
Will SSX Sales Be Affected By Its Lack Of Relevance?

GamingUnion.net: "There was once a time where if a game had a board in it, some sort of score multiplier, and an attitude it would sell well. Some exceptions naturally go to BMX, and there's something to be said about Jet Grind Radio, but extreme sports was for a long time a fairly popular genre. Perhaps it was due to the lack of mainstream media support that the genre faded away in the gaming industry (though we can also argue that market saturation didn't help either), but one way or another there hasn't been a good snowboarding game in a long time. Some would think that would be an advantage for the new iteration of SSX around the corner, but I can't help but wonder how many others out there are willing to shell out 60 dollars for some extremely niche nostalgia."

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JDouglasGU4597d ago

SSX is still king in my book!

Yi-Long4597d ago

...but we'll have to wait and see if it will be better than SSX3 in the gameplay-department, and if it can refrain itself from DLC-nickel-and-diming us.

Demo coming this week. Can't wait :)

ItsMeAgain4597d ago

Even though I'm not gonna buy it, I hope that it sells well. I remember I liked it when I had it on N64. I think...

guitarded774597d ago

From what I've seen, the gameplay looks like classic SSX and the environments look better than ever for pulling some crazy tricks. I've pre-ordered and have little doubt it will be worth my $60.

TheColbertinator4597d ago

Plenty of SSX fans out there regardless that will want to play a snowboard game.

It will do fine.Whether the quality of SSX3 will ever be matched is up in the air.

buffycrp4597d ago

Shame bout there being no split screen.

matt19914597d ago

I think on the SSX forums some one said it might be coming later via patch.

Dovahkiin4597d ago

I really hope so, one of the best split screen games in my opinion.

rdgneoz34597d ago

I think the forums thing was devs saying it might come from a patch or DLC in the future.

They were basically saying it was hard for them to render the mountain twice for split screen, even though other games can do split screen or 4 player on huge maps or tracks. I remember a BS part where they were saying that racing games these days don't have split screen. \/

"Batty then referred to racing games as an example of why SSX doesn't need split-screen, saying "we looked at racing games - not that this is an excuse - and pure racing games don't even support split screen today. And racing is only a third of our game. You certainly don't need split screen for tricking or survive it."" - http://www.nowgamer.com/new...
/\ BS Forza 4 and GT5 both have split screen and they're pretty much as "pure racing" games as you can get.

ThichQuangDuck4597d ago

I do not know what you mean by relevance, SSX goes beyond nostalgia it is like Skate. In the fact that it is just fun to do wild trick sets with friends. It is a nice variation from all these shooters and rpg's competing with each other. Bring Back snowboard kids as adults and I will play that too. Bring back the greats of last generation timesplitters, fredom fighters, star wars battlefront. I think games are relevant as long as they present something different from the mainstream which SSX does.

Hardedge4597d ago

I think that's the challenge that games like SSX face. What's "relevant" now is all those shooters that sell ridiculous amounts despite being the same game every time.

ThichQuangDuck4596d ago

That's the thing though I feel last generation it was so varied, feels like they were less focused on making money and more focused on just making a good game no matter what genre it was. I mean fuck last generation we had a game where you could play as a alien abduct humans, a game where you played as the zombie, a game in which you fought giant colossi. Imagination has left because they are afraid to take risk since games are more expensive and the economy gamers have been more selective so the simplest idea sells rather than to do something new or complicated. Every time I see a truly unique idea that wont have 5 sequels by the end of the generation I get that feeling like they are taking their time and making something completely abstract to the mainstream and making something that is fun that might not appeal to everyone but it appeals to fans of new ideas.

LoLZoRz4597d ago

hopefully not.

but when you see all those military shooters selling couple of millions each you start to ask yourself "what's wrong with gamers today?". are military shooters really that good or it's just a bandwagon?

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Dear nintendo,

Please give me mario strikers again. I will do anything for it.



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sreevenkat2310d ago

dantes inferno sequel please....

oasdada2310d ago

Dead slace please.. Then again no i don't want a GAAS deadspace... Please sell thsi ip to sonyand we'll see wonders!!!