
Battlefield 4: First-ever PS4 gameplay footage surfaces, hands-on suggest “nothing to criticize”

Battlefield 4: First-ever PS4 gameplay footage surfaces, hands-on suggest “nothing to criticize”

ABeastNamedTariq3886d ago

Hmm... While it's no PC version, from that awkwardly angled video, it looks pretty good. VERY smooth.

Maddens Raiders3886d ago

Good game + great console = One happy gamer and one frightened wallet right here.

Enemy3886d ago

Man it's weird that they don't even talk about the Xbox One version.

Godoftheweek3886d ago


I don't think it is weird, rather I think it is very telling as to what state the xbone version is. It is either not as far along, or it does not look as good, or both. That for me is the only logical explanation.

thechosenone3886d ago (Edited 3886d ago )

better version here.. yt is garbage.

AgentSmithPS43886d ago

Why are most of the players in gameplay vids so bad or just plain weird?

dantesparda3886d ago

Ugh! why is there still pop up, cant they get rid of the pop-up/pop-in? (whatever you wanna call it)

ShinMaster3886d ago (Edited 3886d ago )

Looks better than I was led to believe...

MWong3886d ago (Edited 3886d ago )

Looks beautiful and runs smoothly, too bad the player was awful. I mean the guy looked like most of the time he was on a stroll.

However, I do wonder if this version is optimized at 1080p version or is it running in the native graphics probably 900p. I laughed at 3:06 into the vid when the person walks in front of the camera. It reminded me of a bootleg movie.

starchild3886d ago

Honestly, as a PC gamer I have to say it looks great on the PS4. No screen tearing and it seems to have minimal aliasing and a fairly steady framerate.

I'm very picky and from what I can see I wouldn't mind playing this version at all. I'll still be getting the PC version, but it's good to see the PS4 will look great too.

NewMonday3886d ago

BF4 has more going on but straight up KillzoneSF is the better looking game.

aCasualGamer3886d ago

From looking at the pause menu and the description for L2 and R2 buttons, it doesn't seem to be the PS4 version. The buttons are convex, and we know that those buttons on PS4 are concave. Might just be me overanalyzing this footage.

blakstarz3886d ago


If you think about Battlefield tends to be catered a bit more to Playstation whereas COD tends to be favored more on the Xbox brand.
So it make sense to see the PS4 version shown more, but I'm sure the XB1 version is just as good, just like COD gameplay demo tend to show the Xbox more in the spotlight than the PS3.

lex-10203886d ago


Not really. The Xbox doesn't sell well in Japan. Actually it's sold so poorly that Microsoft abandoned the market all together. Not really surprising.

Christopher3886d ago

***Why are most of the players in gameplay vids so bad or just plain weird?***

Because most of us aren't good/great at every game. I suck at shooters. But, I enjoy playing them still.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 3886d ago
WillM173886d ago

In 720p resolution and high scaling, recording from a tv

3-4-53886d ago

can't wait for this.

Probably the first next gen game I'll buy.

ballsohard20133886d ago

wouldnt really call it next gen... only because any game that is on both ps3 and 360 can't fully live up to its potential...

but this game looks decent enough to get me by

starchild3886d ago

It doesn't matter if it is cross-gen.

Battlefield 3 was on PS3 and Xbox 360 as well, and it still looked amazing on the PC.

Cross gen games like Battlefield 4 and Assassin's Creed 4 were among the most graphically impressive games I saw at PAX Prime.

Volkama3886d ago

I'd say cross-gen matters, but Battlefield is a good example of doing it right. The features and scale take advantage of the hardware, they aren't just layering on some extra detail over the same experience (which is more common).

trancefreak3886d ago

God off screen has been looking good but direct capture would be so much sweeter.

Not much longer folks and I will have this beauty connected in my face with gorgeous games.

andibandit3886d ago (Edited 3886d ago )

Yes God looks pretty good off screen, but i agree, a direct capture of God would be better.

Down with the Atheists!!


a_squirrel3886d ago

And now we see the importance of grammar.

