
“If You go With 4GB of GDDR5″ RAM on PS4, “You Are Done,” Said Randy Pitchford

Our very own Anthony Severino was able to be a part of a roundtable with Adam Boyes, VP of Publisher Relations at SCEA today, with a whole bunch of different topics being discussed, and one of them was all about the PS4 and its RAM.

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Bleucrunch3983d ago

Now this is how you go about listening to your audience. You get a suggestion you take it back to the round table of guys/gals and assess if this suggestion should be strongly considered and what are the pros and cons of this suggestions. THEN you make a FINAL decision and move on. Bravo SONY this is how all companies should work.

TrendyGamers3983d ago

I couldn't agree more, they are awesome.

Nitrowolf23982d ago

the 8GB of Ram was a good decision.

But Randy, I will never forgive you for Aliens.

abzdine3982d ago

PS4 was made by developers for developers which will benefit to the consumer in the long term.

PS4 ftw

Greatness awaits

Campy da Camper3982d ago

Just preordered from GameStop! They almost sold out. The entire district here in the PAC NW is almost completely sold out!!!! Damn!!

Skips3982d ago Show
BitbyDeath3982d ago

Funnily enough 4GB GDDR5 is about what Xbone has available for games.

badz1493982d ago

erm...the XBone doesn't have GDDR5 at all! it's a single pool of 8GB DDR3 for the whole system.

BitbyDeath3982d ago


Yea but they have 5gb ddr3 for games which is slower than gddr. So it is more or less equivalent to 4gb gddr5

moparful993982d ago (Edited 3982d ago )

@bitbydeath The ps4 has Unified GDDR5 architecture. This setup places both the cpu and gpu directly on the motherboard with short pathways from them to the ram. If im not mistaken I remember reading that the PS4 architecture uses a mother die/daughter die setup that creates a high bandwidth low latency architecture.. Sony designed the ps4 about as well as they could have for the money.. Its going to be interesting to see just how much of a difference this decision will make.

Found a great article that better explains all of this.. http://techreport.com/news/...

Tr10wn3982d ago

Ill just said it like it is, i wont buy Xbone or a PS4 but Cload Computing>GDDR5 RAM eventually, if you dont know what it is just google it.

darthv723982d ago

when Epic told Ms they needed to up the memory in the 360 from 256 to 512.

Its good when the platform holders listen to the developers suggestions.

the PS4 and the games will benefit greatly from a wise decision like this.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3982d ago
showtimefolks3982d ago (Edited 3982d ago )

GDDR5 will pay of in later years of console life

8GB ram is huge when considering that last gen we were at 512MB and maybe 1GB lol

still the only difference we will truly see is when 1st or 2nd party developers work on the system

a_bro3982d ago

to be honest i thought consoles were going to have 1 or 2 gbs at max. this caught me off gaurd to be honest.

Slade233982d ago

Xbox 360 - 512 MB of GDDR3 RAM clocked at 700 MHz

PS3 - 256MB GDDR3 VRAM @700MHz

I guess this is it.

dantesparda3982d ago (Edited 3982d ago )

Xbox 360 - 512 MB of GDDR3 RAM clocked at 700 MHz

PS3 - 256MB GDDR3 VRAM @ 700MHz + 256MB XDR RAM clocked @ 3.2GHZ

this is it.

pixelsword3982d ago (Edited 3982d ago )

"GDDR5 will pay of in later years of console life"

Good, it means I can wait a few years while the price drops. :D


showtimefolks3982d ago


i think this is the first time in a long time where i won't be buying the system on day one, my ps3 will still be supported so i will wait for things to calm down after holiday season before picking one up hopefully in a bundle

also this way if the system has any issues most likely those will be fixed by march 2014

Doctor_Freeman3982d ago

@pixelsword "Good, it means I can wait a few years while the price drops."

