Natsu X FairyTail5005d ago

Lmao thats like 59+tax in Canada. SMH. gotta get rid of my xbox soon.

niceguywii605005d ago (Edited 5005d ago )

You keep saying anti 360 sh*t after you have had a change of heart about the 360 it gets old. You know how many times I've mentioned me getting rid of my PS3 after being disappointed in it? 2 times. The PS3 fanboys won't give you bubbles they hate you now.

There is obviously a huge update offering much more coming for Microsoft to do this.

My PS3 tag was *Masseffect1* I was or am on DEN-UK's PS3 friends list he's a N4G member

I want to say a web browser fused with Bing with youtube ect. I was or am on DEN-UK's friends

saint_john_paul_ii5005d ago

you never had a PS3 in the first place.

iamnsuperman5005d ago (Edited 5005d ago )

"There is obviously a huge update offering much more coming for Microsoft to do this." or they just want more money...They know a lot of people wanting to play Halo are going to pay for it because they have waited for the final Bungie business move

deadreckoning6665005d ago (Edited 5005d ago )

@pope- You stalk people are something? How do you know what he does or doesn't have?? Some people just aren't into their PS3s as you might be..get over it. My friend is a multiconsole owner and he spends nearly all of his gaming time on the 360. In fact, the only time he logs on to PSN is when I come over to show him how cool Uncharted 2 is.

Pope, there is world OUTSIDE of N4G filled with people. These people have different tastes and personal preferences...once you embrace that..ull be good to go.

As far as the article is concerned, Microsoft better have something HUGE coming to XBL if there going to charge that kinda money just to play online. Whatever it is, the Halo fanatics won't care and will pay for it regardless. As for me, I'll just stay away..far away.

WildArmed5005d ago

lol believe it or not..
He is a full fledged troll now :)
he rampages on both ps3 n 360 articles.

btw.. it would be a good time to stock up on those 20-30$ 1 year Live cards then?

sack_boi5005d ago

Bye bye Xbox, it's sad but from now on I'm only going to use my PS3.


gaffyh5005d ago (Edited 5005d ago )

I think Microsoft might have to change their name to Microshaft, I can't believe that they are increasing the price, even if it is only by $10.

I'm glad I don't play online on my 360.

Edit: Wow at least 4 brainwashed people that are happy to fork out more money for the exact same service. The stupidity of some people is beyond compare. The reason MS has done this is because they KNOW that they can, that's it, not because they are going to offer you anything extra.

Hallmark Moment5005d ago (Edited 5005d ago )

Can't wait!!!! to see what they will offer for $10 more. CAIN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!

This means MSFT is going to reveal the update features SOON!!!!

Pretty smart of MSFT announcing the price hike before they reveal the update features so when they finally show the update the price hike won't be used to try and downplay the new great offerings.

sikbeta5005d ago

Damn, If I'd run that company, I could rise the price to $100, simply because people will pay for it, it's not an option, MS control all the on-line features and if you don't pay you don't play on-line, I know some crowd will defend this and say it's cool to pay more, but they not see this the same way I do...

bjornbear5005d ago (Edited 5005d ago )

wow! 360 owners will have to pay MORE per year?! =S this is when I really appreciate the free online for PC and PS3 gaming.

lol @ butthurt because his "comrade" "defected"
now i've seen everything xD CRY MOAR

even bigger LOL @ all the people excited about the increase in price. It must be the only place on earth where people are excited by an increase in deranged its scary =S brainwashed is what they are.

0mega45005d ago


why are they charging more for xbox live when they cant even secure exclusives with all the money there racking in now

besides time exclusives...
which are completely worthless

Redrum0595004d ago

M$ can no longer make as much profit from exclusives enymore so they just charge more for live to make up for the money thats not being made due to the lack of exclusives.

Antan5004d ago

Your id was "Masseffect1"?...... ......What! Just like the user "PS3 slim"? Who happens to be one of your many accounts? who`d of thought it! All these times you've been moaning about multiple account users and yet here we are AGAIN, putting your foot in it. Will you ever learn POG?

pustulio5004d ago (Edited 5004d ago )

wow, way to go Microsoft.

First, you dissapoint the hardcore and leave almost no games for 360.
Second, you will release an overpriced camera wich is just garbage.
And now we going to pay more for Gold because you are adding "features" that we can only use if we buy your overpriced camera!

Either you give me free arcades or some GOOD deals or Zune/Netflix for free or im out.

EDIT: HOLY SHIT! México has NOTHING in the Marketplace, theres no Zune, No Netflix, No, some demos are not available, some deals neither, No Sky, No ESPN, No Hulu...

I can't even... Why would you increase the price there?

Trebius5004d ago (Edited 5004d ago )

It's slightly shocking to see THIS many people approve a price hike merely because you believe you're GETTING something out of it. Do you have any idea how absolutely out of your mind you sound?? To the point where you could be considered BRAINWASHED.

I'm guessing most of the people agreeing with this price hike are just kids, because no ADULT would ever approve of raising prices for the same service.

That's why in the REAL world, when there is a TAX hike, there are voices that speak against it, no one likes to pay more for anything unless they absolutely have to. An extra 10 bucks does not seem like a lot, just like an extra 50 bucks didnt seem like a lot from the beginning, and just like an extra 100 bucks wont seem like a lot if it happens, cause M$ can raise the price every few months by 10 bucks and people would continue to pay.

I understand M$ has a nice online community, and you feel as though it's completely worth the extra money.

But consider the pact that PC gaming has had massive online communities and have never charged for online play. Online play is mean to be FREE. You buy the game for 60 bucks, you shouldn't have to pay to be able to play it online.

I know it's in one ear and out the other to the Xbox fanboys, and they'll continue to shell out cash and justify it, "Duuuhh, we gettin' new AvaTahZ! Duuuhhhh..." Fuck that.

Think like an adult, ask yourself questions! They're only raising the price cause they know they'll get away with it. They dont care about you, they're not giving you extra content, they're releasing Halo:Reach, and giving you all the reach-around by charging more for XBL right when 2 of their biggest titles are comign out.

Those of you that defend M$ downvote me all you want, it still wont change the fact that you're an idiot for supporting these kind of business tactics.

At least on PS3 you have the OPTION of paying more. And if you DO pay more, you get FREE games and FREE exclusive betas and FREE merchandise out of it.

