
PSN Users Reporting Hundreds of Dollars Stolen From Them

After the shock announcement regarding Sony saying that every single PlayStation Network account may have been compromised, reports are starting to come in pointing towards the fact that PSN users are having hundreds of dollars stolen from their account this past weekend.

Dante1124758d ago (Edited 4758d ago )

So 3 people so far. I haven't been hit yet but I sent in for a new card today and changed my passwords just in case.

lociefer4758d ago

any1 can start a rumor on the internet, im not calling this fake but im not buying it either

JLeVRT4758d ago

If they do really have our info. I BET you theyre not gonna get at least 1 mil card numbers used. So we should be glad because the chances of your info being stolen is about 1 in 70,000,000

Rumor4758d ago

simply get Kratos on the hackers. im sure they f*cked with his chase savings account money too

HolyOrangeCows4758d ago (Edited 4758d ago )

Good point. And with the fact that NeoGoof concern trolls know they can get this site's attention though random, no-name posts, it wouldn't surprise me to see them using this site as an outlet to spread BS.

There's an equal chance that these random persons are legit or fake.
And I think we can all agree that we hope this fake, for everyone's sake.

NO ONE has officially confirmed leaked info, including CC info. Sony has stated that it is a serious concern/possibility, though.

So let's be logical here. Thousands, maybe millions (Don't know the stats), lose their info. Out of 70 million accounts, the chance of coincidence that one will lose some data in some manner, just as likely from an unrelated source, is pretty high. Add in the chance of concern trolls, and the chance of these reports both being correct AND legit become slim.

DaTruth4758d ago

You think this is bad; when PSN is back up with a new firmware update, we will still have to endure the, "firmware 3.xx bricked my PS3" articles!

ziggurcat4758d ago

"So 3 people so far."

no. 2.

and there's no proof yet that any CC information was compromised. even the official blog says that information *might* have been (which proceeds to say that CC info isn't believed, at this point, to be compromised).

and their information could have been compromised somewhere else.

this blog post is nothing more than baseless conjecture and the situation seems all too circumstantial.

WhittO4758d ago

Sony said that credit info wasn't stolen, if it was that would seriously come back on them 2X more than if they admitted it.

I'm guessing Credit info is stored on a more secure separate servers?

Maybe this is where the cut costs come into play with the free Network?

Bear_Grylls4758d ago

3 tools have their money taken.

has nothing to do with PSN.

User makes flamebait article.

500c in no time lol!

Dark_king4758d ago

its heavily encrypted for protection even on their severs I really doubt this.

kneon4758d ago

We still don't know if any credit card info was taken off PSN. Given the huge number of accounts on PSN there would likely be a bunch of people finding fraud on their cards even before the security breach. It happens all the time so the odds would be small that no one from with a PSN account is hit for a whole week. I'm not saying they didn't get the info from PSN but it's far too early to tell.

I've had a number of mysterious charges on credit card accounts over the years and it's never cost me a dime. I just call the credit card company and the charges magically go away.

Even if they do charge you I think visa limits your liability to $50. Don't remember whether Mstercard does the same thing.

zag4757d ago

You mean 3 people who have sent an email to a game site.

There could be far far many more but haven't said anything to anyone.

I wonder if all the people who wanted the PSN hacked really wanted it hacked now, and Anon will be 100% chased down now.

A few people have said this could be something else even I have, and many don't care but you don't need the credit card data as you can start to social media data mine the names and addresses to gain enough data to get your own credit cards made up under those people's IDs.

So even if you've never had a credit card you could suddenly apply for one and never know it.

Of cause you;d have to pay all the bills racked up on that card as there'd be no fraud done as everything will be checked out and be ok'd so you'd be up for the bill if there's one.

That $50 liability means fuck all, as you have to prove you didn't spend the money and many banks will have you pay the bill first then settle the matter later.

TheDeadMetalhead4757d ago (Edited 4757d ago )

All rumors should be considered false until proven true. Remember all the other fake crap that's been posted over the last few days.

"PSN will be up Monday! Some source claims."
"No, wait! It'll be on Tuesday!"
"Actually, it'll be Wednesday! We're sure this time!"

"It was because hackers DDOSed the servers!"
"No, wait, it was Anonymous!"
"WAIT A MINUTE, actually Sony shut them off because of credit cards getting stolen!"

I mean come on, this is just ridiculous.

