" ahead of them after people start analyzing the consoles. As if they're gonna look into the PS4 and be like, "Wow! Everything ever said about the console, is 100% accurate!"

It's ironic to see console players taking such an interest in comparing hardware specs, yet denounce PC players as "elitist" when they do the same thing...

@monday below

"What CBOAT was warning us about is happening, most games will only be 720p on XB1, gamers who expect 1080p for most games need to know this now..."

The funny thing is that most games won't be 1080p on EITHER console, at least not at 60fps, which is arguably more important than the resolution.

toddybad3851d ago

So you are decided that this random person posting complete guff must be accurate based on an interview in which he continues to speak absolute guff in the hope people will still take him seriously despite the total amount of guffness which he has posted? There's not on iota of evidence behind any of this!
Whether it's true or not is irrelevant. All you've been offered is a few words backed up with nothing but you've decided to fall for it hook, line and sinker. Bizzare.

loulou3851d ago (Edited 3851d ago )

gaf aint the be all and end all, and these guys aint right all the time.

but what make these rumours even harder to swallow is the absolutely abysmal ps4 cod ghosts footage on ign.

jesus, it looks terrible (not the ps4s fault btw).

titanfall is also running on a 10yr old engine.

i dont believe it. bf4 absolutely, terrible looking cod no way. titanfall i doubt as well

Sevir3851d ago

I want to say I don't believe him because COD isn't a game that's breaking any boundaries on any platform. Ruben stated that Black Ops 2 was running at 1080p on Wii U at E3 last year only for DF to prove that the game was running code ported from the 360 as its base and was running at 720p and then upscaled. But This guy was the one that broke the news on Driveclub being delayed and just 2 days later Sony Announced it!

He has some cred, more cred than a lot of people give him credit for! News Broke about Ryse getting a downgrade and then MS's own First party Confirmed it along with crytek! So I am led to believe.

Its just crazy really, when you think about this whole thing and IW choosing to show of COD on the PS4 instead of the platform that they struck a partnership with, it makes you scratch your head and go "HMM"

Even with a spec bump with over clocking the CPU and the GPU MS's XBOX One seems to still be lacking. Drivers for the console must still being ironed out when they are 30 days from launch! I cannot wait for DF to benchmark all the games... I hope they have staffed up. because That's 6 platform to benchmark performance. And i'm telling you now. MS and these Developers who aren't "allowed" to talk specs and resolution will not be able to hide under the shadows for too much longer!


dantesparda3851d ago (Edited 3851d ago )

Downgrade, after downgrade, after more downgrades. Bad news after bad news, after more bad news. And you fanboys just keep on defending it hard. You's must really love MS

UltimateMaster3851d ago (Edited 3851d ago )

Are we really getting to this?

We are interviewing, a guy that posted a rumor.

*Sigh* Not the biggest fan of the Xbox One with all the bad policies, but come on! This is ridiculous.

If a game is 720, 900 or 1080. 20fps, 30fps or 60fps, I want to know from the developers themselves.

There has been some credible sources in the past, but stuff like downgrading Ryse from 150k to 85k came directly from Crytek themselves.
Or when the developers of KI was 720p, or when Ryse was confirmed 900p.
Those sources came from the developers.

I don't want to hear rumors about some guy of some friend that heard this from his neighbor's COD dog who's owner knows a guy that works there that he's somewhat sure if it is or isn't true.
And surely not interview the guy...

To my eyes, it looks 720p at best 900p, certainly 60 frames per second regardless but that's just me imo. I won't go off telling others info I'm not 100% sure of.

dantesparda3851d ago

hmm, so since the x1 can barely do 900p, now its the 60 fps thats so important. Fanboys are so fake and pathetic!

Soc53851d ago

Not calling u out specifically but what's with everybody saying ps4 people or xbox people. Plenty of people now own both 360 and the ps3, and I'm sure that will happen again with the new consoles. What's with all the silly competition and trolling and picking sides? They're just gaming consoles not political ideas or parties. Be on the side of good games not on the side of corporations that make a game system. If I see a good game ill play it irregardless of the brand.