Dragun6195004d ago (Edited 5004d ago )

@Droid Smasha
Dude, just admit it, This Price increase is unnecessary and greedy.
Its like they're trying to cash on the New Owners that buy Kinect in November and millions that are gonna Halo: Reach.

@Hallmark Moment
Yeah, and you can probably get those features for free on other platforms like a PC. Hell, maybe those new features will only be for Kinect. That means one would have to get Kinect and XBL Gold to enjoy those features.

sdtarm5004d ago

Man thats all ive come to say from ur comments, its totally true and i back natsu x fairytail, Canada bairly gets a taste of what us gets and making it 59 plus around 15%of tax is too much for consumers to accept, for some reason ps3 is more common around here, not too much but it is

FanboysWillHateMe5004d ago

if the added ESPN streaming is good, then I think that justifies the additional dollar or so per month (I buy the yearly subscriptions). Of course I wouldn't pay if I had the option, but all of my closest friends are on Xbox Live so that's what does it for me.

I only know one person in real life on PSN, and trying to communicate with him and the process of sending him invites to games is a pain in the ass, honestly.

When I think about it, people complain about the cost of Xbox Live when subscription MMORPGs are a lot worse! And there's free alternatives to that too, just like PSN's online multiplayer is a free alternative to Live. I don't know about you guys, but I notice a huge difference in quality between PSN and Live.

Sez 5004d ago

Honestly between MS now charging $10 more for live and Sony charging people for used games. It's safe to say I'm going to just dedicate all my gaming needs to pc gaming and forget both consoles altogether. This is just crazy

Triella5004d ago

@Hallmark Moment

Don't expect anything spectacular MS is already touting videochat conference with two friends as a new, cool and innovative feature to justify the price increase, but PS3 owners have been able to do so for a long while now, with up to 6 people at a time and moreover utterly and completely free of charge.

solidjun55004d ago

You seem to takes things way to serious little one. Well let me say then. Not a lot of people believes you have a PS3 anyway. If you do, i'm sure that game you're playing where you don't have a 360 is playing off very well.

Anyway,on topic:
look, there's deal where you can lock it up for 39.99 for the year. $20 cheaper than the new rate.

It's here.

That's what I plan on doing.

bustamove5004d ago

It's official. Microsoft has lost it.

SCThor5004d ago

***Netflix unlimited subscription (sold separately) also required to instantly watch movies streaming from Netflix. See Netflix Terms of Use for details on Netflix service.

****ESPN on Xbox LIVE provides great content from and For access to content, including live sports, you must have an ESPN3-affiliated broadband provider. See for details and providers.


darthv725004d ago (Edited 5004d ago )

"even bigger LOL @ all the people excited about the increase in price. It must be the only place on earth where people are excited by an increase in deranged its scary =S brainwashed is what they are."

I wouldnt say i am "excited" for the increase but then again it doesnt bother me either. No need to call people brainwashed if they choose to pay for a service where as others choose not to.

edit: it really free if you have to pay a membership in order to use it. The free games are the same as pay to play. You need to keep your psn membership in order for them to be "free" otherwise they no longer work.

On a side note, I can see why many sony fans are crying foul on this more than 360 fans. It gives sony the notion that they can raise their price as well or even change the terms of the membership. Take away little by little, more from the free side and put them in to the membership side.

I wish my landlord or the cable company were as generous in keeping the same rate for roughly 7 years before hiking the price up.

NoBias5004d ago (Edited 5004d ago )

But I hate Micro$$$$oft... Sad thing is that they could probably care less. Looks like I'll be buying more multiplats for my PS3.

Denethor_II5004d ago

I said the same thing. but he really has!

Natsu X FairyTail: You have some sort of multi-personality disorder or something going on there. Or maybe your just a critic and are hard to please?

SilentNegotiator5004d ago (Edited 5004d ago )

Well, that's it.
I was slightly considering going back, just for Halo Reach, but Microsoft is only taking more steps backwards.

My $60 will go toward GAMES.
Time to sell my 360.

Millah5004d ago

Why doesn't MS offer different levels of Live. Like, if people don't want all these "added features" and simply just want to play multiplayer, then give them an option for a stripped down Gold service for 19.99/year. If people want all these added "features" as well, then give them the 60/year option.

MS just exploiting its consumer base, which is never smart, because it always bites them in the ass later on.

BusterFang5004d ago (Edited 5004d ago )

Well...I saw this coming eventually, but didn't expect it to be so soon. =\

Edit: Hmmm...I wonder if this could be to gain SOME money back slowly if Kinect doesn't take off like they want it to, even though the article says it's about some "big" updates or w.e...just wondering

TotalPS3Fanboy5004d ago (Edited 5004d ago )

Today, it came true.

I feel like it's an attemp to scrap every pennies from the hardcore gamers as Microsoft abandons them and jumps ship.

HammockGames5004d ago (Edited 5004d ago )

By the way, you can cancel the auto-renewal option via the Xbox 360 website (you can also remove your payment method). You don't have to go through the phone call BS to get out of it.

Just an fyi for anyone who is ticked.

I did this a few weeks back. Just a coincidence, but glad that I did.

Def Warrant5004d ago

LOL i have no sympathy for sheeps. You all deserve to be raped by M$haft. I'd do the same if my followers were brainless zombies lol.

InactiveUser5004d ago (Edited 5004d ago )

That's like a free, brand new retail game every year if you have a PS3 instead.

That's like getting the following or similar games FREE -
Resistance: Fall of Man (2006)
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune (2007)
Metal Gear Solid 4 (2008)
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (2009)
God of War III or Gran Turismo 5 (2010)

If this generation goes like 2-3 more years, instead of paying to play online.. get one of the following FREE each year -
Resistance 3 or The Last Guardian or Agent? (2011)
Metal Gear Solid 5? or Uncharted 3? (2012)
God of War 4? or Gran Turismo 6? or Resistance 4? (2013).

Free PSN for me, thanks.

+ Show (31) more repliesLast reply 5004d ago
pangitkqb5005d ago (Edited 5005d ago )

I love gaming on Xbox Live, but the experience isn't worth $60.00 USD, especially when I game online via Steam and PSN for free. These services might not offer quite as much as 360's Xbox Live, but is that difference worth $60.00? No, it's not. In fact, Party chat and checking others gamerscore's and ratings (buy others) isn't close to $60.00 in value. This is simply a bad move by Microsoft.

