
Microsoft: "Xbox One Is The Most Powerful Console"

New Interview with Microsoft's Xbox Division in France sees Hugues Ouvrard, Marketing Director for Xbox France claiming that Xbox One is more powerful than PS4, and that there's some confusion over pixels.

"Question :We say that the PS4 is more powerful than the Xbox One.

The PS4 isn't more powerful. There is a confusion about the number of pixels but the definition of some is set by editors, not by the console. Especially with the power of the cloud - we set 300 000 servers - the capabilities of the console are multiplied by 4. So if we connect our console to internet, then the Xbox One is the most powerful."

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allformats3826d ago (Edited 3826d ago )

LOL! And a Chevrolet Cavalier is way faster and has more horse power than a Ferrari!

Enemy3826d ago (Edited 3826d ago )

Lmao, I guess this is why their games run at higher resolution. Oh wait!





50% power advantage goes to PS4, yet Microsoft thinks they're fooling anyone trying to correlate 300,000 servers to raw spec power. This is beyond sad now.

The released specs are facts, not opinion, and it is a fact that the PS4 is more powerful. Even they accepted it already. This must be a misquote.

GarrusVakarian3826d ago (Edited 3826d ago )

Is this real?......Did he actually say this?

Wow, he said "the power of the cloud" multiplies the consoles "capabilities" by 4 and if connected to the internet the X1 is more powerful......

....yes, he actually said that. Just as delusional as their fans it seems.

He also said that the pixels on screen is determined by the publisher, not the console.......so he is saying that 720p all the multiplats was a publisher choice? He can't actually expect the fans to believe these words....surely? Yeah, publishers just choose to make it 1080p on PS4 and 720p on X1.....makes sense. /s

PS4 is more powerful, accept it and move on.

dedicatedtogamers3826d ago

Yeah, Microsoft execs need to keep their mouth shut or at least be truthful. Heck, Nintendo knew the Wii was weaker, but they said "hey, that's our strategy. We offer a different experience".

I think this just goes to show how far the Xbox brand has fallen. It was once the peak of console power. Now it's the peak of advertising and compromises.

-Foxtrot3826d ago


The worst part is that the delusional fans will actually believe them....you know the fans who have been screwed over repeatedly by MS since they brought out Kinect....how long has that been, oh yeah like three years this month to be exact, with no signs of improving any time soon

How can they say this when they can't prove it

MS if you believe this then show us...show us a chart or something comparing your specs and the PS4's.

pyramidshead3826d ago

Seriously Microsoft's PR just needs to...go home and play their Xboxs. It's almost out and they're jinxing it with more bad PR. You'd think they'd stop doing it to themselves by now after months and months of faux pas.

M-M3826d ago

"So if we connect our console to internet, then the Xbox One is the most powerful."

I'm dying.

Eonjay3826d ago (Edited 3826d ago )

No. I can't. Not tonight.

Regis3826d ago

That's it not buying there console now way to flat out lie Hugues Ouvrard if I was MS i fire you right away for that.

Ezz20133826d ago (Edited 3826d ago )

oh wow, i laughed hard when i saw the title

who they think will believe this after the offical specs and games running at higher gfx and Res on ps4?

give it a rest already ,Microsoft

also i'm shaking my head at this part :
" Especially with the power of the cloud - we set 300 000 servers - the capabilities of the console are multiplied by 4. So if we connect our console to internet, then the Xbox One is the most powerful"

Computersaysno3826d ago (Edited 3826d ago )

So this is it.

We always knew it, soon as it becomes more obvious to the general public. Average Joe. That PS4 is more powerful then Microsoft would fall back on their cloud spiel.

Here it comes. We won't hear the end of this the whole generation even if Microsoft have still shown literally ZERO proof of concept.

PS4 is more powerful.

But the cloud!

PS4 version has more resolution.

But teh suspended water molecules!

PS4 version wins again

But teh hydrogen and oxygen atoms we haz on the Internets!

Please Microsoft. No. I'm going to buy an Xbox one eventually I imagine but seriously you can shove this PR nonsense. It is frustrating and embarrassing when companies do this.

majiebeast3826d ago (Edited 3826d ago )

"There is a confusion about the difference in the number of pixels"

WAHAHAHAHAHAHA Xbox PR guy go home you are drunk. Only 1 day and they pulled the not so trap card CLOWD POWAH!

