
Nintendo explains 'why we're still in the hardware business'


"Go third-party." That's the advice Nintendo has received for a long time. Even before the company shipped the massively-successful Wii, analysts have always been bearish on Nintendo's position as a hardware manufacturer.

But, so long as Nintendo's making games, they will not back down on making hardware. Nintendo of America senior director of corporate communications Charlie Scibetta told us that "Nintendo systems come to life the best when the hardware and software work in perfect harmony. That's why we're still in the hardware business, because we think our hardware is the best way to bring software to life."

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kirbyu3970d ago

I am so tired of seeing pictures like that.

IG-883970d ago

Yeah, they really should update that to a PS4 case! ;)

PopRocks3593970d ago

I really love it when smug fanboys get away with comments like this. Thing is if anyone said "Wow, wouldn't it be cool to have a Wii U copy of Little Big Planet?", they would lose all of their bubbles within the month.

Utalkin2me3970d ago

I really love people with No sense of humor, makes smug comments, and call people fanboys. But has 7 bubbles...N4G works in mysterious ways.

IG-883970d ago

YES! I am now a smug fanboy!!! My life is now complete!!!!

PopRocks3593970d ago


I think I'm well within my right not to laugh considering I've read that joke about a hundred times in the past six months. Sorry that my lack of enthusiasm and my bubble count offend you so.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3970d ago
ziratul3970d ago

PS and XBOX fanboys are jealous of Nintendo Wii U exclusives so they would like to play them on PS/XBOX..... I HOPE NEVER...!!!

JuleyJules3970d ago

What's pathetic about articles like this is that Nintendo will never publish on other systems. Fans of Sony/MS constantly put Nintendo and Nintendo fans down for liking games like Mario and Zelda YET they constantly dream on that one day they'll play the games on PS4/Xbone! Just accept the fact that you need Wii U to play them and enjoy the best of both worlds.

SockeyBoy3970d ago

I died a little when I saw Sega games on a Nintendo console :(

Mounce3970d ago

Does it upset Nintendo fans that much to view a What-if proposition that Nintendo successfully makes themselves a software giant?

Honestly, because Nintendo would be making a lot of profit if they were multiplatform.... every Fan, Gamer and even the In-denial fanboys all know that those who buy Nintendo consoles, buy it for the Nintendo games.

So, what if Nintendo didn't make a console and the games that everyone wanted were free to be bought on say, the 'ONE' console you bought? Say, PS4. You'd get Sony's great exclusives AND get to play your nostalgic-milking fan-favorite Nintendo games. Nintendo has nothing to lose, except their stubborn japanese pride.

Brasi19893970d ago

Sony should drop out of hardware and make multiplat games that way I can play their games on my platform of choice. See how much sense that makes when you turn it around? Your argument could be made for every hardware manufacturer. However, consoles dropping out is bad for us as consumers. With little to no competition innovation gets left by the wayside and advancement slows considerably. Everyone should just enjoy your preferred console and stop complaining about not getting to play others First party games on it.

JuleyJules3970d ago

To keep it simple Sony/MS can make their exclusives multi-platform so everyone's happy. That scenario is as likely as Nintendo games going multi-platform.

Polysix3970d ago (Edited 3970d ago )

@brasil no that makes no sense because sony (and even MS god help them) make MUCH MORE POWERFUL HARDWARE!!!

You are foolish to not even want to imagine the possibility of Nintendo IP on POWERFUL consoles!!

If Nintendo made a competitive console themselves then we wouldn't be saying this at all.

And if Sony made a low horse power console like Wii while Nintendo made a console like PS4 then yes it would make sense to ask Sony to go software only

that is what you Ninty fans are not getting, it's nothing against nintendo but they are holding themselves back, and you hardcore N fans are too precious and too selfish by the sounds of it. Does it matter which hardware so long as it's GOOD hardware that we can all play those good Nintendo games on?

Nintendo have shown no signs of wanting to keep up with technology, none at all, and now we just about scrape full HD versions of the same looking games as last gen, in fact LAST last gen - no mistakes these are HD gamecube graphics with a bit more power added. We all known Nintendo make great games, a PS fan like me also owned a gamecube, GBA, DS my gf has a 3DS - we are all consumers, gamers and don't have to have an either/or situation. We just want a BETTER system than what Nintendo seem to offer (online, tech specs, controller etc).

Nintendo would make far more profit for sure.

If they announced a console next year that was x2 the power of PS4 then fair enough, keep those exclusives and I'd buy their hardware because it would also attract the best 3rd party games - as it is Nintendo have problems getting enough good 3rd party games.. they are effectively holding their own IP to ransom which is just silly when you think about it.

Mounce3970d ago

@Brasi1989 No, Brasi, you can't turn it around. Know the difference?

