
Final Fantasy X Remake: In early stage

"Square Enix producer Yoshinori Kitase spoke briefly on the upcoming PlayStation 3 and PS Vita remake of Final Fantasy X during an interview with the latest issue of German magazine M! Games.

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jc485734517d ago

somewhat excited about this. Need some screenshots.

iamtehpwn4517d ago (Edited 4517d ago )

I'd like to see some too. Does anyone else get the feeling that this is more than just a remaster if it's taking this long? If it were merely a simple upscale with trophies like the other remasters have been, it wouldn't be this secretive as far as what the game looks like..

I sincerely hope Square is going all out with this remake--and in particular re-rendering all the prerendered cutscenes in full 1080p.

Bereaver4517d ago

This game kind of ranks higher than any game that I've purchased this gen as a day one purchase.

One of my favorite games of all time.

I also hope we can get some screenshots.

As for it being just a remaster, I heard it isn't. I saw a post somewhere before where they answered that it was not just going to be a remaster but indeed a remake. How far will they go with the words "remake" I'm not sure. But that's what they said.

whosthatguy4516d ago

These are just some rumored details I found on the remake:


They actually sound legit, and making me even more excited for this game. Probably my most anticipated for next year

Misterhbk4517d ago

I expect a late 2012 release for this game. If so expect huge numbers for it. People have been craving a classic FF game all generation long. I truly cannot wait for this!

Tidus, my body is ready once again!

CaitSith4517d ago

"Tidus, my body is ready once again!"

Nasty LOL.

slayorofgods4517d ago

FFX PS4 release? FFvs13 PS5 release?

Eamon4517d ago

haha this made me chuckle.

Reibooi4517d ago

It's kinda odd that if people think this is more then a simple remaster that SE hasn't said a thing to confirm or deny it.

I mean either way they should speak up. If it IS a real remake on a new engine say so as to hype up the fan base who thinks that isn't what it is and if it's not just a simple remaster say so so fans don't get hyped up for something they will not be getting.

Either way I would expect we will know for sure which it will be by or at E3 next year.

Man In Black4516d ago

Despite its linearity, I have only good memories of this game. So incredible, and also pretty sad. Haven't really played many other JRPGs that have come close (though Resonance of Fate had awesome gameplay, but a crappy story). What I really want is a HD remake, make it look as good as those CGI cutscenes. Not possible, I know, but dammit, that would be awesome.

DragonKnight4516d ago

After playing FFXIII, I can't call FFX linear. Even in the beginning where you're pretty much forced to go forward to Zanarkand, hitting all the temples along the way, you can at least take your time, explore around towns, talk with people, go back (as far as Luca anyway) if you want. You can consider Operation Mi'hen a side mission since it's not part of Yuna's pilgrimage.

It is a superior game to all the FF games released after it thus far.

Man In Black4516d ago

Yeah, it does have a lot of side stuff to do, but until a certain point, it is fairly linear. Still, it's way better than XII and XIII. XII seriously put me on the brink of falling asleep many times, and the story was completely forgettable.

Bleucrunch4516d ago

But why??? smh I dont get this company man! Where is kingdom hearts 3, Versus 13...smh...SMDH!

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4516d ago
DonaldBeck4517d ago (Edited 4517d ago )


Snookies124517d ago

Cannot wait to get this... I don't know how many times I've played through FFX, I'm getting every single trophy... o_o

DragonKnight4516d ago

Chocobo Racing, Butterfly catching trophies. O_O'

Not going to enjoy those. I just hope that we all get the International version with the Dark Aeons and Penance. AND JAPANESE VOICES!

Snookies124516d ago

Ugh so true... Getting a zero time on chocobo racing was horrible... Also, jumping 200 lightning bolts in a row killed me when I missed on one of the last ones lol.

Yeah though, was just talking to my friend about that, I hope they include Penance in this version!

disturbing_flame4517d ago

Final Fantasy XIII VS still in early development.
Final Fantasy X HD still in early development.
Final Fantasy VII remake never entered in early development.

Happily Square is gonna release a true great JRPG on 3DS : Bravely Default. A new IP that seems being in development since a long time.

I don't know what are the relations between Sony and Square these days, but those two corporations have always done really well together, it would really be dommageable for both of them if they miss their cooperation.

I think Sony should have secure also a new IP from Square for the Vita for the Japan market. But for the moment it's early and they have this Pikmin remake or jinda, so it shows that they are still working together.

Hope this will not take too much time.

FFXIII VS nobody talk of the game anymore, don't make the same mistake with this remake.

fluffydelusions4517d ago

You act like Square and Nintendo never had a relationship. FF started on Nintendo.

disturbing_flame4517d ago (Edited 4517d ago )

You judge people badly. I don't know if you always do it, but respect people before saying something false.

Where am i saying that square never had relationship with Nintendo ?

I am saying that a new IP is releasing on 3DS and i think it gonna be great, it proves that Square have always counted on Nintendo, if they didn't they would not release it on 3DS, and i don't see Nintendo paying Square lot of money just to have exclusives, they have a true relationship because owners of Nintendo 's consoles also wait games from Square on Nintendo devices.