MRMagoo1233826d ago

I cant believe MS have flat out lied like this lmfao. Anyone that has looked at both the console say the ps4 is more powerful.

xHeavYx3826d ago (Edited 3826d ago )

If you can't beat them... Come up with lies?
" thanks to the power of the cloud, the console's power is multiplied by four" HAHAHAHA
Just like Goku ( the first one to make a meme gets a bubble)

GarrusVakarian3826d ago (Edited 3826d ago )

Funny how MS hasn't mentioned the cloud much for a long time and now suddenly they say your console will be more powerful if you connect it to the internet/cloud.

"So if you connect the console to the Internet, then the Xbox One is the most powerful."

Internet = power?

WHO believes this BS? Its mind boggling.

georgeenoob3826d ago (Edited 3826d ago )

Lol MS knows the Internet will react greatly to this, looks like MS thinks this because they know the full capabilities of the cloud. Can't wait to see what they do with this. Just like how Forza 5 was only possible on X1.

Xbox One not only has the best games, but it's the most powerful. What a fanboy nightmare LOL.

xHeavYx3826d ago

By any chance are you related to the person making the statement?

Enemy3826d ago (Edited 3826d ago )

@ Georgenoob: Forza 5 doesn't even have dynamic lighting or dynamic skies. Even the environments aren't fully rendered like in DriveClub. Your post makes no sense as there's nothing next gen about the game.

ABizzel13826d ago

LMAO, the stupid is strong in this one.

WOW. M$ needs to purchase a STFU Button, so whenever these clueless people say something stupid a giant boxing gloves speeds out of nowhere and punches the $#!^ out of them, and they learn to STFU.

4x with the power of the cloud. Stop it please.

Narutone663826d ago

I thought it was infinite, now it's x4. I heard he used to work for EA.

GribbleGrunger3826d ago (Edited 3826d ago )

You guys need to understand, by raging at articles like this, all you accomplish is to promote the very thing you're raging against. Just let silly statements like this slip from view.

solidjun53826d ago

Oh gosh. This is beyond some Dragon Ball Z power level mess.

"Over 9000!!!" Seriously.

"Hugues Ouvrard, Marketing Director for Xbox France."

Yea, you need to work on that.

otherZinc3826d ago

Forza 5 @ 1080p "native" 60fps Online & Offline!
Sent Drive Club "back to the lab".

Forza 5 is "The Only" "Next Gen" game at 1080p native 60fps Online/Offline game in the world on consoles, period.

Next generation is where we're at, not last gen high res ports.

Kryptix3826d ago (Edited 3826d ago )


lmao Haven't laughed this much in a while...I can't say anything else...too funny.

badz1493826d ago

my god...

when people are already tired of "the powah of the cloudz" joke...this guy came out...

GTgamer3825d ago (Edited 3825d ago )

Im just sitting here like, Not sure if MS knows that we all know the X1 isn't the strongest console.
Quick question if it was the strongest then why are a good majority of multiplatform games 720p on the X1 when on the PS4 its 1080p:/
Wait hold up he said due to the Cloud lmao Im dead XD again with this.

NMEMEDIC3825d ago

the PS4 is 62.87 percent more get it right next time.

deecee333825d ago

Oh good grief, the "cloud" strikes again...
Notice to Microsoft PR: STOP. Just. Stop. You are fooling only the completely uninformed. The rest of us know better than to believe that your server farm will result in a direct boost to the immediate capabilities of your hardware in any concrete way. You're making yourselves look deceitful and foolish, and it's embarrassing.

MysticStrummer3825d ago (Edited 3825d ago )

Well played George. I've seen some spectacularly ridiculous comments on this site, and some of them come from more prolific zealots than yourself so it's easy to forget about you at times, but then you come along and vault yourself back into the limelight with a gem of a comment like that.

When I look at MS and some of their fans, I'm reminded of the immortal words of Obi Wan Kenobi : " Who's the more foolish, the fool, or the fool who follows him? ".

