
Xbox One: Most innovative console poised to win next gen wars

The Web Graffiti: "Since the reveal of the Xbox One, Microsoft has found itself on the wrong end of the stick where gamers are concerned. Gamers who seem to think a video game machine must solely focus on games and much of nothing else, which is quite an immature thought. However, despite what hardcore gamers and the gaming press think of the Xbox One, the console is still poised to come out on top due to all its innovations."

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xHeavYx3903d ago

How is it innovative? Many things have been done already, just check Comcast X1.
"TV and sports"
You can switch between TV and games with a remote controller, you only need to press it twice, or you can buy an innovative gaming console for $500 and yell at it.
Nothing has been shown from MS to sell Kinect to the hardcore gamers, just some laggy games like the fighting one. It will end up being like the first Kinect
Behind a paywall, you can use it for free even in your PS VITA.
There is no innovation here, just ideas that have been put together and a lot of PR talking

malokevi3903d ago (Edited 3903d ago )


Wait... I mean... NO!

xHeavYx3903d ago

How is it that the people who support Xbox can't answer unless they bash me or call me names? I guess it's easier to phantom disagree than to have a discussion

Enemy3903d ago (Edited 3903d ago )

Those policies were innovative alright!

Wanna know what else?

$500 = innovative
Kinect spy cam = innovative
Weaker specs = innovative
Power brick = innovative
Mandatory Xbox Live paywall behind everything = innovative
Fake Kinect 2.0/UI demos at E3 = innovative

negative3903d ago

No, it's easier to make fun of and ignore $ony fanboys...

xHeavYx3903d ago

Thank you for helping me make my point

NewMonday3903d ago (Edited 3903d ago )

these are the kind that would swallow DRM and forced camera no questioned asked.

facts, commons sense and reasonable judgment are useless in any discussion

numbers prove the XB1 is struggling, it will have a hard time staying relevant.

Tony-A3903d ago

I won't say that the XBO will succeed or fail, but I do know one thing:

You can't be considered innovative if you reverse your "innovative" policies and features to better compare yourself with your competitors.

Innovators think outside the box, which I think MS tried to do, but the ideas are only half the battle. You also need to convince the public that its innovative. They clearly didn't do that.

Bottom line. Microsoft changed their vision to match the competition. That's not innovation. That's adjustment.

malokevi3903d ago (Edited 3903d ago )


I didn't bash you? lol. Relax, budday!

I disagree, and I don't feel like discussing it. That would be tres tiring, n'est-ce pas?


3903d ago
P0werVR3903d ago


Why call out people for a discussion on a argument that you've already made your intentions clear on?!

Even if proven otherwise, are you going to accept their opinion? I doubt it. So don't play the fool as if you have anything relevant to state.

It's already clear by the first Xbox One/NFL commercial in why it is innovative and how Skype is synced into that.

So your point is useless as usual and shouldn't be wasting your time. It's like a witch hunt with you and your "type" on this website.

Sitdown3903d ago

So ideas put together in a single box that has not been done before is not innovated? What about playing one game while match making is taking place in the background? Just because a bunch of games have not been shown for kinect doesn't mean it's not innovate. Does comcast have an NFL deal allowing you to quickly view how your fantasy player got points...all while playing Madden? You got another console controller with rumble in the triggers? That is just throwing six of the top of my head.

Eonjay3903d ago (Edited 3903d ago )

As cool as a TV extender and integrated Fantasy Football are, they have to be seen as necessities in order for a "casual" gamer. Look at the Wii. It had the least bells and whistles but people liked it and it was relative cheap. The Xbox One isn't a casual device. Its for people who want an integrated all in one media center. It may outsell the Wii U, but it wont come close to touching the PS4.

This Christmas when people are buying gifts for friends and family, the PS4 will be the more affordable choice for gamers and parents alike.

nukeitall3903d ago


"Bottom line. Microsoft changed their vision to match the competition. That's not innovation. That's adjustment."

It is calld MS is ahead of the times. It is clear that we are heading into a digital future, and the current path is without sharing, selling, lending, trade-in and gifting. People against this is actually anti-consumer.

Slavery was once accepted, and when the abolishment of slavery occured, people was fighting it. One can argue that abolishing slavery back then, interpreted today is innovative and that slavery was archaic.

Point being, hysteria among the herd (the gamers) forced us back, doesn't make it not innovative. It simply means the herd moves slowly and in 5-years, we will be rejoicing this!

xHeavYx3903d ago

Did you just seriously compared MS old policies with slavery? Seriously?

Eonjay3903d ago (Edited 3903d ago )

@nukeitall Your slavery analogy is a bridge to far. Are you trying to assert that abolishing slavery was innovative... like "everyone was doing it until Lincoln decided to innovate"... Um stop please

blackbeld3903d ago

Microsoft is sure innovative.

They invent this ┌П┐(•_•)┌П┐to their fans.

Hope you understand why we switch for PS4.

thrust3903d ago (Edited 3903d ago )

If I wanted an upgrade in hardware only to play games, I would of upgrade my pc.

I want a console/tech to do alot more than just play games, think deep down everyone is the same aswell.

OMG! Slavery really???? You should be banned from the Internet.

JokesOnYou3903d ago (Edited 3903d ago )

@ Heavy because its a waste of time to directly respond to you or most sonyfanboys EVERYTIME when EVERYTHING you say has been discussed to death. I mean you offered nothing new so nobody is obligated to refute what you say.

I can only speak for myself to say Id rather in most cases just give my impression on the topic instead of debating every point with a fanboy, although there are times I agree with certain negatives opinions about micro/360/X1 its always insignificant to my overall opinion of the brand, I think ps fans generally feel the same way.

So for me the 99% factor is where are the games that me, my friends and my family are going to enjoy MOST? All this policy stuff, kinect spying on me, $100 more, behind a paywall, bad PR, DRM, micro is evil literally is of almost NO importance to me. I say that because none of it will affect my ability to enjoy Halo5, in fact I regularly play Halo4 with my 2 nephews on the east coast we all love it and we use it to stay in touch. Our gaming habits and anticipation to play our favorite X1 games together is whats important so until micro does something that is going to fundamentally ruin that experience (too expensive, block online gameplay, or any unforeseen policy to limit that) then I'll continue to see most of the anti micro stuff as petty fanboy wars. I mean seriously literally almost all the hate is centered around things that won't affect me playing Titanfall with my buds on the east coast. Its always petty stuff like well micro has a paywall. Again I think many ps fans feel the same way whatever sonys doing they like it and its not likely anybody here will change their mind about which console they prefer.

I do sort of agree with Tony A micro lost what could have been innovative because they didn't have the balls to stick with it. I believe in the longterm their original approach with a few tweaks would have been very successful.

ShwankyShpanky3903d ago (Edited 3903d ago )

If you're going to try pulling bizarre slavery analogies out of your ass, I guess there's no reason to hold back on this one...