I should also clarify that I am by no means the type to play console favorites. In fact, I game online regularly on Wii, Xbox 360, PS3, PC, Mac, and iPhone. The ONLY one of these to charge me for online play is Xbox 360. What makes their service worth so much more than the others? Last FM? Uh....ya, right.

This is just a let down. My yearly subscription is up in September which means I can still get the current pricing, but now i have to ask myself if I really want to support the one - out of ALL the platforms mentioned above - that is plainly nickel and dimeing me.

-Alpha5005d ago (Edited 5005d ago )

This is ridiculous. I agree with you wholeheartedly. I paid $40 for mine thankfully. I will continue to bargain. I never buy XBL from official retailers, they are always overpriced.

The Xbox is in decline and in turn MS decides to raise the price of LIVE.

It's clear that they are banking on Kinect to sell to casuals and for them to subscribe to Gold. This better result in a multitude of new content because XBL isn't justifiable anymore. What I'm really upset about is that the updates for LIVE are geared towards Kinect. I mean, the PS3 has video chat for free, and MS is pushing it as such a big thing when in reality their core gamers want things that enhance the gaming experience. Now, I know things like ESPN are there, but I don't watch sports. I don't video chat. None of the new features interest me the slightest. Some people will be willing to pay, and honestly, if they find value in LIVE then more power to them.

I hope they have Youtube support and recording video playback amongst other things like free games. But I doubt it. I really do hope MS has things down the line for XBL, but this has gotten me really pissed off. I just can't afford LIVE and unless I see more features that aren't Kinect-driven I am worried I may not renew my subscription next year.

The funny thing is that gamers will pay up, and whatever audience decides to quit paying for LIVE wont matter since MS will make their money back with the ones that will pay. Idk what happened with MS. LIVE is easily their strongest part of the 360 and at the start they really did cater to the core gamer. But I feel Kinect is really taking over and I'm really annoyed with it.

tinybigman5005d ago

because i just don't think paying to play online is right especially when i can play for free on the 3 other platforms.

the upping of this price can not be defended.

MorganX5005d ago

If you feel Xbox and XBL are in decline, why are you paying $40/year for it when you can have PSN for free?

Take the free path, PSN and enjoy. No one is stopping you. What am I missing?

What is the "core" gamer? Someone who buys a dedicated gaming console? Maybe the "core" gamer isn't the majority anymore. I want great games, and a UI that actually makes everythign accessible and useable. Full messaging, easy privacy and exclusion control, easy accessible parental controls, and great arcade games. I don't like FPS' so I guess I'm not "core."

I prefer Netflix on Xbox to PS3 and PC. I don't do cable anymore, I do Netflix and OTA HDTV. The latter I record with Media Center via Xbox. I have 22 Blu-Rays but haven't watched on in Ages, Netflix HD baby, wireless with no hiccups over 802.11n.

I have no problem with anyone deciding to quit XBL over the price. If it's not worth $5 a month, it's just not worth it. It is for me. I prefer the private service and the community, experience, and content to anything free. Doesn't hurt that it has the games I like to play either. I only wish Wipeout HD were on Xbox.

Convas5005d ago

My ire with MSFT has been on low heat for a few months now, but they just turned up the temperature and I'm steaming.

Back in 2007, 2008, even 2009, they coul've justified this. But not now. Not when their throwing the baby out with the bathwater with Kinect. This past year they've repeatedly kicked us, the faithful core who support them, in the nuts over and over.

If I wasn't so damn excited for Halo: Reach, Gamestop would have a perfectly good Xbox 360 today, and I'd have a PS3 and Uncharted 2.

Christopher5004d ago

***The Xbox is in decline and in turn MS decides to raise the price of LIVE. ***

I wouldn't say it is in decline, but revolves around the games that are available. There's definitely a long lull in the last year between the games, though.

***It's clear that they are banking on Kinect to sell to casuals and for them to subscribe to Gold. ***

I guess it's possible. But, in my mind, I find it hard to think that those drawn to Kinect will pay for XBL when none of the games are playable online.

***What I'm really upset about is that the updates for LIVE are geared towards Kinect.***

I was under the impression that the new dashboard would be free to all Kinect owners and not part of the XBL subscription? Am I wrong in this assumption? Would definitely help to change my current perspective on the price being charged and how those with Kinect would be 'encouraged' to buy into it.

***Now, I know things like ESPN are there, but I don't watch sports.***

And people say the same with PS+. They don't care about free avatars, themes, and most of the games that are offered for free. I think all services of this sort end up having features that you don't use, but others might.

As you said, though, some are interested and are willing to pay, so more power to them.

***The funny thing is that gamers will pay up, and whatever audience decides to quit paying for LIVE wont matter since MS will make their money back with the ones that will pay. ***

Is this really any different than any other product out there? CoD games that don't really add anything new year after year? DLC? Each generation of most phones? And so on?

***Idk what happened with MS. LIVE is easily their strongest part of the 360 and at the start they really did cater to the core gamer. But I feel Kinect is really taking over and I'm really annoyed with it. ***

I think that XBL is still the best service for the core gamers who game online. I do completely agree that they haven't advanced it past what it has been, though. But, do they need to when gamers are still choosing it over any other console and even PC for online gaming? I think they'll advance it when the gamers start asking for more and talk with their wallets.

solidjun55004d ago

Hey alpah, where did you go to play for that $40? I was curious. I'm going to pay for it through the website.

-Alpha5004d ago


OK cgoodno, I do agree with some of your points. Bubbles for offering an insightful opinion I'm sure having that unpopular opinion is hard to voice.

I will reply in detail to u a bit later, but I still think MS needs to start ponying up for their core audience. If Kinect can't do it then XBL is the only real service for the core gamers.

Anon19745004d ago

It had nothing to do with the service though, but was a shift away from the 360 in general. After I received my 4th 360 due to hardware failure I simple decided not to throw money at a console I couldn't rely on. I kept it because I had so much invested at that point, and I'm a gamer (love Gears/Halo/Fable) but after being a die hard Xbox fan and then a 360 fan after, Microsoft's decisions around releasing faulty hardware and shipping refurbished, faulty hardware to people who have had problems drove me into the waiting arms of Sony. And it's nice here. Exclusives are great, online is free and media playback capabilities are fantastic.

