
'Mass Effect is enjoyable, but not a masterpiece' - Destructoid's review

Destructoid writes:

"Mass Effect is not a revolutionary RPG -- hell, it's not even particularly innovative. It isn't a sprawling 40-hour epic, it doesn't include particularly great action, and it won't change the way we handle dialogue trees in role-playing games. Given how revolutionary Mass Effect seemed during its initial announcement, these realities may be hard to face -- but, like all crushing truths, you'll have to come to terms with them eventually. Once you do, of course, you'll be much more likely to have fun with this flawed, but enjoyable action-RPG."

"All in all, Mass Effect is a good game which will disappoint nearly everyone who plays it. Immensely flawed in its design choices, but absolutely fantastic in its attention to character and atmosphere, Mass Effect is enjoyable, but not a masterpiece; entertaining, but not revolutionary; epic and emotionally involving, but disappointing. It is not a great game -- but it is, generally, a good one."

Score: 7/10

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snoop_dizzle6008d ago

i can partially agree, its not exactly revolutionary and it does have flaws, but still i found it to be quite enjoyable.

skychad11116008d ago

It seems whenever a great game is released, at first, all the reviews are great but its always a week or so later some moron decides to be different and disagree. Reminds me of that friend everyone has the thinks he's so smart and tries to be different. Not only is this review hard to believe, but if a site wants my credibility, they should consider releasing the review on time and not 2 weeks late lmao.

wil4hire6008d ago

The PROBLEM is.. every single review of the game mentions its technical failures, loading issues, choppy framerate. They just still decided to give the game 10/10 "BEST GAME EVER" (OXM).

Destructioid is saying the exact same thing... but giving a lower score. It shouldn't effect the average though, seeing as how the "official" xbox fan sites have given this game nothing but 100%'s. I think there are 6.

This game h as problems... in a different day in time for gaming.. that would mean it is a 7 or 8 because of the problems. But now, there is no such thing as problems.. as long as your fanboy heart can ignore them.

6008d ago
skychad11116008d ago

Those earlier review said the frame rate and other graphical issues were minor flaws, and were both overweighed by the good aspects heavily. I can tell how much of a fanboy u r by how fast you jumped on the bandwagon of critisizing my valid point. Even Ocarina of time, which is hailed one of the best games ever had flaws back in 1998, but it still deserves 9 or 10. But enough said,...its obvious u haven't even played Mass Effect. LMAO

6008d ago
skychad11116008d ago

UR obviously a ps3 fanboy becuase your comments contain no point, but instead insist on trying to find lame insults that a 9 yr old could do much better. Anyways back to the point, Mass Effect is a great game that is only guilty of minor flaws. Alot of reviewers will give below the average reviews to gain more site traffic. Its so sad these ps3 fanboys will only agree with me when on this issue when it concerns there own games. Get a clue.

6008d ago
wil4hire6008d ago (Edited 6008d ago )

these guys are really fanatical.

@ Sky.. SO ALL THE OTHER XBOX owners in this thread are admitting to the same issues. they aren't "MINOR" either. Maybe to you, but not to all of the reviewers. And not to all xbox owners either.

You have people that clearly played the game... saying the same thing the reviewers were saying.

Find me the quote where anyone said the flaws in Mass Effect are "minor"

skychad11116008d ago

will the 9 yr old p3s fanboy rant ever end. Just because I can tell you havent played the game doesn't mean you need to cry. I once again made a point and gave u all opportunity to defend your view and all you did was flame. I feel sorry for you, intellectually :-)

skychad11116008d ago (Edited 6008d ago )


nobody said there were no flaws in the game. Thats been said a hundred times but must of went over your head because of your intellegence level. Calling people names like "imbecile" and "cheesedick" really show how special you really are so I will stop now and let you continue your rant. ;-)

6008d ago
dragunrising6008d ago

Ic that you have played Mass Effect...but have you really played it longer than a day? You see, I've played Mass Effect in excess of 30 hours and find that all the "technical flaws" people are complaining about moot. If you were intelligent you would have disabled the independent AI and made micro-commands for your squad to follow. I can guarantee you could never play...or "beat" the game on anything but normal or easy difficulty. The game is far more engaging and fun if your making combat decisions. Bioware rpgs have always been about micro managing combat. Show me proof you actually know the hell your talking about. Lame fanboy.

Nicosia6008d ago

wil4hire and Hatchetforce, i heard you guys don't care about Mass Effect but ya'll all over the place about this game. The thing about the framerate is kinda funny that you debate it, yet you havn't played the game. Thats the thing about you both, you havn't played it. If the game was killed by framerate problems then i would agree, but you both are nitpicking.

People are brainwashed, please look at yourself before giving blame to another.

stunt2136008d ago

i played this game a lot at my friend's house, the only thing that annoys the sh*t outta me is the framerate and the glitches.

dragunrising6007d ago

I was trying to be nice, but your a dumb ass simpleton that tries to act smart. You never answered my question about whether or not you beat the game or invested any time longer than a half an hour. How many achievements do you have in the game? Did you play with team AI on or off? Were you aware that you can skip cut scenes if you so choose? Its called the X button...try it...thats if you still have the game. I'm waiting to hear your rebuttal and vast knowledge about Mass Effect...Oh, and I DO agree that everyone has a difference of opinion...except, yours happens to suck and isn't credible.

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 6007d ago
gaffyh6008d ago

I fail to see how Mass Effect was a masterpiee in the first place, it is basically a shooter/RPG, except that the dialogue is actually spoken unlike normal RPGs, but wasn't that done in FFX to a certain extent anyway? I realised then how annoying it was to wait for the person to finish talking when usually you could read it yourself quicker.

I would say it deserves higher than 7 probably around 8.5, but it's amazing how Microsoft can hype up a game when it isn't that gret.

Jack Bauer6008d ago

i disagree with him... it looks like he ran through it... took me 24 hours to beat doing less than half the side quests...and is definetly worth multiple play throughs ...goes to show reviews mean nothing, they are just one persons take, and a person who plays through it like that doesnt mean nothin in my book.

IGNFTW6008d ago


sheng long6008d ago

this is still a good score, nothing wrong with a 7/10.
only xbots or sony droids believe the game should be a 9+ in order to be considered good.

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ApocalypseShadow352d ago

Good games but no Phantasy Star?

merlox351d ago

Why do people forget Phantasy Star? That is one of my favorite RPG series. Another ther good but overlooked series is ,Y's.

anast351d ago

ES3 set things off, it's a shame they got greedy and decided to cut corners so the executives could get huge pay days.


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524d ago

Mass Effect N7 Day Teaser Decoded, Features Liara and the Geth

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LordoftheCritics552d ago

Better not bring back Shepherd from the dead with some half assed space magic.

Snowb420552d ago

If you get your readiness level high enough in Mass Effect 3, *spoilers* you can see Shepard taking in a breath of air under some rubble. It would depend on whichever ending is canon.

551d ago
Fearmonkey551d ago

.....Search in youtube, mass effect shepard lives

MrVux000551d ago

Where is my ''Indoctrination Theory'' and ''Destroy'' ending gang at?

FPS_D3TH550d ago

I came here to say the indoctrination theory absolutely solidified the ending of this trilogy for me in the best way

Yui_Suzumiya550d ago

Guess you never played it then, lol

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rlow1551d ago

Yeah I saw that at the end of my play through as well. I think they will bring Shepard back….. or at least a mutant version turned villain. Lol