...Some would say Hitler was "innovative." ;-P

tokugawa3903d ago

i have to agree with joy here. heavy you are not worth talking to. but dont feel bad, there are many just like you on here. but that is why you are all here.. birds of a feather.

as well, look at the site. what you dont realise heavy is that this trash is wrote just for you and all the sony fanboys that dwell here. the author dont give a shit, his hit counter will go through the roof. mission accomplished. and these people dont even get bashed in the process anymore.

because the usual suspects are too busy foaming at the mouth and parroting the same stuff to even notice.

anyway, some people will just buy one console, others will get both. no matter how many times people parrot the same shit, it will change nothing

nukeitall3903d ago (Edited 3903d ago )


"Did you just seriously compared MS old policies with slavery? Seriously?"

I knew someone will get their b*ll twisted in a bunch and completely miss the point.

The point was, people get used to thing and will resort to hysteria (and rioting) when the status quo is changed, regardless if it is right (as in the slavery case) or wrong.

That said I don't expect you (and your ilk) to agree considering your bias.

JOLLY13903d ago

xHeavyx I agree with you. I think the Wii U is the "most innovative". I don't get why you brought un the Comcast X1 though, it isn't a console. As for the PS4 and the Xbox One. I would have to give the innocation to the Xbox. The PS4 isn't trying anything new at all. At least from what I have read.

malokevi3903d ago (Edited 3903d ago )

"@ Heavy because its a waste of time to directly respond to you or most sonyfanboys EVERYTIME when EVERYTHING you say has been discussed to death. I mean you offered nothing new so nobody is obligated to refute what you say. "

Eventually you've got to ask yourself, what's the point?

Kryptix3903d ago

Your view on innovation is very limited.

The definition:
1: the introduction of something new
2: a new idea, method, or device : novelty

By bringing the topic of slavery in, you are trying to say that innovation is always a good thing but failed to see that slavery did start somewhere and is considered an action of taking people's rights and equality away.

I presented the definition because innovation can also be a bad thing since it doesn't specifically carry the word "good" or "positive" in it.

Don't you think adding DRM to everything we buy is also taking away our rights to lend and sell what we should own because of the purchase? It is innovation but not the best kind because we currently have the freedom to give away what we own freely and the option to do so is there.

I understand adding account locked DRM with digital copies for the reason that those files could be copied and multiplied to give to everyone but adding a lock into a disc shouldn't be necessary because it's one copy to one disc. If they hadn't made the Xbox One have mandatory installs then they wouldn't have a problem with that. They should know that the used game market is necessary because of the bad economy and people can't afford to cough up $60 every time to play new games.

Now...knowing that, if Microsoft wanted to implement DRM with the promise of selling all the games cheap, then that innovation would of gathered positive comments. I would definitely give up on the used games market if I could buy new games for 30 or 40 dollars. It would be similar to Steam with digital sales.

I call ignorance to say that Microsoft was just thinking ahead moving towards a digital future. Fact is, society hasn't gotten there yet so why skip a step and get there as quick as possible? Even if Microsoft did add DRM for cheap prices, it would still be a problem towards everyone with no internet. Unless every console had some sort of tech that lets you play the game for the first 30 days then they have to check in to keep playing but maintain those cheap prices on the market.

I don't know, but what I was trying to say, innovation is only a good thing if done right and isn't just forced into the community till they learn to accept it. If the community rejects it, it shouldn't have been brought up with no explanation. But Microsoft failed to give it a real reason for it and the whole structure of it was very flawed for our present and current living. The way Microsoft presented DRM made no sense because everything they said could be possible on the PS4. If they would lower prices, that could of been a good reason but still a no go for the masses with no internet access.

rainslacker3903d ago (Edited 3903d ago )

I love how everyone says it's not worth responding to Heavy because it's a waste of time, then go on to write a long post on why it's a waste of time, instead of just addressing what he says. Regardless of if it will change his mind, it doesn't mean that others may not join in and provide more interesting discourse than over-extended fan-boy-pointing-outing.

Seriously, to all the people on all sides that do the same thing, if you want better discussions and less trolling, at least try to provide a decent argument instead of minimizing or dismissing the arguments made.

Definition of innovate
1. to introduce something new, make changes in anything established.
2. to introduce(something new) for or as if for the first time.

Nothing MS has announced is new. However some of it is new to consoles in it's current form. In some ways they are innovative, in others they aren't. This is pretty true of all 3 console makers to varying degrees.

Doesn't mean that innovation is meaningful in any way. That'd be a more interesting discussion...the actual meaningfulness of their innovations.

Retroman3902d ago

"where do PR people get these WILD unproven info from???" how on God green earth they know x1 will win next generation.like to get few lottery # from them.

P0werVR3902d ago (Edited 3902d ago )


So wait a minute...

You pretty much proved your own argument?!

My gosh your comment is a testament to how superficial some of you are on this site. I could've just stated "Need I say more..." and bow out, but I just had to prove that you proved yourself.

Riddle me this, is there any TV featurer or cable box feature that has hyper v in it for seamless snap transitions?!

If you can prove to me that Hyper V isn't innovative than I'll bow out. Other than that, there is a reason why they brought the legend Dave Cutler to the Xbox Divion to create Hyper V.

nukeitall3902d ago


Despite our different views, I appreciate you giving me a proper and well thought out response (albeit in fewer words would be better next time, but I'm wordy to).

"By bringing the topic of slavery in, you are trying to say that innovation is always a good thing..."

What I was trying to say is, change even for the better is often time resisted. People don't like (good) change and you see this resurface in almost everything you do in life.

"Don't you think adding DRM to everything we buy is also taking away our rights to lend and sell what we should own because of the purchase?"

Technically, MS gave you more options on your digital purchases than is currently. You can't really share, sell, gift or trade-in your digital purchases right now.

You could with MS DRM, and as we move forward people will start to automatically shift to digital media and nobody has spearheaded the change of DRm to consumer benefit.

This means, if you were against MS DRM, you are actually anti-consumer. From a digital perspective, everything MS has done is in consumers best interrest, except for the 24-hour check-in, that is required for all these benefits to work.

"...we currently have the freedom to give away what we own freely..."

So was MS DRM. You could gift your game away digitally as well.

"adding a lock into a disc shouldn't be necessary because it's one copy to one disc."

The instant switching and instant access nature with high performance dictated that digital copies was necessary.

There are pro's and con's to this, but the used game market still would have existed. Because of the daily check-in, allowed MS to enable resell, gifting and trade-in of digital games.

You could do essentially whatever the physical copy did, in the digital world.

"I would definitely give up on the used games market if I could buy new games for 30 or 40 dollars."

So you are saying, you would give up your rights if it was cheap enough?

You no longer care if it is DRM.

"...society hasn't gotten there yet so why skip a step..."

That is the definition of change. Ready or not, but I really think MS botched the messaging. I'm sure their statistics shows the vast majority connect the Xbox to the internet. Without the internet, that box is pretty limited (i.e. pretty dumb).

"... Microsoft failed to give it a real reason for it and the whole structure of it was very flawed..."