I've never regretted my decision to move away from the 360 as my primary game console, and this pretty much cements that I made the right decision - as if there was ever a doubt. You can't blame Microsoft though. The 360 has struggled and struggled - software revenue is down according to Microsoft, console revenue is non-existent, the 360 has sold 4 million fewer consoles over the last 18 months (according to Microsoft's official data) than the 18 months previous and the only bright spot has always been "An increase in revenue related to the Xbox Live service." Cash in while you still can, Microsoft. God knows a $150 camera to play Wii sports type games isn't going to turn the 360's fortunes around anytime soon.

Shadow Flare5004d ago (Edited 5004d ago )

Well said above. Microsoft are CLEARLY nickel and diming their customers for everything they got. And they've timed it just in time for halo reach and kinect. No other company charges for their online play. But what gets me, are the 360 fans who say, "I'm willing to pay that, it's worth it". No it isn't. No it isn't. Because you're just paying for 2 bells and 1 whistle more. PSN does a perfectly good online experience, for free. But more fool to you for being milked to death. Because you guys are literally bending over, pulling your trousers down, presenting yourself to Microsoft and saying, "please sir, can I have some more?"

blackpanther255004d ago (Edited 5004d ago )

I also used to be a hardcore xbox and 360 fan. I bought two copies of halo2 before i had an xbox. I also have two copies of halo3. I didn't buy the ps3 in the beginning because i thought it sucked. Then good games started coming out and at the same time i got pissed about paying for live (and i had to fix rrod myself) so i bought a ps3. I am first a PC gamer (been a pc gamer since 6 years old)so i never understood why i had to pay for live but i just sucked it up. Now the ps3 is my primary console and my ps3 is just sitting there. I was going to buy halo reach and renew my live just to play it but after this news - Forget.

I have friends who sore up and down that xbox live was better even though they never used a ps3. 4 of my friends all bought a ps3 slim and they have not gone back to play the 360 due to free online and all the exclusives (one of them is a hardcore MAG player) and they all say it is the same thing.

I like the Xbox.....i just feel let down. So many of their decisions were the exact opposite of their previous console. IDK whatever im done with it

devilmaycry20205004d ago

As a multi console gamer $60 can do a lot. To own more than one platform means that $60 can get 6 full retail games if you shop right.

And I play online maybe once or twice a week for 3 to 4 hours in total so for me paying to play online is just not right.

Also I live in Saudi Arabia, so to me the other services that Live offers are worthless and add to that the some content are locked and I can't even buy some expansion packs even if I wanted too.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 5004d ago
MorganX5005d ago

Considering I never paid more than $40, this increase will probably result in me paying the original $49.99. Obviously, someone's gotta pay ESPN. I'll do that for a year and swee what else comes. I was on PSN yesterday and just can't do it. I'll pay $5/month.

But I must admit this is not a good trend. If not for the forthcoming ESPN, I might reconsider. I do want to see more than ESPN for $5/month though. We'll see. I'm allready queued up through Next Year. I'll buy one more 12 month for $40 before November which will take me through 2012. So it'll be 2 years before I pay any increase, hopefully it will still be something I want to keep.

Right now has 12 months for $39.94 with free shipping. Oddly, MS has been discounting 12 months memberships for the past several weeks on Live. Also, is $10 cheaper if you buy the card as opposed to just buying the code online. Odd.

DORMIN5004d ago

inb4 Microsoft announces XboxLive Plus

moparful995004d ago

There's is NOTHING about xbox live that makes it worth a subscription let alone better then psn.. PSN first and foremost is free as you know but you and your 360 bretheren are far too quick to dismiss this fact.. I get to go online and play my games for free with no issues.. THats the most important feature of psn and xbox live but you choose to dismiss this fact and focus on rather unimportant social networking features.. Cross game chat, party feature, last. fm? Wow impressive /s At the end of the day the only advantage that xbox live has over psn is that it has a more seemless feel to it.. Its not a huge difference but it enough that its noticeable.. I actually prefere the in game navigation on ps3. For live you press the guide button and you have to navigate the akward and clunky "blade" menu.. On psn it just opens up the xmb which is so much cleaner and organized. I love the friends list on the psn, everything you need to know is there at a glance you dont have to search... All in all it comes down to personal preference and I think psn is a much better value and has features and design that is already on par with xbl.. Now that microsoft is charging even more for live and the advent of ps+ is making xbl look more like a rip off.. Time will tell if this was a bad decision.. Im sensing they will regret this...

orange-skittle5004d ago

Cross-Com Chat
Free Trails on all arcade games
Early Demos
Integrated Netflix(no disc required)
Xbox Insider
Avatar Games
900 Arcade Games
Games on Demand(360 games)

Everything listed is what PSN does not provide. You get what you pay for. You people do know that MS has to pay ESPN and Hulu. Why do you think the price went up. It's called deferred payment. They pass it on to the subscribers. When your cable goes up, it's because the network went up on them, so in order to keep the network in the lineup, they must increase the subscription price. This is why Time/Warner Cable doesn't have NFL Network and is losing ESPN in September.

Ven10005004d ago (Edited 5004d ago )

I hope your post was a joke. Did you seriously just list Facebook and Twitter as features XBL has that PSN doesn't? PS3 has had facebook and twitter since day one. It's called an internet browser.

Netfix streaming with disc. Oh it's so hard to go pop a disk in the system if I want to stream a movie. You know people have to get up to pop in a DVD or Blu-ray right? Speaking of Blu-ray, a PS3 owner can make use of those with their Netflix plan (I currently get 3 BDs out at a time). How are those HD-DVDs working for you. So your point is moot. I should also note PS3 gets the disk-less Netflix streaming come Oct.

PSN does offer Hulu+

900 Arcade Games <<< Quality of PSN games: Last I checked when you have games like Fat Princess, Wipeout HD (Fury), Flower, Crash Commando, Pixel Junk Shooter (really all the Pixel Junk games) then the whole "we have more games" is moot. Especially when some of the best XBLA games are either already on PSN or on their way to PSN (Braid and Castle Crashers come to mind).

Seriously, XBOX Insider? I did a quick google search to see what it is and it says every Sat they have a ep to show to get certain achievements, ect. Sorry but no. PS3 users just the same can use their Internet Browser and hit up either GameFAQs or Youtube to find out about trophy unlocks. If there's any gaming/media news covered by xbox insider then PSN also has that covered with Pulse and Qore.