Ritsujun3851d ago

Not surprising AT ALL. =DDD

+ Show (24) more repliesLast reply 3851d ago
Thatguy-3103851d ago (Edited 3851d ago )

My only question is why is the xbox one at 500$ and the ps4 only 400$? Is the high price point just so they can maximize there profit for each console sold? If the system doesn't sell well after the holiday I guarantee they will do a nintendo and give it a drastic price cut.

GarrusVakarian3851d ago (Edited 3851d ago )



Maybe then it's a combination then of the price for the tech and MS wanting to make a profit (naturally). I agree completely about a kinect-less SKU, i have no desire to pay for a kinect that i will never plug in and im guessing many others feel the same way.

Thatguy-3103851d ago (Edited 3851d ago )

I was thinking that but even then separate both and I doubt kinect 2.0 would be worth 100$ as a stand alone item. Heck the first kinect was 150$ when it came out. They will have to release a kinectless sku if they want to compete. The whole foundation that they were going for next gen crumbled. I guess the third console curse is real.

ElementX3851d ago (Edited 3851d ago )

I think they are charging more because of Kinect and paying fees for using Bluray. Nobody seems to mention Bluray fees and I'm not sure what those fees cost.

kneon3851d ago


Bluray royalties are likely under a dollar, there are $50 bluray players out there so that's not the reason it costs more.

The XB1 has Kinect included along with the HDMI in port and the hardware to support it. That is where the money is going.

Brazz3851d ago (Edited 3851d ago )

Kinectic in addition, the roytles the BluRay also be placed in line production costs. Keep in mind that microsoft is primarily a software company, not electronics, such as the sony. I have no doubt that Sony's production costs are lower, there must be a difference of up to $ 10-20 per unit production costs due to production capacity.

ElementX3851d ago

@kneon I just read that in 2009 licensing fees for a Bluray player were $9.50 I haven't found any updated licensing fees.

DevilishSix3851d ago


To answer your question yes. Currently they sell the Kinect for what a $100 and it probably costs $10 to make. With the Kinect bundled in X1 MS makes even more money and MS came out and said awhile back that they will make money day one on hardware sales. Sony will lose money day one.

It bothers me being mostly a 360 gamer this gen, I was one of only 10 people to have the 360 in my area on that chilly November day in 2005, that all the hardware stats favor PS4, which shows were MS priority was when developing this console and Mattrick is gone because of it.

I am getting a PS4 first, it's cheaper and you are getting what you pay for. I will have an eye out for that Kinectless X1 for $350 around next summer.

pete0073851d ago

have you ever read my posts? kid, this so called next gen, has a start completelly different from all others before.
lets see ps1 sold more than 100 millions
ps2 200 millions
ps3 80 millions
sega went out of business
multibillionaire microsoft gets into business with xbox not selling more than 20/30 nmillions mostly in US.

now lets see those 80 million ps3 sold:
SOny bled money till the last one, playstation division have posted losses 7 years in a row, ps3 gen didnt happen as expected, sony didnt capitalise enough to continue in house development and went after AMD.
microsoft did well with 360, cheap hardware makes more profits and invested on kinect, to go after nintendo audience as well.
sony 400 dollar console is a sign that sony have not margin for mistakes, cant let microsoft lead the way. must have a strong install base so they can keep game devs on their side because pockets are empty to buy their simpathy. i believe sony is loosing nmoney at start on each console, but later will catch up, microsoft decided not to loose any dime on each console because they know market is evoluting agressivly with steam, nvidia, mobile devices, pads, etc, so if they need to launch quickly a new gen on about 5 years or so they dont loose money and are capable of a new cicle sooner than later,

jacksons983851d ago

Xbox costs more because MS has the attitude that people will pay it. MS has never been shy about over charging their customers.
In my opinion the better specs of the PS4 more than make up for the extra expense of Kinect. PS4 is the better value, nobody can argue that especially if you throw in PS+

nukeitall3851d ago

The high cost on the Xbox One are due to:

* more Research & Development cost for almost everything. MS spent $100 million researching the controller alone. Think about the cost of Kinect R&D and how tailored the Xbox One. It's got to run into the billions.

