
Sony asked Bungie's feedback on DualShock 4

GC - "Bungie COO, Pete Parsons, has revealed that Sony has contacted them to get feedback on PS4′s controller."

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Snookies124024d ago (Edited 4024d ago )

Can't wait to give that DS4 a go... Even my friends who hate Sony think the controller and system seem to be very well done.

Gazondaily4024d ago

Yeah it looks sexier the more I see it.

It makes sense for Sony to ask the legendary Bungie for feedback. That's one studio who's input is invaluable.

Sony's philosophy of going direct to developers and people at the forefront of the industry is what will ensure their success. It makes you wonder why it was never done before by anyone to such a scale.

zeee4024d ago

My God! Sony went all out this time didn't they. Seems to me SONY wants the devs to take responsibility and give them no excuse to complain about anything in the future.

No more shall we hear excuses from devs that PS4 is hard to work on. That PS4 is not dev friendly, that PS4's controller needs improvements and what not.

Sony is on the right track. I just hope that the developers won't disappoint us again as it's well established that despite the complex PS3 architecture, devs were also super lazy to get off their asses and work hard on their projects (Skyrim, Bayonetta etc).

ShinMaster4024d ago (Edited 4024d ago )

The only memorable thing Bungie has ever done is Halo. It's like they couldn't figure out what theme and art direction to take with Destiny, so they threw a bunch of designs from other genres, games and movies into it (ie: Halo, Killzone, Star Wars, Gears, Warhammer, medieval fantasy, aliens, etc). It will end up looking like the most generic MMO ever.

Anyway, good thing Sony is really getting developers involved :)

Gazondaily4024d ago


Wtf are you on about? The only memorable thing they made is Halo? Lol, yeah it's Halo.....you know, the game that pretty much single handedly made the original Xbox the success that it was and paved the way for the 360.

The game that was ahead of time when it introduced unique game mechanics that games have since copied and with Halo 2, proved to the world that consoles can do online competitive fps' and do them well.

You're living in denial if you can't accept these facts. Not many developers can lay claim to have achieved half of what Bungie have. That's why they are legendary.

McScroggz4024d ago

@Septic for what it's worth, though I'm by no means a die-hard fan of Halo I'd argue that besides Mario, no franchise has been as important to a console as Halo has been to Microsoft.

ShinMaster4024d ago (Edited 4024d ago )

I didn't say Halo wasn't good. I just said that it was the only memorable thing Bungie has done and you said nothing that proves me wrong.
Geez talk about being overly defensive.

Yeah, it made the original Xbox the massive success with 25mil units /s

_-EDMIX-_4024d ago

@ShinMaster- da fuq are you talking about? Though I'm not a fan of the later Halo's, that team pretty much proved that FPS can work right on consoles among other things. The "feel" of Halo is literally like NONE OTHER! If its one thing they can get right, the feel of the game.

Art Direction wise, I think they know what they are doing. Not sure if you looked outside or not but......the earth doesn't have a single one art direction theme. They are trying to create not just earth but MANY other planets, they can't have a single art direction theme. On the moon, yeah, on Mars of course, on earth? HELL NO! You would have to be mad to think that with all the different environment types and landscapes that they could have one single uniform art direction. Open world games don't do that well when your talking about multiple cites ie GTASA vs GTAIV. Yes you can have a certain type of theme MORE in GTAIV, but thats because its not 3 cities its one and its smaller.

I don't even see what design in terms of "Gears" that you saw from there. Thats so damn stupid and subjective its not even funny. Its like saying. "damn COD had to copy BF by having there design and art direction the same" as if a single soul knows wtf your talking about. LOL!

Not much to do with space or did the space and starts look....too "star wars" LMFAO! Having ships is...too "star wars".

Come up with something better, more concrete and then many you might have something going on there.

DragonKnight4024d ago

Bungie aren't legendary. They've been successful with one series. Wolfenstein and Goldeneye on the N64 are more important to the FPS genre than Halo was. The only thing Halo was important for was giving Microsoft a chance to be relevant in the gaming industry and as a launch pad for their paid network service.

Bungie did a great job with Halo, but they aren't legendary.

ShinMaster4024d ago (Edited 4024d ago )

Too long; didn't read.

But I'm going to guess you guys never heard of console FPS games prior to Halo lol
Quake, Red Faction, Wolfenstein, Half-Life, GoldenEye, etc. THOSE were some of the games that proved that FPS games did work on consoles BEFORE Halo.

Also, Halo has been borrowing elements from other games recently, just like they have in the past, believe it or not. Not saying it's a bad thing. You guys just need to step out of your Halo/Xbox bubble more often.


