
Cloud gaming may define the end of PS3, Xbox 360 and Wiis

SIR Games: "Now all you need to do is sign in, no matter where you are, what you are on, and everything will be literally at the reach of your fingertips"

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liveActionLeveler4696d ago

Not everyone can experience this lag free just yet. A lot of peoples' internet connections aren't fast enough yet. Plus I don't give a shit about digital cloud gaming, sounds like some weak shit, "cloud." I just want my game box next to the tv.

Joni-Ice4696d ago

I dont think cloud gaming will replace consoles. Its something about having the the actual game at hand I enjoy the most.

StbI9904696d ago (Edited 4696d ago )

Netfilix > any other movie media...

A videogaming netfilix?...very welcome

Whether of having the physical copy doesn't matter for the masses but a niche amount of people, in 10 years having said physical copy wasted up, while a digital's can be there for the rest of ur life as the system is up to provide such.

Digital > Physical.

Internet speed? matter of time i believe, i would prefer a steam though.

RankFTW4696d ago

I'll have proper dedicated hardware over this junk any day.

gamingdroid4696d ago (Edited 4696d ago )

I do agree that digital download/streaming will soon surpass physical format.

That said, gaming has an entirely different set of problems. Services like OnLive has a major obstacle. Consider:

a) a good network has about 50ms round trip for packets. In comparison a game can have as low as 67ms response time i.e. 60fps or 133ms for 30fps.

b) processing the screen to video and sending it is additional time

c) what happens when the service no longer wants to support a game (alas, OnLive plans to support a game for 3-years)

and those are just some of the problems.

Now there is a way around this that would make it possible, but would require the game development to change significantly. It might be possible next generation....

MaxXAttaxX4696d ago

Having the actual physical game feels a lot better.

With new tech, response time will be even less of a problem.

KMCROC4696d ago (Edited 4696d ago )

Sounds cool & all but till my Internet service provider can promise uninterrupted service & the necessary speeds , will continue to own a console & games.

Inside_out4696d ago (Edited 4696d ago )

Activision could make their own " cloud " system like On live, with there own COD franchise and COD elite set up. Bye Bye XBL and PSN or steam. With the sales that Activision has for COD and World of warcraft...why do they need anybody else. EA is tracking towards the same thing...it's the future.

Imagine how much money M$ and Sony would lose from customers like Activision and EA. Remember when Activision threatening to not pay Sony the BILLION they give them in royalties unless they dropped the price of the PS3...lol...you can believe they did and did it fast...good boy Sony.

BrutallyBlunt4696d ago (Edited 4696d ago )

This is true Joni-Ice, I also like having the freedom and flexibility that comes along with physical media. I can access it without relying on a connection, lend it, trade it, or even sell it if I so desire.

Pricing will move me to a digital copy (off of a cloud type service) but often times the physical offering can be found for less. The one benefit of digital is it would make it much easier to attain hard to get games or games that local stores have trouble getting or keeping in stock.

tdogg060519914696d ago

It doesn't have a good base yet. I mean when you look at it you have Netflix which offers you movies streaming and loads of content but Onlive makes you pay full price along with a monthly subscription. Plus what about Motion-play a newly developed technology which is unusable on Onlive. The key is making it easy and convenient but for now I would rather have the physical game disc in my hands.

nveenio4696d ago

I think a Netflix of video games would be great, but I don't think our current internet infrastructure would support it. We're at least another 5-10 years from cloud gaming being enjoyable.

X-DominusRebellis-X4695d ago (Edited 4695d ago )

This is bullshit. You guys are forgetting the most important thing with this: cost. If Cloud gaming ever came into effect, they will be the price cetters. If they want to charge more for games i.e. $79.99 compared to today's $59.99 for a new game, there will be nothing you can do about it. Don't believe me? Just take a look at some PSN add ons. You can't buy them in stores anymore i.e. Shivering Isles, but it's STILL $19.99 on PSN.