I do agree that MS botched the messaging with plenty of confusion, and that a very small group of people ruined it for the many. Fact of the matter is, the ability to trade-in, gift, and sell your digital purchases hasn't been done by anyone, let alone in the console space.

It isn't as bad as everyone think it is, and has myriad of benefits.

"...everything they said could be possible on the PS4."

That is completely irrelevant what is possible or not possible on PS4. However, my take on it was if you wanted a disc based solution, you could buy a PS4 and if you wanted the digital future, buy an Xbox One.

There was two consoles to suite both parts of the market. Now, we only have one were we stick with the status quo of age old physical discs.

Essentially we removed an option. Worse, we patt each other on the back and saying we fought for gamers.

However, all we did was reduce options in the market, and went backwards on digital freedom. That is completely anti-consumer!

rainslacker3902d ago


Maybe I missed how I'm being superficial. I'm merely pointing out that many people say that it's not worth responding to Heavy in a rather long winded post. I then make a suggestion that maybe they actually address his points instead of just calling him a fan boy without actually trying to counter argue what he says in order to disprove him intelligently without the use of misdirection or trivialization. You know, discuss things in a discussion forum...crazy I know. It may not have an effect on Heavy, but it could lead to better discourse overall.

I then proceeded to add something to the actual thread at hand, which was, "Microsoft is/isn't innovative", just to try and nurture my prior suggestion of providing reasoned discourse. I didn't get all technical with it, and stayed rather moderate, but yeah, at least I did more than call out fan boys, which I also did.

As far as Hyper V. To my knowledge it hasn't been used for any kind of "snap" feature in consoles...although the Vita does use a HV to operate it's multi-tasking, and the PS3 uses it when you press the PS button in game. I can't speak to the 360 because I"m not familiar enough with it's OS, however the 360 does have one.

The real innovation here isn't the fact that they are using hypervisor, but the fact they are bringing this level of multi-tasking to consoles in what they say, and which is apparently pretty seamless. The fact that they are using hypervisor for it isn't really innovative as the HV is just a means to an end. The inclusion of a HV in the console isn't terribly innovative, as it's been done with the PS3, 360, Wii, Wii U, Vita, and if I'm not mistaken, the Dreamcast. MS also didn't create Hypervisor, it was created by IBM back in the late 60's.

The fact that you call it Hyper-V(the MS marketing buzzword) only shows that you buy into PR machine. There is so much more to what they're doing than that. As I said in my original post, some of the stuff they're doing is innovative, some of it isn't. In this case, you, and MS, are focusing on the wrong thing that is innovative in favor of having a fancy marketing term, although MS is at least prudent enough to just show off the feature instead of trying to make it sound fancy by overusing this term.

+ Show (25) more repliesLast reply 3902d ago
SegaSaturn6693903d ago

It's innovative. Never before has a such an expensive cable box accessory been widely flaunted. Microsoft knows how to make quality electronics *buys 3 zunes*

PunisherRevenge3903d ago

@SegaSaturn669.....Yep Sony is also known for great quality electronics *buys 5 Walk mans*....lol

meganick3903d ago


Sony does make quality electronic devices. Are you implying they don't?

SegaSaturn6693903d ago

Do you not like walkmans? I really enjoyed mine. Betamax is another story, but for the most part, I've been quite happy with my Sony purchases.

PunisherRevenge3903d ago

@meganick....well actually I am. If you go back and look at the last ten years of thier products and thier current financial situation that says a lot by itself.

@SegaSaturn669....I use to enjoy the walk man also until the ipod happened and ever since then I haven't seen one.

ShwankyShpanky3903d ago

Are you really trying to crap on the Walkman, one of those iconic and successful products whose trade name, like Rollerblade or Xerox, became synonymous with an entire class of devices?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3903d ago
kenmid3903d ago

A camera that can detect your heart rate is pretty innovation to me.

WeAreLegion3903d ago

Download the app for your phone. It's available on Google Play Store and App Store.

Campy da Camper3903d ago

And then when it reads 3 more your 5.99 movie purchase just went up to 24.00

ShwankyShpanky3903d ago

A toothbrush that can read your heartrate is pretty innovative too... doesn't mean there's a whole lot of point to it.

JokesOnYou3903d ago (Edited 3903d ago )

WeAreLegion by that logic nothing in the last half century is innovative. Seriously someone could invent a car tomorrow that drives itself once you engage autopilot on the highway and the naysayers could scream "who gives a damm airplanes have been doing that for a long time". Literally 99% of the "innovations" today are based off previous tech, or bringing similar tech into a new space. Smartphones are a very good example of this, cameras and cell phones existed sperately for along time but I definitely consider the idea to bring them together innovative. Fortunately the worlds "innovators" think nothing like you and folks who share your closed minded thought process.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3903d ago
aceitman3903d ago

the thing I wonder and I guess we will find out, is how parents will feel to justify buying x1 with Kinect 2.0 when they will feel like its something they have already with the 360 with kinect . it could be a downfall for ms trying to justify parents spending 500$ to upgrade.

Wikkid6663903d ago

Not any different than trying to justify any console to parents.

It's the extra features that make the justification easier. Dad watch football with it. Mom can Skype the family... so on and so on.

aceitman3903d ago

@wikkid666- as a parent that is not telling me to shell out 500$ for x1 , I can watch football on anything my ipad my 360 ,ps3 , pc , and I can do it with my fantasy football on my ipad and get fullscreen on my tv. and Skype, me my wife and kids do it already on our devices .so I don't need to put out 500$ for that. all the features that Kinect has for the fantasy football is done with apps already sent to my iphone and ipad.

rainslacker3903d ago

Why any parent would let their kid have any kind of camera that connects to the internet is beyond me. There are some things kids just shouldn't be exposed to, and the internet is chocked full of scum that prey on children.

Benchm4rk3902d ago


Agreed. My oldest son has a 360 in his room with kinect but I've got the parental lock on so he can't go online. He keeps asking to play halo and other games online but I won't let him. I don't want him exposed to some of the nonsense you hear and the abuse people spout in games.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3902d ago
GiantEnemyCrab3903d ago

Probably because it's just not that important to convince you? Do your own research.

The Fantasy Football integrated into the console is innovative. I am not going to sit here and list everything out for you but it's obvious you know very little about the feature set but feel informed enough to bash it and whine about it.

HiddenMission3903d ago

Actually Fantasy Football integration is not that innovative. I talked to my boss who is master of all types of fantasy sports stuff and told him about the XB1 features and said he had been doing that stuff for years with his phones, tablets, TV, computer and other electronics for years.

Looks like you have been living under a rock because my boss is 57 and if he doesn't think it's innovative then you must not be up with the times.

Sitdown3903d ago

As you said, he has been doing those things on phones, tablets, TV, computer and other electronics for years.........but what's missing? he has not been doing those things on a video console...innovation

BlackTar1873903d ago


I think ESPn or NFL had a Fantasy football app on ps3 that as long as you picked your team online you could manage and track via ps3/xbox.

It's really not that innovative. Also is this the best app innovation you can bring. Bring the big guns please. I would like to see what other areas you call innovation.