Third party developers don't like Wii, or Wii U. Sony and Microsoft don't have PROBLEMS getting simple bloody games. Wii U/Nintendo can't even bloody get EA and FIFA anymore. So, no. All Nintendo has going for it is their IP's

Seems I can't speak logically or with business around here, too many frantic and delusional Nintendo fanboys who're still stuck in the 80s and 90s....

ziratul3970d ago

I DON'T WANT to buy PS4 or XBOX because I already have a PC! 400$ for low end PC??? No way. Wii U is console PS4 and XBOX are not consoles, they are PC's with gamepads.

Mounce3970d ago

@ziratul - Well, it won't be anyones' problem on what great exclusives and 1st-party games you'll be missing out that won't infact go on the PC.

No matter how much you cry with bias, the reality goes back to: "Games make the console great, the console does not make the games great" - Sony guarantees excellence in their 1st party studios. Microsoft publishes a great handful of Xbox-related exclusive content and Nintendo does their own but in a reduced amount as I could easily ask what their last New IP was and the answer in my mind is Pikmin 1 for the Gamecube which was roughly 7-8 years ago.

To be strapped for cash is understandable, to not be able to afford all the consoles. However, to be ignorantly biased? No excuse. Just petty emotions robbing people like you of your freedom to think rationally. So, yea. Good luck playing games like The Last of Us on PC... I'll be content with my gaming laptop and PS4, tyvm.

Sincere01213970d ago

But the gameplay wouldn't be as good on other consoles because of the dodgy controllers. it would spoil the whole gaming experience and wouldn't look right.

gamer423970d ago

Their last new Ip from their first party studios is Xenoblade, which came in 2012 for the wii (2011 in Japan I think). It seems you have no affinity for nintendo games and that's okay, you can have opinions. But assuming that they would make more money from being third party in sort of silly. A majority of the money they make comes from their hardware sells and software sells, get rid of hardware, you get rid of what makes up a lot of their income, an amount selling a ridiculous amount of software could fix, but that would mean trying to get Mario Kart wii types of sales, something very hard to accomplish. They'd still make money, but not as much as if they stay in the hardware business.
In the end nintendo wouldn't be helping themselves at all by going third party.

TURKEYonWH3AT3970d ago

Nintendo is already a software giant.

Mounce3970d ago


Well, my only response really is that you're weirdly confusing Xenoblade as a Nintendo IP when Monolith Soft made it....Nintendo simply Published it. Nintendo OWNS Monolith Soft but that has no hold over their creative abilities am sure. It simply means that they make games only for Nintendo consoles where-as they used to make games for PS2 and the like.

As such, Nintendo didn't make Xenoblade and at that, the Xeno-saga has existed LONNNNNG before Nintendo ACQUIRED Monolith. You cannot count that as a 'Nintendo IP' for those multiple reasons, the Xeno saga existing before-hand of it becoming exclusive and before Namoco dropped out, the fact that Nintendo themselves didn't make it. It goes back that Pikmin was still their studios-last New-IP.

OwlEyes3969d ago

Nintendo are already a software giant.

Any other console, selling 20m copies of one game would make you the best selling software - on the Wii, 20m wouldn't even be enough to even get you into the top 5.

Mounce3969d ago

@Owleyes - Yes, and Majority of the games you list as selling over 20 million were games that simply shipped with a Console SKU - Meaning the game sold because the console that the person bought had it come with it and it was listed as Software-sold.

That's why Wii Sports is so high(80 mil?) - So, that means Wii Sports, Wii Mario, Wii Sports resort, and variably Wii Fit, Wii Fit Plus and New Super Mario Bros Wii all sold the highest and were the ones that were paired with a console. The one underneath those Console-Sku sales, which by contributing them as it is JUST 'Software sold' when that's not the case, is Super Mario Galaxy which on its own sold well of 11.7M and SSBB at 11.5'ish Mil.

Your methods of saying WHY Nintendo are software giants are, Biased and flawed if anything.

If every single PS3 had Killzone 2 'OR' any named exclusive, and 70 million bought it - it too would look like the game itself sold a shitload.... Outside of 'Mario/Zelda' doing well on their own, GTA series and COD are the other contenders I guess these days. Then, Gran Turismo.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 3969d ago
duckmysick3970d ago

I know you love Nintendo.. But only good can come from them going third party. That Zelda ps3 case is delicious! They would be the biggest third party in the universe! Basically printing $$$... Their hardware is what's keeping them back. If they were to full out balls to the wall console like ps4 and Xbox (d)one they would get shafted.. Cause other companies can't compete. Its coming bro.. Its coming.

duckmysick3970d ago

Can't compete with Nintendo games on Nintendo hardware... Just keep handhelds. Bring zelda, punchout and metroid on ps# and sit back...all marios stay on handhelds.

kirbyu3970d ago

It wouldn't be good for me.

bass4g3970d ago

Or they would lose all relevancy and become like sega. Unfortunately the latter is more likely to be the case.

N4g_null3970d ago

Mariokart 8 and x is why they still make hardware.

