
Further Clarification On Sony's DRM Policies: No More Online Pass

Even more good news!

"Last night Sony made a big point of its no-DRM policies for PlayStation 4 -- including putting up a playful video featuring two of its executives, Adam Boyes and Shuhei Yoshida, which you can see above.

SCEA CEO Jack Tretton's announcement of its DRM-free policies elicited a big cheer at its press conference last night."

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Loki863983d ago (Edited 3983d ago )

So Jack himself said that the publisher can impose a fee to go online in regards to third parties, but no online pass, wonder how that DRM could possibly be implemented and work then?

ThatCanadianGuy5143983d ago

They themselves wont implement any online pass in their games.3rd party can if they want.

GrieverSoul3983d ago (Edited 3983d ago )

How to implemnt DRM on PS4?
Easy! PC game style.
A disc with a code inside the case. You redeem the code and voila. Samething as if you downloaded it. The same thing can happen right now with PS3 and Xbox360.

But SONY is focusing its games towards non DRM and non Online pass. Although I dont trade my games, its good to know that I can lend them to my friends and family.
I also can take my console on weekeends to my uncles in a rural area (no internet) without having it work for only 24h during saturday, meaning that Sunday I would have to play Bingo with them all day long! -_-

irepbtown3983d ago

To make it simple;

First party games = No DRM.. NO restrictions.
3rd Party games = Do whatever they like (same as this gen).

'Just like the PS3'

I_am_Batman3983d ago

I'm glad that Sony gets rid of their online passes now that we will need PS+ for online play.

zeee3983d ago (Edited 3983d ago )

EA got rid of Online Passes and the latest big name to do so is SONY. Weren't they the only two companies supporting Online Passes.

My question is. When two huge companies have already ended Online Pass system and called it a mistake, how can smaller/other publishers even THINK about taking the risk?

I think the ONLY change that PS4 brings would be the requirement to have PS Plus to play multiplat and since I love PS Plus, it doesn't matter a whole lot. Not at least to me.

omi25p3983d ago

So essentially, Publishers can make it so you cant trade it games for PS4 as well.

Other than not having to sign in every 24 hours there is no differents.

Publishers could force you to have to be always online while playing they're games, They could make sure you cant trade in games.

Sony are telling halve truths and its annoying me that they are getting away with it.

Both consoles are the same with DRM except the 24 hour checks.

zeee3983d ago

@omi25p: Nothing changes except the fact that now you'll need to have a PS+ subscription to play online matches.

If you can't understand that then you need help my friend.

maniacmayhem3983d ago

Sony got rid of Online Passes because the PS+ has replaced the Online Pass. The same reason why Xbox 1st party games never had Online Passes.

PiTCHBLaCK3982d ago

@ omi25p

It's the same as the PS3, except now you need the PS+ to play online....Except Free MMO Games like DC Universe, PS2 and services like Netflix, Hulu etc don't need PS+. Quit being so Dramatic and making it seems so confusing. Also the PS3 can still play Multiplayer without PS+.

SilentNegotiator3982d ago (Edited 3982d ago )

Look at Loki's comment history. He's not trying to be accurate, he's trying to stir up FUD.


Here's a link showing that optional DRM for third parties is only referring to restricting online gameplay access.

edit: Ahhh, I see Omi is here spreading FUD, too! Where's the rest of the Xbox party? Let's give these trolls the lovely partying gift of one less bubble!

GameSpawn3982d ago (Edited 3982d ago )

PS+ requirement for online does essentially replace Online Passes. The only difference is instead of making people who buy used games pay for those online passes, they've distributed the cost to EVERYONE who wants to play online or take advantage of the other PLUS benefits.

Personally, I'm a little against the principle of moving online gameplay into a paid service, but even before that happened I was already strongly considering PS+. Also I don't play online very often anyway (I'm a little antisocial) so I'm more indifferent (just a little bit) to the whole issue of online play being free or paid. For me online play would be an additional bonus to the other PS+ offerings instead of the other way around for most other people.

Seriously though, $50 a year for what PS+ offers is basically a steal and the benefits only compound more of you own more systems (PSV, PS3, and PS4) that use the network.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3982d ago
zeee3983d ago

I think the article CLEARLY answers your question. I think you should read it again. I'd try to answer the best that I can (from what I understood of course).