I'm going with the fans, because MS has to know they're full of marketing. I'm not talking about the fans who love their MS exclusives and don't mind the compromises that were made in the name of multimedia/multitasking. I'm talking about people like George, Green, edonus, EliteGamer, etc who appear to be so delusional that I wonder sometimes if it's actually satirical performance art.

If reviews determine who has the best games, then PS4 wins by having higher scores overall for their launch titles, and yes, indies and multiplats count as games. As for power, PS4's advantage has been well documented for months. Forza being "only possible" on XB1 is a joke. I'm pretty sure if MS had some secret sauce cloud power they'd have clued in developers well before now and we wouldn't see the differences we do, especially in a game like CoD. I doubt DR3 would have framerate issues if they could dunk it in that secret sauce. I doubt Forza would have 2D spectators instead of the 3D ones that were originally shown if the fabled cloud computing was a factor. Hell, Forza's backgrounds in general wouldn't look so dated if cloud power was a thing.

Like Lukas said, accept and move on. Be happy with your purchase and what it does instead of trying to exaggerate it's capabilities.

CryofSilence3825d ago

Exceptionally well said, MysticStrummer. Here, enjoy a bubble. :)

Reverent3825d ago

Is anyone else bothered by the fact that this MS rep tried to deny the DRM policies and no game sharing when the Xbox One was announced? I mean seriously? He ACTUALLY tried to say that it was a "communication error". OTHER MS Reps have ADMITTED what MS was trying to do, and practically apologized, clearing the entire thing.

Sorry, but this guy is an absolute fool, and definitely should not be working for MS. He continues to prove how horrible MS is with PR.

Foxhound9223825d ago


Here's the goku picture you requested


This just in guys! Just like Goku's spirit bomb, the Xbox One can summon energy and power from all living things like plants, trees, and animals. By doing this, it becomes over 9000 times more powerful when it's connected to to earth power. It can also summon power from the flying nimbus, also known and "teh cloud"

Prime1573825d ago


If you really think Forza looks good then that just shows your ignorance.

You have no idea what effects show the console is having power vs not.

Forza is a cartoon compared to drive club.

user55757083825d ago

good god they're relying on stable internet connections to boost power when stable internet isnt exactly something you can rely on all the time.

i still don't understand why people trust microsoft. so much of what they say is misleading and this article proves it

Yi-Long3825d ago

Volvo: "Well, critics seem to suggest that a Lamborghini is faster than our car, but that's because they're only looking at it from a very limited view, namely how fast it goes on the road.

However, if we drop our Volvo from a plane, it's speed increases 4-fold, easily surpassing the speed of the Lamborghini! Our car is much more faster. All thanks to (dropping it through) the cloud!"

eliasg3825d ago

you will realize that SONY lies about being 50% more powerful, when you look at RYSE and FORZA

jebabcock3825d ago

So is that a confirmation that there will be an Internet requirement for AAA games to compete with ps4 games? PS4 games look the same with or without a connection.

For less cost Sony could strike a deal with Amazon if they haven't already and have a better cloud to work from... MS is making a weak argument here.

UltimateMaster3825d ago

Yeah, no, Multi-platform games are better on the PS4.

SilentNegotiator3825d ago

MS really needs to show some confidence in their position; no one said that they NEED the most powerful console to both sell well and make people happy. They should at least fake some confidence, but I know that it would be difficult being both the most expensive system and only the 2nd most powerful.

SonyPS3603825d ago Show
+ Show (39) more repliesLast reply 3825d ago
Angels37853826d ago (Edited 3826d ago )

I must need some really thick new glasses and a new computer science degree because I swear all my personal knowledge and other proffessional knowledge/sources says otherwise....

nypifisel3825d ago

This is super stupid, how the heck did he think he could get away with it?! D:

Prime1573825d ago

Consumer ignorance has let them get away with it. And not just via xbone.

SilentNegotiator3825d ago (Edited 3825d ago )

Ask an android user; Ballmer said that they're all computer scientists.

vigilante_man3825d ago

Sorry people but I cannot find anything bad to say about Microsoft or the XB1 today. It is their big day and a massive congratulations goes to Microsoft and every new XBox One owner.

I am a very jealous UK gamer waiting for the PS4 but hope all new XB1 consoles run perfectly without any issues at all. The new XBox One owners are enjoying an awesome day today.