"God, off screen has been looking good but direct capture would be so much sweeter."

trancefreak3884d ago

LOL! A punctuation contest for my "enthusiasm"; Brilliant!

This Bud Light goes out to you MR. Punctuation man!

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3884d ago
GuyThatPlaysGames3886d ago

I thought i was watching BF3 gameplay.

lex-10203886d ago

Who's Iam? And why is he not impressed?

dcj05243886d ago

Is Iam a middle eastern name?

yeahokchief3886d ago

Not bad, but i'd rather be playing GTA V.

hades073886d ago

@ Enemy and Godoftheweek

The reason you dont see Xbone is the same reason why you rarely see playstation advertised along CoD, exclusive deals each company has. CoD gets their DLC published first on xbox and has advertising deals, playstation does the same with Battlefield.

3886d ago
Tsar4ever013886d ago

I wonder where and how they are beta testing the next–gen verisons multiplayer on servers since they're no next–gen consoles spread out around to test the servers stability on?

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 3884d ago
Majin-vegeta3886d ago (Edited 3886d ago )

If PS4 can do 1080 @60FPS and the xbone can't does that mean DICE isn't gonna make the PS4 version at that frame rate??and has to have both versions equal??

@WB Don't get mad at me for asking a simple question.Not my fault you're gonna buy cheaper hardware.

theWB273886d ago (Edited 3886d ago )

Don't you ever get tired of it? Seriously...

To the 3 of you...it isn't a valid question.

"Battlefield 4 will support 64-players and 60 fps for the first time on Xbox One," Bach explained. "This is a big deal for us because it’s something we’ve always wanted to deliver but we couldn’t do it without taking away from the core 'Battlefield' experience."

DICE has been stating from the beginning that X1 and PS4 would be the same experience.



I don't know what your version of dumbing do down is...but it's usually the way BF ran on PC's compared to PS360 versions.

Again...I haven't heard anyone suggest the X1 version would be gimped. Nor confirmed it would be 1080p on PS4 only.

My question stands...does it ever get tiring..

cell9893886d ago

he was asking a legitimate question

Godoftheweek3886d ago (Edited 3886d ago )

It is a valid question, which as of yet an answer for has not been given. Don't you ever get tired of devs dumbing down the PS version so that it is on par with the xbox version?

I know I do.


Flame wars are inevitable when dealing with console parity or in this case the lack thereof. To criticize someone for asking a legitimate question in the hopes of avoiding another flame war is pointless and silly imo.

blackmanone3886d ago

I think he was referring to yet another person trying to start a flame war.

Kingthrash3603886d ago (Edited 3886d ago )

very legit question...tho it might rub fanboys the wrong way,(not to say your a fanboy...your question is understandable many are tired of the flame war) i see a legit question. im even curious of that.

ATi_Elite3886d ago

None of your links say anything about "1080p"

They ALL say 64 player 60fps but NO MENTION of 1080p!

Majin-vegeta was asking a LEGIT question.

XB1 version is NOT in 1080p

UncleGermrod3886d ago

I understand your frustration. The bottom line is that while the ps4 will likely be somewhat more powerful I don't think it will be apparent so soon. Take all the math out of this and just look at it....there's really nothing to suggest that the xbox one could not run a game like BF4...that being said it could be using more % processing power than it is on the ps4, but lets be real about this...maybe in a year or so there will be a couple of titles that could show case that the ps4 is a bit more powerful, but really by how much? who knows. Ill have them both so I could care less but it does get a little old. Everytime a next gen game is mentioned, everyone claims that the xbox one will not run it as smooth. I guess only time will tell

GiggMan3886d ago

I agree with Majin. There has been 3rd party gameplay footage for AC4, Watchdogs, and Battlefield 4 running on PS4... No such footage exist of 3rd party (non exclusive) software on the X1. Not even TitanFall... I'd bet if TitanFall was on both platforms they would probably have shown that too on the PS4 lol.