* Kinect hardware is quite advanced, with cutting edge technology. For instance, the Time of Flight technology is used to measure light distance travelled!

* The semiconductor parts in the Xbox One are highly customized. For instance, the CGPU is a 5 billion transistor chip. That is got to be expensive to produce.

* Features! The Xbox One has some very neat features, but there are huge cost to develop, test and push this technology out.

Put simply, the Xbox One unlike other consoles is a huge leap in terms of what is really offered. The whole console is designed around features, as opposed to one big hulking pixel pusher.

That is why the Xbox One cost so much, and if it doesn't sell well, MS might just have to start packing in a game, or dropping the price.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3851d ago
nukeitall3851d ago

The internet explodes based on:

"Famousmortimer: I can't get into specifics even slightly about who it was because a blacklist from activision could murder any game based website. But I can say that, no, he/she isn't like a digital foundry pixel counter. I don't know how the 720p number was come up with, whether it's a guess or was told... and at this point if I asked I would get silence."

and then again:

"That said... this was done with one source and I never felt great about it. I teased it because, honestly, I'm dumb and couldn't control myself. There was a thread that was vaguely about what I heard and what I was trying to find a second source for and I teased and Bishop (the head mod at gaf) gave me a real hard time about it. So when I got home I said what I knew even though I didn't have a second source. As for other folks like Thuway and whoever else.... I have no idea if they have real sources or not. I wouldn't be surprised if my story just made it in a circle so many times that I'm the same source to like 9 different people who all think i'm someone different. The internet is stupid."

This is what fangirls are spreading and whereas straight from the developer, they say 1080p at 60fps on Xbox One:



GarrusVakarian3851d ago (Edited 3851d ago )

No one is spreading it as fact, don't you see everyone saying "if", this is a rumour and we are treating it as such.

majiebeast3851d ago

"Tuesday, 11 June 2013"

Things change i remember KI and Ryse being 1080P.

MightyNoX3851d ago Show
Eonjay3851d ago

No the internet exploded because of this:

yewles13851d ago

Oh how quickly we forget... remember Black Ops 2 on Wii U? Recap.

First, there was this:

Then, there was this:

Then finally this:

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
-George Santayana

Mr_Writer853851d ago


Can you show me the part where developer says 1080p?

They are quoted on the 60FPS, but only EG themselves mention 1080p.

Also that was done in June, it could of been downgraded.

So maybe you should stop being a fanboy.

imt5583851d ago (Edited 3851d ago )

Hey bithches!! Of course the COD : Ghost is running at 1080p/60 fps on XO.

Check the date of that article :


Published Tuesday, 11 June 2013

And you know what? XO games running on PC's with Nvidia GTX 7xx GPU. Oh man!!!



Even Crytek admits that Ryse was running on PC before :


If you understands what Crytek saying. So, rumors are true. COD : Ghosts and Titanfall run at 720p.
YOU WON'T SEE MY MONEY, MICROSOFT! I want next-gen standard on new consoles.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3851d ago
CRAIG6673851d ago

I couldn't care less if it's 720, the graphics aint all that anyway, I buy games to have fun not freak out over resolutions... I will let all the my little sony fanboys take care of that.

ion533851d ago

Why the fuck, when anything bad happens to the XbOne, do us Sony fan(BOYS) get blamed?

BBBirdistheWord3851d ago (Edited 3851d ago )

Holy crap how did this get approved?

a rumour on top of another rumour from an anonymous and unreliable forum poster?

Come on N4g. lame. so lame. Kids stuff.

True_Samurai3851d ago (Edited 3851d ago )

Funny how this rumor comes out after we began to get some TF news. Hmm Sound like some shill smear campaign

Studio-YaMi3851d ago

Let's be honest here,Albert Penello himself can't even give a solid answer to this question,how would you reach his answer if you read his latest comment on Twitter ?


