
IW admit MW2 and CoD hacks but blame PS3's lack of security

IW finally admit MW2 and COD4 have been hacked, but... say its still not their problem its more to do with Sony as its their machine that has had its security breached and cannot fix it until Sony sort it out.

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deadreckoning6664867d ago (Edited 4867d ago )

I have my popcorn ready for this one.

"It's like blaming your oven's manufacturers for you letting your soup burn"

Couldn't have put it any better than that. MW2 was hacked mere weeks after it came out on the PS3.

Dante1124867d ago (Edited 4867d ago )

Lol, I wonder what their excuse is for the X360 and PC hacking that not only affects MW2 and COD4, but now Black Ops on all platforms.


rroded4867d ago

so same goes for them i guess

these activision hoes are the best so obviously its the platforms that are fooked.

Nitrowolf24867d ago (Edited 4867d ago )

Here what i love about it

Okay IW first off the PS3 hack dilemma was way after your games got hack. Not for some reason games like W@W and BO are harder to hack then the two games you guys developed, but here the biggest catch.

Lets look at COD4 shall we?

The first freaken hack that could be done for PS3 COD4 was this.

Copy Gamesave-----Put on computer-----Open Hex editor----Now find your values

oh yeah prob the easiest and prob the first PS3 game to use this type of hack http://ibotmodz.net/forum/t...

So IW is it sony to blame that they allowed you to be able to copy the data? Or is it your fault for not encryting it right in the first place or better yet not hacking a lock game save?

Both MW games made by IW are far more buggier then the ones made by Treyarch. IW you guys made a broken game to begin with.

Here another question IW what about the PS3 counterpart PC and 360?

Those games had hack nearly the first month of release, where as the PS3 versions took a lot more time.

obviously they will never see this but still.

IW you guys are just looking for a sheep to put your blame on bad protection/programming against hackers.

Sony PS3 had nothing to do with the gamesave hack, nor the patch hacks. Infact the hackers didn't even use these methods that are being used now.

Treyarch seems to be doing a really good job at keeping hackers off their side of COD games.

Point is they never fixed it even before this exploit



also got to love Maxconsole, is this all they report on? All week even during PS3 jailbreak (the dongle version) all what they reported on were hacks for PS3.

Maini80004867d ago

mate you can follow n4g all you want... but hacking on xbox360 in black ops case is VERY minimal... if you want to hate on xbox go ahead but you cant deny the fact that i cant play mw2 or black ops on ps3 for shit... and ive actually brought a xbox just for my call of duty needs.

jadenkorri4867d ago Show
4867d ago
fail0verflow4867d ago (Edited 4867d ago )

They have no shame, MW2 was hacked on ps3 for ages.

Never gonna buy IW and activision game again

Rainstorm814867d ago (Edited 4867d ago )


i call BS....i have COD:BO on both PS3 and 360 and disconnects are the biggest problem.. which i agree are more prevalent on PS3..

TO say COD:BO is unplayable is ridiculous.....must've been reading too much PS3 COD:BO refund petition news..

Despite all of that COD:BO is my last COD i will purchase. Activision just doesnt make quality games on a regular basis, always full of problems.

The problem with this entire story is the ps3 was hacked late 2010 early 2011......MW2 released 2009.

So the hackers hopped in thier 85 Delorean went back in time a lil over a year just to cheat in MW2..... thats more believeable than saying the PS3 is to blame for the infinite hacks across 3 platforms.

I really cant wait til COD goes the way of Guitar hero

scofios4867d ago

I remember playing call of duty 2 on the 360 in 2006 it was filled with cheaters aka glitch exploiters , the ps3 wasn't even out then .

Rhythmattic4867d ago (Edited 4867d ago )


I agree, and have not done so , nor will do so since MW2.

Crappy I know.... but it starts somewhere...

hay4867d ago (Edited 4867d ago )

IW: It's PS3's fault.
Fanboys: Yes! Yes!
Gamers: WTF? Bwahaha!

Lord_Doggington4867d ago

Live has a very strict banning policy. Also, people are less likely to hack on Live nowadays because they're paying for an account.

Free is better? LOL

HolyOrangeCows4867d ago (Edited 4867d ago )

So I guess I DIDN'T see someone playing as a CAR on the Xbox 360 version of COD4?

WTF is going on lately? We keep seeing people complaining about cheating on the PS3 that we've seen all along! (On the PS3 and the other systems as well)

HSx94867d ago

mw2 was hacked 3 days after release on the PS3 to be exact. Xbox was like 2 days. Most were for singleplayer only though, then we found a way to merge splitscreen stats to online, therefor merging leaderboards and prestiges, giving you the prestige hack and leaderboard hack.