Avatar games << Playstation Home. Plain and simple

While Sony offers Vidzone free for European users, no such feature is yet available for US owners. Same with PlayTV.

So in all, $50 or $60 isn't worth it for Cross Game Voice Chat (most online games have ingame voice chat and PSN offers 15x4 cross game text chat), voice recorded messages, ect. PSN takes care of more than the basic needs for someone who wants to get online and play games with their friends. Nice try on trying to stack the list though.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5004d ago
hennessey865005d ago

is worth every penny in my opinion and ill pay what ever it costs.

@natsuxfairytail yes good idea get rid of your xbox and miss out on halo reach, gears 3, fable 3, the new crytek exclusive

Montoya5005d ago

and nothing else that`s not Kinect related. I`m gonna keep my 360 just in case something cool comes out but it`s future looks sh!tty as of right now.

Sez 5005d ago

I wouldn't mind paying alittle more for XBL but they need to add more perks for the price. For the current features I can't justify paying more for it and kinect ain't cutting it.

bryam6665004d ago

and dats problably d only games exclusives available for xbox lol about d topic y xbox owners pay for online gaming when is free pretty much in every other consoles i mean we already pay for internet services and dan they wan us to pay for online gaming too what a rip off for xbox owner so sorry for dem

sackgirl5004d ago

That is 3 (three! fable will come to pc) xbox-exclusives for the next 12-18 months.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5004d ago
Montoya5005d ago

XBL is $59.99 in Canada currently. It`ll be more like $69.99 after this. They had a hard time sell it to me being $59. $69 is a BIGGER no.

corneliuscrust5005d ago (Edited 5005d ago )

Will still be 59.99

About time. We've been at 59 for a while and MOST of the damn XBL prices are still over inflated for Canada compared to the US prices. There is no excuse for regional pricing on virtual goods.

Either way, a good wake up call regarding MS business tactics and why it is a good thing to support competition in the form of SONY this generation.

shoddy5005d ago

but XBL have best online experience. /S

DiabeticJedi5004d ago

Canada isn't getting a price hike on yearly though.. only monthly

Christopher5005d ago (Edited 5005d ago )

As I said in the other, for the core 360 users, this really won't be a big thing. If you're able to pay $50/year for the best online gaming experience on a console (proven by the statistics made publicly available), $60 won't be any worse for you.

If you're stretching it to pay $50/year that $10 more will be too much, then you shouldn't be spending so much on video games. I'd suggest focusing more on furthering your education and getting a better job (or one at all if you're a teen or college student).

With the upcoming ESPN feature, sports enthusiasts will be getting way more than their dollar's worth considering Comcast charges you $20+ a month for lesser features (no commentary/quiz features).

This is coming from someone who doesn't currently pay for the service (I just don't play games online), but can definitely see why people pay to play online. This isn't about who's better at what, it's about paying for the costs of the service you provide and how big of a change it is. It really isn't, but people here will make it way more than it really is.

As far as people saying this is just a squeeze for money before Halo: Reach and Kinect are released... could be, but wouldn't those also result in higher costs across the board? I just don't think it's as big of a deal as many are making it out to be, and I believe that over time Sony will likely have a PS++ program or similar as more features are added and costs increase. It's how businesses evolve, through relative increase of costs as more services are provided. Even if you don't take advantage of all the features. On XBL it's facebook/twitter/x-game chat/video chat/ESPN and on PS+ it's Qore/exclusive demos/free games/game sales.

playboi285004d ago

I swear I can't stand people that say crap like if you can't afford $50 a year then you shouldn't be gaming. That is such a ridiculous statement. Not everyone plays games 24 hours a day. Some might want to play after work once or twice a week after work. So, I have to pay 60 dollars a year to play maybe twice a week? I don't know about you or these other people that agree with you but most console gamers play on consoles to avoid membership fees, costs of upgrades, and expansions. This has certainly changed over the years. It is quickly becoming too expensive to be a gamer anymore. Sadly, I see myself hanging up my controllers in the next few years due to the constant addtional costs associated with being a gamer.

bednet5004d ago

"On XBL it's facebook/twitter/x-game chat/video chat/ESPN and on PS+ it's Qore/exclusive demos/free games/game sales."

You're missing the most important difference...PS3 let's you play online without PSN+....which you can't without LIVE Gold.

But like you said, to each is own, if you feel that it's worth it to you then more power to you...I wouln'd pay for LIVE Gold or PSN+ for that matter.

Christopher5004d ago (Edited 5004d ago )

***I swear I can't stand people that say crap like if you can't afford $50 a year then you shouldn't be gaming. That is such a ridiculous statement.***

I didn't say if you can't afford $50 a year you shouldn't be gaming, I said you shouldn't be spending as much doing it when you could be getting yourself into a position where that $10 difference isn't going to be such a big difference on whether you'll subscribe or not. I said if it's such a huge leap from '$50 is perfectly okay' to '$60 is way too much, I can't afford that', you should worry about how you're managing your money then. It's a $10 difference for a yearly subscription. This should not be a situation that becomes the last straw on the camel's back due solely to the increased cost.

I'm a 33 year-old guy, married and with a live-in mother-in-law, paying for my in-laws to go to school. I work full time. I'm going back to school full time (14 credit hours this semester). I put 20% of what I earn to a 401k. I pay my mortgage and bills. I play at most 10 hours a week, usually only 2 hours if that. I have a PS+ subscription because I can afford it and I think it's a good deal. If it were to increase to $60, I would still find it a good deal since I have already saved over $80 on games alone.

So, this has nothing to do with who has the most time to spend gaming. It's about who is going to be questioning their finances by spending $10 more for a service that they use, frequently or infrequently.

***This has certainly changed over the years. It is quickly becoming too expensive to be a gamer anymore. Sadly, I see myself hanging up my controllers in the next few years due to the constant addtional costs associated with being a gamer.***

It is definitely too expensive if you're a gamer that wants everything right away or needs access to all the neat features or peripherals. It's not impossible to enjoy gaming, though, without spending as much as one would expect. Sure, it's not as fun as being the kid in school who has the latest game on day one, but if I play a good game now or a year from now, it's still going to be a good game. Time doesn't change that.