I would say he's giving away the answer and just saying that the rumors are true,I hope not but his answer is just cringe worthy.

malokevi3851d ago (Edited 3851d ago )

lol, yep. Getting sad, now. And with the Titanfall announcement yesterday... hmmmmm....

""I've seen COD: Ghosts running on Xbox One. It looks f'n amazing. Wait for real footage, then judge for yourself." "

That's.... confirmation? ahahahaha.

This whole episode reeks of desperation. Not surprising, since the ONE worthwhile PS4 launch exclusive is now shrouded in fog... literally.

BBBirdistheWord3851d ago (Edited 3851d ago )

@ studio

"I would say he's giving away the answer "

i would strongly disagree, sorry
That is not the message of the twitter I read.

It might be the message, if you frame it in the context of rumours, fear mongering and fanboy rants that precede the twitter.

That may be worth some deep thought.

scott1823851d ago (Edited 3851d ago )


The "ONE worthwhile PS4 launch exclusive" If you are talking about Killzone because people keep praising it and it getting so much attention, I agree that it looks very worthwhile and extremely fun, I am very excited to play it.

But I will be picking up a ton of other exclusive that I consider worthwhile, just my opinion but the PS4 has the games I want at launch...

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3851d ago
2cents3851d ago

This sort of news is only a problem for people who need numbers to justify their ego.

The only time this will affect me is if the games dont look better that the 360 counterparts. Which I can confidently say will not be the case.

Sure it's nice for bragging rights to have the full bell n whistle but some take these things way too seriously.

otherZinc3851d ago

Phil Spencer is right "I don't know what 3rd parties are doing, I know what our 1st parties are doing".

This is why Forza 5 is releasing on time at 1080p "native" 60fps and Drive Club is releasing sometime in 2014.

You can only control the quality of your company, if others want to slackoff, can't help that.

Drekken3851d ago

Forza 5 will be a mess on release. Bookmark my comment so you can come back after release and tell me how the jaggies and screen tearing look.

imt5583851d ago

Well, Driveclub will be released in early 2014 : january or february.


January or February are still launch PS4 months in some countries.

scofios3851d ago


In fantasyland your right.

forcefullpower3851d ago


Spot on and this is why Gaf is considered the place to go to get rumours and dispel OR bullcrap.

Only people I see that hate gaf are the ones that get banned.

malokevi3851d ago

"all hell breaks loose"

lol. You're kidding... right?

"Q: What do you think about this rumor? I know you said that you don't know if it's true or not, but you must have a feeling about it. Do you believe this rumor or not?

Famousmortimer: Earlier in the day I didn't. The non-answers from Albert are making me think it's true. For those who follow gaf you know I had the driveclub thing also.... and each non-answer was further proof (or, at the very least, relaxed me... not wanting to be wrong on a big stage is nerve wracking)."

This is nothing short of SonyGaf reacting to the Titanfall release date, and a lack of exclusive launch titles. Some serious grasping at straws both here and there.

Pennelo said of COD:

"I've seen COD: Ghosts running on Xbox One. It looks f'n amazing. Wait for real footage, then judge for yourself."

RYSE running at 900p, and you are all convinced Titanfall and COD are 720P based on... an absence of evidence?

lol. Slavestation faithful getting more desperate by the day! "ITS ALL OVER! ahahahaha.

scott1823851d ago

Funny you say slavestation when Sony are the ones that allow devs to take their time to finish games, and MS has devs crunch to get games done for launch (crytek) and not allowing for a life.

KontryBoy7063851d ago

LOL hell's BEEN breaking loose on the XB1 since Microsoft opened their mouths about it

BallsEye3851d ago

Seriously, these games run on 360 in 720p and you really believe XBox One version will same share resolution? REALLY? You're delusional.

N4realGMRZ3851d ago

Ohh N4G! your Sony fan are about as silly as Fox News viewers ....interviewing a man who spread a rumor from a source he isn't sure about....Stupidity clearly has no bounds....is is boarder line libel.

scott1823851d ago

A Sony fan did the interview? Interesting.