@ showtimefolks "also this way if the system has any issues most likely those will be fixed by march 2014"

We're on the same page, I'm thinking I'm gonna wait (play it by ear) till bugs get worked out, maybe a price drop (not holding my breathe) and games start to get released.

Triforce0793982d ago

Ram isnt going make for better games i'm sorry but wiiu games at E3 prove this Beyonneta2,X,MK8,ect ect look way cooler than anything ive seen on ps4 or xbone so far and thats that.

Wiiu is said to use 1.5GB RAM on games in the future so basically you can compress memory by 10 fold on Havok nextgen and gain more speed whilst doing this so higher performance with alot more ram for textures and AI ect in other words if you used 512mb just on textures you essentially have 5GB to play with and lots left for nextgen physics and AI so all this ram talk really gets me mad.

Ive always said let the games do the talking and Nintendo did that in spades at E3,yes they left a few big titles out like Zelda,Metroid,ect but hey next E3 will showcase these games and they will look fantastic i heard Retro is thinking more of a Metroid universe and it will take time so i can be patient for them titles,but yeah wiiu E3 won in my eyes by far,ps4 has lots but the games just seem the same not nearly as fresh as what Nintendo have in store.

showtimefolks3982d ago


the only thing i got to say is watch MGS 5 extended trailer

the moment they are on top opf the mountain and says welcome to Afghanistan damn that looks stunning

also we didn't see the best looking games till 3-4 years in so wait, i like wiiu for what it is but let's not get over board nintendo isn't trying to push any graphics boundaries, and that's fine because they go with different and new art style for their games

that 8GB of ram will pay of down the road

moparful993982d ago

@triforce ""ps4 has lots but the games just seem the same not nearly as fresh as what Nintendo have in store.""

Did you seriously say that nothing on the PS4 looks as fresh as the wii u lineup? Wow so the deluge of the typical 20 Mario games, Zelda games and more iteration of old franchises like smash bros and donkey kong is fresh?

Need to take off your Nintendo colored glasses man. I guess ignorance truly is bliss.

Zebaz083982d ago

Triforce, so mario kart 8, another smash, other donkey kong, a zelda remake are all fresh for you? xD,

Rhythmattic3982d ago


Looking @ your recent anti sony posts, it wont matter what the PS4 price drops to..

Your here to do a number one on the four . where in fact the One is a number Two.

kneon3982d ago

8GB was to be expected, each gen Sony has increased RAM by a factor of 16. People laughed when I suggested they might have 8GB but it's right on schedule.

We need a new law to go along with Moore's law, call it The playstation law, each gen will increase RAM by a factor of 16.

So next gen we're looking at 128GB :)

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 3982d ago
Slade233982d ago

God Sony, they're on a ball Right now. @streeks I hope these companies taking a lot of notes because they need it.

b-real3982d ago

With 4 straight years of losses - amounting to billion's and billion's of dollars - yeh, Sony Corp is the ideal company for companies to 'take notes' on /s

moparful993982d ago

@b-real THE most successful game company in history is exactly who you want to take notes from. Sony has the two best selling consoles of ALL TIME in the ps2 and ps1 respectively. Not to mention the playstation division is in the black and has been for a while now... Just because they don't nickel and dime their consumers to death in order to make their financial reports look stellar doesn't negate their importance to the games industry as a whole.

PiTCHBLaCK3982d ago

@ b-real

Be a gamer, not a Financial officer.

shutUpAndTakeMyMoney3982d ago

“If You go With $499″ for Xbox, “You Are Done,” Said ME

sobekflakmonkey3982d ago (Edited 3982d ago )

to be honest, pitchford was right, if Sony went with 4gb's it would have been over for them, MS would have taken the console market by storm and Sony wouldn't of been able to keep up graphically to the Xbone, BUT because they did go with 8gb's that leaves 6 or 7 gb's of gddr5 ram for the devs to use, which beats out MS' 5gb's of useable ddr3 ram, my only issue is...why didn't Sony use ddr3 as well as gddr5, I mean in any gaming rig, thats basically what you have, your GPU has gddr5 ram in it (mine has 4gb's) and then you have your ddr3 ram thats inserted into the motherboard by itself (I have 16gbs) I feel like that might have gone over better, being that gddr5 is better at certain things and ddr3 is better a other things...but I don't know...I'm still excited anyways..