They are saying that they are asking publishers to NOT use Online Passes but they can't FORCE them because Sony are in business and they can dictate certain things. So there you go. Sony's asking Publishers to not use Online Passes but if they do, they (the publishers) will have to deal with the wrath of the users and I guess no publisher in their right minds will even consider online passes anymore. THAT and Sony's getting rid of their online passes as well. I think this has to be the BEST E3. Even though, the new thing is the thing that we are already doing but since M$ changed the game, people have realized how we love today's gaming and business practices.

F***ng micro-transactions on the other hand... :(

hellvaguy3983d ago (Edited 3983d ago )

" asking publishers to NOT use Online Passes but they can't FORCE them because Sony are in business and they can dictate certain things."

Idk Id be skeptical "asking" a company to take less money even though they have a choice not to. I don't see very many companies not wanting money. However, having a choice is do to online pass is still better than no choice.

PiTCHBLaCK3982d ago (Edited 3982d ago )

@ hellvaguy

You can't make money if you piss off your fanbase(coughs...Microsoft...) . Also you don't wanna be the only bad fruit in the bunch, so Publishers like now...will take the safe route, Only EA did Online passes that I know of yet they all had the option. I Don't see that changing, do you?

EDIT: Side note, I'm so proud of Gamers and even some XBOX Fans who stood up for their rights and Said in one voice "No used game restrictions!", also Glad Sony and Nintendo(yes gotta give them some luv to) stood up for our rights to, for the sake of all gamers and Hardcore XBOX Fans, MS Wise up!.

DarkBlood3983d ago

so for us requiring psplus its mostly to access the multiplayer online of first and second party games but it would be extra on third party *should they so choose to do* for used games?

i think i understand it but i feel confused for some reason.

-EvoAnubis-3983d ago

Where's the confusing come in? Nothing changed. If you understand how it works on the PS3, then you understand how it works on the PS4.

zeeshan3983d ago (Edited 3983d ago )

^ This.

@Darkblood: What is there to be confused about? I mean, if you are confused about that then god help you understanding what M$ is trying to pull here.

DarkBlood3982d ago (Edited 3982d ago )

lol i know exactly what xbox one is doing and i dont like it.

i understand how it is on the ps3 will be like the ps4 with the only difference now is needing ps+ for online play which translate to all games even third party.

the part where im getting confused is third party games when you buy used they still going to do online passes even though we couldnt go online with it without ps+ anyways but are still going to impose fees?

edit: you know what lol, i believe i have nothing to be confused about im just having one of those days again :P from the agrees with my first post i clearly understood the implications

PiTCHBLaCK3982d ago

@ DarkBlood

You were scaring us...LOL
But from what I understand It's exactly like PS3 except when it comes to Multiplayer, You need PS+ BUT you can still play Planetside 2, DC Universe and access many online services like Netflix without PS+. ALSO, the PS3 can still play all Multiplayer games without PS+ just as it is now.

PS+ is only Required on the PS4 to play Multiplayer/cross voice chat.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3982d ago
GraveLord3983d ago

No publisher is stupid enough to use any sort of DRM on PS4.

LoveOfTheGame3983d ago

*EA walks in the door with a smile.

omi25p3983d ago

Then why have both Sony and Microsoft done it?
They are simply trying to keep publishers like EA happy.

BitbyDeath3983d ago

@omni25p, Sony haven't.
3rd parties control their own dedicated servers which Sony do not have control over.

That is where the online DRM is implemented.

Y_51503982d ago

@LoveOfTheGame You do know that EA stopped doing online passes right? Check the PSstore, all thier online passes are free now.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3982d ago
FrigidDARKNESS3983d ago

Publishers have said that their wouldn!t be anymore Online Passes anyway Edge Magazine have reported that Sony no Drm announcement was a PR stunt they will have the same third party DRM policy as MS.

ThatCanadianGuy5143983d ago

You guys are just so beyond pathetic.
Instead of being angry with MS for what they're doing to you, you guys won't say a damn thing about it.

Made up rumors about sony however (for months now) And you guys are all over it.

There's nothing more shameful then the xbox fanboys on this site, i swear.

PiTCHBLaCK3982d ago


Sony SAID there Policies have NOT Changed, It's the same as it is with the PS3!. God some people are so....whats the word? Blind Dumb. You may not really be Dumb but You'll believe anything that is Negative towards the Console you hate and Positive towards the Console you like.