Bloodraid4867d ago

Here's a question; has anyone even bothered to look at Infinity Ward's post? Or did you all just read the title of this article and start typing away in a rage?

Misleading article title, honestly.

badz1494866d ago

MW2 and all CoDs are broken games to begin with! no other games being hacked the same way is telling something! screw people who were backing IW on anything MW2! they are CRAP!

P_Bomb4866d ago (Edited 4866d ago )

I can deny, easily, cuz my wife has been addicted to COD through 4 games now, many prestiges, and never has hack problems. But whatever helps you justify your 360 purchase.

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 4866d ago
Viper74867d ago

This is not Sonys fault, they can just blame themselves from this. Gamer should not be able to run code trough programs save files. I mean its often just encrypted data like text, numbers and possibly few booleans.

Its like hacking N4G trough a user comment!

ZombieNinjaPanda4867d ago

Hacking n4g through a user comment? Already been done. One user about a year ago had the ability to post instantly and as many times as he wanted. Could not be banned for a day either.

Viper74867d ago



If it was similar hack, I am severely disappointed by N4G testers. But I would guess its something far more complex than that, hackers are getting meaner and meaner day by day after all.

r1sh124867d ago

I dont know why hes only blaming sony?
The xbox hacks were because the game had no security it self, and the MW2 ps3 hacks were happening before the ps3 was hacked.
1 guy had done something to the game save data to manipulate the game so he could have infection hacks like the xbox version did. He then went on holiday and another 2 guys found out how to do it
He had videos on a forum (no name mentioned) which I used to use got GTA IV pc mods, so I could make videos.
I remember watching the video and couldnt believe it was on the ps3.
The old ps3 hacks were fairly 'underground' so it wasnt widely reported hence not many people knew about it.

GarandShooter4867d ago

LOL, good one Assassyn...


It must be that french onion soup with the gobs of melted cheese on top and crispy bread inside.....

Damn, now I'm hungry for french onion soup!

Curse you Assassyn! :)

BattleAxe4867d ago

Wow, what a severe lack of customer service.

xAlmostPro4867d ago (Edited 4867d ago )

i cant tell you all now this is bullshit.

These hacked lobbies plagued mw2/cod4 on the 360 a few months after mw2's release, and infinity ward patched them. There are still whats known as "challenge lobbies" on the 360 also.

Not only that before these ps3 hacks there was challenge lobbies on ps3 they just weren't as mainstream(on cod4 anyway), another thing after mw2 released there was a UFO hack on ps3(which was also before the jailbreak) and infinity ward patched it.

So how is this unfixable until sony sort things out?.. when they patched the ufo hack and patched the same issues on 360?.. lol

The only thing the ps3 jailbreak is responsible for is most likely the increase in people doing the hacks, plus its the only 2 games i see plagued with hacks, and they're both developed by infinity ward, seems to me the problem lies with them ;)

starcb264867d ago

They didn't even patch the game, they did something with the playlist that stopped it from working.

TBM4867d ago

really IW this is the best you can come up with for your poor programming skills?

THC CELL4867d ago

wow i like how i can still download this game days before the release date. on xbox and pc wow and they dont moan about that.. activison should quit ps3 and shut the fuvk up. im not buying there games anymore.

Gamer_Z4867d ago

What a load of bull shit, All current gen systems are hacked. I remember playing MW2 on the xbox 360 and getting shot at by some guy who gets a bazillion chopper gunners or what about the players who can run like the Flash! Or my personal favorite, game starts and everybody gets nuked!! This is just Activision/Bobby Kotick saying shit about the PS3, everybody knows he hates the PS3 because sony doesn’t give them a cut of their profits like Microsoft does with Xbox live.

socomnick4866d ago

before the ps3 was hacked all you had to do is open the memory card slot and extract the memory data for mw2 and then put this data on your pc, run a special program and bingo you now have a hacked mw2 copy and can troll people on psn.

A patch disallowed this.

Now that the ps3 is hacked anyone can hack the console now.

On the 360 only jtaged consoles can run hacks and those are very rare, jtag consoles have to be old 20 gig 360s from 2006.

Hacks will be way way way more rampant on the ps3 then they are on the xbox.

All 40+ million ps3s have the ability to be hacked, meanwhile only a small percentage of 360s can.

Megaton4866d ago

So is it also the PS3's fault when people rampantly hack the 360/PC versions of your games, IW?