Cloud gaming will only allow the corporations to make you their bitch and charge whatever they want for their service and game. If it is the only way of gaming in the future, then there will be no alternatives such as physical media. Cloud gaming is a stupid idea.

seinfan4695d ago

The problem with that is, thanks to Comcast, every ISP is eventually going to adopt bandwidth caps. AT&T just did a few months ago. Time Warner has been mentioning it for a few years. I'm sure all others are considering.

bozebo4695d ago


What he said.

There needs to be competition in the retail sector, also - even if digital distributors aren't out to rip you off they still do it by accident because they don't track and update prices appropriately. Also, on Steam a LOT of new launches are CHEAPER if you buy the disk - which then goes on to install itself through steam, so thats the same thing for as low as half the price sometimes (I got GTA4 shortly after launch, steam version on disk, for £7.99 when it was full price on steam digitally).

Also, why the hell is GTA 1 and 2 so damn expensive on Steam right now? You can get them FREE, legally. Yet the steam price is extortion for such an old game. Also, since steam launched the average price of PC games has risen hugely. The same thing would happen to consoles if they forced digital distribution for everything "Want
UC4? That'll be $200 tyvm...".

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 4695d ago
malamdra4696d ago


just go see the comments on the article about Capcom releasing RE4HD only for download in the west and you'll see how this will never happen

Soldierone4696d ago

I actually have a fast connection. downloaded the Infamous 2 full game trila (15 gigs) in about 5 minutes, 10 tops. Took my friend 20.

These services STILL have lag issues for me though. Its not "terrible" but its noticeably different than just playing off a disc. I can't imagine playing COD on them. You have the lag for just the basic game streaming, then you have lag for online too (no matter what a game lags online to some extension)people would need to adjust really badly.

Peaceful_Jelly4696d ago

you downloaded 15GB's in 5 minutes? 0 _ 0

Takoulya4696d ago

WTF, man. I get about 1Mb per second when downloading off of the PS3...

Miths4696d ago

That sounds somewhat implausible. I'm on a 50 Mbit connection, and at full speed (6 MB/s, though I usually "only" get 2-3 MB/s on PSN downloads) I can download around 3.6 GB in 10 minutes.
So you'll need a rather whopping 200+ Mbit connection to download 15 GB in ten minutes. Never mind the 400+ needed for your initial five minute claim.

Though I guess there may be some countries in Asia and perhaps a few other places where you can in fact get Internet connections faster than 100 Mbit?

Soldierone4696d ago

It wasn't anything longer than 10 minutes...I started it when i was going to do something and it was done before I even got up to go. I didn't time it EXACT so it could be give or take for 10 minutes. No way in hell was it 20 minutes or half hour like my friends, I wouldn't have sat there that long.

We get somewhere in the range of 25MBPS with a "power boost" during off times, which is when I did it. Disagree all you want, it happened so I don't really care lol. I have nothing to "prove."

Fact of the matter is even a high speed connections (and its not just mine, go online and find other complaints) can't handle the streaming services perfectly. They still have kinks to work out.

Sprudling4696d ago

That's because bandwidth and latency are two different things. Even if the entire world gets 100/100 broadband tomorrow cloud gaming will still suck because of the latency. Latency is the time it takes for signals to travel from client to server and back to client again. It can never be zero unless client and server is the same machine.

liveActionLeveler4696d ago

That's insane, I would love to have that connection. I'm not lying when I say that 15 gigs would take me about 4 and a half days if I left my PS3 on 24/7!


@Soldierone Spare me the BS....15gig in 5min!!!!...Pls quit the crap.

nycredude4696d ago

You are so full of it. 25mbps is not THAT fast. My brotherhood has an oc12 connection which is on the backbone of the internet and he don't get 15gig in 10 mins. Also have you any idea how much it cost? In order for this service to work and be successful there is just too my obsticles.

Price, widespread availability, changing peoples mentality.

Just_aarix4695d ago

Took me 2 hours to download a 1gb demo. WTF

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kaveti66164696d ago

It's amusing to hear teenagers and young adults become extremely conservative in the face of changing technology.