NYPunkster5004d ago

"pay $50/year for the best online gaming experience on a console (proven by the statistics made publicly available), $60 won't be any worse for you."

Man you're a fanboy. I don't know about you but I didn't get my PS3 for PSN or PSN+ I got it for the games. Games remember what those are right?

Christopher5004d ago (Edited 5004d ago )

***Man you're a fanboy. I don't know about you but I didn't get my PS3 for PSN or PSN+ I got it for the games. Games remember what those are right?***

I got my PS3 for many reasons, the primary being games. But, to say that PSN wasn't a reason for my purchase is just a flat out lie considering it's the source for many of my games.

And, games, yeah, I remember them. Games like Flower, PixelJunk Monsters, PixelJunk Shooter, Trine, Sam & Max, and tons of other games sold on the PSN store, which requires a PSN account to access.

And fanboy? How the heck so? I'm a primarily PS3 gamer who is saying that the hike isn't that huge of a deal to those who already use and enjoy the service. A service provided on the 360.

tinybigman5004d ago

and i can afford to pay for live, but i won't. it's the principal of it. i just can't see myself paying for a service that would charge me to play online, and use apps that i find useless btw; when those same apps can be used on my phone, pc, and laptop. shit you can use these apps on TVs for free.

it boggles my mind how my fellow americans can believe that paying for something that is free is ok. but then again we can be manipulated by the media and easily distracted by reality programming on our tvs.

Christopher5004d ago (Edited 5004d ago )

This is my last bubble, so I'll make a note of something about the topic at hand and about N4G that has surprised me over the last few months.

I tend to be the guy with the least favorable opinion here on N4G. I often look at things from the perspective of a business, something that's designed to make profit and increase the ways that it can make profit through any worthwhile means that won't cause me to lose too many customers. Not always, but often. So, like the topic at hand, I can see how it's a good thing and isn't something that will cause any major losses, in fact hardly any at all.

That's why I look at the people who do pay for the current XBL service and see how those who currently pay $50 a year likely won't care about $60 a year. Those who do care about the prices already look for deals that get them a current deal for $40 a year and will continue to look for those deals going forward.

I also see that many people are very upset with the focus that is being placed on Kinect in the next coming update and seemingly in this decision to hike the prices for XBL as a way to capture those new users when Kinect is released (as well as Halo: Reach and CoD: Black Ops, though most of those users are already subscribers of one type or another).

I think there's a lot of merit in continuing to argue this point as a statement towards Microsoft. They are focusing more and more on Kinect each day, and it's to be expected. But, they're doing it in such a manner that they are losing the faith of their core gamers. This is very much what Nintendo has gone through with the Wii and why it's considered a casual-only console by many core gamers. I hope that this doesn't remain the case, though unfortunately, from a business perspective, it will likely remain that way until a few months after Kinect's release and possibly longer depending on the overall success of Kinect as a whole.

Finally, I'd like to say that you guys have done a great job in arguing your points and in realizing that someone like myself can have an opinion that differs greatly from your own without resorting to labeling my comments as outright attempts to troll or similar. I am here for some good debate on games and the industry, and you guys have allowed me to do as such with this topic that I am obviously seeing from a very different perspective than most here.

Thank you for the good debate and thank you for remaining civil in how you approach my comments and the comments of others here. Proof that our community can manage itself well enough without having to utilize over-handed moderation rules.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 5004d ago
gatormatt805005d ago ShowReplies(1)
harrisk9545005d ago

I can't believe that Pachter actually got something right... Last year he actually predicted that Live would increase in price...

nikoado5004d ago

Yeah, but didn't he say that the price would be like $99?

orange-skittle5004d ago

He said it would be $100, but on the flip side PSN also started a subscription service just like MS did as predicted. You cant provide everything MS does for free. In order for PS3 only users to get all that content, you have to pay. Thats why you have to pay for PSN+

Cross-Com Chat
Free Trails on all arcade games
Early Demos
Integrated Netflix(no disc required)
Xbox Insider
Avatar Games
900 Arcade Games
Games on Demand(360 games)

Everything listed is what PSN does not provide. You get what you pay for. You people do know that MS has to pay ESPN and Hulu. Why do you think the price went up. It's called deferred payment. They pass it on to the subscribers. When your cable goes up, it's because the network went up on them, so in order to keep the network in the lineup, they must increase the subscription price. This is why Time/Warner Cable doesn't have NFL Network and is losing ESPN in September.

n4gno5004d ago

How is it possible that liar (or just misinformed donkey) fanboy like skittle can have bubbles ?

oh, i know, other liars give him bubbles, simple.

PSN + give you things that ms don't (free games, extensions, beta access, free test of real games/ not old arcades, etc) and all ms have (except cross game deal), you have it for free with psn ! (and more : vidzone, video chat, internet browser, etc)

Antan5004d ago

Oh, and for the uninformed, "Hallmark Moment" is one of his other accounts ;) Have a nice day now.

iPad5004d ago

I don't know what's worse. The fact that MS increases the price, OR the fact that their consumers ACCEPT it. I mean seriously, $60 JUST to play online? This is MADNESS!

Also, the fact that Halo Reach will be the only game 360 gamers are gonna play, they're gonna keep spending money, to PLAY THE SAME GAME! Are you freaking kidding me?

OH snap! MyLIVE account ran out the day after Halo Reach comes out. You waste another $60 bucks.(Lol, i just remembered you can buy a game with $60) Then next year, your LIVE accounts runs out again, and you spend another $60 to PLAY THE SAME FREAKING GAME! THE SAME GAME!!!!!!

How can you guys accept this?

Christopher5004d ago

***I don't know what's worse. The fact that MS increases the price, OR the fact that their consumers ACCEPT it. I mean seriously, $60 JUST to play online? This is MADNESS! ***

People pay $120/year to play a single game only every day (MMOs). It's all about how they value the service being provided. Just because someone's value of it differs from yours doesn't make them the wrong party.

I'd say the same goes for those who find it worthwhile to spend $50-60 a year for online gaming on XBL.

cb4g5004d ago (Edited 5004d ago )

...but if they were to increase the subscription fee, for essentially the same service, those same people would get upset.

I've been playing WoW for a few years now and I definitely would be opposed to a price hike, no matter how much I value the product.