Xbox beat ps3 with Online last year but only die hard fanboys think xbox live by end of gen was so magnificent and better. Xbox had a better controller i agree. xbox did still have a better online service but by end of gen it was minimal. Cross chat check.

I can admit where one company wins and innovate etc. but it seems like Americans and American media love to play the family business card all the time. Just like i have no doubt if Destiny was exclusive the hype for it would be huge and if titanfall was a multiplat it wouldn't be nearly as huge. This is all opinion of course but history will tell you at least partially what im saying is a consistent in American product and media.

By the way im born and raised in America Northern Cali

BlackTar1873903d ago

Sitdown doing it on a console is not innovation its progress. Not all progress is innovation sometimes its just natural order.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3903d ago
XboxFun3903d ago

"How is it innovative? Many things have been done already, just check Comcast X1."

But has it been done on any past consoles? No.

"Nothing has been shown from MS to sell Kinect to the hardcore gamers, just some laggy games like the fighting one. It will end up being like the first Kinect"

The possibilities are there. And besides that the console isn't even out and you want MS to show everything now? Sony hasn't even shown everything that they said would come with the PS4 (Gaikai). Ms has already shown Kinect integrated with it's launch games. Wait, didn't you already say this in another article?

"Behind a paywall, you can use it for free even in your PS VITA."

It's too bad the Vita isn't really selling and appealing to gamers so why bring the Vita into this conversation about the Xbox One? Oh right...troll bait.
Use Skype to party chat with friends while playing a game. Maybe coordinate attacks while playing Titanfall, Cod, or BF4. You know fun stuff like that while gaming.

"How is it that the people who support Xbox can't answer unless they bash me or call me names?"

How strange right...


Maybe because you're an admitted Sony fanboy that does nothing but troll Xbox articles and then gets all butt hurt when someone does the exact same thing in your precious Sony articles. Then it's nothing but "Don't feed the troll" out your mouth.

How can anyone try to prove you wrong when you won't even listen because of your bias earmuffs.

xHeavYx3903d ago

The thing is, MS said that the One is built around Kinect, Gaikai is nothing like that, and the usage of both services are not even comparable.
Yes, the VITA isn't selling good, so what? You can still use Skype for free on laptops, those sell pretty good right?
No one is going to use Skype to party chat while playing a game, you can already do the party chat with the console.

There is a difference between you and me as well, I talk facts, all you say is "Xbox is better, so Xbox wins" but without any facts

ABeastNamedTariq3903d ago

"It's too bad the Vita isn't really selling and appealing to gamers so why bring the Vita into this conversation about the Xbox One?"

That's kinda irrelevant, I'm just saying. It apparently appeals to a lot (I'm generalizing), but it's the memory card prices that were too high.

Also, doesn't the Wii U have TV integration? Something like that? TVii? I don't know if it works like XB1's, but it's still TV integration, right?

XboxFun3903d ago


No heavy, the difference between you and me is I talk excitement for games and my gaming console of choice. All you do is troll and talk negative about MS/Xbox.

You don't state any facts, you state your opinions. Huge difference by the way. This is why no one answers you because it's pointless. You will always feel that way no matter what.


"No one is going to use Skype to party chat while playing a game, you can already do the party chat with the console."

See, right here you have already convinced yourself that NO ONE is going to use Skype. How can anyone debate or tell you something when you have your fingers in your ears.

"MS said that the One is built around Kinect, Gaikai is nothing like that, and the usage of both services are not even comparable."

And you fail to acknowledge my earlier statement which again tells me no matter what someone tells you, you have already convinced yourself that Kinect is bad.

So WHY keep asking these stupid questions that you don't want to hear the answers too? This is what we call TROLLING.

There's the difference xHeavyx, plain and simple.

xHeavYx3903d ago

@Xbox fun
You seriously think that someone is going to open a second program (which would make the gaming screen smaller BTW) to use a feature that is already available?
The second point, you really expect me not to say anything when you compare Kinect to Gaikai?
And please, don't act like you don't go into Sony articles to troll

ShwankyShpanky3903d ago (Edited 3903d ago )

You could hook two PS4s together via USB and get a supercharged PS8.

No, it hasn't been announced or demonstrated, but the *possibilities* are there.

BTW... can you identify any of these Kinnect "possibilities" that could not be accomplished with the PS4 cam? About the only thing I can think of is maybe some low-light capabilities. Even the heart rate thing is just done by color analysis of the image.

I'll start one from the PS4 side: The stereoscopic PS4 camera can take 3d photographs and video. Can the monoscopic Kinnect do that?

"Use Skype to party chat with friends while playing a game."

You want all your friends to see you sitting around in your underwear? (or you think they want to see that?) According to a number of Xbone fanboys in various Kinnect/spying threads, that seems to be the way they all play.

(BTW, expect a fair uptick in Vita sales with the release of the PS4. I know I'll be getting one in the future. Remote Play FTW)

"Maybe coordinate attacks while playing Titanfall, Cod, or BF4. You know fun stuff like that while gaming."

I know, right? That goodness for Kinnect, otherwise we'd have no way to communicate in-game. Hm, would I rather just have a voice in my ear, or a half-dozen distracting faces taking up valuable real estate on screen?

rainslacker3903d ago

They don't need to show everything, but they should show something to make it worth the extra $100 for a peripheral that apparently a majority of people don't care about or simply don't want.

Investing in a game machine is buying half promise and half what's there now. Right now it seems outside of some appealing games, there are just too many promises with nothing substantial shown.

At least with Sony, they do have a reliable track record in the games department, so we can go with that promise. Quite honestly, the other stuff they offer I don't mind having, use it from time to time, but couldn't care less if it's there or not. I buy consoles to play games, and I'd imagine many others are the same way.

Now, I'm an admitted Sony fan. I will never deny it. But I want MS to show me something that's worth buying the console for. I want MS to prove to me that they can live up to the promises. I want MS to sell me on their system, I'm a hard sell because I'm a cynical a**hole. But my money is just as good as everyone else's. I also buy a crap ton of games, so you know...I'd make a good customer.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3902d ago
3903d ago
SliceOfTruth8883903d ago

I have the X1 by comcast and its garbage. First the remote they give you doesnt even have a tv input button to change over to a console. Second all of the voice commands are available only for IOS no droid or windows as of now and the way it works for IOS now is nothing special at all.

With the XBOX one i will never have to touch anything with the tv again. Just one single hdmi cord will go to the tv and i will be able to control everything. I will now be able to watch MNF while playing Madden and keeping up with my fantasy scores without EVER having to turn away from the tv. No Pause, No nothing. The only people not impressed with these features cant afford 2 consoles so they have to complain about the other to justify their choice.

With Kinect obviously you did no research because they fixed the lag and the Kinect is an amazing piece of technology. Now when iam playing battlefield and i want to start a party chat instead of hitting the xbox button, scroll to party chat and then invite everyone. I can just say xbox start party chat and everyone can just say xbox join party chat. You never have to stop playing.