I_find_it_funny4757d ago (Edited 4757d ago )

I always use those cards you buy, never input my credit card details to PSN

r1sh124757d ago

If anyone has linked any bank/card details, just let your bank or card issuer know and they will send out new info.
That way youre 1 step ahead and dont have to worry about anything

paintsville4757d ago (Edited 4757d ago )

Oh this is just great there Sony. Way to protect your customers..not. PSN was free for a reason I guess. Now i've had to cancel my CC and get a new card. What a joke. This is just another reason to be on Xbox Live. You really get what you pay for. Since you pay nothing for PSN then I guess you get nothing...no wait you get HACKED and your CC information spread to the far reaches of the galaxy. PSN yeah OK.

y0haN4757d ago

It's true; it happened. You guys should stop being so cynical of the truth and faithful to Sony; after all they've fucking done to you.

Cancel your debit/credit cards assigned to your accounts or reap the risks.

Anarki4757d ago

I'll call bullshit on this one. PSN has been down for a week, now sony has said that credit card info MAY have been stolen, people are up in arms and suddenly have "Lost money". Wouldn't this of happened earlier and not when Sony announced it.

BX814757d ago (Edited 4757d ago )

My bros account got hit this weekend too. They only were able to get around $150.00 before his security called him to notify. Sucks. I erase my card after every time I use it on PSN. I hope I don't get f#cked with.

PS. I'm not saying the two are linked but seems like it's happening.

frostypants4757d ago (Edited 4757d ago )

Yep...3 people, out of 77,000,000.

In other words, no more than would have had this happen to them on any normal day. Far less actually.

On a side note, it sounds like these people had DEBIT cards tied to their accounts. Who does that?! ALWAYS use a credit card for online purchases, because you can contest the charges before paying them should someone get your info.

Shadowstar4757d ago

Three people isn't exactly hard evidence for it being the PSN data. Two people at my office were hit a couple of years back from going to some Taco Bell near where they lived. Not that it necessarily isn't from this, but credit card theft is rather more common than we'd all like.

4757d ago
AyeGee4757d ago

Not just 3 people.. happened to my girlfriend -_-

awi59514757d ago

Actually they sell those numbers to other hackers and they use your cards. When you got thousands of people buying numbers your odds are really high.

MysticStrummer4757d ago

lol @ the 360 cheerleaders *cough* pantsville *cough* who seem to think the 360 has never been hacked and had people's info stolen (it has, and it has). I just went through all the recent transactions for my card. Nothing unexpected, but I canceled it and ordered a new one anyway. Now, back to waiting for PSN to return so I can play MAG and SOCOM 4.

ComboBreaker4757d ago (Edited 4757d ago )

It must be harsh, having hundreds of dollars stolen from these 360 gamers' PSN accounts.

I feel bad for those three 360 gamers, who for some reason, have money stolen from their non-existant PSN accounts.

kikizoo4751d ago

Rumors like that are coming from desperate delusional fanboytroll like paintsville and others

They are living in the opposite world, where good is bad, and bad is good, always lying to themself and others.

+ Show (24) more repliesLast reply 4751d ago
pocketaces114757d ago

FAKE people this is internet remember stop going app over everything you read. The 3 digit codes were not taken according to sony which renders the card numbers useless. Anon also I would hope would not screw them selves like that. Anyways still no confirmed transactions yet. and again even if they do visa would catch it most likely I work for a bank and one time I bought a bike legitimately and 2 seconds after walking in the door my bank called me as they felt that transaction was suspicious. If you card is being used anywhere other then your home town they will ask questions after something like this.

MrBeatdown4758d ago (Edited 4758d ago )

A couple people out of 70 million is nothing to get wound up over. Nothing suggests it is anything more than a coincidence. This happens every day, even to people who don't have PSN accounts.

When you have a group that large, you can probably pick out a few who have explosive diarrhea as well. It doesn't mean the PSN outage gives you the craps.

Keep in mind, Sony said they didn't have any evidence credit card information was stolen, unlike the other data. They were just alerting people to the possibility.


Buying what? Basic logic?

@evrfighter (again)

No, basic logic is understanding probability and realizing that the odds suggest that this is nothing more than a coincidence.


Sure. It doesn't change my point though. Even if you assume each person has two accounts, it's still just a couple people reporting problems out of 35,000,000.


I didn't say "it hasn't happened to me so its not a problem" or anything remotely close to that. Reading comprehension FTW.

What I said was that a couple people out of millions and millions does not indicate any kind of connection what so ever, since identity theft happens every day. It's a pretty simple concept to grasp. Or, at least, it should be. Google the odds of identity theft. The first result... 1 in 18. This is not exactly rocket science to realize the two probably aren't connected.

evrfighter4758d ago (Edited 4758d ago )

super spin cycle go!!!!!!

nobody's buying it dude.

so your basic logic is Sony should not be responsible at all because "hey, it happens"????