People value the Xbox Live service and will happily pay for it, but the issue lies in the price increase for, what is currently, the same product.

If we don't raise our concerns and we just accept the increasing prices, where do we eventually draw the line?

Millionaire5004d ago

Tsk tsk tsk...Patcher was right?

SixZeroFour5004d ago

thats what i was thinking when i started reading these articles...its not the $100 he predicted, but its still an increase

on top of that, i hope they dont increase it over here in vancouver canada, its been $59.99 for a long while now, while most new games are $69.99...if they increase live to $69.99 im gunna have to reevaulate whether or not i actually want to pay for it

Tito085004d ago (Edited 5004d ago )

Dude, Pope is right, look at the dude's username, it's very obvious!!!! So now MS is raising the price of Live just in time for the release of Halo Reach!!!!

0mega45004d ago (Edited 5004d ago )

they should have made multiplayer free and if you want all the other crap you can pay for the subscription

you shouldn't have to pay to play online when its already like half of the game you payed for

patcher is on a roll

TROLL EATER5004d ago

well its the dumb that acually buy it for full price. is ur best bet.

5004d ago
Static-X5004d ago Show
solar5004d ago

this is why you shouldnt pay for online services ontop of paying for internet. looking at you PSN+ and Xbox Live. or paying money for DLC which offers little in content, which ususally is already on the disc you bought. the price will go up.

look at what EA and Activision did with MoH, MW2, and SC2. paying $60 for a PC game? not me. but people pay it and now prices go up.

multips3fan5004d ago

actually is preety smart plan.ppl all over the world are going to buy halo reach and play it for many years.So why not increased the price to play halo?360 owners love halo and they will pay anything to play it online.preety smart plan is still sad that it shows that Microsoft exclusives are in decline and they need money

xAlmostPro5004d ago

after all that money theyve took from people for it theyre making it more expensive? WTF!! :/..

thats just insane if you ask me! maybe this in itself shows how things are going for them, if of all things they need to charge more for LIVE -_-

Obama5004d ago

So niceguywii60 is actually pog? lol how many accounts does this guy have?

davekaos5004d ago

Well actualy you do, sell the xbox and put towards for a ps3, thats if you dont own one yet

totallysane5004d ago (Edited 5004d ago )

alotta people gonna be jumpin on the sony bandwagon now. expect alot of pissed off kids next time you hop on psn complaining about the price of live.

avengers19785004d ago

They have been talking about this for some time, at one point even mentioned 100 dollars a year as still being a fair price...Just hope they don't charge you 10-20 a month for it.

Imperator5004d ago

Damn it Microsoft, you're supposed to drop the price not raise it. Probably to make up for the failure that kinect will be.

Darth Gamer5004d ago

Mayby, just maybe, Activision and Call of Duty might have something to do with this. NOVEMBER, HELLOOOOO!!!!!!

madpuppy5004d ago (Edited 5004d ago )

MS sent us their "Persian" messenger to inform us of the price hike.

what is a poor spartan to do?

vhero5004d ago

So now 360 is gonna be more per 5 years of gaming so far its the most expensive console the 3 considering it was $250 every 5 years just to play online. Now its going upto $300.. This is the hidden cost of the new slim 360. You all said it was a great idea but it seems old 360 owners are the ones paying for it. Yes you owners who don't even own a 360 slim pay extra so MS can continue to keep price down on the slim.

Heisenberg5004d ago (Edited 5004d ago )

Which always amazes me. As far as this generation is concerned, they are in a position to squeeze the Live subscribers, but is it really wise this late in the game to do so? Especially considering the PSN being more competitive than ever and still free with the option PSN+ I don't think it will sit well with people. I would think MS would want to make Live more competitive now more than ever.

MS should really consider the next generation, when the next round of consoles come around, people will inevitably look back and reevaluate; who do I wanna invest my money in this time? Who built the most reliable hardware? Who squeezed me for more cash by jacking up prices at a time when it was less justifiable than ever? You know the whole fool me once shame on you.. cliché? Well it might cross a few peoples minds next time around, people who, although loved the games, were frustrated with Microsoft, and the way they do business. In other words... It's not good for their image or reputation.

It's a cash grab, plain and simple. An opportunity seized by Microsoft. Raising the price by 20% annually for no reason takes some brass. I'm sure that's the last thing people need an added expense toward during times like these. Online gaming is free, it's time for Microsoft to stop taking peoples money to do so. You buy a multiplatform game on the 360, you have to pay monthly to continue to play that games multiplayer, you buy the same game on the PS3, and as it should be, it's free to play the game you PAID for, on the internet connection YOU pay for, no unnecessary middle man demanding a cut for otherwise free services.

PeterGriffinSays5004d ago

So no worries if you use Amazon.

However, it seems Microsoft hasn't learned shit, regardless.

playboi285004d ago

People are so quick to bring up the PSN+ like it is even similar to XBL. As someone who has both systems and plays them both equally, I can easily say that PSN+ is actually a good deal.

First thing people are forgetting is that it is 100% optional. You can still do everything you could do before without buying it. Also, as we've seen with the Kane & Lynch 2 demo, they actually are getting the demos early. This is a proven fact as XBL didn't get the demo until a week later.

People list cross game chat as a reason to pay for XBL Gold without realizing that this is a feature offered free to Silver members without paying a dime. Now, yes, there is a Netflix UI on the XBL that you don't need a disc but aside from being able to watch something in a party (on a smaller screen BTW), it actually has less functionality that the disc based Netflix on PSN (that is free with a subscription to NEtflix) due to the fact that you can actually search for content on the PS3.

Hulu+ is something you have the option of adding with PSN+ but regular Hulu is still free through the browser. Facebook, Twitter,, Pandora, and almost everything else on the net works through the browser on the PS3 for free.

My problem isn't only with the raise in price for XBL, it was justifying the price in the beginning. A price raise is just ridiculous...

ShadowCK5004d ago

Natus, Do you wonder why you have one bubble? They see you trollin', I don't care about the pricing. It's hardly that much money. I guess it's difficult for most of you guys because your still at school and are too lazy to get yourselves a job, demonstrating that you're a worthless piece of **** who appreciates nothing.