How the fuck would Edge know what Sony's Policies are other than what Sony already told us what they are? Quit being Blind Dumb.

GraveLord3982d ago

Edge is wrong. Sony already said you can:
-Freely Lend/Trade/Rent Games just like you do on PS3
-Online Passes aren't allowed on PS4 as no one bought them on PS3 or 360.
-There is no sort of online authentication every 24 hours. There is no DRM.

Of course Sony has said that they set the standard for what they want PS4 to be, but they can't force EA to follow its rules. If EA wants to put DRM on their games, they can do it at their own risk. It's unlikeyly they will though. No publisher will risk the backlash this will cause. Just look at SimCity as an example.

ThatCanadianGuy5143983d ago

No omni.Not even close.
Stop trying to drag PS4's into Xbones sinking ship.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3982d ago
Intentions3983d ago

So.. It's practically the same as MS, but easier to understand.

003983d ago

The xbox one is built around DRM, the PS4 is not.

Sony cannot force the pub/dev to do anything they don't want to, without the mandatory internet connection they can't enforce DRM like security.

Campy da Camper3983d ago

Exactly. Xbox is mandatory online ps4 you can play a game without ever going online. Then give it to a friend. If a dev tries that draconian crap they won't sell squat. Not with Sony 1st party exclusives looking as good as they do. Y'all watch that new second son gameplay video??? Damn!

whoyouwit043983d ago

but publisher can make there games require a always on connection, isn't assassin Creed Black Flag and Watch dog already confirmed to need in all ways on internet connection?

limewax3983d ago

@whoyouwit04 I can't even give you the long answer because it doesn't exist, so here's the short. No.

I have no idea why but some people seem to be desperate for Sony to have DRM. They don't. It's exactly the same as PS3 in terms of DRM and ownership.

MysticStrummer3983d ago

@whoyouwit04 - There are already games that require an online connection, and have been since before the current generation. That's nothing new, and it's not the issue.

The One was built specifically to make enforcing DRM easy. PS4 was not.

tiffac0083983d ago (Edited 3983d ago )

AC:BF and Watch Dog always online? Where did you get that info? Source please, if you will.

rainslacker3983d ago

There were rumors about AC4 and Watchdogs requiring online, but so far it looks like they just have extra features if you're online. Nothing has been reported that they require a connection for any reason. So far Ubisoft has said they haven't decided or talked about DRM for next gen.

omi25p3983d ago

Microsoft arent forcing anyone.

Its the Publishers choice if they want there games to be traded in.

Publishers for the PS4 could come out and say inorder to play there games at all they will have to be online at all times.

At least Microsoft have some sort of control over it by saying its every 24 hours rather than completely random.

PiTCHBLaCK3982d ago

@ omi25p

I'd rather have no Used game Restrictions or Internet requirement for single player games. Sony 1st parties are for sure no Restrictions or Internet required. Why would Publishers Isolate themselves by requiring Online or Used game fees??

Some people so strongly want Sony to follow MS's Route, MS Chose that path on there own...if You wanna go down it with them, by all means go right ahead....but The fuck if I am.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3982d ago
Qrphe3983d ago

How can DRM be implemented if the console is never required to ever go online at any point?


Cueil3983d ago

I suppose the individual software can require it... don't be surprise if some middle ware doesn't make it's way out after all this stuff is finalized in July

LostDjinn3983d ago (Edited 3983d ago )

He knows that. He's trolling.

Aren't you glad the site owners decided to bubble-up all the trolls?

Edit: Just look at the MS employee above me. All proof points to the contrary but there he is proclaiming that Sony "May" quickly create some DRM that mirrors MS. Not because they will it's just an attempt to spread FUD.

Mikelarry3983d ago

asking a xbox die hard fan boy to think, you will get water from stone easier

cyguration3983d ago


Could be a shill.

Even a fanboy wouldn't be that dense to purposefully go into a thread where the article CLEARLY lays out how the PS4 won't have DRM and then decides to obfuscate the matter more by constantly saying the PS4 and XB1 DRM are the same.

There aren't enough words to describe how asinine that is, but you could consider it astro turfing.

Why o why3983d ago (Edited 3983d ago )

Sigh. Another projecting 'you too' 360 fan. Leave it out. Move on. Been old.

maniacmayhem3983d ago


Easy, the console doesn't have to go online but THE GAME might require you too.