peowpeow3982d ago

There's articles and some good comments on the benefits of shared memory as opposed to the split cpu/gpu RAM. Seems a good choice

Boody-Bandit3982d ago (Edited 3982d ago )


I concur.
That's why I pre-ordered the PS4 for $399 as my next generation console. More power, more studios, no restrictions, no DRM, just games, games, games and more games. Plug and play entertainmentgasm.

WeedyOne3982d ago


"why didn't Sony use ddr3 as well as gddr5, I mean in any gaming rig, thats basically what you have, your GPU has gddr5 ram in it (mine has 4gb's) and then you have your ddr3 ram thats inserted into the motherboard by itself"

Its because the memory on the PS4 is unified and shared between the CPU and GPU. Meaning the CPU and GPU pull from the same source of memory.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3982d ago
Triforce0793982d ago

WiiU uses 1GB and is said to use 1.5GB in the future,so please explain why Beyonneta2 and X look graphically better than anything ive seen so far from E3 ?? games do the talking not RAM and graphics are only as good as your gpu ect and bandwidth ram in wiiu's case lots of edram cache and edram in general makes it miles faster than ps4 fact and games like mk8 with them graphics at 60fps show this.

Dannycr3982d ago (Edited 3982d ago )


Crack is a hell of a drug. A family friendly version of Bayonetta and the Awesome looking game from Monolith aren't even close to any of the next gen games showed by Microsoft or Sony.

Please leave the fanboy blinders at the entrance.

LeCreuset3982d ago


"WiiU uses 1GB and is said to use 1.5GB in the future,so please explain why Beyonneta2 and X look graphically better than anything ive seen so far from E3 ??"

Because you need glasses?

moparful993982d ago

@triforce so this http://www.youtube.com/watc...
looks graphically better then this? http://www.youtube.com/watc...

Dude you are drinking way to much Nintendo Koolaid.. Bayonetta 2 is a game being developed for a system entering its second year on market and the ps4 hasn't even launched yet and Killzone has considerably better fidelity than bayonetta 2..

Zebaz083982d ago

Triforce , stop trolling. You are not even good at it

Neonridr3982d ago

While I enjoy Triforce's enthusiasm, you can't deny his truth that Monolithsoft's game looks like something you would expect to see on the PS4 or XB1. That game is quite stunning, especially for a Wii U game.

Nintendo first party games look completely different because of the art direction and style of the games. They look beautiful in their own ways. Pikmin 3 looks gorgeous.

But Titanfall and KZ both look amazing as well.

Eck03982d ago

@Triforce079 was watching the trailers in 240p.. probably.. even COD ghosts looks better (ima big COD fan {i know shut up} and COD looks shitty for being 'next gen') than wiiu best graphics.... wii u is just an xbox360 who takes protein shakes (graphically) speaking

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3982d ago
danthebios3982d ago

Im thinking its going to be the era of Ps2 all over again with the ps4:)

Chucky20033982d ago

Yeah,too bad that Randy Pitchford doesn't and fucked up the Aliens game

Kaneda3982d ago

"PS4 was made by developers for developers which will benefit to the consumer in the long term. "

Not this generation, but next generation you will see DRM just like M$. Like you say about Pay to play online... just inevitable...

M$ caved in to developers, $ony will too.

PiTCHBLaCK3982d ago

MS Just loss consumers so I don't think Sony will follow anytime soon.

Kaneda3982d ago

Both consoles are not on the market yet. We don't know the numbers. But you just hope that M$ isn't going to pass 40 mil. Because if they do it is just INEVITABLE...

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3982d ago
dbjj120883983d ago

Ummm, they aren't right? Why is that a worry? I thought 8BG of ram was confirmed?