N4realGMRZ3850d ago

Someone who can't seem to put 2 and 2 together on N4G, interesting.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 3850d ago
Walker3851d ago

Oh my god, bad news for xbox fans :(

Here we go ...

jatakk3851d ago

Infinity Ward themselves have said that XboxOne version runs 60fps@1080p so there are NO bad news, only if you believe in false fanboy rumours!


Studio-YaMi3851d ago

That was 4 months ago,they could have said that not knowing that they may counter this res problem that the XboxOne is having.

Let's just wait for a confirmation from IW or MS regarding these rumors about 720p.

Xsilver3851d ago

her they said ryse will be 1080p http://n4g.com/news/1354297...
and we know things changed so for now i think you guys should wait for confirmation from activision.

BallsEye3851d ago

it's not news, it's bull rumors. Here let me start a blog and write crap about the other systems and make it NEWS on n4g. Also , it was confirmed to run 1080p 60fps on XO by infinity ward.

ziggurcat3851d ago

"it was confirmed to run 1080p 60fps on XO by infinity ward"

link, please.

upscaled 1080p =/= native 1080p, and we all know that xbone upscales all games to 1080p (confirmed by greenberg himself).

GarrusVakarian3851d ago

If this is true, then that is mind boggling. How could it be 720p? It looks like great fun but it doesn't look all that technically demanding to be honest. Should have no problem running it at 1080 60fps.

Either way i will buy and play it, it looks like alot of fun.

BX813851d ago

That tells me devs don't know how to properly get the most out of the hardware yet. That's just my opinion. Also who are these clowns acting like a 720p game is trash? I love how the droids come out of their holes to drag there knuckles. Oh poor xbox fans the resolution of a game is 720p not 1080p.... These poor Xbox fans will be playing Cod/BF4/ryse and dead rising come launch day. Those games look great and fun. To all the xbox fans in denial. The ps4 is stronger no doubt but the Xbox has just as many good looking games that are just as fun..... Oh yeah meh!

Gr1mmyshadows3851d ago

it's because fanboys need something to bash on, plain and simple. they dont like the hardware so they want to make it seem like it the worst thing ever

3851d ago Replies(1)
majiebeast3851d ago (Edited 3851d ago )

"As first party I don't get builds of 3rd party games. I know what our 1st party games are doing."

So wait Phil Spencer doesnt know whats going on with third party games(TitanFall) and he is pretty much top of the food chain at Microsoft.

But Adam Boyes VP, Publisher & Developer Relations at Sony knows exactly whats going on with Destiny,Elder scrolls online and other games.

So a few conclusions i could draw.

- Lying his ass off and knowing exactly that both Titanfall and Ghost will run at 720P.
- Really not knowing whats up with their biggest console exclusive game for 2014 which is extremely weird when so much is riding on it.
- Sony is more hands on with third party devs/publishers while Microsoft isnt.

cleft53851d ago (Edited 3851d ago )

Either way Microsoft comes off looking weak in a time when they need to appear strong. 720P isn't a big deal, but when they try to pretend it is something that it isn't people will use it against them.

Their PR is doing a terrible job and just making them look really bad. They could easily have just said it was going to be 720P so there could be a greater level of detail and AI interaction.

majiebeast3851d ago

Its a pretty big deal when 8 year old tech runs on the same resolution as the brand new one. Also every TV is now fullHD not 720P.

NexGen3851d ago

Of course this is a big deal. The console's consistent inability to hit 1080 makes this no better than the 8 year old xbox. Why buy the bone then?

Mikeyy3851d ago

Somebody at neogaf speculated that ms honestly doesn't know about their 3rd parties because the 3rd parties are keeping them out of the loop. They just don't want to share the bad news with Microsoft because they are a vindictive company. The console pairity rule won't hold water after the next gen sales numbers go public and official. Ms won't have a pedistool to stand on and won't be able to refuse a game if the ps4 version looks and plays better.

That rule alone shows ms cares nothing for the industry, or the hobby. Trying to cripple your opponent just "because". Regardless if his canvas is larger or not.