Microsoft can say whatever they want today. It's their party - let them enjoy every minute of it. Happy Day One launch!

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3825d ago
-Foxtrot3826d ago (Edited 3826d ago )

"Especially thanks to the power of cloud - we have installed 300,000 servers - the capabilities of the console are multiplied by four."


"So if you connect the console to the Internet, then the Xbox One is the most powerful"

Yeah IF your connected to the interent, but as it stands, the console that has been built from the start can NOT do that with out the extra help (internet connection).

Developers want a powerful console from the ground up, not everyone is going to be connected all the time to get the best game and if they are then that "greatness" is only going to last until you go offline

SCW19823826d ago

You shouldn't even believe that connected it becomes four times more powerful because that is straight garbage.

ruefrak3826d ago

Didn't Jonathan Blow comment awhile ago that it wasn't 300,000 actual servers but 300,000 "virtual" servers? So that number may be incorrect as well.

Reverent3825d ago

@ruegrak, indeed that is the case. And as we should all know, A single (Albeit powerful) computer can run tons of virtual servers on its own.

When we take that into consideration, that 300k servers doesn't sound quite as impressive.

B-radical3826d ago

Be cool if they did an example of this "cloud power" tonight

True_Samurai3826d ago (Edited 3826d ago )

Hey man Dont talk smack about cavaliers. That's what I drive >_>

Hicken3825d ago

Shouldda got a Sunfire.

come_bom3826d ago (Edited 3826d ago )

Oh boy Microsoft!

Sometimes Microsoft should really learn to STFU.

MizTv3826d ago

It's funny how they will say anything lol
Numbers don't lie but ms does
Wiiu pc and ps4 for me
I have no trust for ms at all
I got 9 rrod's
If they wanted to win me back they will have to try harder

Visiblemarc3826d ago (Edited 3826d ago )

Sure...and Gandhi was more powerful than The Incredible Hulk because of his strength of will....yet when it comes to crushing buildings, I'd still tap the Hulk's shoulder on that one.

Building crushing is a metaphor for playing videogames. You guess which machine is the Hulk.

Here's a hint: The answer is easy.

PSNrandom153826d ago (Edited 3826d ago )

I think that the only solution we have left is to tell YES THE XBONE IS MORE POWERFUL so they can stop the BS. Oh and the cloud MIGHT work in 5-7 years.


poor guy...he didn't get the memo.

badz1493826d ago

more like he didn't get the education!

JamieL3825d ago (Edited 3825d ago )

But everyone here on N4G know everything about the tech, and not just what they've read here or there. Please don't take this comment as support to what he's saying, I don't know how it works, and giving it 4x the power through an internet connection doesn't sound very likely, but I don't know, so I won’t sit here and say "It's so Awesome!!!, or "It's Impossible!!". I don't think everyone acting like experts here do either, yet they have no problem stating sh1t as fact. Why can’t they realize they sound as ignorant as the folks supporting it blindly. I'm sure a here few may have the tech education to know what they're talking about, but Ya'll so crazy.

jessupj3826d ago

You never go full retard.

I'd be laughing my ass off right now if I wasn't trying to comprehend the stupidity of this statement.

Does MS really think we're all idiots?

solar3826d ago

a geo metro (xbox one) and the chevy cavalier (ps4) is still way behind the Ferrari (PC)

Hicken3825d ago

And your comments are still irrelevant.

ashcroft3826d ago

That Z24 was something else.

mayberry3825d ago

Off topic-I had a 87' cavalier Z24 and it was BOSS! 2.6ltr V6, 5 speed manual, dual hood scoops, corvette suspension links and bushings from chevy, digital dash, racing seats an trim and more!
On topic- This profile person from France is gonna get a phone call from corporate very soon, me thinks!

solar3825d ago

@ mayberry

ya and they looked great for the late 80's. i had a mate with the convertible version.

