
Game companies, devs, and more comment on Yamauchi’s passing

Rare, Capcom UK, Microsoft’s Major Nelson, and plenty of others shared a few words on Twitter in honor of his memory.

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okmrman3883d ago

meanwhile in syria 100s died today

mattdillahunty3883d ago

and that sucks, but it's not relevant to gaming. Yamauchi, however, is very relevant to gaming and helped make Nintendo into the legendary brand that they are.

lilbroRx3883d ago

Not just Nintendo. Gaming would not exist right now if not for him. He'd pulled gaming out of the crash and brought most of the innovation that most companies use today.

pixelsword3883d ago


After the first crash, PC gaming saved gaming in general; consoles almost sunk it.

herbs3883d ago

His impact on the gaming industry electronic gaming can't be overstated.

Shnazzyone3882d ago


Really? Disrespectful and misinformed.

slivery3882d ago (Edited 3882d ago )


What I find a bit disrespectful to all the people who have contributed to the history of gaming is certain people have the audacity to say one man is the sole reason for the existence of gaming even being around today?

That isn't true. Not to say this man has not contributed a lot to Nintendo.

I respect the guy, I respect his style, his determination, work ethic, his forward thinking, all of that but many people don't even know Nintendo never started out as a actual video game company, they were at one time only a game company. Meaning literally just that, they sold playing cards.


I just get real tired of people acting like Nintendo started gaming because it is far from it. Nintendo didn't create their first console the Color TV Game until the late 70's.


If you really cared about video games in general you would care to know more about the history instead of the history of just one company. Video games were around before then since the 40's even before Yamauchi took over Nintendo, long before he even pushed them into video games.

One of the first ever games to be created was in 1947 called the Cathode ray tube amusement device. Made by Estle Ray Mann and Thomas T. Goldsmith Jr.


Atari and Magnavox both already had gaming consoles a couple years before then as well since Nintendo's first ever console the Color TV Game didn't come out until 1977 when both the Odyssey and Atari were released in 1972. Also important to note that is what even inspired Yamauchi in the first place but of course don't give credit to those guys like Nolan Bushnell.

Now did he help push Nintendo to who they are, yes, Nintendo probably would not be who they are without this man but to say gaming would not exist without him is beyond ridiculous. Video games were never created by one sole person, many people have contributed to the advancements in video games not just Yamauchi.

So please just be respectful to everyone. I get you are trying to say nice stuff about the guy but why take it over board and practically disrespect or discredit the work others have done, as if nothing they had done was as important as what Nintendo's Yamauchi did.

I know people will read this and probably disagree but all I am saying is give respect to everyone who contributed. There is nothing wrong with saying Yamauchi contributed a lot, because he did but to say gaming would not exist without him is too much.

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SaffronCurse3883d ago

There will always be death surrounding us. It's a part of life.

Husky8183883d ago

This is gaming news so why would syria matter

LonDonE3883d ago (Edited 3883d ago )

It does matter, i think the guy above wasnt Trying to belittle the death of an industry icon, the gran-father of modern gaming,who done so much for this passion we all share which is gaming, but i think what the okmrman meant was that so many websites and people are talking about his death, yet in comparison thousands are killed every month, that's men, children and women, in Syria,Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya! and yet no one in the western world even bats an eye lid, its the disgusting world we live in today!

People are so retarded that they actually think its a civil war happening in Syria, WAKE UP CALL! its not, it is mossad death squads masquerading as Muslims who are instigating all the violence, mossad and the cia, they done the same thing in Libya, and now in Syria, its all preparation for going to war with Iran,and Pakistan, since the zionist cannot risk a Muslim country like Pakistan to posses nuclear weapons! yet when you talk about these things people laugh at you and call you a conspiracy nut, research it online it is a fact, and has been proven!

The war on terror, is a myth, you are all fools if you think Al-Qaeda really exists!
This is all in preparation for world war 3, by the Zionist illuminati scum bags, soon shits gonna hit the fan, the question is WHICH SIDE R YOU ON????

_QQ_3882d ago (Edited 3882d ago )

why do people always pull this shit when some influential dies. Seriously if one of your friends died what if someone went to their funeral and was yelling, well 100 people died in syria. unless you don't play games then you don't owe your thanks to this man.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3882d ago
GreenRanger3883d ago

I have no idea who this guy is, but R.I.P. to him nonetheless.

uncharted563883d ago

I think I need to be white ranger or red as a matter of fact.