I hope if there is problems getting X1 versions of games up to speed it doesn't affect the PS4.

thechosenone3886d ago (Edited 3886d ago )

He's asking about resolution and you post articles that don't even touch on that issue. WTF

I've heard countless Dice devs state that the Xbone version is config to run at 720p/60fps over the past few months.

And this tweet here from a Dice dev corrects false info that BF4 on PS4 resolution will be the same as Xbone.

"To clarify: BF4 running at a higher resolution than 720p in the PS4 dev environment. Final resolution when the game is optimised at launch!"


theWB273886d ago (Edited 3886d ago )

No crap the links don't mention resolution...that's the whole point of me posting them. Where is this confirmation of PS4 running at 1080p 60fps or the X1 possibly gimping development.

I posted links to res down there. Here they are..


"Another contributing factor was resolution. While EA and DICE have not confirmed what resolution the game will run at on next-gen consoles, for the purposes of this demo, it was running at a resolution higher than 720p, but not 1080p. Though the difference between the two formats may not be recognizable to more casual players, after spending the week checking out games running natively at 1080p, it was readily apparent to me."


"The PC version of Battlefield 4 will look better than the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions, executive producer Patrick Bach has suggested, telling VideoGamer.com that DICE is "doing as much as [it] can" with the next-gen versions, "but we need to compromise in some places."

No one is backing up Majin's pointless and nonfactual question. I don't care that they haven't shown the X1 version...the PS4 version has BARELY been shown itself.

Quotes show both version won't be on par with PC and NO QUOTES IMPLY ANY PERFORMANCE DROP ON THE X1.

All I'm asking is for someone to show the X1, any evidence, dragging down development. Not opinions...actual evidence. No one is backing up Majin's question...where is it confirmed BF on PS4 is running 1080p 60fps?

"If PS4 can do 1080 @60FPS and the xbone can't does that mean DICE isn't gonna make the PS4 version at that frame rate??and has to have both versions equal?? "

He/she asked about frame rate also...

I've confirmed X1 is 60fps and the PS4 isn't 1080p....can anyone do otherwise.


GiggMan3886d ago

"All I'm asking is for someone to show the X1, any evidence, dragging down development. Not opinions...actual evidence."

I'd love to be able to provide that evidence but unfortunately no one will show footage of a game running on X1 for us to make a comparison. You don't think that's strange at all? Anyone can "say" both versions will look the same but proving it is another thing.

"DICE has been stating from the beginning that X1 and PS4 would be the same experience."

Yeah well so has Ubisoft and everyone else. What else are they suppose to do? Tell the truth? All they can do is keep saying that and keep hoping people believe it while showing off the better versions.

dantesparda3886d ago

Hey WB, you're really not getting Majin's question. We all know that the PS4 hasnt been confirmed to run at 1080, however, what he's asking is "IF" they can get the PS4 version running at 1080/60, will they gimp it becuase of the X1 version. That's what he means. And dont run any of this sh*t to me about there being no proof of the X1 ver dumbing down the PS4 ver. We all know how its easier to get games to run at higher resolutions and higher framerates on the PS4.

What i believe is that game will be gimped on the PS4 because of X1 (as most games will be, in order to keep console parity. But, any dev that does this will not get my money. I dont sweat any company or any game. So i'll buy only what i think is worth it.

theWB273886d ago (Edited 3886d ago )

"Hey WB, you're really not getting Majin's question. We all know that the PS4 hasnt been confirmed to run at 1080, however, what he's asking is "IF" they can get the PS4 version running at 1080/60, will they gimp it becuase of the X1 version. That's what he means. And dont run any of this sh*t to me about there being no proof of the X1 ver dumbing down the PS4 ver. We all know how its easier to get games to run at higher resolutions and higher framerates on the PS4.

What i believe is that game will be gimped on the PS4 because of X1 (as most games will be, in order to keep console parity. But, any dev that does this will not get my money. I dont sweat any company or any game. So i'll buy only what i think is worth it."