+ Show (25) more repliesLast reply 5004d ago
iamnsuperman5005d ago (Edited 5005d ago )

So US has confirmed price increase but only monthly for UK WHY?????? I assume that all going to increase its a little strange to increase certain regions unless it has something to do with getting more UK yearly subscribers

r1sh125005d ago

The UK has the highest attachment rate in Europe for xbox 360 and xbox live.
Plus the GBP (£) is stronger than the USD ($) which gives another reason why it doesnt need to go up.
Even if it does, I never pay full wack for those memberships.
I just ebay them- much cheaper.
Maybe we get some random free stuff (unannounced, but if they want to keep customers they will need to do something).
Maybe they are increasing the price to give free stuff to match PSN freebee's?
Who knows, if its just a price hike for no reason, then customers will fall.

hennessey865005d ago

well were getting espn soon. Plus im sure microsoft have a few more suprises up there sleves. wernt there a mention of a platinum xboxlive membership or something like that.

Omega45005d ago (Edited 5005d ago )

Wow, I am shocked seriously. Just wow.

The fall update better have some groundbreakingly crazy features for this to be worth it.

Seems like its because of ESPN and the video chat for Kinect.

Edit 2: UK annual prices aren't affected, strange. And what about the rest of europe.

unworthyBOZO5005d ago

That's no excuse they promised those features at no extra cost at E3.

Montoya5005d ago

PSN has Videochat, the PSeye does that....NO charge.

Johnny Jiron5005d ago

...did MS take that out at some point...? Serious question. Cause didnt the old cam for xbox360 allow for video chat also...

totallysane5004d ago

yet they have to REALEASE ANOTHER CAMERAd to do the motion/body tracking for the system. what does it for ps3 o yeah the eye... that already does video chat, hm how bout that

MorganX5005d ago

I don't know about ground breaking for an extra <$1/month but, more yes. ESPN is gonna get theirs, especially since it will cut into their web and cable viewership which may affect their advertising revenue. Though I'm sure they'll have ads on XBL.

The voice is being improved but it was great before. I have a feeleing chat will be extended to facebook, Windows Phone 7, and XBL. I belive you will be able to email using your XBL accounts as well.

I have no problem paying. It's as good as it is because it's paid for. But it's not a good "trend." Still, need to see the enhancements.

nycredude5005d ago

Imagine if Sony added fees to PSN everytime they added a new feature.. The price of PSN would be like Freaking $200!

Rhythmattic5005d ago

Paying for more of the stuff you dont want, as MS are doing us all a Favour, I mean, they havent even increased the price for us to play online.... How nice of them..

totallysane5004d ago

dude are you blind. thats fanboyism for ya. youll suck m$ dingaling as long as they dont hike your price to high right

Meowhammad5004d ago

P2P gaming
Horrible community
Payed service with ads
No concept of fair practice, raise prices when they like
Justification for this is because all the 'extra services'
Half of those extra services cost money

Johnny Jiron5004d ago

There better be something amazing being announced soon. I been supportive of the xbox brand since the beginning. This however just seems like spousal abuse. :P .
I'll just pick up a $40 card off Amazon for one more year after that I'll be taking full advantage of the fact I also own a PS3.
They really disconnected with the core...sad sad shame. I still hold out a small bit of hope they throw something big out tho.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5004d ago
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OG Xbox Live Replacement 'Insignia' Continues To Grow With 11 New Supported Games

Online multiplayer is back for 11 more games thanks to Insignia's XBL 1.0 replacement service running on Original Xbox consoles and the Xemu emulator on PC. Multiplayer, voice chat, leaderboards, etc. have been a monthly addition for many games from Xbox's past library thank to the team at! The 11 new games are now playable online once again after 13+ years.

Read Full Story >>
XiNatsuDragnel425d ago

Yes yes now bring x360 xbox live then we're golden for life.

Asplundh423d ago

?? Xbox 360 servers are still online, they haven't been taken down yet.

XiNatsuDragnel423d ago

Nah they will be tho look at rscs3 they have psn made in there emulator why not xenia bro?

Blashted423d ago

Service still in beta form, sign up/player counts here:

slayereddy423d ago (Edited 423d ago )

Booo!! I was hoping that was Rainbow Six: Black Arrow...Boo!! again. I thought this coming to Xbox. I don't even read it I was so excited.


7 Abandoned Xbox Series We Probably Won't Get Back

Has everyone completely forgotten Blinx?

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WickedLester2530d ago

You forgot to add "thank God" at the end of the headline.

tomr29922530d ago

Indeed... Praise the Lord!

V0MIT_M0NSTER2530d ago

So glad that they won't mess with Banjo anymore.

-Foxtrot2529d ago

So you wouldn't want a proper Banjo-Threeie, Jade Empire or Kameo 2...really?

AZRoboto2529d ago

Or Crimson Skies. That was the shiz

FallenAngel19842530d ago

It's a shame we can't get another Banjo-Kazooie game

-Foxtrot2529d ago

Literally one that's called Banjo-Threeie and they start the game with Kazooie waking up in distress telling Banjo of a hardly nightmare while recapping Nuts and Bolts.

PhoenixUp2530d ago

Microsoft never could maintain a longrunning decent 3D platformers series of their own

AZRoboto2529d ago

I don't think "longrunning" is really necessary... Isn't Blinx the only one that got a sequel?

darthv722529d ago

Blinx needs to return if at least to show up Bubsy.

ninsigma2529d ago

Not sure if it was Xbox only back in the day but I'd love a current gen jet set radio!

Paytaa2529d ago

Jet Set Radio Future was only on Xbox. Fantastic game. Even better than Jet Set Radio for the Dreamcast in my opinion. Such a good soundtrack too

ninsigma2529d ago

Game was beast and deserves to come back on current gen. And hell yeah plus one for that soundtrack!

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Review: Table Top Racing: World Tour (Xbox One) by The Gamerscore Whores

Without a doubt, one of our highlights from EGX Rezzed 2016 was Table Top Racing. It was almost a classic love tale…”As soon as we locked eyes… (enter mushy crap here…)” – We think you get the picture. It just reminded us of a time where gaming was much less complicated and way more colourful, however at the time the game was only due to be released on the PS4… That’s not a bad thing. It just mean’t that being my primary console of choice is Xbox One, we wouldn’t get to play this any time soon as the majority of my games and friends reside in the Microsoft ecosystem – so when we got word this was getting a release on Xbox One, we immediately put our hands up and said “Yes, Please!”.

Read Full Story >>
2620d ago