It's usually old people who complain about new things. When television was invented the old-timers scoffed and returned to their radios.

When personal computers were commercialized, the spinster secretaries scoffed and returned to their old-fashioned typewriters.

And so it is with this. But now, as technology is moving at an ever faster pace, even the youngsters are voicing their distaste.

"Oh, no. I don't want to store things digitally. I'm happy with my discs."

Get used to it. Once the technology becomes widespread, and for all the naysayers, it WILL, the companies that publish video games will no longer wish to spend the extra money to distribute their products in a physical format. The internet transcends all regions and boundaries. It will cost less money for them to distribute everything digitally.

Discs constrain the medium in one way or another. 50 gigabytes sounds like a lot today, and those who went out any purchased Blu-Ray players think that they have purchased the definitive technology for the rest of their lives.

Cloud gaming is the future. Cloud everything is the future.

JellyJelly4696d ago

I don't get the negativity either. What is it they fear? Not having a bunch of consoles and discs to cuddle with?

That kind of collector minded materialism is something I don't get. I buy all my games original, but what is so special about having a plastic box with a manual you'll never read?

If we could get a console that's 50% hardware driven and 50% cloud processor driven next gen that would be brilliant.

100% would be even better. Sold as a service. That would mean that the hardware could be bleeding edge all the time.

I know it's not possible TODAY but I don't get what would be so bad about it when it becomes possible? Why the hatred/fear?

Awesome-Xanto4696d ago (Edited 4696d ago )

Hate to break it to you, but not all technology is good technology. The only major befit that cloud gaming or OnLive offers you is the ability to instantly game as soon as your purchase it on old hardware. However there are major disadvantages to this type of service that vastly outweigh that one advantage, and it is these disadvantages that keep retail and digital as better options. Just to name a few, you need near 100% up-time (which rarely happens with online services, take PSN for example), you need a constant and good connection (which not many people actually have right now), and you don't own the product... your renting it.

There has been many technologies that have been invented over the years that have been labeled as the "future", but have failed to stay around... it's naive to think this is any different.


In someways I would say you own digital, well you own it far more than say "streaming"... I can make as many backups of that digital file as I want and effectively keep it and play it for the rest of my life. Even though I still prefer retail.

TheDivine4696d ago

I agree dd is great and i love it but theres a few problems yet. Ms owns xbl and sony owns psn so if all disks are gone there will be no compitition to drive prices down. Look at the psp go, all games on it cost twice as much as discs. It seems it would be cheaper but really its not. Pcs are great for dd because steam and gog and other game services compete but theres no such compitition on consoles. I also like bieng able to sell or borrow games. Thats a big one there. DD has done wonderful things to pc gaming, indy games, smaller studios whose games are nich. I think xbla/indy games is the best thing to happen to console gaming but were not quite ready for all DD.

Pekka4696d ago (Edited 4696d ago )

Well, I don't mind having cloud and digital downloads if it works and is significantly less expensive. And by minimum 50% less expensive because digital storing is just renting. You own nothing, you just rent. You can't own something which you can't sell. If game is sold for 60 euros at stores, I could consider "buying" it digitally for 30 euros (then again, most my games only cost max 20 euros, I rarely buy anything at full price). If it cost around the same price then there is no point downloading it.

Of course, naysayers do have a choice. They can just stop buying games. It is easy and have been done before.

Anyway, I want to be able to play games without internet. Game device which can't be played with no connection is just a worthless piece of junk.

Edit: I consider every game in Steam as rental game.

liveActionLeveler4696d ago

Well it's not really negativity that I don't like. I realize this will be the future, it's just not as near as most people think it is, in my opinion of course. I personally would not give up gaming if it was cloud. The only reason I don't like this is because there are so many articles like this right NOW, when this future is much LATER. It's just getting annoying seeing them now as it's not coming for a while most likely.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4696d ago
lil Titan4696d ago

america is in #15 place as for online super speeds so its not the end for any of these systems and when america is up to par with the other countries i dont know about everyone else but im still gonna want my PS im my room

TBM4696d ago

The minute consoles come to an end I leave gaming for good. Id rather physical media than having my games on some cloud thing.