Sarcasm3826d ago

Microsoft is just as delusional as their fans

2v13826d ago

and you believe every lie out there , i mean is not that hard to fool you

jerethdagryphon3825d ago

Remember sony already went on record saying ps4 supposrts cloud computing and deferred rendering if needed and they have gaikai who has who knows how many servers . And they have experience with offsite and distributed net computing from folding at home . And they also have real time interactive experiance on consoles from home so yea. Anything teh cloud can do for ms sony has also

BlackTar1873825d ago

lol Allwrong only agree was Georgenoob.

tagan8tr3826d ago

Did this guy just step out of a Time Machine from the XB1 reveal..

frostypants3826d ago (Edited 3826d ago )

I cannot believe anyone at MS is still spewing that "power of teh cloud" BS. Did this guy time travel here from 6 months ago, when some people were believing that crap?

EDIT: Should have read tagan8tr's post first. Great minds think alike...

Back-to-Back3826d ago

Microsoft: "Xbox One Is The Most Powerful Console.............in 2012.

Sadly this is 2013 MS.

Bathyj3826d ago

Heres a question Xbone supporters.
Arent you sick of having your intelligence insulted?
I mean, this is how dumb they think you are.
Wouldnt you prefer they said, yeah we might be slightly less powerful but we are still going to deliver alot of great games and believe, instead of blowing smoke and thinking you'll buy it?

MRMagoo1233825d ago

They are obviously that stupid other wise they wouldnt believe it lol look at ALLWRONGS comment for example, ppl are actually going to buy xbones so there must be some stupid ppl out there at least.

Hercules1893825d ago

So anybody that buys an xbone is stupid. Not everyone plays this stupid politics like you do. Some people actually like playing games, and whatever you choose, enjoy it.

Hercules1893825d ago

What I find more shameful is how many bubbles you have.

Bathyj3825d ago

Are you talking to me?

Where did I say people who want Xbones are stupid? I thought you were reacting to McGoo till I read the bubble remark.

My comment was not that you are stupid, but that Microsoft treats you like you are.

Big difference.

JasonKCK3825d ago

@Bathyj your comment does nothing but insult people. How is you have so many bubbles?

Bathyj3825d ago (Edited 3825d ago )

I'm insulting Microsoft not the people who like them. If anything I'm sticking up for you. I don't ever insult people just because they like a different console to me. If you cant see that maybe they're right to treat you like that.

Gazondaily3825d ago

Lol what did Bathy do? He just asked a question. Smh

jrbeerman113825d ago

Bathyj dont apologize, reading comprehension fail on their part.

solidjun53825d ago

I swear some of you guys have reading comprehension issues (I'm looking at you Hercules189). Where the hell did Bathy say "anyone who buys an Xbox One are stupid?"

JasonKCK3825d ago

MS's claims are far out there for sure. If it the service was as "great" as they say it is they would have shown it by now.

This> "Arent you sick of having your intelligence insulted?" is just assuming people are stupid. That's what I didn't agree with.

I think religion should be in the fiction section, but I don't assume that people who have faith are morons.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3825d ago
2v13826d ago

wow ms just lies in your face and they dont care

iiwii3826d ago

Wowowowow!! Oh wow. This guy is full of French wine. He may actually get someone over there to believe that too.

wsoutlaw873825d ago

why would a publisher choose 720 on one and 1080 on the other if it has nothing to do with hardware

Magicite3825d ago

''Microsoft are the most powerful liars.''

joeorc3825d ago (Edited 3825d ago )


"LOL! And a Chevrolet Cavalier is way faster and has more horse power than a Ferrari!"

LOL, the first thing that came to mind when i first heard this was, from the big bang theory about what Penny said to Leonard: when he claimed and still kept claiming even with all the evidence that Dr. Stephanie was not living there. But he really was. and everyone else could see that she was. and Penny said:

Penny: You’re going to go down swinging, huh?


I mean everyone can see how over the network clustering computing can help your system in certain computing tasks. Like Grid Computing, but trying to imply or to claim, that it can increase performance of the system on a Local level as if it was networked like a Beowulf Cluster, is really a pretty big Stretch.

Microsoft may be able to fool some people, but when network ISP's Bandwidth is not really fast across the board, your never going to get the speed and level that they are trying to imply, unless your system was direct connected in the server room with servers.

Performance will be constrained, never mind the problems with old electrical wiring in your house, combined with signal collision's.

if people want to read up more on grid computing here is a really good link


deadie3825d ago


....ah gee - im crying here.

