
The PS4′s Interface Could Have Been Similar to the PS3, but Sony Opted for the Challenging Route

This week, during a keynote at Develop Conference Sony Computer Entertainment CEO Andrew House explained what determined the choice of the current interface of the PS4, which was pitched against another option much more similar to the PS3′s Cross Media Bar.

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URNightmare3589d ago (Edited 3589d ago )

I gotta say, the XMB is simply awesome! Simple yet so perfectly fitting for everything. I prefer the PS3's XMB to anything else.

I'm hoping for a "Games" tile where you can see all your games just like there is for all tv apps where you find Netflix, Vidzone, etc. With the last game played being the first tile in the main menu just as it is now. Not sure if I made myself clear here =S

Abriael3589d ago

I honestly prefer the PS4's, if any because the PS3 always had this small sensation of sluggyness coming with it... it just feels a bit laggy in a way.

URNightmare3589d ago (Edited 3589d ago )

Wouldn't the XMB be much quicker and overall better on PS4? I think it would, not sure about it though but seems logical.

They could add simple navigation options like the one I mentioned for games which would be just like it was on the XMB, that would be cool at least for games.

Abriael3589d ago

Possibly, but we'll never know lol :D

OpenGL3589d ago

The XMB was laggy on the PS3 due to the amount of memory / CPU resources dedicated to it while in-game. The PS4's in-game OS is way more resource intensive but a lot smoother because Sony dedicated something like 3GB of RAM and 2 CPU cores to it. The XMB running on the PS4 would be lightning fast.

InactiveUser3589d ago (Edited 3589d ago )

I feel disconnected from buddies on PS4; having to go through extra menu(s) instead of being right on the main line. Also how you can not see when they were last online on PS4.

I prefer PS3's XMB, along with the 3x3 keyboard option for much faster typing with the controller (PS3's triggers were definitely a factor in making typing faster this way also; much easier for quick taps, which also made it good for switching through weapon wheels like on R:FoM; not saying PS3's triggers are better than PS4's, just that it had its pros and cons).

They need to bring the 3x3 on-screen keyboard back (the one that looks like a telephone setup and works similar to old-school texting) and make fixes to the friends list.

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CervantesPR3589d ago

Nah the PS4 OS is much better and efficient IMO but still needs some work.

liquidhalos3588d ago

Yeah i prefer the PS4 OS too, it would however be much better with customisation options and a home page

Seraphim3589d ago

I have to agree, XMB is great. My only 1 complaint still is that we never got an option to alphabetize downloaded titles. In terms of everything else, XMB trumps the new. Not to mention it was nice being able to change themes. Since the new layout likely isn't going anywhere I have to agree, hopefully something like the TV Apps for games or a Folder option to place games in by both grid and/or single list would be a nice start. I hate seeing that list of all the games n stuff at start up...

Kurisu3589d ago

I like the XMB on PS3. I haven't had hands on time with the PS4 interface yet but from the videos I've seen it looks smooth.

liquidhalos3588d ago

Yeah its butter smooth, you're going to love it when you get it.

Abzki3589d ago

I prefer the XMB but I don't mind the ps4's interface either. Now if only they would add folders and themes...

Clown_Syndr0me3589d ago

The PS3 interface is leagues ahead of the PS4.
Where the hell are the updates Sony? Surely it wouldnt be that difficult to implement folders? Customisation? Themes? Anything?!

I like my PS4 as much as the next person, but cant help but feel like they released it and then forgot about it. Unless youre a deluded Sony fanboy, anyone can admit the PS4 is far from perfect and missing alot of basic features even the PS3 has - sort it out Sony :) Its minor details, but together they make a big difference!

TKCMuzzer3589d ago

People wanted next gen consoles and we got them. This will always come with slight downfalls. One of these is that Sony would have had to make a decision on what could have been ready for launch on the software side. So, they would have gone with the simplistic and most stable version of the OS for release.
I don't imagine it's as easy as you make out to add this and that, as everything would have to be tested every time an alteration is made to make sure it effects nothing else.
I'm sure we will get what we need in time but I don't want it rushed and effecting other parts of the system in doing so.

