
Is the Wii U a Failure?

Let’s be honest here for a moment, from a critical and financial prospective, the Wii U is in a lot of trouble right now. It’s barely sold 4 Million units, and there are absolutely no big games or interesting titles in sight. Does that mean the Wii U is a failure? Let’s take a close look at the consoles current situation, future prospective and undeniable facts to find out.

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Dylila4055d ago

ask most of the fans and youll hear no. to a person who isnt a diehard fan things might seem bleak when it comes to the wii u but for the audience its targeted towards they are quite content with the game pickings and upcoming games for the device. most are also waiting for the wii u exclusives so even though people may see some third party titles under-performing, not getting a lot of third party support or engines it isnt so alarming to the diehard fans who love the nintendo exclusives and buy nintendio devices for just those titles.

Donnieboi4055d ago

True, can't argue with that. But it sure lost a hell of a lot of the core audience and virtually all of their casuals. But I hear what your saying when u mention the diehard Nintendo fans buying into it no matter what Nintendo does (or neglects to do).

PopRocks3594054d ago

There are plenty of Nintendo fans here who have acknowledged the Wii U's issues and lower than par sales in the past. I myself have already stated that its library is in heavy need of expansion and the marketing for the platform has been particularly disappointing.

I don't believe it's a failure. Yet. It can turn out to be after more time on the market and a continuance of low sales, but I don't believe that will ultimately be the case.

Will it make Wii level success? Probably not, but then neither did the PS3 or 360 and both of those are currently profitable systems that sell much better than when they initially launched.

Theyellowflash304054d ago

Donnieboi, I know your trying to get hits for your site, but you're rushing to conclusions. The Failure of a system just outsold the PS3 in Japan with a HD port and Game & Wario.

Guys like you were on the same bandwagon when the 3DS was not doing well.... Nintendo will release their first party hardware, and sales will go up.

SilentNegotiator4054d ago (Edited 4054d ago )


"Will it make Wii level success? Probably not, but then neither did the PS3 or 360 and both of those are currently profitable systems that sell much better than when they initially launched"

Stop trying to connect Wii U to Ps3/360's "horrible" beginnings. Ps3 and 360 NEVER had months as bad as Wii U has had this year, even in the worst of software droughts.

Ps3 and 360 have had much more steady sales over their life times. They were stable and knew where to aim their systems. Wii U neither panders to the hardcore (with weaker online and small leap from systems they already own) nor the casual (those that bought Wii for the supposed fitness); THAT is why it is selling slowly. Not because 'every system goes through this'

AngelicIceDiamond4054d ago (Edited 4054d ago )

At the moment Nintendo did set themselves up for a big dry spell this season (spring) with no big games, in fact its been happening since early this year.

I know Nintendo has some secret AAA's in the works right now, but I'm having a hard time seeing it being form third party. Deadspace, GTA, Bioshock, Dead Island, Saint Row, BF (EA games) and future Epic games aren't making it to Wii U. The fact that EA and Epic aren't on board with the Wii U is devastating.

Nintendo's console is indeed current gen. The masses can't tell the difference with graphical differences with PS360, and even if they can they don't wanna shell out 300$ for a minor difference or games that they played before.

The Wii U is simply late to the party. It would be acceptable if they released the Wii U in late 2009 or 2010.

I just think we have to wait until E3 and see what kind of games they showcase. Though, Nintendo shouldn't rely only on holiday season for games, they need to stay consistent through out the year. Take Sony's approach and release games through out the calender year. That would benefit Nintendo greatly imo. They could use that exposure And the exclusives.

LOL_WUT4054d ago

I would say yes, given the fact on how bad the company has been doing as of late. The bad business decisions would be too long to list. ;)

As for the casuals they would have no say in this as they probably wouldn't even know what a Wii U is. And theres really no point in mentioning the diehards as you can't reason with them.

N4g_null4054d ago

I'm not sure why having pc big games is important to a wiiu owner when they have a pc and most do. No one was ever going to buy a wiiu for gta when it's on pc and better. What matters are all those Mario kart gamers, resort gamers, smash bro gamers, along with a nice helping of my fav platinum, treasure and sequels to 3 unique RPGs launched on the wii.

Also monster hunter and dragon quest is a really nice combo. Wario ware and wiiu fit are going to do fine. Plus add in a pc and suddenly you don't have to wait on the ps4.

Also the third party house of cards is starting to fall. This is a bad time to release a console over $400.

_QQ_4054d ago (Edited 4054d ago )

why is everone making a big deal about epic not working with wiiu, gears was okay and judgement was meh.

Nintendo never has huge third party and does fine,thats one of the reasons you get a gaming PC so you don't have to play handicapped third party titles on consoles.

AKR4054d ago


~ And would you believe that the Wii U has actually sold better than than the PS3 or 360 in the same time period (3 months) even with it's terrible game drought?

- Check the facts for yourself good sir, BEFORE, you comment.

badz1494054d ago

but it sure does not perform good enough to let Reggie's face pop out in the news here and there like it was with the Wii!

kikizoo4054d ago

"Will it make Wii level success? Probably not, but then neither did the PS3 or 360 and both of those are currently profitable systems that sell much better than when they initially launched."