/epic facepalm

Raven_Nomad4758d ago

You realize there aren't 70 million unique PSN users right? I have like 10 different accounts.......

n4gisatroll4758d ago


Why? That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. What are you going to do with 10 different games? Are you one of those people on socom who hacks the gsm and then changes names to hack it again and screw with people? That's the only real reason why I can see someone having 10 different names.

Red_Phoenix4758d ago

@grzajabarkus, people have different accounts usually to get the free stuff that different psn stores offer. If you get a Japanese psn, you will see the amount of free stuff they get through their psn store. Also, some people have multiple psn names for family. Another reason would to have a professional account and another "just for fun" account. Take Starcraft II for example, higher league players have multiple accounts because on one they use professional to ladder and tournament with, while with the other they use to practice new strategies without having to worry about their stats suffering if the strat fails.

Max_Dissatisfaction4758d ago

Are serious? So pretty much "it hasn't happened to me so its not a problem" or this is happening to lord Sony so lets try kick it under the carpet damage control? Which are you being right now?

Dark_king4758d ago

@itsRed_Phoenix Not to mention people like me who make new accounts just for 1 game.MAG for a example,That way I have 100 friends that have that one game and can find people to play with.LBP is another game I do that with.

UnwanteDreamz4758d ago (Edited 4758d ago )

That was a logic beatdown and you who replied without using your grey matter look stupid *cough* evrfighter *cough*

Basic logic eludes you again. You guys need to stop embarrassing yourselves.

Sony admit security was comprimised but even 2 out of 1 million does not prove it was taken from PSN. If your tiny brain can't wrap around that get a math tutor.

BlackTar1874757d ago (Edited 4757d ago )

Everfighter and raven nomad you guys are the trolls of all these articles.

ever your the biggest 360 fanboy troll on thise site now Congrats on the promotion.

No one believes a word you say

im telling you these threads are so filled with obvious 360 only owners is funny.

Darking i just want to comment on how weird that is.

Father Time4757d ago


Oh stop your pathetic trolling. It's a grand total of 3 unconfirmed reports out of thousands upon thousands of users. There's no evidence that this is anything but a coincidence and the probability doesn't back it up either.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 4757d ago
JLeVRT4758d ago (Edited 4758d ago )

3 down.... 69,999,997 to go...

cheetah4758d ago

lol.....the voice of reason.

People who are crying should buy a lottery ticket. They have more chance of winning that.

COINTELPRO4758d ago (Edited 4758d ago )

Easier to sell the CC info and cash in instantly. Still doesn't remove the fact that now 2 people have your CC info. This process keeps repeating itself and your info ends up in the hands of Russian or Chinese criminal rings which specialize in this type of crime and can run automated scripts to check for valid CC's and authorize purchases.

Muffins12234757d ago

Dont worry we are safe,sony said we are *looks up online* wait a sec,there hasent been a single article with sony saying we are safe and there ignoring identity theft questions...hmmmmm yea we are totally safe

xtremeimport4758d ago

this is only if you use a credit card for the PSN and nothing to do with Netflix correct??

EYEamNUMBER14758d ago

don't worry netflix handles those details not sony

xtremeimport4758d ago

im glad i got disagrees for asking a question...and thank you number1 for answering.

BlackTar1874757d ago

you giot disagrees from the 360 trolls who have been on a week long party since this happen.

pretty sad really.

What i love is how the most obvious 360 fans have the most dramatic stories about how this affected them its funny.

xtremeimport4757d ago

how quickly they forget about their systems crashing and red ringing, in some instances starting fires. this does suck, but if you're smart this shouldnt effect you other than the fact you cant play games online for a week+ which I know in this day an age is a hard thing to handle. maybe more people should start buying the PSN cards to buy games+content.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4757d ago
sikbeta4758d ago ShowReplies(1)
TKCMuzzer4758d ago

With millions of users there is such a thing as coincidence but as we know in this day and age if people see a way of claiming money from a company they will do their best.

Pwnage2u4758d ago (Edited 4758d ago )

Just checked my bank, and there was nothing stolen. But I will check it daily, just to be safe.

beastgamer4758d ago

I find it kind of funny. My friend he likes ps3, but he only has a 360 and a pc. He doesn't hate or another, but he called me this evening during my nap.
ME: Hello
Friend: "You've Been Compromised BITCH"

J_Cob4757d ago

It's funny they would say something after Sony admitted their CC info is potentially compromised. How convenient.