Shnazzyone3882d ago (Edited 3882d ago )

Back in 1942 he took control of Nintendo and lead nintendo up until 2002. IE he lead nintendo all the way through Donkey kong, NES, SNES, N64, and gamecube. Without him Console gaming would have died at atari. He gave the go ahead for sony to make the system that eventually became the playstation. In fact he helped come up with the name Playstation. Just when Nintendo came up with the name it was Play Station(had a space). Even Sony kids should morn this loss.

LOL_WUT3883d ago (Edited 3883d ago )

Had he not passed away I wonder how much different Nintendo would've been if Mr. Yamauchi was still head of Nintendo and not Iwata. R.I.P

@ Below what are you talking about? Come on dude get real

lilbroRx3883d ago

How disgusting. Still taking pot shots at Nintendo even in an event like this.

Fanboys are the most sickening thing on Earth.

Irishguy953883d ago

It's actually respectful to Yamauchi to diss what nintendo have become without him. Farewell Yamauchi, one of the fore fathers of modern gaming.

AfterThought3882d ago

"Fanboys are the most sickening thing on Earth."

Says a fan.

Concertoine3883d ago (Edited 3883d ago )

It was Yamauchi's choice to appoint Iwata. It was also his choice to resign because he felt unfit to continue leading Nintendo. Yamauichi was never a gamer, always a business man. In his perspective Iwata is probably perfect for the job. Iwata rose Yamauchi's Gamecube failure to profitability, and then released the Wii and DS which rose stock to record prices and proved more lucratice than anything in the company's past. the 3ds looks to be on the same road to success.
I'm not a fan of Iwata but i know for a fact Nintendo would be in much worse shape financially if he didn't replace Yamauchi.

Concertoine3883d ago

excuse my irrelevancy, but he looks like a japanese clint eastwood.
great man

AfterThought3882d ago

Yea he is one good looking old guy. Damn those Japanese with their alien like intelligence, child like bodies and their silky smooth hair that lasts forever.

They seem like the most evolved humans on this planet. Just a crazy assumption of mine but sometimes they seriously do look like aliens, not in a bad way at all (love me some Japanese ladies) but a lot of Japanese people are so perfect it is just sickening.

EliteGameKnight3883d ago

May he rest in peace. Thank you Mr. Yamouchi for all of the great things that you did for the Gaming world.

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Furukawa reflects on Iwata and Yamauchi, his approach to leading Nintendo

Nintendo president Shuntaro Furukawa recently sat down with Nikkei to discuss his approach to leading the company through the current Switch era, as well as what influences past presidents like Satoru Iwata and Hiroshi Yamauchi had on him.

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KingofBandits1156d ago

nothing wrong with him per say but he just feels kinda lifeless compared to Iwata and lacks the tough guy almost Yakuza vibe Yamauchi gave off

Nodoze1156d ago

This guy is a penny pincher and has no love of gaming. It is obvious in the half assed ports he is pushing. Iwata we miss you.


The Real Reason N64 Lost To PlayStation? Depressing Games And Lonely Players, Apparently

That's according to late Nintendo president Hiroshi Yamauchi, anyway.

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Terry_B1555d ago (Edited 1555d ago )

Hey Yamauchi....are you okay?

naruga1554d ago (Edited 1554d ago )

BS from Nintendo ....obviously the arrogant nintnedo gathered the best of the western (only) devs to develop games for an underpowered (even from that time)) child centered console ....the result was that Japanese devs (who were unmatched in the game making) allied with the far more respectful to artists , Sony , and ultimately destroyed the Nintedo BS -only-Mario-only Zelda-console .....the thing is that Sony, ironically partenered some of the lesser known devs of the time form west to develop games (-Crash Bandicoot Twisted metal ,Kula world ,Disruptor )and destroyed again Nintendo even in their own strategy

Vegamyster1554d ago (Edited 1554d ago )

The N64 was not underpowered, it was quite a bit more powerful, the issue was using expensive low storage cartridges compared to CD roms.

2pacalypsenow1554d ago

The N64 was more powerful than the PS1
, but the cartridges held it back.

fr0sty1554d ago

IF nintendo had adopted CDs for n64, it would have been nearly twice as powerful as the PS1 (especially the GPU). However, they were too scared their kiddy audience would scratch their CD games up.

NiteX1554d ago

The Playstation was by far the most underpowered console of that generation, even the Saturn blew it away.

1554d ago
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AnubisG1554d ago

🤣 How out of touch?

N64 lost to Playstation because PS had way more and better games and I do believe that the controller had something to do with it as well.

mandf1554d ago

The first gen of gamers were growing up and wanted to play more mature games. It's still what separates Nintendo and Sony.

xX-oldboy-Xx1554d ago

Yep - and Nintendo wanted to stick with cartridges too, back then FMV/CGI sequences were a big thing.