You can't compare, since wiiu is selling less, and more difficult for them : ps3/360 dont' have to compete with better consoles (wiiu will suffer big time from ps4/720 launch)

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profgerbik4054d ago

Is it opposite day? I know it is horrible for me to bring this up but it kills.

I didn't care for what you said before but I think it is still kind of a joke you are changing what you say all the sudden.

Probably cause you got banned so many times. It is just funny seeing you in all this Wii U thread being such a strong support now, before you did literally nothing but trash the system, now you are doing everything to defend.

4054d ago
1nsaint4054d ago

It needs more:

-____██▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ M ▓████

stage884054d ago

Yes because Mario 743 will save the system.

g2gshow4054d ago

nintindo is going to have to fight this one out on foot the're will be no flying above collecting coins from the legion of causal gamers this time around.how many times will they rely on miyamoto to save the day .They will survive but at what cost i see them in last place on hardware sales unless Microsoft drop's the ball big time or they star selling the wiiu dirt cheap an fall back on strength of software

4054d ago
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Ziriux4055d ago

Yes. Get it right with the software and you'll succeed. Need newer IP's more innovation.

Theyellowflash304054d ago

Nintendo is innovation. The Wonderful 101, Bayonetta 2, Xenoblade 2, Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem, Pikmin 3.... These are some of the most unique and innovative games coming out.

Sony and MS are one boring shooter after another, Killzone, Uncharted, Resistance, MAG, Halo, Battlefield, COD, it's the same junk. Shooters. Nintendo always bring new gameplay experiences that are unique. How many games on the market right now do what Fire Emblem Awakening does?

How many games play like Luigi's Mansion? Nintendo will always bring innovation and New IPs, Dillion's Rolling Western, HarmoKnight are two examples of new IPs Nintendo is doing.

Picture_Dancer4054d ago


Yeah Nintendo is super innovative. Same ip's and game characters for almost 20 yers. All I hear from N fans is: Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Mario Cart, Smasz Bros. The same games all over again. intendo is is the least innovative company in terms of games and new IP's

N4g_null4054d ago

Have fun with your zombi hobos and the next infamous or that fps cut scene generator. You guys are in the wrong hobby. This is about gameplay ip not a new name on another fps. This is about RPGs, platformers, bullet swarms, rts, fighting games, puzzle games, you know games that require skill.

Stop trying to turn gaming into bad cinema or reality tv. Eye candy is starting to look a lot like a bad vfx driven movie syndrome. I'm not sure why Sony even made a new controller. They did not even use what was in the last one.

Third parties are walking them selves into a corner not even a dead end. Expect more layoffs.

Theyellowflash304054d ago

@Picture Dancer, yet I didn't name Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Pokemon in my post. Did you just reply to me with a side step of all the games I listed?

brave27heart4054d ago

Three of those games you mentioned are sequels so although they may be good calling them unique and innovative is maybe not totally accurate. Also we dont know if these games are actually any good. I could list 100 unique and innovative games on platforms other than the WiiU that are truly awful, so unique and innovative doesnt mean good.

Also dismissing offerings in other platforms is shallow and narrow minded. Uncharted is a great experience, Cod and Battlefield might not be hugely innovative each year but they have millions of people playing each week for a reason. Then there are those unique and innovative experiences that are good. Journey, Braid, Limbo, Walking Dead (telltale games one).

Nintendo relies heavily on its established franchises for success. How innovative is Mario Kart? Zelda? Smash Bros? They're not the greatest at innovation but they are solid, really good games.

All you Nintendo diehards need to stop blindly defending Nintendo. Its always going to have great first party games but instead of dismissing other consoles games to defend your own how about actually asking for some of these games on the WiiU? Wouldnt you like to have great 1st part games AND games like Bioshock, GTA, Battlefield etc?

_QQ_4054d ago

Cod has a bunch of bros playing, either that or they play madden. i own a wiiu but i also get to play all the ther games you mentioned because i own a ps3, gonna get a ps4,plus i have a gaming pc so i don't have to play handicapped third party titles on consoles.Most people own more than just one console. Plus the major Mario, Metroid, and Zelda releases for the wii last year are better than any ps3 exclusive other than mgs4.

1upgamer994054d ago

Well I think Nintendo got it right renewing the Eternal Darkness IP a couple weeks ago....That game is amazing.

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Root4055d ago

It was rushed out in my opinion, if it had launched with Mario Kart U and another game like Super Smash Bros U or maybe the new Zelda then have Pikman 3 and maybe Luigis Mansion 2 (instead of the 3DS version) coming out a few months after then it would of lured people in. I mean I know I would of gotten one straight away for Mario Kart.

It just feels like Nintendo didn't have a plan at all, they just thought "Ahhh we'll be fine the Wii Sold a ton people will eat this up"....

badz1494054d ago

it was announced a full year and a half from release thus making the recent game drought a bit more unacceptable.

Fierce Musashi4054d ago (Edited 4054d ago )

Far too soon to say. The best truly has yet to come. Til then, it's merely just jumping to conclusions for the most part.