This is what I was referring to:
Help me out here, but I can't tell if this art is from 5 different games or just one ;)

Gazondaily4024d ago (Edited 4024d ago )


"But I'm going to guess you guys never heard of console FPS games prior to Halo lol
Quake, Red Faction, Wolfenstein, Half-Life, GoldenEye, etc. THOSE were some of the games that proved that FPS games did work on consoles BEFORE Halo. "

First of all, the likes of Quake, Wolfenstein and Half-Life were primarily PC games ported to consoles and no, they didn't work ANYWHERE NEAR the level Halo did on consoles (I know, I played them all).

Secondly, did I ever say FPS didn't work at all prior to Halo? Halo set the standard for many things such as the manner in which vehicles were an integral part of the game (something which many shooters today on consoles struggle to implement as well), two weapon carry limit, regenerating health etc. Why do you think there have been so many attempts to release a 'Halo-beater'?

And did any of those games decisively prove that multiplayer FPS' can work on consoles prior to Halo 2? Deny it all you want but Halo 2 was a marvel on consoles and set the standard for console FPS online gaming. Prior to that, I distinctly remember trying to play Quake 3 on the Dreamcast where the lack of keyboard/mouse just made it redundant on consoles.

Also, you're really having a go at Bungie regarding Destiny? Really? You're nit-picking their art style, which in itself is amazing and unique but not even looking at how ambitious the game is? Please, tell me, what other FPS on consoles is as ambitious as Destiny is attempting to be? Don't tell me you're going to say Killzone?

Bungie are legendary simply by virtue of the behemoth that was Halo. Halo IS the definition of a killer-app; a system seller that defined a genre and generation, that hyper-accelerated advancement of console FPS multiplayer and set the standard that various big names in the industry fail to achieve even today. If Halo isn't legendary, then very little if anything can be described as such.

MaxXAttaxX4023d ago (Edited 4023d ago )

Somewhat agree^
But it's mostly the media that tries to label every other FPS that comes out as a "Halo-killer" when most devs aren't even trying to do that.

Halo did wonders for the Xbox. Although I must say that I never knew anyone that had an Xbox back in the day, so unless you were one of the few that had an Xbox people didn't seem to care about Halo's existence... to put it bluntly.
And honestly, two weapon limits kinda suck lol.


subtenko4023d ago (Edited 4023d ago )

Because there is only one Sony. PlayStation FTW!

P.S. yea I also think M$ 'brain washed' some gamers. Most people were on PS2 but then since xbox360 had the head start, some people who liked ps2 started trashing the ps3 for some strange reason.

Good to see most have come back to their senses. :)

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 4023d ago
GUYwhoPLAYSvideoGAME4024d ago

any self-proclaimed gamer who hates sony is kind of just retarded, it's the way my friends are too

duli144024d ago

Mine do too, The ironic thing is they all used to game on ps2! Microsoft and Xbox just brainwashed the lot!

N4Flamers4024d ago

I couldnt disagree with duli14 more. Any real gamer doesn't hate a format or a machine. You are no better than anyone else who uses a pc, or a 360. Every system has good games.

UnHoly_One4024d ago

I don't hate Sony, I've owned every Playstation.

I do, however, absolutely HATE the controller.

I REALLY wish they would move that left joystick. It's a damn shame they insist on being the only console that still puts that stick in the wrong place.

DAS6924024d ago


Sony started dual analog controls. Nothing is wrong with twin dual sticks. It offers flexibility in the games you want to play.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4024d ago
Garbanjo0014024d ago

I am totally excited. Willing to say screw xbox to be a playstation gamer from now on. I'm impressed, plus that controller looks sick man.

showtimefolks4024d ago

lets ask the people who actually make games before we make the system. can't wait PS4 is poised for Success

can't wait for may 21st to find out what MS has in store for us too

looks like wii-u wont be joining us next gen so ms and sony have to take the bull by the horn and drive the industry forward

StraightPath4024d ago

Shin nobody got owned by septic. Brush up on gaming knowledge Halo 2 was the start of online gaming on consoles as we know it now. Halo 1 was gigantic and was the killer app that made so many sony fanboys jealous in envy even to this day. Games such as killzone resistance starhawk wannabe games look like a joke to Halo games.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4023d ago
Kingthrash3604024d ago

Sony made some wise choices this time around. I wish others made the same leap** cough nintendo** sony has me sold just on this unprecedented effort alone. feels good that someone is thinking about the gamer and devs at the same time. alot of complaints from the ps3 especially the" ps3 is powerful but difficult to develop games for" has been addressed. ps4 day 1 duel shock 4 looks like a winner hopefully I won't have to struggle to watch Netflix anymore. hate when the controller moves an inch and starts rewinding the show im watching..smh

TheUndertaker854024d ago (Edited 4024d ago )

Get a Media Controller my friend. The original model is cheap now or if you wish, the new one is universal. Makes movie watching plus music listening much, much easier and direct.