Then we have the dynamic matchmaking and i mean this one takes the cake. You mean to tell me i can play Killer Instinct with a friend while we wait for our Forza and Battlefield matchmaking to find us a game? You technically never have to wait in a lobby ever again which will keep franchises online communities alive much longer than ever before.

HiddenMission3903d ago

really can't afford I already have multiple PS3's, Wii U, Vita, 3D, Galaxy Note, Galaxy Note 10.0 and several S3's in my house not including the monster sized $4000 TV's I have in each room.

Everything is connected in my house for the most part and guess what I'm not impressed. So yeah people who can afford multiple console don't care...my 2 PS4's are already paid off.

Don't assume like you know what every consumer's tastes are and budgets are.

Also you do know most of what you talked about has not actually been shown off in a real life...aka not scripted pre-recorded situations.

aceitman3903d ago

@slice just 2 things u say are wrong I wont go into the rest u have x1 , not sure u do cause u need 2 hdmi cables to connect one from x1 to tyv and the other for tv to x1 , it has to go that way so they can talk to each other. 2 there is some lag on Kinect 2.0 not as bad as the 1st but not that much of a difference.

buynit3903d ago (Edited 3903d ago )

What question you want answered heavy..

All youre going to say is you dont like it, its behind a pay wall and its been done before..

The "its been done before" kills me lol.. no one not even sony has taken a camera as far as ms has taken it and made it main stream.. so now we are supposed to dissmis what kinect can do because sony has done a camera for like 2 decades but never gave it real support Or moved it forward.. and im not spending 500 just for that incase you been under a rock xb1 has a few great launch games..

I dont want kinect to take over my hardcore games I just want simple voice comands hand gestures and head tracking, I want kinect to add to the ec perience not take it completely over..

Just stfu about skyp you clearly dont know how its going to be used in xb1 go educate your self before comparing to to vitas skyp..
No one has done what xb1 is doing on video game consoles plain and simple thats why its innovative. A lot more ppl are going to get that experience that not many had the pleasure to experience..

Stop acting stupid im not buying an xb1 to yell at it and I love the fact that I dont have to manualy switch inputs. I mean how the hell can you even hate on how easy it will be going from game to tv to internet?

My paragraphs are all over the place my stupid phone is acting up..

Philaroni3903d ago

For me the main issue I am having with the XB1 is that the two major features on it I won't use. I don't have cable TV and more and more every year ditch cable for Netflix and other content. So the extra HDMI in port is kind of useless for many of us. Kinect is something I'll never really be on board with. Its cool but in my small space I live in I can't use it, the media features are over rated for both XB1 and PS4 my free time is spent playing games. I don't at all mind the extra media content just I don't like how MS seems to have this massive focus on it.

The NFL deal really means little to me since Monday ESPN games I just go to a local bar to watch and all other games are on just the free cable TV and its in HD. Also with a lot of the networks broadcasting online for free now it just makes any kind of arrangement irrelevant.

Part of me really things MS thought Sony would only have 4G of GDDR5. If that was the case then the $500 price tag would be much more attractive. I think MS will still do fine, they have a little stronger line up for the hardcore gamer atm and Titanfall looks amazing. The real Xfactor for both is how all there cloud bases services are going to work.

SliceOfTruth8883903d ago

Just so you know the Kinect 2 was designed for very small apartments with very little space you can play pretty much right in front of the thing now. I have both consoles on pre order so trying to convince anyone of either side is never my goal, but i will say when PS4 fanboys notice how much faster the X1 performs over the PS4 and they go "I dont understand its GDDR5" its going to be the funniest day ever.

stage883903d ago

So they're saying PS4 will win?
That's strange of them.

nosferatuzodd3903d ago

shh let them live in their illusions

BlackTar1873903d ago

Why hasn't anyone given a counter point to him though?

It is kinda funny that you say i don't want to discuss it. Why are you here then? Its rather shallow and pathetic to be honest to spend your time responding a second time with such a feeble response.

Discuss it with me then. I am much more even and i prefer the PS family and brand and games over all others but that doesn't make me stupid, blind or ignorant. So go ahead and throw your pitch at me and if i can rebuttal i will if i can't then you win.

Rageanitus3903d ago (Edited 3903d ago )

DO not underestimate the console market..... Just look at last generation alot of console only players thought many of the features are TRULY INVOVATIVE when they have been on on PC's for the longest time.

Just like the most graphics are portrayed console vs PC.... most console only players think PC graphics are NOT that much better even though they dont have a PC gaming rig.

Sorry to say this but there are alot of ppl out there who are not aware of better graphics, MODS, free DLC, voice chat etc etc etc .

Some ppl really choose to be closed minded (ahem look at the apple market) and this is when marketing comes into play. Good marketing with a decent working product can get you a long way.

Sarick3903d ago (Edited 3903d ago )

"Bottom line. Microsoft changed their vision to match the competition. That's not innovation. That's adjustment."

I disagree, they changed their bottom line because their aggressive money making policies caused enough customer backlash to force a restructure/redesign.

Remember the three basic laws of a successful business. Lowest number ALWAYS has priority.

1. Self preservation of company and/or it's investments.
2. Create products/services in it's interest unless they conflict with the first rule.
3. Serve the public demand/interest unless they conflict with the first or second rule.

MS had to take action or risk the #1 rule of preserving their investments. This meant changing a few policies. This wasn't because they where nice people but because the loyalty of it's customer market was collapsing with EXTREME prejudice.

The fact is Microsoft wanted to make games licensed content so they could control first sale rights much like they do with their OEM software. It was more or less was making the physical disc digital copies. Thankfully most of the public including a lot of previous Microsoft fans stood up and said HELL NO!

I'm glad they did.

TheHybrid3903d ago

Calm down man. You don't have to buy an Xbox just buy a wii or ps4 and be happy

TheHybrid3903d ago

You sony fanboys all sound like my grandparents. "Who needs a phone with the computer on it?"

"Why do I need a camera in my phone, I already have a Polaroid"

"Who needs the Internet, my system of messenger pigeons has worked fine for years"

Campy da Camper3903d ago

Because when I'm hired to photograph a wedding I use my Nexus and when I want to speak to my dying grandpa I message him over the internet instead of visiting in person. /s

rainslacker3903d ago (Edited 3903d ago )

Maybe you should listen to your elders.

Most people do not need a phone with a computer in it.

Most people do not need a camera in their phones.

And the internet, while beneficial for some things, is a cesspool of hate and ignorance.

No one needs these things, they provide convenience or entertainment. For a game console, I'd prefer it focus on games at a company wide level instead of trying to be a jack of all trades. When you look at devices where the main focus isn't games, the games tend to be lackluster, because all those other things take focus away from what it is. Offering those features is fine, and even a good thing, focusing on those features is not a good way to sell a game machine to a gamer.

GodGinrai3903d ago


PowerVr sums it up eloquently you were not asking for debate you are picking a fight.

I am going to pretend you didnt post it the way you did and read it like this:

Heavy: "honest question you guys, and im not saying this to pick a fight. But what is so innovative about Xbox one? I have other devices that do those things. What is about Xbox one that you guys find innovative.I am not convinced. but I am open to serious discussion about it"

Had you phrased it like that you would have had some freindly, civil, polite ..and maybe even informative responses.