So now you want to imply what Majin "meant" when the question is right there? There was no "IF" in there.

Majin asked since the PS4 can do 1080p@60fps and the X1 can't does it mean they'll hold the PS4 back and not make it 60fps.

There is nothing anyone can say to legitimize his/her question.

The fps has LONG since been confirmed at 60 for both X1 and PS4 and resolution hasn't for either.

I don't need to give shit about anything. I don't need an excuse. All of you laggies can try and defend that blatant, misinformed, fanboy question but all any of you are doing is looking as >insult here< as Majin.


Every single one of you who tried to defend this question can't answer it because it isn't legit.

60fps has been confirmed LONG AGO for both systems. Resolution hasn't for either. I don't care how any of you try and spin Majin's question...it still comes up looking foolish since the info is all there and it's blatant Fanboy drivel.

There has been almost NO footage of BF on PS4. DICE isn't running around showing the PS4 version. So it doesn't mean much at all that they aren't showing the X1. This is the FIRST time it's been seen running on PS4 in this state. 1 time for PS4...0 for X1. Doesn't say much either way.

Sitdown3886d ago

*checks majin-vegeta's post history* Yeah, I am pretty sure he was asking a legitimate question. Haha. I too would like to see a link from a legitimate source saying the xbox one can't do 1080p and 60FPS.

BitbyDeath3886d ago

@WB27, the question wasn't posed because the game 'might' be inferior. The question was posed because the hardware 'is' inferior.

And by the looks of your answer you think they will be the same so the simple answer from you is 'yes'.

ShwankyShpanky3886d ago (Edited 3886d ago )

WB: "So now you want to imply what Majin "meant" when the question is right there? There was no "IF" in there."

Oh my...

"If PS4 can do 1080 @60FPS..."
"If PS4 can do..."
"If PS4..."
(and his last edit was 3 hours ago. your post was 32 min ago)

So... after all your asinine ranting... was it worth it? Do you feel as stupid as you look?

Does it ever get tiring?

insomnium23886d ago (Edited 3886d ago )


Oh dear GOD that was a homerun!

So WB......could we get an answer to this from you?

dantesparda3886d ago (Edited 3886d ago )

Wow, just wow! WB may well be one of the dumbest fanboys yet. I wasnt trying to "defend" his question, you re-re, I was trying to explain it to you. But its obvious your comprehension skills are no good. You got to much fanboyism in your head! I know what his question was implying I was just trying to help you understand. But whatever, go be all defensive and sh*t cuz you know you've been made a fool of. Listen, WE ALL KNOW BF4 IS 64 PLAYERS/60FPS. What we dont know is what the res will be. He's basically asking/saying, "IF" the PS4 version can hit 1080, will they gimp it because of the X1. Thats what he's saying/asking, he just messed up and said "framerate" instead of "res". Im sure he knows its 60fps but not a confirmed 1080p on either system. And if you are gonna sit here and act like its not more possible for the PS4 to hit 1080 than the X1, well then i dont know what to tell you other than you are a delusional fanboy. Kapeesh!? Now bye, bye. I've wasted emough time on your dumb a$$

andibandit3886d ago


"Majin-vegeta was asking a LEGIT question. "

that would be a world first

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 3886d ago
ma1asiah3886d ago

Johan Andersson, who is the technical director at DICE, among other things responsible for the next generation Frostbite engine 3.0 has admitted that the resolution Battlefield 4 on PS4 will be a little higher than 720p and specifically it be 720p upscale to 1080p.

PS4 can run a lot of games at native 1080p for sure but Battlefield 4 is not one of them.

user74029313886d ago

yeah ps4 can run battlefield 4 1080p

BitbyDeath3886d ago

Xbox doesn't have the leverage of starting a year earlier and therefore having 10 million extra people onboard... I don't think MS can call the shots on that anymore.

Bathyj3886d ago

Thats all true but I fear it will take publishers a while to realize that and continue to walk around on eggshells so as not to offend MS.