TheEnigma3131554d ago (Edited 1554d ago )

the reason nintendo lost was because they chose to stick with expensive carts over cd rom. New games on ps were $50 and N64 were $60-$65. Also the Disc held more information than the carts. It was cheaper to produce games on PS than N64. PS also had a mix of genres from kid games to mature content.

xX-oldboy-Xx1554d ago

That's why FF7 released on PlayStation.

TheEnigma3131554d ago

yup, it would have cost too much to put on carts because they were so small.

2pacalypsenow1554d ago

I remember buying WWF Smackdown for $39.99 at Walmart in early 2000 (still have the receipt), so some games were even cheaper on PlayStation.

FreeFallFrenzy1554d ago

PS1 games were actually only $40, which made the N64 game prices even worse. PS2 was when they raised it to $50. Then $60 for PS3. Then DLC came...ugh...

Anyways, back on point! I had a massive collection of games at age 12 and my N64 owning friend had hardly any games. Poor kid. Even renting the N64 games were way more expensive! So back to your main point, all in all, PlayStation won because of how inexpensive and how expansive CD-ROM was.

TheEnigma3131553d ago

yup exactly. I only had like 6 games total for n64 because they price. PS had greatest hits for $20 i remember.

1554d ago Replies(1)
xX-oldboy-Xx1554d ago

I remember Hiroshi - he was so old and wouldn't budge on anything. Sony absolutely blindsided Nintendo after the big N stabbed Sony in the back.

FF7 was a turning point and hurt Nintendo a lot. But PS1 was a classic gaming machine - massive library of hits.

The icing came a little later when Sega games started coming to PlayStation consoles.

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The "Completely Insane" Policies Of Nintendo President Hiroshi Yamauchi

Nintendo's third president, Hiroshi Yamauchi, was famously disinterested in video games, preferring to play more traditional Japanese board games. Despite this, he's also known for modernising Nintendo and transforming the video game market.

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Platformgamer2052d ago

well, even now their policies are bullshit, here's 5 examples:
1 - youtube restrictions and copyright claims
2 - nintendo labo existence
3 - selling an unfinished underpowered console overpricing it
4 - porting wiiU games on switch instead of selling the wiiU at 50$
5 - willing to do cross platform like if it is very important, same problem that microsoft has.

Eonjay2052d ago

Still I think that pales in in comparison of locking controller functionality to a sub to their online service. Thats and voice chat of course. They make amazing games but I think they know this and it gives them liberty to do some very odd/abrasive things.

MrMagz2052d ago

Not sure exactly how LABO existing and doing cross play are bad policies. Especially that last one.

Sirk7x2052d ago (Edited 2052d ago )

1. I agree, non consumer friendly and short sighted decision.
2. It's for kids and it's an engineering/programming toy. I don't know why its existence bothers you.
3. I could argue that the Switch is the most powerful handheld console ever made for half the price of a phone. Agree to disagree.
4. That's taking a huge business loss and no company would do that. Wii U failed for a good reason, would be dumb to continue to manufacture at a loss. I personally wanted them to port those games, and it gave me a reason to give my wii u to a friend with children because I knew they would.
5. I think any time a game offers cross platform between consoles, that's a win for us gamers. Doesn't mean you have to get into the fan and company drama of it.

gangsta_red2052d ago

1. Whatever, not a huge deal and it's their right
2. Yes, because trying something different and against the norm is bs
3. Unfinished? Underpowered? Meanwhile providing some of the best games so far this gen
4. Porting games over like Playstation and Xbox, nothing new there
5. Upsetting extreme fanboys by providing developers with what they asked for and would like...yeah, huge problem for Nintendo

SuperSonic912052d ago (Edited 2052d ago )

How about locking up third party developers to make only three games a year on NES and can not make any othet game on other console gaming platforms like Sega, SNK , NEC?

Hoe about price fixing their games for decades?

How about threatening Toys R Us with stock shortages if they sell Sega Genesis and Turbo Grafix consoles and games?

fathertime44642052d ago

Wow did you go back far enough? I'm sure if you go back 30 years for every company you'd find some horrible policies. And during that same time period Nintendo almost single handedly saved the home console business. They earned that swollen head. (yes it is baby though).
I'm pretty sure that if you track back far enough in your own life you'd find the same kinda BS decisions

SuperSonic912052d ago


We are talking about Yamauchi here and of course he dates way back.
Its not about Iwata or Reggie, dude.

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