"Marketing director"? Not for long im sure.

PSX043825d ago

xbone is more powerful with ice cream stick

Xer0_SiN3825d ago

i heard some doozies in my time, but gadamn! thats like saying "taping two ps2 together will get you a ps4". what...the...i dont even.

kenshiro1003825d ago

Microsoft really can't help themselves, can they? The day their console is supposedly 'powerful' is the day they actually show a first party game that utilizes this power.

MarcoGT3825d ago

It would be if it was falling from the cloud but that doesn't mean I'd want one.

HardcoreDaBoss3825d ago

out of the box no servers PS4 wipes the floor with xbone lol.. by a good amount.. but with servers xbone would be as powerful or ever more powerful.. this isnt bs here its truth.. with cloud it can be more powerful.. but with most peoples internet this would not work well.

Edsword3825d ago (Edited 3825d ago )

The cloud is amazing, you don't even know! We're talking Megagigabytes of graphical pixelation ability. Billions of polygonal memory buffers. It's huge man, huge. To the tune of 9000 Jagigaflops a sec huge. Don't believe me, Forza 5, nuff said.

+ Show (28) more repliesLast reply 3825d ago
Majin-vegeta3826d ago

1080 would like a word with you.

Riderz13373826d ago

720P with "30" FPS games that drop down to under 20 FPS during gameplay...*Cough* Ryse *Cough* Dead Rising 3

Necro_5593826d ago

well technically Ryse is 900p lol....


"30" FPS games that drop down to under 20 FPS during gameplay...*Cough* Ryse *Cough* Dead Rising 3..........yet DR3 scores higher than any AAA exclusive title for PS4, oh the irony

Prime1573825d ago


Eh, if you think .5 out of ten matters.

You're so off topic we can tell your the ignorant type MS is catering to in these comments.

CrossingEden3826d ago

-Forza 5
-Quantum Break
nuff said

LordMaim3826d ago

No, I think you should say more, because only one of those games is a thing, and it's a racing game. The other doesn't even have a release date or specs.

ABizzel13826d ago (Edited 3826d ago )


LMFAO, Tell me it ain't so.

Sega Gensis Mortal Komat graphics LMFAO.

Ri0tSquad3826d ago (Edited 3826d ago )

lol @FITgamer
forza is really pushing the boundaries. rocket science level stuff.

Back-to-Back3826d ago

Yea they cardboard cut outs in Flopza 5 are super impressive. The downgrade this game got is amazing.

Proof: http://slumz.boxden.com/f13...

Sarcasm3826d ago

Aaaaaaannnnd that's it... while all ps4 games are 1080p. Nuff said. (Except bf4)

iiwii3826d ago (Edited 3826d ago )


Whoa! That's a shocking difference. I hope those are Photoshop'd or something. Maybe Falon had a giant pipe to the cloud and the poor guy below him only had a standard 5MB internet service and wasn't getting "the power of the could". Lot's of detail and textures missing.

I remember someone saying that if it really tried to use the cloud to make games look better, that some people were going to be really disappointed when their bad connections made the game look like crap.

MasterCornholio3825d ago


Well the first forza demos were running on gaming PCs which is why you see a huge downgrade between the builds. As for the content, the game was rushed simple as that.

Nexus 7 2013

pyramidshead3825d ago

The Order and Infamous: SS, both at 1080p(the order isn't upscaled). Enough said.

QB could be 720p for all you know ;)

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titletownrelo3826d ago

Imagine if the Xbox was actually called the Xbox720, like everyone thought it would be. Their new games would give the name a new meaning, lol

mkis0073825d ago (Edited 3825d ago )

And the ps4 was actually the 1080PS4

MasterCornholio3825d ago

And that's with the power of the cloud. Imagine if the console was offline?

Nexus 7 2013

jerethdagryphon3825d ago

Heres a funny thing about cloud computing and the internet.
I have 40 mb broadband which works out at 8ish megabytes at my end
Connecting to lasvegas I have about 10 mega bit or about 1.2 mega byte.

Now if a server I want data from is giving me it at 1 mb a second it would take 512 seconds to load a film of 512 meg. Thats ok on youtube cause it buffers it.