I say make the best game you can on Xbone and make the best game you can on PS4 and if they are not the same then so be it. That will be the information gamers need to help decide which console they should go with.

starchild3886d ago (Edited 3886d ago )

Microsoft never called the shots on that. This is the most absurd thing I have heard. I don't know why some of you keep saying that. There isn't a single shred of evidence to support such a claim.

PS3 versions of multiplats sometimes were a little inferior because it was more difficult for developers to get good performance out of. Along with the fact it had a little bit weaker GPU and a bit less available RAM due to the higher OS overhead on the PS3 relative to the Xbox 360.

Even so, there are many examples of multiplats that were better on the PS3. That wouldn't be the case if there really was a policy in place that said that PS3 versions couldn't look better than 360 versions.

Given the hardware in the PS3 and 360 the differences that we saw are exactly what I would have expected. It's absurd that some people still repeat this conspiracy theory as if it holds any water.

insomnium23886d ago (Edited 3886d ago )



" Downloadable games must ship on Xbox Live Arcade at least simultaneously with competing platforms or Microsoft may refuse to publish them, Eurogamer can reveal.

Microsoft also demands publishers release games with at least the same content "on-disc" across platforms.

If these conditions are not met, Microsoft reserves the right to not allow the content to be released on Xbox 360."

dantesparda3886d ago (Edited 3886d ago )


"Microsoft never called the shots on that. This is the most absurd thing I have heard. I don't know why some of you keep saying that. There isn't a single shred of evidence to support such a claim."

Oh except for the fact that there is such a policy in reality from MS. Otherwise, i actually agree with all this other stuff:

"PS3 versions of multiplats sometimes were a little inferior because it was more difficult for developers to get good performance out of. Along with the fact it had a little bit weaker GPU and a bit less available RAM due to the higher OS overhead on the PS3 relative to the Xbox 360.

Even so, there are many examples of multiplats that were better on the PS3."

starchild3886d ago (Edited 3886d ago )


I knew someone would pull out that article.

First of all, that is clearly talking about parity in terms of features and content, not graphical parity. I don't know how some people twisted that into MS somehow demanding graphical parity.

Furthermore, it seems that even that policy really wasn't enforced much because there are quite a few games that have exclusive content on disc on the PS3. Assassin's Creed 4 is only one upcoming example.

Finally, we saw plenty of graphical and performance differences between the PS3 and 360--sometimes favoring the 360 and sometimes favoring the PS3--which again knocks a giant hole in the theory that MS secretly demands graphical parity.

So, again, you guys state it as a fact, but not only is there no evidence to support your claims, all the evidence actually points in the opposite direction.

I'm not trying to defend MS, I'm trying to defend the truth. I don't believe for one second that MS has, or ever has had, a policy which demands that multiplats on their consoles must have complete graphical parity with the versions on other consoles.

This is why I also believe that we WILL see graphical and performance advantages on the PS4.

insomnium23886d ago (Edited 3886d ago )


"Microsoft reserves the right to not allow the content to be released on Xbox 360"

It doesn't say they will not allow it. It says the reserve the right to do it. if the publisher or the published game is not big enough it would be easier to enforce.

Now as far as evidence supporting the quote I put out I would say FF13 is a halfway good example. the game was said to be finished on PS3 but they postponed the release cause of X360. Now the word 'content' is kinda grey area. Do they mean quality or quantity? It doesn't say. Clearly the quality of the content was worse on x360 but afaik it is the same game quantity wize.

That example actually fights against Majin's question and would lead me to say that no they will not gimp the PS4 version but I really cannot say anything for sure about MS. To think they even have something like that in the first place speaks volumes on what kind of business practices they have or they are willing to do. They fight dirty. It's like throwing sand into your opponents eyes in a fistfight. Cheap ass tactics. The way XBone was unveiled (DRM and such) is the epitomy of that.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3886d ago
XboxFun3886d ago

Where (or who) does it say that the Xbox One can't do 1080p @60fps for B4?

that is the better question.

Shuyin3886d ago

Yeah, on low settings.