It was the same with Playstation. But with this generation, i don't see Square treating right the fans supporting them through Playstation platforms.

People who bought a Playstation they also bought it to play Square games,there were a lot of JRPG that Square did not release on Playstation, i think those games partly flopped because of that by the way, games like Lost Oddyssey, Infinite Undiscovery, The Last Remnant should have been released on PS3.

So i'm talking about this relationship between Sqaure and Sony, that shows that things are strange between them even if Square games when they are released on PS3, they do pretty good scores. When you see FFXIII outselling xbox version, and certainly FFXIII-2 will do the same, you understand that the public is waiting for Square games, they supported them with PS2 and PS1, they are now waiting for games from them.

If you look at FFXIII VS development it's been 3 years now that we don't have news of the game. each time : "the game is still in early development". If FFX follow the same path, in three years people will still wait for it.

So as i said i hope they will not do the same mistake with this remake.

slayorofgods4517d ago (Edited 4517d ago )

SE gets angered very easily and needs that extra special treatment. Sure they would make more money going with a established jrpg console like the PS3 or even going multiplatform. But they are a developer who's main satisfaction is having the company by their b@lls.

DigitalRaptor4517d ago (Edited 4517d ago )


Your information of "Final Fantasy Versus XIII" is pretty inaccurate.

3 years with no news? Where have you been for the past year? http://n4g.com/channel/fina... Based on everything we know about the game itself and its technical development, it's not hard to estimate that the game is about 65% complete in its raw alpha build. maybe more. Just do the research and you will find it.

The game should be out by the end of 2012 if not early 2013. The problem is that they announced Versus XIII too early and then decided to focus on what seemed like a more valuable multiplatform pursuit (FF XIII). That led them to again put Versus XIII on the sidelines for a sequel which most people didn't really want or ask for.

Megaman_nerd4516d ago (Edited 4516d ago )

Nintendo destroyed that relationship by themselves while Sony is still the same, it's Square who are doing everything in their might to capture the western market through the Xbox. Two different things if you ask me @fluffydelusions.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4516d ago
Capt-FuzzyPants4517d ago

Actually Versus 13 is well into developement.

ZombieAssassin4517d ago (Edited 4517d ago )

I'd think Sony and SE have a good relationship as I believe Sony own over 9% stock in SE. It has seemed weird though that they'd release JRPG's for the 360 and not Ps3 since most sales for those games I'd say come from Japan and xbox doesn't exactly have a fan base there.

xtreampro4517d ago (Edited 4517d ago )

Everything at SE is still early in development and will never be finished.

KH3's current deadline is December 31st 3799.

Superted20074516d ago

It's going to be such a system seller for the PS279

thesummerofgeorge4516d ago

ACTUALLY... Everyone knows it'll be coming out for the PS280, and not a day sooner. Get your facts straight guys...

no_more_heroes4513d ago


can someone give me Doctor Who's phone number?

Lucreto4517d ago

I was hoping it was further along in production but if it is a remake and they are not denying it. I will look forward to hear more about it.

I thought it would be out later this year but it looks like late next year.

PshycoNinja4517d ago

Wait I am confused. Are you saying you thought it would be out late THIS year (2011) or this next year (2012)? And are you now expecting it to come out late next year (2012) or the following year (2013)? I have so many questions lol...

Lucreto4517d ago

Sorry my mistake

I was expecting around September 2012 but if they are in early development I expect Winter 2013 now.

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A Look Through the Absolute Best PS2 Games of All Time

Take it down the memory lane with this ultimate list of the best PlayStation 2 games of all time. Just the best of the best right here.

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isarai216d ago

It's so disappointing that to this day, I have not seen a game match what BLACK offers in an FPS.

ApocalypseShadow216d ago

Shame isn't it. I thought we'd be at a point of destructible backgrounds, objects, pyrotechnics etc in shooters. I sold many a copy in the demo unit when I managed a franchise Game Crazy back then. But I stopped playing shooters because they didn't evolve. Heavy weapon. Shoot a wall or glass. Nothing happens. Lol. Except for Killzone 2. I enjoyed that.

But then I woke and remembered it's EA. EA didn't care really. They just wanted to kill competition from Criterion and Burnout. And own Renderware to profit from as many developers used that engine. Only thing was that developers ran as fast as they could away from EA to Unreal Engine and its pop in and Vaseline graphics. Shame on EA. And then they bought Dice for Frostbite. Evil busters.

Anyway, too many PS2 games to count. Some of my personal faves being DMC, Genji, Bujingai, Blood Will Tell, Onimusha, Way of the Samurai, Japanese Berserk, Japanese Macross game that blew away the US Robotech game, RAD, Castlevania Lament of Innocence.... there's just too many. Let me stop. Lol

Cacabunga215d ago

Code Veronica
Dead or Alive 2 Hardcore
The Getaway
Time Crisis 3
Mark of Kri

are some of my all times favorites missing on that list

shinoff2183215d ago

I've always Saud I'm not a fan of fps much , there's been some I really like and thought were really dope. Black falls into that category.

