
See Resident Evil 6's naked 'breast-caressing' fem-spider in action

Naked spider boss is more sexy than scary.

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synce4300d ago

Horny 14 year olds, rejoice!

For everyone else, it's not enough to save this god awful mess of a game.

daggertoes834300d ago

Could not agree more. This game scares me and not in the good way. I wanna like.

Hal0_0_EmElG4300d ago

This will be hard to fap to , Challenge Accepted.

GrieverSoul4300d ago

"Sexy? Scary? You decide."

Kind of pointless... Why not put some torn clothes above it?! No nipples, not scary and not even shocking. Just a bunch of pixels that could of been used with another type of texture instead "skin".

I bet crapcom just put it there and released these videos to get some attention. I dont get it why these articles go 1000º on N4G. If you have internet to see N4G, why not go google for porn???

MAJ0R4299d ago

Very scary! Very terrible too. I just don't get why all third person shooters are copying Uncharted now. It's getting really annoying, every TPS is taking a page from Uncharted's book. So much so that most TPS are now becoming so cinematic that they are on-rails.

So now it's either a generic modern military FPS, or an on-rails cinematic TPS Uncharted clone... gaming industry sucks now, next gen needs to get here faster.

pixelsword4299d ago

After RE4, it just went down hill.

tack1294299d ago

@ MAJ0R - Ironically enough, Resident Evil 4 was also one of the inspirations for Uncharted, apart from Tomb Raider.

Also there's nothing wrong with Uncharted. There is something wrong with Resident Evil however, even the creator of the series does not like the direction it is going.

Kevin ButIer4299d ago

Srly... a grappling hook....

Army_of_Darkness4299d ago

I think RE6 could be better than what everybody is saying on here. Graphics are looking pretty good as well.

gta28004299d ago (Edited 4299d ago )

We only saw some clips of one level and every other scene was the character crashing through the floor...and a grapling hook? Made the mistake of buying RE5...will not make that same mistake again.

Irishguy954299d ago (Edited 4299d ago )

Kevin butler, she had a grappling hook in RE4

Edit---wonder why leon and Ada are helping each other...thought Ada was the villain?

victorGma214299d ago

Now I know Britney Spears wouldn't be sexy as a monster.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 4299d ago
JAM_brz4300d ago

I think this is not about "to save the game". It´s just a choice.

it´s gonna be a good game, but not as good as the old Resident Evil´s, and I mean Resident Evil´s 1, 2 and 3. The 4 onward are not Resident Evil.

ado9084300d ago

I actually believe Resident evil 4 was better than the rest. Honestly just because the game was in third person perspective doesn't make it less different. Resident evil 1,2, and 3 are not scary either. Same goes for 4,5, and 6. Honestly the camera angle's had so much issue in resident evil 1,2, and 3 it's not even funny how irritating it was that I wasn't able to see the enemy most of the time. I'm getting a little fed up with people like you downplaying a game especially 4 considering it is the best in the series. Best selling and best acclaimed. I'm still waiting for people to answer how are the enemies and scare factor any different from the past games to the recent ones. You're still getting mutated people/zombies. You got your tyrant and then you got your U3 in Resident evil 4. And frankly I thought the U3 boss fight in resident evil 4 was scarier than most bosses. First being lisa trevor. And than you got your generator as a normal enemy encounter and you can't tell me they aren't freaky. Resident evil 5 despite not being scary at all the game was really fun and I spent countless of hours playing co-op. I played maybe over 200 hours on resident evil 5.

AWBrawler4300d ago

how dare you exclude 0 from that. RE0 was my favorite one

hkgamer4300d ago


i think the originals were more scary due to the fact that scary games in those days didnt really exist.

re1 had dogs jumping out of windows... creepy music... squeeky floorboards... zombies moaning off screen.... just the whole atmosphere made it scary, especially if you was low on ammo, low on health and ou havent saved in ages.
i was never really that good with resident evil so i was always low on ammo and health.
re2 had more zombies and more action... but what was scary was that a tyrant kept on mutating to a stronger enemy.... only problem it had was that the ps1 graphics didnt really show off the mutations that well.

tbh i am actually looking forward to 6. for some reason it looks great and i probably will enjoy it more than 4 & 5

jairusmonillas4299d ago

Resident Evil 4 was horrible compared to 0-1-2 and 3.

antz11044299d ago

RE 2 and 4 are tied for being the best imo. Two was an amazing sequel and 4 well.....rejuvenated the series.