N4g_null4866d ago

Don't you guys realize no patch would work for any game on the ps3 because of this hack? This is what he is saying. If the game has online states that part of the game may push releases back. True cod was a mess but why the states where left on the local end is beyond stupid. Yet even if they wanted to fix it hacker could even hack the fix as if they worked at the dev studio.

The every one hates Sony has produce a lot of sheep and parrots it seems. Maybe it could be an age thing also. Who knows.

xAlmostPro4866d ago

They could easily make the games download the real game settings online between each game or as each map loads up to over-write the hacked game data..

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 4866d ago
dragonyght4867d ago

lol what!? weren't those games broken b4 even the ps3 hack delema

Hellsvacancy4867d ago

You sir, are goddamn genius, and thats NOT sarasm

Nitrowolf24867d ago (Edited 4867d ago )

IW needs an excuse

visualb4866d ago

not only that -

the broken games were also on 360 and PC....

actually the first hacks were (as almost always) on the PC version...


then again, they mean of the hackings now, and that above all it is sony's problem, and it is because its more to do with the firmware hack than with MW2

in other words: yes, hackers can hack into many games on PS3 because of current hack, doesn't mean MW2 wasn't a broken POS before the hack

Ahasverus4867d ago

It's like blaming your oven's manufacturers for you letting your soup burn

aGameDeveloper4867d ago

Surely they have some sort of security/encryption code implemented for the PC version of the game? If so, it should be relatively trivial to enable it in the console versions, making them just as secure as the PC version. Of course, the PC version may not actually be all that secure, but they can't blame Sony for THAT.

FailOverHero4867d ago (Edited 4867d ago )

*status update* currently laughing at this news report:

RetroKid5407 | 12m ago...
Lol are you kidding me? How is this piracy news?

Malice-Flare4867d ago

probably, because its from maxconsole.net...

jack who4867d ago

If you are concerned about playing with players who are hacking, I encourage you to play exclusively with friends by utilizing the party or private match options in Modern Warfare 2 and Call of Duty 4 to avoid such players as much as possible until this issue is resolved by Sony

i lol'd

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That day when Activision fired Jason and Vince

“Jason and Vince just got fired!” A lead artist shouted, as he rode in on one of the many small kick-push scooters that would typically lay around the studio. He quickly scooted away to some other part of the office space to spread that shocking message.

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DaniMacYo96d ago

Activision would say that to all their victims. Here’s money now get over it.

RhinoGamer8896d ago

A friend worked there in production and was miserable due to working with IW and with ATVI. When he complained to his VP about it, he was told...be glad you have a job and are making games.

mastershredder96d ago

Sounds about right, but is also sounds like something Infinity Ward would say. They made their own bed and cashed in hard to do it. F em.

franwex96d ago

That sucks, but that’s corporate America. I mean, they could’ve turned down the money and leave to Respawn too. At least they got something, my corporation would’ve probably expected everyone to go back to normal.

gold_drake96d ago (Edited 96d ago )


"oh we're running ur life? pff get over it, like honestly"


theindiearmy96d ago

I mean, if my company wants to give me a bonus and raise my salary by 50%, I'd get over whatever the hell they wanted me to. 🤷‍♂️

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Infinity Ward Opens New Studio in Austin, Texas

Activision developer Infinity Ward has opened a new studio in Austin, Texas, which will work on the Call of Duty franchise.

"Infinity Ward has opened a brand new studio in Austin, TX," reads an advertisement from the developer.

"The studio will work on creating new and innovative experiences for Call of Duty and create state of the art technology to power them. Our studio provides a safe, trusting, and empowering environment to unleash your creativity and help make the extraordinary."

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Flawlessmic175d ago

Another dev team for call of duty, like there isn't enough currently........ yayyyy

Well this atleast partly confirms yearly releases are definitely remaining, doubling down if anything.

Rynxie175d ago

That's what we need, two call of duties every year. I'm calling it.

Brazz175d ago

Hopefully, with more studios they can make better COD, 4h campaings are unacceptable.

Killer2020UK175d ago

🎉 Call of Duty Q1, Call of Duty Q2, Call of Duty Q3, Call of Duty Q4 🎉


Infinity Ward Facing Backlash for "Listening to Community Feedback" Regarding Warzone Player Count

Call of Duty developer Infinity Ward is facing serious community backlash after claiming to change a Warzone feature due to "feedback."

PunksOnN4G205d ago

They did not listen the dis it for the zombie modea only people been asking for this to help the servers run better for months they refused till now hahahah yeah infinity wars is the worst

thorstein205d ago

"Player Feedback" as in some folks on Twitter or "player feedback" as in we surveyed current players?