Assuming I read your question the polite way, I am going to say what I find innovative about it all.I am not going to bash..i am not going to flame:

lets start here:
"How is it innovative? Many things have been done already, just check Comcast X1.
"TV and sports"
You can switch between TV and games with a remote controller, you only need to press it twice,"

comcast is not a gaming service. they certainly dont make a console. yet X1 is the console with those features...In addition to being a hardcore games console.yes you can use a remote to change your TV..but a console that can control your TV via voice while keeping you inside the consoles OS..that has never been done before. A smart TV can snap...but can it puase my game, turn on my Xbox or change game? can it recognize when my girl is now operating it and she want to do a bit of zumba or kinect sports2? no..a smart tv cant. certainly not the remote for my TV. And let me just say, I appreciate what zumbz has done for my girls abs. I am quiete happy to buy her the next one. Think about all of that stuff with an objective mind for a moment. you wanted debate and freindly conversation. here it is.

"Nothing has been shown from MS to sell Kinect to the hardcore gamers, just some laggy games like the fighting one. It will end up being like the first Kinect"

I agree its uses as a full on controller for our types of games are extremely limited. but this is two fold. For the casual stuff..its faster and more accurate. Its TV/sports/media/apps control and functionality. those are things that casuals..like my brother..like my girlfriend..many of my freinds and family and Im sure that applies to many of you guys too...they will lap that stuff up. simply because this kind of stuff has never been delivered to them in this kind of package before.

Sony..much like apple..much like google..want living room domination. sony are not fools. they have been pretty active about pursuing cable on PS4. As devices converge people will want something that can be a central hub of sorts. a games console is a great way to get their fast. MS have known that for a long time, but they have learned the hard way..and rightfully so..that the gamers come first. That does not mean they cannot pursue their bigger goal..but they needed to deliver it in a box that could really do alot of different things. X1 will be an amazing chord cutter in alot of homes.

This is just my opinion of course.

buynit3903d ago

Well said.. I couldnt of said it better, you actualy made me want to get zumba for my wifes abs! Lol

3903d ago
Belking3903d ago

xboxone is't innovative but adding a touch pad to a controller is?...lol MS has shown much more innovative stuff than the competition.

custom music while playing a game
Natural user interface with kinect
brought apps and os to consoles
online gaming on a console

and those are just for xbox and the 360....xbox one is bringing even more.

BlackTar1873903d ago

Broadband? Really?

Custom music? Okay ill give
Xbox live? Well yea can't have xbox live on a non MS console.
Brought apps? I don't think this is true both consoles released out the gate with some addon Apps.
Online gaming on a console? This has been done before xbox.

Why is it xbox fans like to give all the credit for pregression to MS?

2cents3903d ago


You are correct in your summation of ideas put together.

The beauty that beholds me lies within the elegance with witch it has been put together. Especially the way that kinect has been, not integrated, but built as a foundation of the consoles experience.

I'm not trying to say your wrong, just that I think your words are very diminishing of what has gone into the creation of the Xbox one experience. I read this article and it's not very good, and I can see why you would want to write what you have based on the language of this piece.

But there is no need to hate on it, because of yet another opinion piece.
Just as easy to appreciate what has gone into the creation of both, and make a personal choice for the console that suits your needs.

3903d ago
Heartnet3903d ago

You mention a ton of devices that do 1 or 2 of those things But the Xbox1 does them all.. Thats why it will do well... People dont like stacking boxes and cables behind their TV when they can just have 1 Box...

And this isnt about the hardcore gamers! This is about convinience for everyone... Consoles arnt just aimed at harrdcore gamers as their seen as Entertainment systems more than anything else which appeals to a larger market...

MicDude3903d ago

I don't think that TV and Sports are the selling factors of the X1 to the general consumer. I think the biggest selling factor is convince.

Being able to instantly switch between watching TV and Games and the other apps with voice control and this hand gestures. Also having all of your entertainment devices controlled by one box. It is just more convenient. Is it the right business strategy? IDK. We shall see.

StoutBEER3903d ago

You skipped over one feature i'm really excited for. Can play a game or watch a vid on youtube while matchmaking is searching. I have ADD so this is fucking great for me.

JustPlay43903d ago

I know, what is this innovation they keep talking about I just don't see it if someone can explain it to me I might get it but for now I see nothing that the X1 can do that would ever make me go "I have to have It!!!" and it never will

BallsEye3902d ago

Project Spark and recording your own animations for the game, voice over and facial expressions. Go check it on youtube. Btw no kinect 2 doesn't really lag, something just wrong with that game.

+ Show (25) more repliesLast reply 3902d ago
NatureOfLogic3903d ago

'Xbox One will win because I said so' is all I got from the article. What's so innovative about X1? kinect 2.0? things already available on Xbox 360. Saying the core gamers and press don't matter, you're clearly delusional and in denial. That said, what caused all of these 180s by MS. It's wasn't the M$heep or apologist. It was the press and core gamers that made X1 unattractive for even the casuals. MS didn't see any of the pre-orders from casuals flowing in hence the 180s. I'm not surprise people still think X1 will come out on top, after all, people did defend Xbox One original announcement.

_QQ_3903d ago

I don't care about XBOX but lets be honest the only reason 'Xbox One will win because I said so' is all you got from the article, is because you didn't read past the title.

ape0073903d ago (Edited 3903d ago )

if MS made a kinectless SKU and advertise the hell out CoD (PSN's Most played game) and all other big 3rd party games like GTA having dedicated server support(less lag, less disconnections and more player count)

i think xbox one one can easily compete or beat ps4, it just need to be at the same price to do that

imagine how many crazy online people are gonna get an X1 over ps4 for that, same price, much better online gameplay

it's only a matter of time before MS remove mandatory kinect, free forza 5 and fifa 14 are huge signs of them wanting to move the 500$ model as fast as possible before introducing a 399$ SKU or a 350$ SKU kinectless one

Edit:LoL @ disagrees, looks like logic and reason are nowhere to be found on N4G, some people here are too emotional and confined to think outside the box

scott1823903d ago (Edited 3903d ago )

Sony made a thousand times worse impressions last gen to start, plus a $600 price tag and "no games" as Xbox fans would say. And they won monthly sales worldwide every single month.... Even if sony's was more expensive again this time around, there is no reason to think they wouldn't continue on that same path.

ape0073903d ago

it's price + bad first impressions MS made

3903d ago
corvusmd3903d ago

I agree that in the end XB1 will sell more or "win", after the initial anticipation of the PS4 wears off, and we realize there really isn't anything special about it...people will look to XB1 exclusives (that weren't already playing them) and then realize how much better the network is, and start doing all of their online play on XBL...it'll happen, but no doubt at first PS4 will take the lead, perhaps by a lot, but the fact that graphically both consoles are so similar now doesn't bode well for PS4 being as their only real advantage is a more powerful GPU, that is already easy to create for. No doubt games on both systems will get better, but the magic behind the PS4 GPU is no mystery...in fact it's greatest strength is that it's already optimized.