CoNn3rB215d ago

I would love nothing more than a remaster of the Jak series, including Jak X

Flawlessmic215d ago (Edited 215d ago )

The greatest console of all time !!!!

The last console from when gaming was pure, games didn't take 5 years to release, no online only, no half finished games, no mtx.

Ps2 was just banger after banger after banger.

It will always be my favourite.

sagapo215d ago

No Timesplitters in the list??

FinalFantasyFanatic215d ago

This is a really good list, pretty happy with the choices here.


20 Best Games of 2001

It’s been 20+ years since the time that gave us Mulholland Drive and “Bootylicious”, meaning this look at the best games of 2001 is going to make some of you feel very old very quickly.

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mskaline296d ago

alot of great memories here : )


FFX and FFX-2 Do Not Need a Sequel

As a complete duology, Final Fantasy X and X-2 just do not need a sequel. These games provided us with satisfying conclusions to the characters' journeys and meaningfully wrapped up their arcs. And after the terrible way -Will- presented its narrative, feeling more like an attempt to capitalize on the previous game's success than a well-crafted and meaningful sequel, that's all the more reason to just let FFX be what it already is. Any further attempts to force a sequel will only diminish the legacy and impact of Final Fantasy X and X-2.

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Snookies12345d ago (Edited 345d ago )

If they do another one, I'd really like to see more of a focus on the connection to FF VII. Since it was confirmed that they take place in the same world. Let's just keep the pop star element out of it for the next one... I really enjoyed X-2 as a game, but man that decision for Yuna and Rikku's character direction wasn't the right choice.

shinoff2183344d ago

The connection to 7 would be dope af. I can even begin to think how'd they do it. I mean storywise and stuff I know about the Shinra stuff and everything. I'd be down with a 10 3

-Foxtrot344d ago (Edited 344d ago )



It wasn't supposed to be taken seriously

"This story is a bit of a joke. When we created FFX-2, we wanted to create something, a totally new world. Except that when I created it, I realized that it looked a lot like FFVII ... But without realizing it. Afterwards, when it was officially said in Ultimania, it took a completely gigantic proportion when it was just an anecdote"

Thank God anyway

It's better when each FF is a different Universe

Snookies12344d ago (Edited 344d ago )

Except, it is canonically connected in the VII Remake. There's a Shinra character in X-2, who is actually shown in a picture on the wall in the Shinra HQ in Remake. Meaning at the very least, X and VII share the same world in the Remake version.

CrimsonWing69344d ago


I thought they said that was just a joke:

―It’s a sequel to VII?!!
Kitase: “No, that was halfway a joke. However, in FFVII’s ending, Holy was supposed to settle things, then it’s suddenly ‘500 years later,’ and there’s been nothing like a sequel for it. There’s room to fill in that gap. There’s room for imagination. Since Nojima-san and Toriyama-san have worked together since then, talk that it could be possible with those staff members built up for a moment.”

―So, how did talk of it as a sequel to VII come up?
Nojima: “I felt that VII and X had a relatively connected feeling, that VII has an essence there.”

―Ehh, so VII and X are connected?
Nojima: “No, there isn’t much to it. For example, what happens when people die is fundamentally the same in my mind. I wrote both stories following the same idea. At times, other thoughts pop up, though. Pyreflies are green here and there, and other colors besides.”


I think they were just having fun and making a gag out of it.

Name Last Name344d ago

@Snookies12 those are just easter eggs

-Foxtrot344d ago


Easter eggs man nothing more

Like I said it's better for them to have their own Universe then being connected

I mean think about it...FFVII and FFX are completely different outside of those small little things, the worlds are like Night and Day

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 344d ago
Flawlessmic345d ago

Nope but I sure would love a remake of ffx, my fav ff game along with 9.

JokerBoy129344d ago

Oh man, never thought I'd see someone with the same favorites as me lol. We're supposedly getting a remake of 9 at some point. I'm hoping we get something new from the FFX universe.

shinoff2183344d ago

I cannot wait for the remake of 9. It's got me pumped and it's not even official. Ff9 is damn near perfect imo

Abnor_Mal344d ago (Edited 344d ago )

I just saw a video about a rumor that Sony may have secured the rights for FF9 exclusivity for some possible remake.


Skip ahead to the 2:30 mark

Okay didn’t see others already said it

gold_drake345d ago

technically, they already do. in form of a novel and audio thing.

but .. i dunno. ive always wanted a prequel with the three guys.

not sure what else there is to tell about Spira.

shinoff2183344d ago

Sorry for the spoiler if true

Is it true if you complete x2 100 percent tides comes back in some way. I never 100 percented it.

Name Last Name344d ago

Yes, the Fayth ask Yuna if she wants to see him and they dream him up again.

shinoff2183344d ago

Thanks. That pretty much what I read.

dumahim344d ago

Is this article 22 years too late?

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