If ms decided to cloud compute the lighting before the race. That means that you have whats called prebked lighting or static. That data has to be held in ram the entire time ok so 512 ram os used for prebaked lighting bthat reduces the avalible ram for rendering.

If they decide to calculate it via cloud dynamicaly you get a much more complicated situation and a digital conversation many times more complex then what follows

Xbox . Cloud I have sun st 8oclock trees obscuring road and a green car.
Cloud replys illuminate oixals as follows 11312445456......
Xbox cloud rain with a tunnel coming up 3rd person view red ferrarri. ..
Cloud pixels 13742747723727......

And it goes on and on as the conversation continues more and more data is cached to disk and ram in case its needed . Now the onboa4d gpu can step in and answer some things but if its meamt to take orders from the cloud then its gonna guess.

If more data is handled by the cloud then multiple threads of conversation occcur .

Cloud processing is best used for not time criticle tasks or to stream fully. As latency and other issues build up as the data pipe gets full

My example while simple is how it would be handled . Prebaking is better but detracts fr9m full systems and can lead to a canned feeling like prebaking ai responses which wojuld be a terrible idea

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3825d ago
MorePowerOfGreen3826d ago (Edited 3826d ago )

Wonder if MSFT will reveal some more info soon.


I almost forgot to add.

I hope we see some Quantum Break or Halo 5 footage tonight!

GarrusVakarian3826d ago (Edited 3826d ago )


PS4 is more powerful...i thought we already established this and we all accepted it as fact (which is what it is).

There is no info coming soon, no dual gpu, no secret sauce......the PS4 is more powerful. Deal with that.

Angels37853826d ago (Edited 3826d ago )

Your delusion astounds me beyond belief. There needs to be a case study on you about how companies can literally brainwash their consumers into mindlessly loyal conspiracy theorists and how it happens. Then you should be perscribed heavy medication because you are literally certifiably INSANE. People like you need to be put in rehabilitation centers for consumerist addicts....you ...need....serious...help. This is not normal behavior.

I genuinely feel terrible for you. The denial and delusion is so thick you might never fully recover. You might lock up and become a robot just mindlessly repeating PR even if microsoft themselves say you are wrong. You might have a nervous breakdown or something....

I'm not even joking I'm being serious man. Its intruiging and sad all at the same time. I would love to meet you. I swear if you contact me ill PAY for EVERY sort of study or treatment needed....what companies can do to people....wow.

Angels37853826d ago (Edited 3826d ago )

I know I can recognized when a company or a person does something to try and skrew or mislead people, but I seriously fear that if bill gates himself said to this guy that their hardware was slightly inferiot and not a supercomputer....he might actually break or die on the spot. His brain psychologically couldn't handle it

It would be insteresting to see the effect of marketing on people and how it effects sanity once it gets to this point. He is probably (I hope) normal in his everyday life...but when it comes to the company....something has to just....switch on.

Also I want to note I'm not insulting him. I seriously feel bad. Ver very bad about what has happened to him. Seriously green. I'm sorry man I just can't belive how serious this is.

KiLLUMiNATi_893826d ago

Let me ask you, your not brain washed then?

Sarcasm3826d ago

I agree with you, I think the poor kid really is sick. The amount of delusion, denial, and sheer madness is really unusual. He needs mental help.

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ziggurcat3826d ago (Edited 3826d ago )

there's no more information to reveal. they've lost. time to accept the facts, the misterx secret sauce kool aid is a complete fabrication.

awesomeperson3826d ago

They won't reveal more system spec info, at least, nothing that is worthwhile.

Don't be deluded, if they had some secret sauce, they would have revealed it. Moreover, it would be evident from their games.

If you for some reason have differing views from Misterxmedia or other trolls, don't get your hopes up, it will lead to disappointment.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3826d ago
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anast3h ago

It's like boycotting 'your' local crack dealer. I'm sure it will change everything...

Xzila112h ago

they manipulated the pack weight and admitting it on twitter

Kaozz19792h ago(Edited 2h ago)

Stop buying the fucking game! It is no secret that the game is based around opening packs that need to be bought with real money if you want to be competitive. Yes I know, you have the chance to get the cards without investing real money, but that is a real grind and you still may never get the cards you want. This is not new and it will not change if people keep buying the game/packs.