Enemy3982d ago (Edited 3982d ago )

IF they would have gone with 4GB, which was originally planned. Yes, 8GB was confirmed at the PlayStation meeting in February.

The funny thing is that 4GB GDDR5 is still much better than 5GB DDR3.

Bring on Borderlands 3 for PS4. >:)

Cam9773982d ago (Edited 3982d ago )

Regardless, both the ONE's RAM and the PS4's RAM are very good in my opinion. Well, maybe not the BONE's as it could face issues later on in its lifetime, but the PS4's is basically limitless.

PFFT3982d ago

Yes no doubt BUT the difference wont be really noticeable.

Elit3Nick3982d ago

This is true, a lot of people don't realize that a lot of gaming rigs still use DDR3 over GDDR5

CaulkSlap3982d ago


Xbox One's RAM is pretty decent DDR3 but there's a reason they don't use that kind in graphics cards. It's great for CPU related functions but the much lower bandwidth makes a huge difference in graphical rendering. The reason Xbox One has the EDRAM and the "Move Engines" is to try and compensate for that. PS4 doesn't have the problem to begin with.

Read some good in depth hardware analysis articles (by people who know way more than me) and it seems like PS4 is about as perfectly balanced architecture for a game machine you could design.

hakesterman3982d ago

I think 8 GB's is over kill myself. I have a PC and i have a 2 GB DDR5 Graphics card that play's the best and newest games in 1080P at 60-75 FPS and the most Ram it ever uses is 4 GB. So what is the other 4 GB's of Ram going to do for the PS4? Anyway all is well i guess.

badz1493982d ago

"a lot of people don't realize that a lot of gaming rigs still use DDR3 over GDDR5"

dude, do you even know what you're talking about? most gaming rigs today are already using GDDR5! if your pc/laptop only use DDR3, it's probably NOT a gaming rig because that means it uses integrated graphic, not a dedicated graphic card!

any pc/laptop claiming to be for "gaming" MUST have a decent GPU, which in this case ALL of them are using GDDR5 already!

PiTCHBLaCK3982d ago

@ hakesterman

Are you sure you mean DDR5?
My Video card uses 2GB GDDR5.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3982d ago
mushroomwig3982d ago

Read the article, Sony were thinking about going with 4GB until they were convinced to double it.

wishingW3L3982d ago (Edited 3982d ago )

and the funny thing is that he convinced Sony by ranting: "you guys, you never listen, you’ve never been good at this stuff."


2pacalypsenow3982d ago (Edited 3982d ago )

No The articles says that they were talking to Randy pitchfork about the Ps4 and said we are using 4GB of ram and Randy said if you are then the PS4 will be a failure so then Adam Boyes thought about what developers want and said HEy we can do 8gb of ram

jdaboss3982d ago ShowReplies(1)
wishingW3L3982d ago (Edited 3982d ago )

it could have been like $300 with 4Gb of GDDR5. But then they would take 1 for the OS and only 3GB for games. =/

CaulkSlap3982d ago

I think a year ago 8 GB GDDR5 would have cost about $300 alone. Now probably still like $100 but will only get cheaper. Sony just hit the absolute perfect timing here when the costs came crashing down.

Cyb3r3982d ago

Who cares what Randy Pitchford says

torchic3982d ago

clearly Sony does, and boy will it pay dividends

Belking3982d ago

Well he should of given them advice on how to sell tvs too.

PiTCHBLaCK3982d ago

TV's have way too much competition, Gaming Consoles don't.

humbleopinion3982d ago

It seems many people do, and even more people should. Here's an amazing lecture from him at DICE summit:

So glad Sony managed to pull 8GB of GDDR5. Last gen Microsoft listened to Epic suggesting them to increase RAM from 256MB to 512MB and it was probably the smartest decision they made - helping them surpass the PS3 in terms of performance. It's funny how the tables have now turned :)

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