Is this really so hard to understand?

That a developer or publisher could easily implement their own form of Key Code, Online Check or Online Pass in their code if necessary, it has nothing to do with the actual PS4 not having to be online.

It doesn't matter if the console doesn't have to go online to check its the game that counts.

Foliage3983d ago (Edited 3983d ago )

That just means I will buy a game without that restriction.

These hypothetical situations are becoming insane. PS4 and Xbox One DRM are not the same; stop trying to compensate. It's very simple to understand.

What single player game is going to require that you access the internet? Why would a company shoot themselves in the foot like that; when every competitor on the system is not?

That would be like how Microsoft shot themselves in the head; giving PS4 the easy win this generation. No publisher could equally be that dumb.

No luck doing that on the Xbox One; which the system itself enforces you to check in like you are on parole. Shit, you even have the always on security camera implanted in the center of your house. How fitting.

Don't be sold on the "pause" BS about the camera; you can't unplug it. If the thing is truly "off" when in "pause"; why would it respond to audible commands?

Derp! You guys sure fall for anything.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3983d ago
bub163983d ago

Sony are not forcing the DRM, Microsoft are.

So if a game on PS4 comes out with DRM, blame the game developer, not Sony.

People can stop buying DRM games and make it hurt the company, not Sony

I refuse to buy games with online passes and never have done, I will be doing the same with DRM

creatchee3983d ago

You didn't buy Uncharted 3? You missed out, man.

bub163983d ago

ok you got me. i did buy UC3!!

soniqstylz3983d ago

You didn't buy Mass Effect 2? You missed out, man.

creatchee3983d ago

I can't blame you - it was amazing. 2 was still my favorite though! :)

bub163983d ago


not a fan at all!

Foliage3983d ago

I know you xbots didn't buy Uncharted; that's for damn sure.

How is the 360 library looking? I just pre-ordered The Last of Us and Beyond: 2 Souls. Can't wait for GT.

Microsoft ditched Xbox; they now ditched Xbox 360. They are now selling you on a system that if they ditch support; you will not be able to use the machine at all (if that "check in" server is turned off; you have a paperweight).

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3983d ago
-EvoAnubis-3983d ago

No, it's not the same as the XB1. It's the same as the PS3; they literally haven't changed anything whatsoever.

Mikeyy3983d ago

Intentions you are a pathetic troll. This is nothing like Microsofts policy.

SpinalRemains3983d ago


Its not even remotely similar.

You're not going to see DRM on a majority of PS4 games.

Can you please explain why you think it's the same as MS, but easier? This way there won't be any confusion.

KRUSSIDULL3983d ago (Edited 3983d ago )

It is easier to understand because the Xbox One requires an online check every 24 hours to be able to play ANY games.

Publisher still have the option to NOT block used games but cant avoid Microsoft 24-hour policy. In other words Microsoft made it very confusing and unnecessary.

But there is more to it than blocking used games, this 24 hour online check is also most likely to ban modded consoles so you cant pirate games.

Anyway I think Microsoft is doing it wrong they are gonna lose more money than they gonna earn from this.

3983d ago
Foliage3983d ago

No more xbox one games at gaming tournaments.

MLG is pretty pissed off right now; everyone I've spoken with is pre-ordering the PS4.

Microsoft burnt a lot of gamers.

You have to feel for the Military; who will not have consistent internet oversees on duty.

FU Microsoft.

ziggurcat3983d ago

"So.. It's practically the same as MS"


not even close there, buddy.

GraveLord3982d ago


Look at what the Xbox One is doing, PS4 is the complete opposite.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3982d ago
Mikelarry3983d ago

Go on sony spread the good word so that it sinks into the minds of all these blind fanboys who cant understand the meaning of no drm on ps4 and who keep insisting the ps4 is like the xbox 1

ricochetmg3983d ago

100 dollar price difference...

AmkOwns3983d ago

None will buy the game if it had DRM, it's gonna be suicidal by the publisher

Looking at you EA.

ricochetmg3983d ago

this is more like buying a season's pass to all the amusement parks and being able to ride everything for free rather than paying for each ride individually on top of the entry fee. Plus, you also get a ton of free gear every so often.

FullMetalTech3983d ago

I gotta agree with you. I think they would end up making more by implementing season passes instead with extra content. And with no online pass on hand it will increase sales for them.

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Don't worry, AI will save us all.

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