BlackTar1874757d ago

your gonna get disagrees but it is rather convenient that these hackers are smart enough to do all this stuff then would go out and do something so stupid so quick.

LOGIC escapes a bunch of people on this thread.

J_Cob4752d ago

I don't mind the disagrees. It doesn't effect me in the real world either. I just remember browsing N4G as always and not seeing anything about lost money. That is until Sony announced what kind of info is possibly at risk. Then boom, people started losing money like they went to Vegas.

Vherostar4757d ago

Thing is if sony wouldnt have said anything would these people? The answer is no. Why? People lie on the internet the only people who no doubt got hacked are those idiots who responded to fake emails or fake websites and gave away there details.

jimbone794757d ago

@ lociefer
Too bad you don't have to buy it for it to be true, because it's been all over the news this morning. Apparently it's a little bigger than a N4G rumor.

BlackTar1874757d ago

show me a news report that proves the info was xsstolen and used...... Ill wait for you to find one....
ohh wait there is only articles about how it could happen okay then move along

morkendo234757d ago

damn HACKERS hacking in psn was not enough now your pissing me off stealing people hard earn cash.

likedamaster4757d ago (Edited 4757d ago )

Not only does PSN lack features but lacks real security too. *epic facepalm*

Never again. I never punched in my info on psn to begin with though, thank God.

Edit: And yes, this is very real folks. They wouldn't be doing a major overhaul on their network if it wasn't already screwed.

BX814757d ago

I agree. I laugh at how some people take to defending Sony as if them and Sony are best friends. Now is the time to come together as a gaming community and spread the word to other gamers to keep a close eye on their personal affairs. It's cool to like a certain system of choice but it's not cool to be a blind dumb ass. The comments of it's not a big deal you bank will cover it or they only said it's possible so no need to worry are excuses. People have families or are single and work hard for their money, the possibility of have your info leaked for any reason is unacceptable. I like Sony just as much as the next person but let's collectively pull our head out of our 4th point of contact and educate other gamers instead of trying to defend a company that already has your money and possibly leaves you to loose more with this situation.

BlackTar1874757d ago

BX your a troll in all these articles. You being over dramatic and conscidense you been a ps3 hater since ive seen you on here?

Solidus187-SCMilk4757d ago (Edited 4757d ago )

trolling everyone who doesnt lick sony's butt hole.

Scary694757d ago

I find this to be BS because until last night no one claimed to have money stolen from their accounts. What gets me is why do people not check their CC statements regularly talk about a bunch of idiots.

frostypants4757d ago (Edited 4757d ago )

Time for a simple lesson in statistics, people.

OK...TENS of MILLIONS of people use PSN. 77,000,000 between PSN and Qriosity.

Even if this hack had not occurred, statistically many of them would have been victims of credit card fraud, completely independent of PSN. 10% of all Americans have been victims of credit card fraud, and over 11 MILLION are victims of identity theft every year. So a handful of people out of the tens of millions of PSN subscribers isn't really significant.

All that's happening is that now these people are ASSUMING it's because of PSN. It's the classic error of assuming correlation equals causation.

Now, if over the next few days, we start hearing about this happening to, say, tens of thousands of PSN users, THEN there will be some semblance of statistical significance and these hackers will become suspects. I'm not ready to put them against the wall for this one just yet.

frostypants4757d ago (Edited 4757d ago )

Love the disagrees.

Nothing I said was a matter of opinion. It's statistical fact.

But if people want to needlessly stress out about this and run around like headless chickens, more power to ya.

lil Titan4757d ago

funny how they report there loss after Sony said your info might be taken...so in my logic the hackers said we should steal money after Sony made a statement that your info is exposed?...something smells funny. i may report a loss my self

xAlmostPro4757d ago

Of course people are going to say this i mean i could give my details to a buddy tell him to splash out and then claim it was these guys..

Plus 3 people out of 60+million accounts(i know not all are individual but you get my point)isn't that bad.. in fact that's probably a good thing

jke824757d ago

sony uses verisign if imnot mistaken for thier credit card transactions...really it doesnt matter what company they use as far as that goes all companies that do CC transactions require CC data use at least 128bit encryption which means any hacker that steals data or attempts to view it has a snowballs chance in hell of actually view said CC#......