Clown_Syndr0me3588d ago

7 months is more than enough time to implement simple features like folders.
Microsoft has managed to release monthly updates for all the stuff they failed to include at launch, successfully (for the most part).
Also Im always looking out for news about future updates, either Sony are very quiet or there isn't any news.
Im not sure how quickly or often PS3 updated as I only got one a couple of weeks ago.

sprinterboy3589d ago

As long as a ui is not complicated to use I don't mind what they look like, enjoyed ps3 ui and enjoying ps4 ui, the ps4 ui will have updates over time I am sure.

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PlayStation: The First 25 Years

The path from the PlayStation 1 to the upcoming PlayStation 5 lines up neatly, but only if you’re looking at it numerically. In actuality, for more than 25 years the PlayStation team has had to navigate some of the industry’s most difficult terrain. During that time, a dedicated team of visionaries, engineers, and software developers established a brand from scratch, propelled it to unprecedented heights, struggled to maintain dominance, and eventually returned to what initially made them so successful.

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Ex-PlayStation boss Andrew House: Consoles have a bright future

Andrew House is no longer at Sony, but he still thinks that consoles like the PlayStation 4 have big future ahead of them.

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Hardiman2221d ago

They sure do and the PS4/Pro and Switch are proof of this!

FallenAngel19842221d ago

I still remember how the misinformed media tried to push a doom and gloom narrative for the future of consoles at the beginning of the decade

Tsar4ever012221d ago

Didn't even notice it earlier but PlayStation already has it's own GAAS as part of it's PSN service model. It's "Free-to-Play" games & "Streaming", ala PSNow as part of it's "Adaptive Monetization ", according to Ex-PlayStation Boss Andrew House.

PhoenixUp2220d ago

Consoles have successfully existed for the past 46 years and they’ll successor exist for the next 46 years.

2220d ago
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Former PlayStation CEO Andrew House's Stirring Farewell: "PlayStation Has Always Been About Games"

Former Sony Interactive Entertainment CEO Andrew House gives an uplifting farewell after stepping down from his position at PlayStation.

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Gazondaily2344d ago

And that is it's greatest strength. As it should be.

kayoss2344d ago ShowReplies(4)
2344d ago
Felsager2343d ago

Septic, please just shut up. While you are at it get a PS4.

Zero_Suit_Samus2344d ago

“Former PlayStation CEO Andrew House's Stirring Farewell: "PlayStation Has Always Been About Games"

I’m really going to miss this guy. Thank you for your help bringing PlayStation to where it is today.

NewMonday2344d ago (Edited 2344d ago )

a most fitting farewell, big thanks and good luck to Mr.Andrew House.

if MS want to save the XBox brand they have the perfect man available. and get rid of the trolls like Greenberg/Penello/Nelson and the guy who only talks the talk Phil Spencer.

morganfell2344d ago

But he isn't stepping down, he is stepping up. He is being promoted.

morganfell2344d ago


Announced on the same day people started blabbing he was leaving.

"John Kodera promoted to President and Chief Executive Officer, Andrew House to be appointed Chairman"

Ashlen2344d ago

"Current President and Global CEO Andrew House will transition from operational management of SIE, but will remain with SIE as Chairman through the year to ensure a smooth transition."

He is ending his time at SIE at the end of the year. He hasn't announced any future plans. It's unfortunate I liked him a lot as well, but the reality is he is leaving Sony either to retire or take up a new career somewhere else.

morganfell2344d ago


Thanks for that clarification. He will certainly be missed. He stayed through a not so pleasant time when others might have bailed. Great guy with a lot of insight.

Zeke682344d ago

Actually he is taking over Sony Pictures at 2019.

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PhoenixUp2344d ago

Never underestimate the power of PlayStation

chrisx2344d ago

That's why PS is and will always remain the king of gaming

2344d ago
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