DeadlyFire4695d ago

Not a chance. I see in PS6/Xbox 5,NES 8 generation it might be possible. Bandwidth is just not there yet.

showtimefolks4695d ago

and when the price is the same whether you buy from steam or a store than why not get a hard cop you can sell back or trade later

but with piracy and middle man being gamestop and other stoes how soon can we expect something like onlive?

i say if the new ps4 will come out in 2015 it can support cloud based gaming online with psn being a strong store to sell all games at launch along with it being connected to steam.

but if any company is doing that the middle man price of 10-15 bucks needs to be dropped of the price at launch games will be 39.99 to 44.99

in next 4-5 years almost everyone who s interested in gaming will have fast enough internet connection to be able to play lag free.

what you think when do you think we will see one of these major console makers to go all cloud and cut the middle man out?

trancefreak4695d ago

this is like trying to get oil companies to stop making gasoline for cars.

I do agree cloud gaming will be relevant 1 day and digital distributions are already an optional source, I'm sure past my lifetime time before this is a serious evolved evolution.

Now another thing nvidia/Amd Ati im sure do not want this along with other chip manufactures like Intel/IBM.

That is and will be the way too goo for the long run.

cloud based system will probably be an optional scenario for some time.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4695d ago
THC CELL4696d ago (Edited 4696d ago )

people also want to own stuff. and it will never be 100% lag free. i like owning the games and having a library to look at.
Plus what about places like my work i will lose my job cause noone is buying games from stores anymore.

would like to see a halo or kill zone 1000 vs 1000

if cloud gaming starts ms Nintendo and Sony will have to team up. Sony and Nintendo will make the most money as they own more studios. Then again it will be down to the networks

Ms have there own
nintendo and we could even see valve and others

8bit_Nes_Rambo4696d ago

Good point. People like to own hard copies of stuff they have bought and it will take another generation or two to deviate from that mindset. Also, with the advent of the PSN hacking and other companies being compromised, people might be wary of owning a strictly web based gaming set up.

Sprudling4696d ago

According to recent studies most people already prefer music online over CDs. Not saying it is so for games yet, but it might be sooner than we think.

Personally, I prefer owning games digitally as long as I can redownload as many times as I want. Like Steam.

Awesome-Xanto4696d ago (Edited 4696d ago )

There is a big difference between spending $60 on a game rather than just over a $1 for a song... music just makes more sense being digital. There small files that almost ANYONE with an internet connection can download. Games are large so they can take a while to download and take a lot of space. These make more sense as physical items.

Not to mention using the "cloud" or OnLive, is streaming... so you don't really own anything in that is bought. Big difference between that and downloading anything.

Sprudling4696d ago (Edited 4696d ago )

I don't get what's so great about having a physical disc. They can get damaged, destroyed or simply go missing. Digital ownership has none of those problems.

That "you don't really own anything" argument is just being paranoid. I'm in no way afraid of losing anything I've bought on Steam. Fact is, I've lost many more physical games than digital games. I've lost zero digital games.

NotSoSilentBob4696d ago

Cloud gaming will be the death of the industry. You will see prices sky rocket from the console/cloud provider. Witht he demise of retail sales they provider will have 100% say in price and the 599$ of the PS3 will be come the standard for every video console/cloud service. I for one will not be supporting this kind of business.

Alos884696d ago

Yeah, this isn't going to happen. Cloud gaming- dead end technology imo.

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6 console flops that were actually amazing, from the Sega Dreamcast to the Neo Geo Pocket

Sometimes life just isn't fair. Vincent Van Gogh went completely unappreciated during his lifetime despite his obvious genius; Jesus - a man who could turn water into wine, don't forget - was nailed to a cross and left for dead; while Steve Brookstein has only ever had one number one single, despite winning the very first series of The X Factor. Now what's that about?

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WilliamSheridan2993d ago

Dreamcast was definitely ahead of its time....