BigShotSmoov0073886d ago

How Dice is handling this is nothing new. If I remember correctly when Battlefield 3 came out, all they showed in the beginning was the PC. The first console version they showed was the PS3 and thats all they really talked about and around a month from launch they showed the 360 version and in the end both console versions looked and played the same with the PC or course being the superior version. I look for both consoles versions to be the same here as well, especially with Microsoft having that exclusive deal where they get the map packs first now so everything should just relax, we will all get the same game and same experience cause this is how Dice & EA does releases with Battlefield.

dantesparda3886d ago


"Where (or who) does it say that the Xbox One can't do 1080p @60fps for B4?

that is the better question."

Ummm, Dice does! Look it up. So really its not a good question at all, its actually a rather dumb one. Man, are all MS fanboys this misinformed? No wonder they think the X1 is good system, sad really! The stupidities of fanboyism

theWB273886d ago (Edited 3886d ago )

I'd be proven invalid if someone can provide where BF on PS4 has been seen or confirmed 1080p locked and not on X1. I can't find it.


Can any of show you a quote from DICE or any hands on that specifically says PS4 is running 1080p 60fps locked and it's not the case for the X1.

If you can't provide a link stating that as FACT...then my question is valid. Nothing else should be said about specs this and that...links and quotes.


"Another contributing factor was resolution. While EA and DICE have not confirmed what resolution the game will run at on next-gen consoles, for the purposes of this demo, it was running at a resolution higher than 720p, but not 1080p. Though the difference between the two formats may not be recognizable to more casual players, after spending the week checking out games running natively at 1080p, it was readily apparent to me."


"The PC version of Battlefield 4 will look better than the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions, executive producer Patrick Bach has suggested, telling VideoGamer.com that DICE is "doing as much as [it] can" with the next-gen versions, "but we need to compromise in some places."

BoriboyShoGUN3886d ago

The point is that no one has seen BF4 running on (Xbox One) WHY IS THAT ??????????????????

theWB273886d ago

Links stating the X1 version is inferior or GTFO...I won't answer hypothetical ?'s.

I've provided links and facts showing the PS4 version isn't running at that fidelity and them also stating X1 is running 60fps with the same unconfirmed resolution.

Can you provide that info?

Kayant3886d ago

When did he say it's inferior?? All he said is that no one has seen it running on an XB1 devkit yet because it's all been on speced PCs.

XboxFun3886d ago

Sorry WB27 but looks like no one can actually answer your question.

They keep saying that Vegeta's question is legit but how can it be legit when there is no proof to even his question?

Why would the PS4 version be gimped when they haven't even shown anything for the X1? Who says the X1 can't do 1080p @60 fps? Perhaps if that question was answered then we can ask the same about BF4.

You even provided links and proof for your own questions that seems to be getting overlooked by everyone.

theWB273886d ago

I know..and it's funny. Everyone is tackling everything other than providing the info needed.

I'm posting less and less here because of this nonsense of people talking non facts and then other people actually backing them up.

Kind of stupid at the end of it all because we all know the same facts...but because it's the PS4 it somehow gets this mythical boost in performance that no one can confirm.

Back to GTA5

BoriboyShoGUN3886d ago

Who said the XBOX version is inferior??? All im saying is that BF4 being such a huge launch title and being known too push systems to their MAX!!! Why would u not show it running on your system by now????????? Thats why people are suspicous about it, at least the PS4 is showing something even if it isnt the finished product.

black0o3886d ago

as soon as we see a 3rd-party title running on an Xbone we can re-open this

for now chill and hope that x1 version to be ready before the 22nd

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3886d ago
PFFT3886d ago

Are you retarded?? The Xbox One version has already been confirmed to be 1080P/60fps by Dice.

Majin-vegeta3886d ago

I wont stoop down to your childish level by name calling.

Oh really they did link or GTFO?