WeAreLegion3903d ago

The PS4 will have the better exclusives though.

corvusmd3903d ago

I whole-heartedly disagree with that...in fact I was fully convinced going into E3 that I was gonna have to shell out a ton of cash for both systems at launch this year...but the thing that turned me off first was the fact that I didn't care about ANY of the PS4 exclusives (except Order at first till I found out it was linear). I admit, it feels weird that this may be the first gen I don't get a PS4, but until the impress me with exclusives I care about then I'll put that money towards XB1 games, and enjoy a MUCH MUCH MUCH better network

Enemy3903d ago (Edited 3903d ago )

@ Corvusmd: Of course you'll disagree. But ask yourself: Who had the most GOTY winners this gen? Who has the best 1st party developers? Who had the most, successful new IPs? I'll answer for you: it's Sony, and always have been Sony since the PS1 days.

How many GOTY winners did Microsoft have? You don't understand that what we're seeing at launch is not what we'll see in 2014. I hope for your sake you're ready for what's coming from Sony. Naughty Dog/Santa Monica/Guerrilla/Media Molecule/Quantic Dream/Ready At Dawn are almost ready to show their new stuff. :)

Dobgamers3903d ago (Edited 3903d ago )


Hmmm... Let's compare the BIG titles shall we?

PS4: Killzone: SF (my most anticipated exclusive launch game), Driveclub and Knack.

XBOX ONE: Ryse Son of Rome, Forza 5, Dead Rising 3 and Killer Instinct.

They are all awesome, you can't say it that it's a fact unless that you're a SONY fanboy!

Aggesan3903d ago

Ps4 is stronger, less expensive and Sony has way more and better first party developers. That's all I care about.

ape0073903d ago (Edited 3903d ago )

it's not confirmed to make obvious difference over X1 graphically and besides X1 has better CPU and 32MB ESRAM, let's wait and see and compare games

and less expensive?, yes this is a legit point but MS can remove kinect at any time

dedicated servers for every game, Fact, sony doesn't have that on a large scale to support almost every 3rd party game like MS....

cell9893903d ago

@ape 32MB of ESRAM creates more bottlenecks than sticking with a unified DDR5 RAM architecture, so stop boasting about it like its actually an advantage. Microsoft is not going to remove Kinect its a fact, thats like removing the HDD, developers count on these features once integrated you can just remove them, besides Kinect is actually the only thing setting apart from the PS4

PS3 players have been enjoying dedicated servers for a long time ago, you really think Sony wont do the same for PS4 especially now that they be charging for online play.

scott1823903d ago

Fact: Microsoft's cloud was made for business first, and is also used for games. We don't know they will support every 3rd party game, or even most...

Sony's was built FOR games and gaming and will grow stronger, it wasn't built for Sony's business side.

Where is it confirmed that Microsoft's CPU is faster? the 32 ESRAM is for minor things like smoothing textures a bit.. Sony has strong enough ram to take the tiny hit.

Enemy3903d ago

@ Ape007: You clearly don't know what you're talking about. Time for a timeout, no? Maybe a juice box, a lunchable.

IcicleTrepan3903d ago (Edited 3903d ago )

You say this, but once Titanfall comes out, that box will be flying off the shelves and you know it. And once that's died down.. Halo 5 will come out. And you know what happens when a Halo game comes out, especially the first Halo game of a generation.

I think Sony does have good exclusives, but they do not move units and sell near as well as Xbox exclusives and it has nothing to do with which box is better at that point. They WILL sell millions upon millions of copies of Titanfall and Halo 5 no matter what you say.

The Halo series has sold 50 million games as of nearly one year ago. I'm sure we can expect another 50 million copies sold on the One. People like Master Chief.


Enemy3903d ago

^ Lol sales analysts should stop pretending to know what a good game is when your most successful game of all time is, by your standard, Call of Duty.

ShwankyShpanky3903d ago

@ape: "dedicated servers for every game, Fact."

...if the publisher pays for them. Any implication that dedicated servers are free or a given for all Xbone games is pure FUD. If you claim otherwise, provide a source.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3903d ago
aceitman3903d ago (Edited 3903d ago )

@corvusmd if sony takes the lead at the beginning no one will see ms make a comeback , people said sony will never make a comeback with ms having a year head start , that was proven false y sony exclusives and they built a better online to compete with live . sony is delivering early and will keep it going, ms doesn't have a chance next gen the way sony is taking the lead by a hefty margin on preorders. and sony will show its true powers with exclusives coming soon from naughtydog and other 1st party devs.

Lboogieskells3903d ago

Mark Cerny has stated the the devs won't take full advantage of the PS4's GPU until 3-4 years from now.

nycgamer4ever3903d ago (Edited 3903d ago )

We really need a corporate shill button on N4G. I don't have anything against any of the consoles and I have a strong pc but some of you MS guys are really starting to sound delusional. Unless you are paid by these corporations or delusional I don't see what you have to gain by saying these dumb things. It isn't going to change anyone's mind, and just make you sound dumb.

That being said I can't wait to get my next gen console. I'm not going to say which one so I don't get judged.


Edit: I changed all references to retarded to dumb or delusional because it isn't fair to people with real mental disabilities.

nycgamer4ever3903d ago

That reminds me I have to get back to P4G on my Vita.

5h4h4b3903d ago

Actually I think x1 will be in more trouble once the hype of its non-gaming features is over and it will be lacking on exclusives. And that inferior specs will age sooner than ps4's better specs. On the other hand you can be sure that ps4 will continue to output excellent games, yes games, that's the purpose of its creation, not watching tv.

scott1823903d ago

You not being interested in any of Sony's exclusives is a personal taste thing... Obviously many people disagree with that because of the large rate at which people are pre ordering Killzone sf and other sony games. People have huge interest in sony's launch games.

cell9893903d ago

lol in the end the xbone will sell more? just like the 360 outsold the PS3 with a year head start and at a lower price?

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3903d ago
Roper3163903d ago

LOL, Ok good luck with that. LOL

Show all comments (167)

Microsoft's Absurd Antics Have Me Scared For Dishonored And Arkane Lyon's Future

With Arkane Austin no more and Lyon living for who knows how long, the superb Dishonored is in serious danger; Microsoft cannot be trusted.

Relientk771d ago

I love the Dishonored series so much and really want Dishonored 3. Microsoft better not screw this up.

JEECE21h ago

I mean, I think the fans will probably kill Arkane Lyon by cooking up reasons to hate whatever they do next without playing it. I've never seen a game so artificially disliked as Deathloop.

thesoftware73021h ago

Lol, why don't we just say, we are worried about all studios owned by MS now. They will keep closing studios until they have none left ...🙄

Skuletor18h ago

Just merge them all into a single studio, have it churn out a single Call of Duty every year and call it a day, lol.

Barlos18h ago

Don't be scared, you'll be fine.

Skuletor18h ago

It's exputer, fine is one word I would not associate with them.