Krimmson4295d ago

I'm sorry, did you forget about this part?

ado9084294d ago

@Krimmson Mr. X although he was a fun boss fight he was exactly like Chief Mendez in humanoid form. Exactly what I mean there are rarely any differences. Well until he transforms into the tyrant then it's a different story. But then again Mendez transformed into something freaky himself and once you break half his body it becomes even more freaky when he's swinging across the ceiling and attack you from above.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4294d ago
2pacalypsenow4300d ago (Edited 4300d ago )

so only 14 year olds are horny after that you never get horny? im sorry but im 21 and just as horny as a 14 year old , Game still suck tho :-b

voodoopickle4300d ago

kinda sad if your 21 and get off to a spider lady in a video game

iamgoatman4299d ago


That's not what he said.

Flavor4299d ago

Looking at the internet, it seems no one gets past 14 mentally or emotionally.

pixelsword4299d ago (Edited 4299d ago )

@ Flavor:

I know you are, but what am I?


Hayabusa 1174299d ago

No numb nuts, he said anyone who is 14 years old and horny should rejoice. Just because he specified a group of people who are 14 and horny, doesn't mean he's implying that only 14 year olds get horny.

I swear 90% of posters on N4G have forgotten they need to UNDERSTAND what they're reading. Or they never knew how to understand in first place.

Because of you 2pacalypsenow I now have less hope for the human race...

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4299d ago
Eyeco4300d ago

i'll most likely get allot of disagree's for this but, honestly with the exception of Resident Evil 2 and 4 i've always thought Resident Evil games were horrible, they were poorly designed, clunky controls ,horrible stories, ridiculous set up's and again poorly designed e.g inventory system that alone is the poster boy for ridiculous un comprehensible game design.

And to top it off they were never even scary, i've always been a Silent Hill/ Fatal Frame person because they actually send chills down my spine especially the 1st 3 Silent Hill games with their deep engrossing story's and psychological themes. Resident Evil to me has just been mindless room clearing with convoluted gameplay and stupid level design. People call RE6 a mindless COD action game, but thats how i've always seen the franchise the COD of survival horrors, an overrated game series imo.

hkgamer4300d ago

i guess different people find different things scary.
just wondering why they havent released a fatal frame game on ps3 or 360...
that game scared the crap out of me, never fnished it because it freaked me out

DarkBlood4299d ago

nintendo are co owner of the fatal ip now, at best ps2 classics psn could get

StraightPath4300d ago (Edited 4300d ago )

you will be the first one in line to buy RE6. RE6 looks great!!! re4 wa best in series

ATi_Elite4300d ago

Like I haven't seen this on the Internet a thousand times already.

I can show you the exact XXX website that Capcom got this idea from.

SonyPS3604299d ago

Sadly I see no breast caressing.

ThanatosDMC4299d ago

I bet there's a tentacle monster.

MEsoJD4300d ago

That gameplay trailer was the best I've seen of the game so far.

Tapewurm4300d ago

I passed on Operation Racoon City, But I will probably be getting 6. I have played all of the previous true Resident Evil/ BioShock Games.....1 and 2 are my favorites, but I really liked Code Veronica, 4, and even 5. Still thinking of trying Operation Racoon City and the Playstation Plus Bundled Rail Shooter Umbrella Cronicles in HD. What can I say.....I am a Fan lol

Tapewurm4299d ago

Damn...I was tired RaiinStorm81...Biohazard :)...had Bioshock Infinite on the brain lol

crxss4300d ago

@2:45 they both seem to be enjoying themselves, looks pretty hawt to me.


WeskerChildReborned4299d ago

I might give it a chance but i'm not expecting it to be great.

Spenok4299d ago

So I have to ask, why do you say "it's not enough to save this god awful mess of a game"?

Personally I don't see whats wrong with it.

I'm just genuinely curious. Everyone has their own opinion, and I would like to know the reason behind yours.

Xalaris4299d ago

People seem to attack this game far more than necessary. I agree RE5 wasn't perfect and not the most innovative, but I still spent hours playing it regardless. "Godawful mess of a game"? Christ dude, if you really want to see a ruined series then look over at FFXIII-2.

After watching most of the gameplay videos for RE6, I have to say it looks like fun to try out. Atleast we can aim/walk at the same time...

4299d ago
xstreetsweeperx4299d ago

I lmao when I red this comment.

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JAM_brz4300d ago

I prefer Angelina Jolie...

Gen0ne4300d ago

Not if you saw her in real life. I have and... nope.

t0mmyb0y4300d ago

I don't need real life. She is a skeletor.

4299d ago
level 3604300d ago

Ho-hum, no biggie. Not really liking that semi-fixed camera angle, makes the game play lack a sense of ease.

HelloHowAreYou4300d ago

Capcom rather put this in than survival horror with zombies? Ugh......