PFFT3886d ago


Perhaps not BUT your past fanboy remarks makes you stoop much lower.
ANYWAYS, Nothing on the resolution But in this Q&A session with Xbox Wire DICE confirms a few times that the game will be running at 60fps Off and online.

thehitman3886d ago

It says 60 fps but nothing about 1080p...

ShwankyShpanky3886d ago

Careful, guy. Wouldn't want WB jumping down your throat for spreading unverified disinfo.

Odd, he still had bubbles when you posted that... can't imagine why he didn't bother to correct you.

ziggurcat3886d ago


your link only references 60fps, there's nothing about it being 1080p.

however, since we all now know that xbone *upscales* all games to 1080p (which confirms that no games are running native 1080p on xbone), i suppose it will technically be 1080p.

ziggurcat3886d ago

@ the disagree:


Aaron Greenberg said himself that xbone upscales all games to 1080p, which means there are no native 1080p games on xbone (even though they still claim there are).


Doesnt say anything about 1080p in that article.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3886d ago
GABRIEL10303886d ago (Edited 3886d ago )

PS4 is capable to run Battlefield at 1080p and 60 FPS, but maybe DICE will cut off the version for not embarrass the Xbox One, because EA is a close partner of Microsoft. Where is the Xbone gameplay? :(

clae13886d ago

It is possible that ps4 is capable to run bf4 at 1080p and 60 fps but not fact. Hell, drive club is finding it hard to do 60fps. To think bf4 is more technical and demanding than an arcade racer.

hakeem09963886d ago

So no one noticed that it wasn't a 64 players match .it's the same demo people were bitching about that was playing on XBONE at PAX .

SpideySpeakz3886d ago

Yes, they may have to dumb it down to avoid any retaliation from Microsoft. The gaming industry still wins, but the gamers lose.

clae13886d ago

Really? Talk about dumb!

starchild3886d ago

Guys, if the PS4 can do 1080p in this game, believe me they will do it. They are not going to make the PS4 version render at a lower resolution just to match the Xbox One version.

All this past generation we saw countless examples where one console version was better in some way or another over the other version. This shows that devs will take advantage of individual strengths of each console.

Sometimes the PS3 version would be better as in Castlevania Lords of Shadow or Final Fantasy 13, and sometimes the Xbox 360 versions were better like Red Dead Redemption.

Devs basically try to get the best performance they can out of each platform given the time and budgets they have to work with. The PS3 was harder to get optimal performance out of and that is the main reason multiplats sometimes were a little inferior on the PS3.

The PS4 is not difficult to develop for this time and it is more powerful than the XB1. I have not the slightest doubt that we will see that advantage play out in various ways on multiplatform games.

BallsEye3886d ago

are you totally stupid? Ps4 can;t handle 1080p 60fps high settings in battlefield and that's it. You're left with 720p medium 60 fps and it got nothing to do with XO version. It's still good. I enjoy last gen 30 fps bf3.

Majin-vegeta3886d ago

Lol im sorry but everyone here said KZ:SF couldn't do 1080 @60FPS low and behold what do we have here thats exactly what it's doing.Well since "YOU" seem to know that it cant do 1080@60 then tell me almighty dev how can you possibly know more than the people working on it??

BTW thanks for showing how mature you are.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 3886d ago
tuglu_pati3886d ago

"after having played Battlefield 4 on PlayStation 4, “there’s just nothing to criticize.” The game “ran at a smooth 60 fps looking amazing the entire time [with] no sign of low quality textures or any issues at all.”"\

that is definitely great news.

GiggMan3886d ago

I'm glad to hear that too even though I didn't have much doubt.

shivvy243886d ago

I actually did have my doubts but im so happy to be proven wrong

Comnnsence3886d ago Show
Sitdown3886d ago

Do you have an obsession with being button hurt? Or are you just one of the few people who actually think it's cleaver?