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15 Underrated FPS Games You May Want to Try

Popularized by Doom in 1993 and still making video game haters gnash their teeth today, first-person shooter games are the best thing to happen to gamers since pizza rolls. So here are 15 underrated first-person shooter games you may have missed.

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Jiub608d ago

Although the late 2000s Turok wasn't my favorite, I would love a new entry. Open world survival with shotguns and dinosaurs. Not sure how we'd get the fusion cannon, but that would be pretty sweet too.

MadLad608d ago


All of these games are pretty much universally praised. Outside of Timeshift I literally own all of these.

Venoxn4g608d ago (Edited 608d ago )

XIII, The Darkness 2, Far Cry: Blood Dragon, Timesplitters: future perfect, Bulletstorm are awesome games

gurp8d ago

I played them all, they are all good in their own way
I used to be obsessed with FPS games


All Call of Duty Games Ranked from Worst to Best

BLG writes: "Call of Duty has to be the most recognizable franchise on the planet. They didn’t get that way by only making a handful of games.

COD has a long and storied career. Launching as a PC WW2 first-person shooter, Call of Duty has gone through numerous makeovers and been on just about every system. The series has gone through some serious highs and tragic lows. I’ll be looking at each Call of Duty game, the good the bad, and the ugly."

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UnSelf813d ago

Vanguard better be at the fkn bottom. Can’t believe ppl haven’t eviscerated that game with all its lacking

Minimoth813d ago

Yeah, it's close to the bottom. There are a couple of worse ones. Infinite Warfare definitely deserves its place.

KyRo813d ago

There's a number a lot worse than Vangaurd. It's also a lot better than that car crash Treyarch released before it.

XbladeTeddy813d ago

World at War is my favourite. Didn't know the N-Gage had a Call of Duty.

MadLad812d ago

Same for me.
I was never huge into Call of Duty, but I sunk a lot of time into WaW.
Both the campaign and the multiplayer are on point. Wouldn't mind a remaster.

I quit on CoD for a long while. Though I'm the odd man out that actually really enjoyed the campaign for WWII, being I got it through Humble monthly way back when.

TheLigX813d ago

I really enjoyed the Infinite campaign. Multiplayer... not so much.

Yppupdam813d ago

I agree, The Infinite campaign feels more like it's own thing that they slapped the CoD name on. If it stood on it's own, (sans the CoD name) I think it could have been it's own scifi franchise. And a damn good looking game, to boot. I never bothered to play the multiplayer.

victorMaje813d ago

MW 2019 apart from the desastrous file sizes is way better than AW.

MadLad812d ago

That was one I grabbed for Playstation because it pretty much just came out during the Redbox purge of videogames, and I got it for dirt cheap.

It was great coming home to an update every night, and watching one game eat up almost half my console's memory.

Amplitude813d ago (Edited 813d ago )

Will get disagrees but Infinite Warfare campaign was really good. Decent story, set pieces were amazing and if it didn't have the CoD game on it I'm sure people would have been more into it. Advanced Warfare was alright too. Titanfall 2 was just 1000 times better than both but I enjoyed them for their campaigns. I literally barely gaf about the story I'm in it for the set pieces and 5 hours of being stoned watching cool nonsense happen if I'm in the mood to play a CoD campaign. If I'm looking for a deep plot I'm gonna go somewhere else.
Ghosts was the worst story-wise though lol that cliffhanger ending was so bs.

Also MW 2019 was sick and is one of the best CoD games in yeeeears not sure why it's so low on this dude's list. Campaign was great, multiplayer was great and Warzone was fun for a while. Over it now but shrugs.

Beat the Vanguard campaign too but I can't even remember a single thing about it other than that it felt like it was 45 minutes long. Might be the most forgettable thing I've ever played lol just fully erased from my brain

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An ode to Titanfall: The last twitch shooter I'll probably ever enjoy

Windows Central: "Titanfall 1 is being sunset, taken off storefronts by EA. While the servers remain live for now, one has to wonder just how much time it has left. I look back and pay tribute to the last "twitch"-styled shooter I ever truly loved."

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