MilkMan4300d ago

RE 6 is gonna be a hit regardless of what haters say.
I played the demo and I cant stop playing it. Its just a pure delight. It addresses everything that was wrong with the series since its inception.

Last time I was creeped out or "jumped" by a Resident Evil game was back in 1996 when I first saw my FIRST zombie in the mansion. Everything else has been a cake walk.

If you want to bask in the old-times of what survival horror used to be and all that jazz, then play the old copies over and over. That's what they're for. Nobody is stopping you.

This here, is what should have been going on since like part 2.

10/02/2012 cant get here fast enough.

Hey Capcom, thanks for listening to your customers and keeping up with the times.

JAM_brz4300d ago

Resident Evil became what it is because of the first games. That´s because I think it´s an error to change the style, the nature of a game. And the older fans?

For me, Capcom destroyed one of the best franchises of all time.

lizard812884299d ago

megaman is no more, 3 games canceled after Keiji Inafune. Lost planet is just a Dead Space clone now, and the new DMC game looks terrible. Their vs series and fighters is now riddled with DLC up the ass.

All of what I loved about capcom has now faded and turned into dust.

Blacktric4300d ago

"Last time I was creeped out or "jumped" by a Resident Evil game was back in 1996 when I first saw my FIRST zombie in the mansion. Everything else has been a cake walk."

LOL. I still get creeped out by many of the ambient score in Resident Evil 3. Especially by the one that plays when you are in a safe room. Add the semi-random Nemesis encounters and it becomes even creepier in a good way. I have played the demo myself and it is nothing but a straight up action game.

"Hey Capcom, thanks for listening to your customers and keeping up with the times."

LOLOL. That is what they have been doing since this generation has begun right? With on disc DLC, ridiculous prices for costume DLCs that could have been easily added to disc as unlockables. Dumbing down games for the sake of reaching a much wider audience, etc. And the sad thing is, there are people like you who supports this kind of crap...

smashcrashbash4300d ago (Edited 4300d ago )

What a wonderful attitude. Buy it no matter how much Capcom screws it up. RE5 and Raccoon City were a mess and instead of calling them out before they mess this one up respond with 'We will buy it any way'. It's not survival horror if your health regenerates and people don't like it. They are not haters. They are people who are concerned where the series is going.Maybe they should put every women in lingerie and high heeled shoes and put the zombies in tanks and war planes to keep up with the times too.

4299d ago
Rainstorm814299d ago

The parts that got me the most were the dogs jumping in the windows of the mansion then later on when the hunter flooded the mansion, walking in a room and hear that knuckle cracking sound and knowing a hunter could kill you instantly with one hit....thats survival horror

MilkMan4299d ago

Nice to see so many passionate responses. This is a good thing, shows that RE has a devoted fan base. Hope you guys are there for the next installment, since they don't make these everyday.

Sadly, one MUST adapt to keep up with the times.
Moving around like a tank and keeping to the old mechanics would have buried this series.

Maybe not to the die-hards, but they are looking to sell millions, not thousands.

All that talk about on disc DLC, all the big boys do it. Capcom is notorious for piece-mealing you to death this is true, but this didn't start with here with RE, it started and was accepted with all those fighter heads that allowed Capcom to get away with it.

Well guess what, now they got the message.

Tell you how this is going to play out.
IF RE6 sells 2 copies and it tanks, then they will go back to the drawing board and figure out what went wrong and then the "I told you so's" can point fingers and the 7 million copies sold of the latest Silent Hill will start to make sense (wait! Silent Hill didn't sell 7 million copies)

But if the new RE6 sells like I think it will, you can say goodbye to that old modality.

Blacktric4299d ago

"But if the new RE6 sells like I think it will, you can say goodbye to that old modality."

It can go out to sell five billion copies for all I goddamn care. Sales or paid reviews or reviews of dumb and tasteless kids does not make a game good. Stop using it as an excuse to prove your point. RE 5 is one of the most hated RE games of all time and for good reason, yet it still sold a good amount. But did that change the real fans's minds? No. You are talking about keeping up with the times. If Capcom was a decent developer, they could've easily pulled off a game that actually was like Resident Evil with new mechanics that makes sense like some developers have managed this generation. Unlike the auto executions and being able to leap and roll around like an idiot.

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Every Resident Evil game Leon is featured in, ranked

GF365: "The iconic survival horror franchise Resident Evil boasts a great number of popular and memorable characters. Arguably, Leon S. Kennedy is the most popular and recognizable character aside from Jill Valentine. In this article, we'll be counting down every Resident Evil game Leon is featured in, ranked."

