Helldivers 2 Community United in Welcoming a Returning Player

Helldivers 2 player looking at the moon

Helldivers 2 fans have faced a lot of controversies over time. With recent weapon nerfs and a disappointing new Warbond, Polar Patriots, fans are wondering whether they should keep playing. While going through social media posts, one thing stands out – no matter the topic, the disappointment, or all the rants over the new patches, the players of the Helldivers community stand united. The fans support each other, showing that they are, in fact, a true community.

Should a Helldiver Stay or Go?

Recently, one of the former players, PassengerSad8286 contemplated returning to Helldivers 2 after a break. They said: ”Stopped playing a little after the second Warbond. Felt like the developers kept taking away everything that was fun. I thought about coming back and checking out the last two Warbonds and then I saw these posts from the CEO. I also saw there’s a lot of drama with the devs, again…”. Arrowhead CEO Pilestedt made the post in question.

He took to X to address the players’ concerns over new patches. He posted: ”Hey, yeah, I think we’ve gone too far in some areas. Will talk to the team about the approach to balance. It feels like every time someone finds something fun, the fun is removed”. Once again, he showed a true understanding of Helldivers 2 players and made a gesture of goodwill.

Helldivers 2 player on an escorting civilians holding the Stalwart
Image via N4G Unlocked

Some Helldivers noted all the features that bother them, as well as the approach to fixing them. DMercenary said: ”As for balance yeah right now it seems like Devs have taken the tactic of Whack-A-Meta. That gun being used too much? Nerf. That gun working too well? Nerf!”. They added: ”Don’t get me wrong the game is still fun but dev decisions are often baffling”.

Another player, usmcBrad93, gave some suggestions: ”Devs need to stop nerfing the guns, stop removing their core features, let the guns be dangerous and kill us (that s**t is fun), add difficulties, add more heavies, etc. We should be able to f**k s**t up, like for real, glass these f****rs. People who speak against making all guns great (Power Creep, game would be too easy, etc.) need to realize, that the difficulties can be added onto with more modifiers, hardcore features & rewards as well, everyone gets what they want”.

What Can a Future Fan Hope For?

Obviously, the fans are unsatisfied and the balance team needs to get their act together. Expectations are rising for the next patch, given the CEO’s recent statements. As for the question of returning or leaving it for good, we think it’s worth sticking for a while longer. This kind of camaraderie is hard to find.

DigestingBeef recalled a positive experience with a level 20 player on their team. They said: ”This is the helldiver community I signed up for”. The joy that we feel upon seeing an interaction like this is immeasurable. This is the Helldivers community we signed up for.


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