Profchaos17h ago

I think it's becoming clear based on matt bootys comments there's no future for any IP that can't sell above 10 million within the launch window. But is also a small game that gives them prestige

/S it's beyond a joke right now

Show all comments (9)

More Job Losses At Xbox, “There’s More To Come”: Paul Thurrott

Paul Thurrott in a recent episode commented on the on-going Microsoft fiasco hinting at more job losses and that "there's more to come".

Read Full Story >>
Sonic18813d ago (Edited 3d ago )

There won't be no more acquiring game publishers from Microsoft in the future . Xbox has to pay Microsoft back. It might take two decades to do that.

sagapo2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

I don’t understand what you’re saying. Xbox IS microsoft so there’s no “paying back “.
And MS gross profit in 2023 was over 140 billion dollars so forget your 2 decades.

Unless you mean the money MS invested in Xbox (acquisitions included) and the time it will take for xbox as a brand to gain that money back on it’s own, then yeah, that could take a while.

romulus232d ago

The better term to use might be return on investment, xbox is simply a division of Microsoft one that MS can easily do away with if profit margins are not met. So in that regard he's right, if xbox isn't showing the expected return on investment the higher ups are expecting than it's unlikely Microsoft will acquire any other studios any time soon, especially if they are spending billions buying developers just to shut them down in the end.

MrBaskerville2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Xbox is a division that they discussed shutting down but doubled down on after Gamepass was pitched.

It needs to make money at some point. Big money.

rokos2d ago

According to Statista the net income of Microsoft is about $72.4 billion dollars which is a bit lower than last year profit. That is almost as much as Activision's acquisition but I assume that would be a one off since it costs so much plus I see how their focus has been shifted to AI, thus any major future investments will probably be in that area.

Markusb332d ago

i think you are really missing the point

VariantAEC1d 20h ago

That is not why MS buys studios. They might continue to buy because it's about taking that sweet sweet IP out of the corporate husks of their acquisitions.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1d 20h ago
SonyStyled2d ago

“There won't be no more acquiring game publishers from Microsoft in the future”

No bro, there do be is for Microsoft not acquiring for what is now if not what it be is 😂

2d ago Replies(2)
ChasterMies2d ago

Xbox isn’t a separate company from Microsoft. It’s all Microsoft.

Abear212d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Let’s be real, this is the media spinning all the acquisitions and liquidations of said developers and spinning it to make M$ the villain.

This was bound to happen, a bigger slice of pie and cut costs, when the games come they stand to make more and that’s their agenda—it was the writing on the wall when the sales went through and legally all those who approved the sale and mergers knew this would happen.

Snowflakes need to realize business is ugly and you can cry all you want but this is how capitalism works. And it works.

That said, M$ needs to steer the narrative and grab hold of all this, make their plans known, hype the hell out of all those dead IP’s they plan to revive, and be honest about the timeline. This is likely to involve mobile and IP on other consoles, and most people realize that.

The problem is this company is incapable of being transparent and seems to often want to dissuade and confuse is customer base. The lack of E3 has hurt Microsoft and I don’t think they know how to properly or effectively market their brand anymore.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1d 20h ago
jwillj2k43d ago

There really needs to be a class action lawsuit here. You buy these companies just to put people out of jobs. And it’s not like something happened to derail their plans this WAS the plan. Microsoft has no business in this space at all.

franwex3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

Microsoft has been doing this for years. They simply want the IPs. Look at Nokia. Look at Skype. This time it simply expanded to games. Gaming is not as important to Microsoft’s executives as it was to the founders too. Bill Gates was willing to sell the og Xbox at a loss. Steve Balmer approved the red ring of death fiasco. This CEO isn’t really a gamer.

-Foxtrot3d ago

Maybe it's time though to put a stop to it and use a big giant like Microsoft as a huge example to the rest of these big companies.

There has to be a line drawn somewhere.

People like the FTC and the like went against Microsoft yet their Actvision deal was still allowed to go through yet look what's happened...it's not even Acitivisions studios aswell, it's Bethesdas.

VariantAEC1d 20h ago


Try several decades, and in the gaming space 2.3 decades.

Jon615862d ago

You do realize this happens in ALL industries? Or are you just saying this because it is Microsoft? In any case I feel for those that are being let go but the trch industry is suffering right now.

jwillj2k42d ago (Edited 2d ago )

This absolutely does NOT happen all the time. Let me know the last time 1 company with a terrible product track record spent 100 billion onto acquire MULTIPLE successful companies in under a year only to shut them down and stop making their products regardless of how successful they were. Not merge them, completely shut them down.

And you can’t use Microsoft in your example.

Notellin2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Class action lawsuit? The law is on their side and protects them at all costs. There are no rules to protect the people at the bottom.

jwillj2k42d ago

Not true when it comes to mass layoff do your research.

RNTody3d ago

Ninja Theory, Perfect Dark, Crash Bandicoot, Spyro, Wolfenstein 3, Dishonored, Prey, Doom, Quake... something tells me that bad things are going to happen to these entities under Microsoft.

MrDead2d ago

ID software, the makers of Doom and Wolfenstein that have been with us since 1991 could be gone and MS will keep the IPs.

I hope some of these studios can buy their freedom from MS otherwise this is going to be even more devastating for the industry and gamers.

Yui_Suzumiya2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

That's exactly what I'm worried about. I've been a fan of id since Wolfenstein 3D and I'm honestly afraid.

lodossrage2d ago

Toys for Bob saw the writing on the wall and bought themselves out.

Wouldn't be the first time a company did that under MS either. Bungie and Twisted Pixel did the same. Considering what just happened, I can see some other devs trying to buy themselves out too.

anast3d ago

Good thing the bosses of all those small studios made their money.

glenn19792d ago

they cant do it right now they will get burned

XiNatsuDragnel2d ago

Phil and his team need to be gone

lodossrage2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Won't make a difference.

The whole structure needs to be overhauled. Anyone that replaces Phil will be no different than him, Mattrick, or anyone else.

Until the company changes how they go about business, nothing will change

glenn19792d ago

I just don't have any idea what they would do , they have done sooo much damage on their xbox brand, they have a show at July or June I think, but will it even matter even they show amazing games, idkn

lodossrage2d ago


But they may as well get it over with. Whether it happens now or later, the burning is going to hit the same.

Reality is the ONE move that can alleviate a lot of this is the one move they can't make. Remove day 1 from gamepass.

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Microsoft Opening Xbox Mobile Game Store in July

The Xbox brand is expanding, as an Xbox mobile game store is opening this coming July where Microsoft will brings its "first-party portfolio."

Jin_Sakai4d ago (Edited 4d ago )

“Bond adds that they will start on the web”

This will go nowhere.

Nice knowing you Xbox. This is what happens when the house never gets cleaned.

MrDead4d ago

The only this MS is expanding is the amount of feculence it sprays on everyone who just want to enjoy gaming and make games.

The best thing MS can do for the gaming industry is leave and never return.

XiNatsuDragnel4d ago

Good luck with this even it might not succeed.

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