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Babadook7251d ago

Yeah I figured it would be ordered like this. For me Leons best game was his debut. RE2.


Resident Evil Games Ranked: Mainline Series

The modern entertainment industry has witnessed the rise of the Resident Evil franchise as one of its most renowned and celebrated multimedia phenomena. With numerous video games released across multiple platforms, it can be daunting for newcomers to determine where to commence their journey. So here is every main mainline Resident Evil Games ranked.

In preparation for the highly anticipated Resident Evil 4 Remake, let’s take the liberty to rank each of the mainline story instalments, providing players with a fundamental comprehension of the Resident Evil universe.

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There Will Never Be Another Resident Evil 6 (And That Sucks)

A rough gem that may never get the proper treatment it deserves.

Terry_B420d ago

^^ I don't want what the author was smoking.

-Foxtrot419d ago

It’s this thing where after enough time people start coming out to defend bad games for some strange reason

I mean hey if you liked it good for you but it was a f****** awful RE game.

Capcom are finally back on track and now people are crying about their shitty mistakes? No thanks.

RpgSama418d ago

I'd take a full blown remake of RE6 based around a GREATLY expanded Leon part and make it even more horror.

That might be something I would be interested in, do not care about any of the other parts of that game.

MadLad418d ago

I couldn't even get through the demo.
Years later I bought it for $3 for PC. I played about 5 minutes into it and uninstalled it.

babadivad418d ago (Edited 418d ago )

RE6 was better than 5. RE6 just took the series to the conclusion that started with 4.

RE4 was the inaugural title in the action game trilogy.

RE9 will be the likely end of the first person psychological thriller trilogy.

They'll switch it up for RE10 or more likely titled RE-X.

hotnickles418d ago

5 is vastly better than 6 imo

TheEnigma313418d ago

RE5 is way better than 6. Stop lying to yourself

FallenAngel1984419d ago (Edited 419d ago )

“But all this is solely with respect to how fans felt back in 2013 when Resident Evil 6 had just been released. The game resulted in the series getting indefinitely killed off until 5 years later when we got Resident Evil 7 and balance was restored yet again. ”

1.) Resident Evil 6 came out in 2012, not 2013

2.) A series getting killed off means no titles at all released in a time period. Silent Hill, Dead Space, Dino Crisis, Parasite Eve & Siren fans would love to see how you can say RE was on the same level of dormancy. In that 5 year time period we had a number of remasters that kept the series alive and kicking. RE1 02ms remaster even broke sales records during the period between RE6 and RE7.

3. Way to disrespect Resident Evil: Revelations 2. It was released during that RE6-RE7 period. It along with its predecessor were mainline titles that kept the horror roots of the series alive in comparison to RE5 and RE6. RE: R1 in particular even introduced the ability to walk and shoot into the series, a feature we can all be grateful for that in modern RE titles. The director RE: R1 later went on to direct RE7 and the director of RE: R2 later went to to direct the RE2 & RE4 remakes.

Immagaiden419d ago (Edited 419d ago )

“Resident Evil 6 is often maligned as the worst entry in the Resident Evil series and is cited as the cause behind the long death of the franchise.”

Titles in the Resident Evil series such as Survivor, Gaiden, Dead Aim, Outbreak, Operation Raccoon City, Umbrella Corps, & Resistance we’re received far worse than RE6.

And death of the franchise?

RE6 was still one of the most commercially successful games in the series, guaranteeing the franchise’s future. Compare how underwhelming sales of Dead Space 3, Silent Hill: Downpour. Alone in the Dark: Illumination, Dino Crisis 3, Fatal Frame: Maiden in Black Water, Castlevania: Lords of Shadows 2, and Metroid: Other M which caused their respective series to go into a long period of dormancy without any rereleases to even keep activity up.

RE however still had a significant number of titles released and rereleased after RE6. Not only that but development for RE7 started a short time after its predecessor came out, meaning there was never a development time that the series could be considered dead. There hasn’t been a single year that Capcom stopped either developing, releasing, or rereleasing Resident Evil games. Let’s not act like the 5 year period between RE6 and RE7 is such a longer time compared to the 4 year period between RE4 and RE5 as well as RE7 and RE8. We can pretty much expect RE9 in either 2025 or 2026, and you can be certain that Capcom will still release other RE tiles leading up to it

TheEnigma313418d ago (Edited 418d ago )

Man go some where with this. Only a few like this game. Why would they remake a garbage game no one likes risking money because it won't sell? RE 6 is dumpster drippings, sorry.

MIDGETonSTILTS17418d ago

It wasn’t that good, even if you enjoyed it like me.

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