Summons753886d ago

Well no S***. Multigen ports are never going to push the console to the limits. It look amazing on Ps3 already it will look better on ps4 by logic but 'eye-melting' better from what everyone thinks. COD still looks like it was from 2005 on new consoles and old. The only difference I've noticed on Watch Dogs on ps3 and ps4 is that ps4 the character has his hands in his pockets.....nothing mind blowing. Wait till BF5 to really see the difference.

blackmanone3886d ago (Edited 3886d ago )

THAT'S the only difference you noticed from current gen to next gen Watch Dogs? Can I have whatever drugs you're on? :).

KwietStorm_BLM3886d ago

I just don't understand why they haven't shown the game running on PS4 yet. There's been so many opportunities.

Biggest3886d ago

What is the purpose of this video?

KwietStorm_BLM3886d ago

This is quite clearly an off screen video recorded with a camera, and not a proper showing directly from DICE or Sony. Do you know the difference?

cell9893886d ago

this video should be a solution to your yapping

KwietStorm_BLM3886d ago

There was no yapping involved, and this isn't a solution to anything. Move along.

Soldierone3886d ago

I think you mean in terms of demos or conferences, and the simple answer is that the PC version looks "better."

It's similar to commercials. Why instead of gameplay do they show this vibrant cutscenes? Because the cutscenes look better than the actual gameplay. So you get in aww and want the game.

BallsEye3886d ago

My guess is, they wan't people to believe it will be equal to pc version while it's a lot behind with 720p medium settings. If such video would be released internet would boil saying dice can't program on ps4 cause Knack looks better.

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Battlefield 1, Hardline, BF4 Servers Are Being Taken Offline by Cheaters; EA Silent on Issue

Cheaters & hackers have been causing grief on Battlefield 1, Hardline & BF4 servers, with nonstop DDoS attacks among other things. Unfortunately, EA has remained silent about it.

-Foxtrot774d ago

Course they are silent, they are hoping people flock to 2042

gamesftw250773d ago

Maybe it was a inside job then haha.

jeromeface773d ago

wouldnt be the first time, titanfall 1+2 anyone?

PapaBop773d ago

Not even if they paid me.. EA always do this with old games with less money potential, if this was Ultimate Team, they'd address and sort it faster than stories could spread. Why invest time in their products when they will just dump it in the following years? Then again EA never could see the forest for the trees.

Inverno773d ago

I imagine after those games were given out for free a couple months back through Amazon, anything that makes people go to 2042 is a plus for them

XiNatsuDragnel774d ago

They want people to go on 2042. My theory

excaliburps773d ago

Nah. I think they can't do anything about it or they want to sink money into fixing it.

Pudge102888773d ago (Edited 773d ago )

EA owns all BF servers so yes, they can do something about it but they refuse to because they dont want ppl playing their old games instead of the new one. Its EA we’re talking about here

pr33k33773d ago

if this happened in 2042, they'd have something to say. which is weird, considering battlefield 1 has more players on steam right now.

Pudge102888773d ago

Its so obvious that EA is doing this or hired ppl to mess up the games so that we’d be forced to have just 1 Battlefield working.

FPS_D3TH773d ago

Honestly it’s probably the devs themselves. They did an update to bf4 way back that kinda made assault rifles doo doo in hopes that people would flock to BF1 cuz BF4 was too perfect

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5 Great Shooter Games on Xbox Game Pass

The shooter genre is one of the most beloved videogame genres in the gaming community, and rightfully so. From DOOM Eternal to Battlefield 4, passing through The Outer Worlds, the Xbox Game Pass has a lot to offer when it comes to amazing shooter experiences. Come check out some great shooter games available on Xbox Game Pass!

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MadLad789d ago

There's a bunch of great shooters on gamepass; both legacy and new.

A recommendation I have is a work in progress preview title called Anacrusis. It's a lot of fun, and has a cool aesthetic.


5 Games That Started Out As A Buggy Mess

KeenGamer: "Sometimes a game starts out as a buggy mess and we all just stop and think, “that definitely could have spent a bit more time in the oven”. This is the case for these 5 games which infamously marked their place in recent game memory."

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KingofBandits881d ago

"Games That Started Out As A Buggy Mess - A Bethesda and CD ProjektRed tale"