Knushwood Butt2993d ago

Loved my Neo Pocket Colour

Spent hours on card fighters clash games

InTheZoneAC2993d ago

the dreamcast was not amazing:
-It's graphics were in between ps1 and ps2
-the controller felt so narrow and skinny
-no dvd drive

I don't know why people act like it was anything more than another overrated undersold flop of a console. My friend had one because "next gen" and I told him I'm just waiting for PS2.

He always talked about graphics, non stop. Of course when I played it did look better than anything I've seen before, but that was it. The games were ok at best. I didn't like NFL 2K's control scheme compared to Madden's.

Even as a kid I predicted this console would die off in 2 years, well what happened...

filchron2993d ago

You must have hated arcades. Youre probably real fun at parties /s

between PS1 and PS2? no. DC had much better filtering than grainy ass PS2. compare the DOA2 on PS2 and the DC and then revise that wrong statement buddy. and the sad thing is PS2 had TWICE the ram of the DC and the 480p signal from DC still came out WAY cleaner than PS2's.

InTheZoneAC2993d ago (Edited 2993d ago )

arcades are definitely fun. Went to celebration station any time we could :)

"you're" probably real fun at parties...because wtf does that have to do with anything...

if dreamcast was any good it wouldn't have died faster than the wii u has...

don't be so defensive, I'm not the one that controlled everyone else not to buy it lol

DivineAssault 2993d ago (Edited 2993d ago )

DC ran games at 60FPS and was an arcade players "Dream" come true.. For the first time, arcade games were surpassed by a console.. Saturn had it 1:1 if you imported with the 4mb cart.. I wasnt in love with the DC controller but i had a 6 button layout 3rd party i used for all those great fighting games.. PS2 was superior in hardware but why is it games like Grandia 2 played like crap on there? Just like the original that played way better on Saturn than PS1..

Yes they both died but they werent bad machines.. Sega was always a middle gen console.. Genesis was meant to compete with NES, Saturn was meant to 1 up Nintendo again but the PS deal fell through and there it went.. VMUs, online, high res 60fps gameplay, 4 control ports... They were ahead of their time..

FlyingFoxy2993d ago

That's the main reason that DC failed, because people lost faith in Sega after the 32x, MEGA CD & kinda the Saturn. People were hyped for the PS2 and that's a big reason why DC failed to sell, it really didn't have many poor games at all and most were good to great.

Not sure what you're on about with the graphics either, most games were just as good looking as ones on PS2.

The only thing you could say was lacking on the DC was storage on the GD roms and maybe they could've added a second thumb stick. There wasn't really anything wrong with its graphics capability for the time, don't forget it came out way earlier than the PS2.

You kinda lost credibility by saying the DC had grainy graphics.

Godmars2902993d ago

Part of the DC's failure was the loss of faith from the core gaming audience coupled with finical choices which left Sega in bad sorts, but another was the lack of a similar hook to the PS2, namely movie playback. At the time GD roms had the option, remember seeing discs for the format in a few places, and if Sega had included it things might have been different.

People/gamers look at the PS2 and only say/think that the games for it made all the difference, sold well over 100 million of the consoles, but it was DVD movies that tipped the scales as far as the general public was concerned.

InTheZoneAC2993d ago

who said anything about grainy?

Segata2993d ago

I should kick you into outer space for such a ignorant comment.

Picnic2993d ago

Of course the graphics were inbetween PS1 and PS2... because it was released between PS1 and PS2!

The graphics were closer to PS2 level than PS1 level.

In fact, many early PS2 games did not look as good as Dreamcast games. And Jet Set Radio and Shenmue look great for the time to this day.

Picnic2993d ago (Edited 2993d ago )

Your prediction that it would die off within 2 years was not without basis - the MegaCD, the 32x, the Saturn. Sega's past history of releasing expensive add ons, abandoning some of their previous successes (like no new Sonic game on Saturn!), coupled with a new entrant in the market, Sony, meant that, unfortunately, Sega was like the Ghost of Christmas Past to many people. And if you didn't like arcade games, or arcade-STYLE games, or RPGS, there really wasn't all that much on it. It was a bit like having a new NEO GEO in a way- quite good visually, if a little rough round the edges sometimes, but just not as personal to many people as the competition and not having sufficient sense of depth gameswise apart from Shenmue.

iplay1up22993d ago

Um, when Dreamcast came out it was the most powerful system available. In some ways it was MORE powerful than PS2.