1Victor4757d ago

I don't care if you believe it or nor I just got a call to renew a phantom cruise reservation that I renewed on 2008 with my old address from 5 years ago. So guys be careful they have our info I'll never pay 597.00 for a cruise reservation to the caribean when I'm from there.LOL when I said no and I needed the CC# to call the bank he hung up

+ Show (17) more repliesLast reply 4751d ago
THC CELL4758d ago (Edited 4758d ago )

Not really proof so i call bs At the diss I can email the same site or even my site and say 100000 has been stolen and watch the hit meter go ka boom I would not trust any site with the statement money stolen till the official sony site tells me so and if money was stolen the hacker is foolish cause he will be tracked. I mean why would some guy email a site i have never heard of before hmmm gaming media are gunna take advantage for the next few month.. To them who say f**k sony am moving to xbox Good bye we dont need sad hats like you on psn Ya no even when u go shopping on the high street or even to a atm u can get details stolen Mine happened from asda a huge company in the uk people can also steal info from ya bins so stop just making out this is only sony.

matgrowcott4758d ago (Edited 4758d ago )

There's a quote in the article from someone claiming to have had money taken. Hearsay like that is all we as the general public are going to have access to.

EDIT: My mistake, it's an image of the email, not a quote.

WAR_MACHINE774757d ago

Happened to me once like 2 years ago. Paypal got hacked and and someone in cali used my account, and didn't anon hack visa, mastercard and amazon not long ago... So yeah, it can happen no matter how big the company or how secure the system. If the hackers want in bad enough, they will get in. So don't you guys think it may be time to start blaming the thieves.

GSpartan7774758d ago (Edited 4758d ago )

LOL. Honestly what can you do in this situation? People will always try and fabricate story after things after press release. As much as I want to believe this, it's just too much of a coincident that this gets released after Sony PR. They did also say during the weekend that credit card are possibly at risk. But whatever. Sucks for them though.

Vherostar4757d ago

As much you want to believe it?? Why would anybody want to believe peoples accounts have been stolen even if your a fanboy and want bad things to happen to the other console makers. I would NEVER wish this upon fellow gamers. You make me sick to my stomach.

astar1234567894758d ago

thats why i us the psn card or itunes card so if any one gets hacked i only at most 20 bucks

theafroman4758d ago

Could just be people panicking stay calm after reading that.

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Rolling the Dice: Do Modern RPGs Miss the Point of Team-Based Play?

It seems it was long time ago. A bunch of friends spending hours on end playing RPG games, sitting around the table with the box of cold pizza. Excited about the story, listening to the Game Master, they were completely engaged in the worlds only visible to them and their imaginations.

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Takwin2635d ago

The GM is the programmer, and in MMOs and co-ops, you can play with others. If you want to ONLY use your imagination for the visuals, read a book.


Record of Agarest War 2 announced for PS3

Scrawl: "Looks like we know how that new Compile Heart countdown is going to end. The latest issue of Famitsu has confirmed that Agarest Senki 2, known as Record of Agarest War 2 in the US, is Compile Heart’s newest title."

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Godmars2905080d ago

1) Hope they put it on disc this time.
2) Hope this is a positive for Neptune coming over as well.

Demons Souls5080d ago

If so, that's being developed & published by Idea Factory. Compile Heart has nothing to do with it (Thank God for that).

Godmars2905080d ago (Edited 5080d ago )

Thought Compile Heart was one of the companies lending characters.

Was also speaking in general as in regards to a US of Neptune. If these guys are offing a second game, NIS or Atlus, both of whom offer quirkier titles, will put that one out.

My issue isn't - wholly - with the DL-only option, but the price. The first game should be $30. Maybe $40, and by that I mean $39.99. The only reason its $45 is the 360 disc version which has extras. Nevermind that by all rights its a PS2 game. Something that proabbly could have been done if the devs had the GOW2 engine or tools.

ClownBelt5080d ago

I approve of this god damn message.

Could have gotten my 60 bucks if they just put it on a disc.

5080d ago Replies(1)
Tripl3seis5080d ago

Another exclusive damnn the ps3 keeps on rollin wit games awesome ;)

Jack-Pyro5080d ago

Is this a half decent SRPG, porn aside, cause if it is, i might just decide to go and buy it for the 360.

Anon73495080d ago

There's no porn just some sexual innuendos but that's it.

Also it is a great game by itself, maybe not graphically but everything else is top tier.

RedDevils5079d ago

so it had some kind of "top tier" porn story jk

ThanatosDMC5080d ago

Yup, it's a decent game. I just hate that a move has to go first before any attack options.

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2671d ago
Bismarn2670d ago

Bless must be an amazing game to be on all these platforms (according to the tags): iPad iPhone Nintendo DS PC PS Vita PS2 PS3 PS4 PSP Wii Wii U Xbox Xbox 360 Xbox One