PerryCaravello3970d ago

In a few years you'll be accepting the reality of that picture lol.

BosSSyndrome3970d ago

That's what they said before...
about 12 times or so...

kirbyu3970d ago

Yeah sure, I get upset about it when it isn't real, but when it is....

3-4-53970d ago

Nintendo games belong on Nintendo consoles and everybody knows that. There needs to be differences otherwise we get stuff like what Microsoft tried to pull.

Imagine if all 3 companies did what MS tried to do and we had no other choice ?

Choice and options are good, hence why they are so popular within the games we love.

PerryCaravello3970d ago

It's irrelevant what you think "belongs" and "where."

Nintendo could make billions in profit off going third party. The company would be a very strong software developer and their stock could actually rise.

It's irrelevant as a hardware competitor. It's a secondary console at best, it's not competition lol.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3969d ago
Gamesgbkiller3970d ago (Edited 3970d ago )

Cool box art.

I wish Nintendo was with Sony. ( WTH I'm saying this )

They could do a really good job with the games.

Concertoine3970d ago

If nintendo adopted the more modern view on gaming that Sony did (ie, online play in the new mario which is sorely lacking), they'd be my favorite of the big 3 EASY.

AdvanceWarsSgt3970d ago

But that also mean all of their games would be more realistic in graphical presentation, which is something I'm not a fan of.

A Nintendo that pumps out realistic games is a Nintendo that I don't want.

IG-883970d ago (Edited 3970d ago )

it almost happened(at least them working together):

but then we got the PlayStation and the rest is history.

pr0t0typeknuckles3970d ago

sometimes i wonder how the industry would be today had they stayed together,would we still have sega,would microsoft have entered the industry,so many what if possibilities.

IG-883970d ago

well if they did it now the first party exclusives would melt people's faces.
kind of like this:

BosSSyndrome3970d ago

There's a video series of that on youtube by archimedes123.

Shnazzyone3970d ago

I wish Sony was with nintendo... and pc. But oh well.

MoveTheGlow3970d ago (Edited 3970d ago )

I love Nintendo - absolutely love them as game designers and portable system manufacturers. Those portables have lasted forever for me! Great stuff.

But... I agree. If Scibetta's point is that the software is all tuned for one system, why not join with Sony? Then you've got one home console. Heck, have Nintendo do portable systems and Sony do home consoles, those are their strong points. Then you've shored up the Japanese market, and you make a console that is extremely distinctive from Microsoft OR Steam/PC - exclusive games from the best Japanese designers on great hardware.

But I get it if Scibetta's playing coy and actually saying "Look, our systems actually turn a profit. They're low-cost, and by optimizing our games for them, we still stand out and profit on the actual systems in the long run." If he just came out and said that, absolutely, I'd get it.

Honestly, I think there's still bad blood from the N64/Playstation breakup between Sony and Nintendo, where the Playstation was supposed to be a Nintendo console made by Sony, and something... Something happened. Ugh. And then the CDi happened. I'd be pissed for decades too.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3970d ago
_QQ_3970d ago

I really hope they don't stop making hardware as they are the only ones who don't just make a mid PC with a Brand name on it.

wishingW3L3970d ago

like if they couldn't make those crappy gimmicky peripheral on other consoles....

_QQ_3970d ago (Edited 3970d ago )

They have tried but it never works for them because they don't have the ability or talent to support it in a AAA experience, Move/eye toy/kinect/sixaxis

Brasi19893970d ago

This probably the most accurate statement I've heard about the other console manufacturers. +B

Trago13373970d ago

None of the big three should go away.

Less competition's bad for EVERYONE.

MoveTheGlow3970d ago (Edited 3970d ago )

Capitalism should work in such a way that someone else steps up to the plate. Should. I'm not saying it works that way all the time, look at Walmart or GameStop... But it should work that way. When Sega couldn't do it anymore, MS not only emerged, it put the rest of Sega's Dreamcast lineup on their system. After all, this generation, don't we have a big four? Hasn't Valve made the PC market that accessible? Isn't Nintendo mostly flexing portable muscles at this point?

Aces173970d ago

I really wish they would. I'm only 17 so I don't have money to spend on a WiiU and another console for third party games.

pr0t0typeknuckles3970d ago

well easy solution dont buy it,im 17 and the way i get consoles is buy saving up money by doing jobs for people.

Shnazzyone3970d ago

Get a job and save the money, it wont take long. Do it while you're not paying for rent and bills. 2-3 weeks you got a wii U. 1 month and you got a nice pot for ps4 when it comes out.

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Crows9012d ago

Pure unadulterated fun. They don't make them like this anymore...especially not the triple A industry.

FinalFantasyFanatic11d ago

Back when video rental was a thing, I rented out Majoria's Mask, I never finished it though. I did buy the 3DS version before the eshop shutdown, so maybe one day I'll finally play through the whole thing, it's amazing how well these games hold up though. I briefly played Ocarina of Time for a while and it was really fun.


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