GameCube, had more power than PS2, as well as XBOX. PS2 was the weaker of that gen, but it still won, and went on to be the 1 selling game console o all time.

2993d ago Replies(1)
gangsta_red2992d ago

"-It's graphics were in between ps1 and ps2"

Wow, I was all set to read why the Dreamcast was not amazing and then all credibility became lost with your first point.

InTheZoneAC2992d ago

and I fail to see any of your points why it was great, completely disputing the fact that it died because it did suck

gangsta_red2992d ago

The Dreamcast was great because it did have better graphics than the PS2, they had some of the best looking games at that time. Capcom's fighters played flawlessly on the Dreamcast and was the go to machine to play their games because of how fast the gamer played compared to a much slower PS2.

Dreamcast was also the first system where I played Madden online. Which blew my mind at that time since online was mainly a PC thing.

The system was ahead of it's time, Sega channel and the VMU were just a few examples of what made that system so great along with online and the great Sega games that released with it.

The system failed partly due to lack of third party support. Sega burned many third parties by dropping the Saturn so quickly, many third party devs including Sega of America had games in development for the Saturn. The Saturn architecture was already a nightmare to develop for so imagine these devs having to scrap that work because Sega dropped the Saturn.

Sega also burned a lot of retail stores by not only moving the release date of the Saturn up but exclusively releasing the system in only some retail stores. Because of this some retailers KB Hobbies (i believe) refused to carry Sega products.

"..completely disputing the fact that it died because it did suck.."

You made even less points and more opinions based on nothing really and yet you say "facts"?

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blawren42993d ago

Failure is always relative. How many sales makes something successful? "If your not first, your last", or in this case, you failed. I'll admit, I've never heard of a couple of these.

PhoenixUp2993d ago

GameCube made the most profit in its generation. I don't consider that console a flop.

I consider a flop to be a product that has a negative impact financially for a company.

Picnic2993d ago (Edited 2993d ago )

Have you got proof that the Gamecube made the most profit in its generation as, despite how cost effective Nintendo said it was to make a Gamecube, which had no complicated Emotion engine in it nor DVD drive, I would still highly doubt that the Gamecube overall made more profit for Nintendo than the PS2 did for Sony. The mass popularity of the PS2 meant that it was often sold at (a higher price (sometimes 2-3 times the price) of the Gamecube. For a month or 2, you could get a Gamecube and Resident Evil 4 or Wind Waker for just 40 UK pounds (55.55 dollars). And even if Sony could have made a bit more profit overall on the consoles, surely Sony get a cut on the games. With 155 million owners compared to Gamecube's 21 million, Sony would rake it in.

PhoenixUp2993d ago

Nintendo made profit on every GameCube sold since day one while it took Sony a while before they broke even on PS2.

Picnic2992d ago (Edited 2992d ago )

Please can you provide your source? I can imagine that piracy could have eaten in to Sony's profits whereas piracy was close to impossible on Gamecube. But it would have much more to do with that, I think, than with any minor difference in console manufacturing cost versus console price.

Concertoine2992d ago

Nintendo made the most profit that gen but that was largely due to the GBA and not the GC.

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Gamer Created a Personal Cloud-Gaming Service, and So Can You

OnLive announced that they would be shutting down their streaming service for good at the end of this month, which has unsurprisingly upset some of the streaming service’s supporters. While some took to griping on forums, OnLive user Larry Gadea decided to take action.

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killatia3310d ago

That pretty cool actually. Glad something cool came out of the demise of Onlive


The End of OnLive - Goodbye & Thank You

OnLive has been acquired by Sony and will shut down all services on April 30th, 2015. Vault of the Gameverse says Goodbye & Thank You.

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