To Aceitman
A drought like this doesn't automatically make it failure. Espcially when it has multi million dollar franchises under it's belt. It was the same thing with the 3DS before Mario 3D Land and Kart and it's later, more aggressive advertising. Like I said, it's too soon to say. :/

aceitman4054d ago (Edited 4054d ago )

I don't know with only 8 confirmed games with release dates from april to September it looks bleak http://www.ign.com/games/up...
ps3 has 31 http://www.ign.com/games/up... 360 has 26 http://www.ign.com/games/up...
and 7 wiiu games are multiplatform and remember that is confirmed with a release date , pikmin 3 not confirmed with date or The Wonderful 101 .

PopRocks3594054d ago

8 confirmed games? Seven of which are multiplatform?

I don't suppose the new 3D Mario, Mario Kart, Zelda/Wind Waker HD, X, Bayonetta 2, Fire Emblem x Shin Megami Tensei or the new Retro Studios game factor into that list?

N4g_null4054d ago

So what are the confirm release dates of the ps4 games? Most of the ps3 games worth getting will be on pc anyway. If you really want to believe all of those games are not coming then good luck with that.

Hicken4054d ago

He said WITH RELEASE DATES. Of those games you listed, how many have release dates? NOT ONE. (Not from IGN's list, anyway.)

Geez, are you trying to make yourself look silly? cuz if so, you're doing a great job.

@scissor_runner: Get off this PC kick you're on. It's pretty pathetic that you use that as some type of excuse as to why the multiplats that aren't on Wii U don't matter.

Fact is: third party support is drying up quick on the Wii U. They're kinda gonna need that to lure in core gamers(though I imagine the Nintendo faithful will say the only thing that matters are the exclusives), especially those that aren't all that into the same few franchises Nintendo brings every generation.

As for confirmed release dates of PS4 games, that's irrelevant. That SYSTEM doesn't even have a solid release date yet; how could the games have one?

Trying too hard, people. The Wii U isn't a failure, but it could- and should- be doing better. Seems like Nintendo didn't have all their ducks in a row when they launched it. But it's not too late to straighten them up.

PopRocks3594054d ago (Edited 4054d ago )


Chill out boyo. I missed that part of the comment obviously.

Either way, even without release dates, I don't think we should discount those games. They're going to be shown around E3 and unlike other publishers, Nintendo has a tendency to keep a fairly strict schedule. If they're being showcased, they'll probably be released within two years of the show, in some cases less than one.

MikeMyers4054d ago

I find it alarming how some people used to list Vita games with no firm release dates to try and counter all the negativity yet won't take that into consideration with the Wii U. Double standards?

It's way too early to be calling Wii U a failure just like it was for the Vita.

PopRocks3594054d ago (Edited 4054d ago )


Nintendo's schedule is usually fairly solid when it comes to software. If they announce a game at E3, it's usually out within the next two years, sometimes the following year.

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How Many More Victims, Like Garry's Mod, Will Nintendo's Hurtful Crusade Create?

Hanzala from eXputer: "As Nintendo takes out 20 years' worth of stuff from Garry's Mod, I watch in shock, thinking why it continues to hurt and discourage its fans."

RiseNShine6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

The irony that some of the most disgusting business practices come from companies like Disney or Nintendo, i can't even begin to understand what terrible damage was Garrys Mod making to Nintendo bottom line, imho they're getting pretty nervous about where they're heading in the future, handhelds are no longer something exclusive to Nintendo, from Steam Deck to many others, now you can play the latest games and pay a fraction of the price on Steam sales, so it's up to their exclusives, which just on their own would make hard to justify purchasing a closed overpriced hardware with outrageous price policies (Super Mario Odyssey is still 60 euro 6 years later!), and as a home console they're always underperforming compared to Sony or Xbox.

gold_drake6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

i cam guarantee you, that their exclusives alone is what drives switch sales. they sell in the 10s of millions of copies.

nintendo created their franchises to be sort of nostalgia driven, exclusive only on nintendo.

people will always buy the pkmn games as they always bring in new younger fans amd is family friendly

mario kart, the same thing, mario games in general.

zelda games are system sellers. animal crossing for the casual gamers.

nintendo doesnt need third vame devs essentially. they made sure with the switch and the limitations that they looked more to pc ps and xbox.

its sad, but nintendo is more than fine with what they're doing. they positioned themselves to appeal to the more casual gamers.

but to your point, im not sure why they're doing this rly.

Inverno6d ago

Look at how they handled Nintendo games being streamed or uploaded on YouTube in the past. They killed Yuzu and Citra even when they had nothing to do with ToTK being leaked, not to mention it was basically unplayable on emulation the week it was leaked. Smash Bros tournament, that was fairly recent. They shut down their online services without any care for purchases made. I bought a switch after skipping their last 2 consoles and handhelds but I don't plan on buying anything Nintendo in the future. They take things to the extremes, they legitimately hate their fans. They're honestly right up there with the likes of Acti, EA, and Ubi, only difference is that they disguise themselves as being family friendly all the while being shady.


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