Ron_Danger4024d ago

Or use any android device to control Netflix on PS3. I use my kindle fire now and never have any controller input problems.

pop-voxuli4024d ago

Whats this?!?!?Please tell me more about using yer android to control netflix on ps3, for real sorry if I sound sarcastic.

MasterCornholio4024d ago

The triggers should be excellent then. But i will continue to use R1 and L1 for shooters though.

r214024d ago

So will I, its been like that since, for me at least, the PS2 days. Its just weird to have R2 and L2 to be used for shooting or in BS1's sake, to have triangle as the jump button.

Conzul4024d ago

IIRC Shadow of the Colossus had triangle as the jump button as well. It actually felt natural after awhile.

ssj274024d ago (Edited 4024d ago )

I wanna play with this controls.. I wonder if they will release a new version of it like they did in the PS1 and PS3.. I don't remember if the the PS2 has such a update.

Just by looking at it I can tell gae gameplay will improve using the DS4

C4BL34024d ago

The only studio M$ had that drove the xbox and launched the 360 is going to launch the PS4 into the lead. When Bungie's new game was announced years ago I said I would make the jump to Sony. Now I just can't wait for Christmas

Wizziokid4024d ago

Destiny is multiplatform so I'm not sure how much it will really sway people.
I'll begetting it for PS4 though

C4BL34024d ago

Well I can't speak for other people but Bungie Kept me on the xbox for many years. Now that the only good games on xbox are Multiplat there is no real reason to stay with M$ next gen. BF4 and Destiny are both on Playstation. I am willing to bet some people are in the same boat as me.

FrigidDARKNESS4024d ago

You are aware that Destiny is a multiplat gme and MS own 49% of Bungie. A successful launch on the ps4 will be good for both MS and Bungie. Most of the shares from game sles gors into MS coffers....just tjought you and other gamers should know this information.

C4BL34024d ago (Edited 4024d ago )

I didn't know that. But I still won't be getting the Next BOx

Minato-Namikaze4024d ago

Nintendo owned 49% of rare at one point, how'd that turn out?

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Rolling the Dice: Do Modern RPGs Miss the Point of Team-Based Play?

It seems it was long time ago. A bunch of friends spending hours on end playing RPG games, sitting around the table with the box of cold pizza. Excited about the story, listening to the Game Master, they were completely engaged in the worlds only visible to them and their imaginations.

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Takwin2644d ago

The GM is the programmer, and in MMOs and co-ops, you can play with others. If you want to ONLY use your imagination for the visuals, read a book.


Record of Agarest War 2 announced for PS3

Scrawl: "Looks like we know how that new Compile Heart countdown is going to end. The latest issue of Famitsu has confirmed that Agarest Senki 2, known as Record of Agarest War 2 in the US, is Compile Heart’s newest title."

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Godmars2905089d ago

1) Hope they put it on disc this time.
2) Hope this is a positive for Neptune coming over as well.

Demons Souls5089d ago

If so, that's being developed & published by Idea Factory. Compile Heart has nothing to do with it (Thank God for that).

Godmars2905089d ago (Edited 5089d ago )

Thought Compile Heart was one of the companies lending characters.

Was also speaking in general as in regards to a US of Neptune. If these guys are offing a second game, NIS or Atlus, both of whom offer quirkier titles, will put that one out.

My issue isn't - wholly - with the DL-only option, but the price. The first game should be $30. Maybe $40, and by that I mean $39.99. The only reason its $45 is the 360 disc version which has extras. Nevermind that by all rights its a PS2 game. Something that proabbly could have been done if the devs had the GOW2 engine or tools.

ClownBelt5089d ago

I approve of this god damn message.

Could have gotten my 60 bucks if they just put it on a disc.

5089d ago Replies(1)
Tripl3seis5089d ago

Another exclusive damnn the ps3 keeps on rollin wit games awesome ;)

Jack-Pyro5089d ago

Is this a half decent SRPG, porn aside, cause if it is, i might just decide to go and buy it for the 360.

Anon73495089d ago

There's no porn just some sexual innuendos but that's it.

Also it is a great game by itself, maybe not graphically but everything else is top tier.

RedDevils5089d ago

so it had some kind of "top tier" porn story jk

ThanatosDMC5089d ago

Yup, it's a decent game. I just hate that a move has to go first before any attack options.

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Bless Online Korean MMORPG Gets Server Merge

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2680d ago
Bismarn2679d ago

Bless must be an amazing game to be on all these platforms (according to the tags): iPad iPhone Nintendo DS PC PS Vita PS2 PS3 PS4 PSP Wii Wii U Xbox Xbox 360 Xbox One