
PS4 FPS was in the works at Zipper before it closed

Zipper Interactive was developing two unannounced titles before it was closed by Sony - including a first-person shooter for PlayStation 4.

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majiebeast4028d ago (Edited 4028d ago )

Nothing of value was lost. Zipper has been below par since Socom 3. Now their budgets are going to more talented studios.

If team ICO doesnt show Last Guardian at E3 this year for PS3/PS4 they can close that down aswell for all i care. Cause the budget for that game is at this point massive, that they couldve expanded Sucker punch and get Naughty Dog a third team or acquire a new studio.

The reason studio Liverpool got merged with evolution is because the only thing they made was Wipeout and the rest of their concepts for games just werent impressive.

jimbobwahey4028d ago ShowReplies(5)
Merrill4028d ago (Edited 4028d ago )

While I agree Zipper's quality all but disappeared, it didn't start at Socom 3. Socom 3 was amazing and I enjoyed literally thousands of hours online with it.

They owned PS2 online.

MAG & Socom 4 on the other hand were a mess, especially Socom 4, just terrible. I still enjoyed MAG, but it had some fundamental flaws that they never fixed.

MaxXAttaxX4028d ago

Socom 4 felt like a third-person COD. Considering this canceled game was an FPS, they might have gone full COD with it.
Everybody knows you never go full COD.

hellzsupernova4028d ago

i bought both of those games too! socom 4 wtf happened! i just wanted socom 2 dammit zipper why you have to drop to those standards. aparently Unit 13 was good though

garos824027d ago

Can't talk about socom but MAG was far from a mess.I think it was one of the few true innovative fps of this generation

BattleAxe4027d ago

@ Merrill,

I agree 100%. I loved Socom 2 the most, but Socom 3 and Socom: Combined Assault were two of the best multiplayer games to this date. My entire clan moved over to Socom 3 when it came out and we all loved it. Even though the maps were bigger and had vehicles, the core game mechanics were kept the same, which is something that we can't say for Socom: Confrontation and Socom: 4. Anyone who says that they didn't like Socom 3, probably didn't play it for more than a few days.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4027d ago
Eyeco4028d ago

It kills me but I agree with Majiebeast on this one, You guys have got to look at it from a logical standpoint, whether you liked them or not, Eat Sleep Play , Zipper (post ps2), LightBox interactive games received lukewarm reviews as well as lukewarm sales realistically there dead weight.

Sony needs less dev's like the above and more dev's like Media Molecule, Naughty Dog, SSM, developing more established, more profitable franchises, or if there serious start purchasing smaller 3rd party devs like FromSoftwareInc or Thatgamecompany, I can't think of another reason as to why SuperBot was dropped , lukewarm reviews, lukewarm sales, it's that simple.

Tultras4027d ago

The starhawk beta was one of the BEST multiplayer experiences I had, it was like playing Star Wars battlefront all over again. :').

kupomogli4027d ago

Playstation All Stars has some pretty good sales with what I'd assume isn't really massive budget. The game is also sitting at 75 on metacritic which I'd say are somewhat positive reviews. The problem with Playstation All Stars is that the game was released with a ridiculous amount of bugs, so there's constant freezing, problems where the game screws up, etc, both offline and online.

As many complaints as they were receiving, they patched the game and none of the bugs have been fixed. One of the bugs, the character switch bug happens less often, but it's not completely fixed as it still happens but very rarely, and it's the only day one bug that has been fixed. The more patches that they release, the more problems they add. The game is even more bug ridden than it was originally. What's really sad is that it's got more unpatched game breaking bugs than Oblivion(haven't played Skyrim) and it's not even open world.

I honestly think that Sony looked at all the complaints, saw nothing was getting done, and saw how broken the game is, decided to drop SuperBot. I would have dropped them as well. For the entire studio being handpicked specifically for their development and fighting game background, they failed on both accounts.

hkgamer4027d ago

not sure if this is correct, but I think team ICO is a small team.

It has exapnded alot compared to when they started but if this site shows every employee that works for them then it shouldn't have cost them too much.


If I counted correctly they have 47 people working on this game.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4027d ago
IcyEyes4028d ago (Edited 4028d ago )

"Nothing of value was lost. Zipper has been below par since Socom 3."

Wow you really know the meaning of the word "respect".

ps probably you know everything about the two unannounced titles, so that's why you say "nothing of value was lost".

Pretty sad.

Highlife4028d ago

"wow you really know the meaning of the word "respect"."

That's business!

IcyEyes4028d ago

Socom 4 was a blast for me and if its not a game for everybody, no one can denied the fact MAG and Unit 13 are two awesome game.

They deserve a LOT more respect because Socom was a great franchise and MAG is still a great game.

So, even if Socom 4 was a bad game that's not mean the whole studio don't deserve respect.

dcbronco4028d ago (Edited 4028d ago )


Sony doesn't make business decisions. They know people just want great games no matter the cost.

Full steam ahead boys. We ain't scared of no stinkin' icebergs.

Root4028d ago

To quote Cutler Becket....

"It's just good business"



SilentNegotiator4027d ago

There's nothing insensitive about not caring that a poorly performing studio closed. That's capitalism; you produce enough for the people or your business/division dies.

Besides, it's Sony. Half of those guys probably got put into other studios. The other half will probably join or create an indie group, where demand is strong.

Jek_Porkins4028d ago

R.I.P Zipper, one of my all time favorite developers from the PS2 era.

PR_FROM_OHIO4028d ago

Smh another FPS?? Can we just get a true Socom game for the PS4 Sony!!!!!!

sandman2244028d ago

I hope there still considering it. Socom 4 was an amazing game. I still own it, its one of the few games I cant let go of. I dont know why everyone complained about it. I think Im going to play a few rounds later Socom 4 haters!

SolidDuck4028d ago

There is a 2 part video on YouTube called socom 4 is dead. It's points out many of the reason why socom fans like myself hate socom 4. U should watch it.

jimbobwahey4028d ago

I loved SOCOM 4 as well, and had a really great time playing MAG. It was unfortunate that they were a bit generic in the art department (although SOCOM 4 really had some great graphics) and the only complaint I had was how SOCOM 4 devolved into groups of snipers hiding in their spawn and never leaving because of the invisible barriers protecting them from grenades.

If they had done something to fix that, the game would have been perfect.

violents4027d ago

Anyone from my clan which has been running together since socom 1 absolutely hated confrontation and 4. Socom 2 was the pinnacle of the series 3 and CA were close but not as good. None of them ever seemed to live up to the mechanics of the orginal though IMO.

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Petition Launched for Socom 2

Socom fans speak out on Change.org with a petition to bring back Socom II Remastered to PlayStation 4. Will it even make a difference?

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s2Celerity3325d ago

Greatest game to ever exist, this would sell consoles for sure.

urgentfury3325d ago

I agree it would sell some consoles but I am not sure the numbers will be staggering enough. I do however think that the franchise should be revived and brought back to its roots.

Crimzon3325d ago

I can't speak of the roots of the franchise since I never played SOCOM 1 or 2, but was the last game on PS3 really that bad? I saw a lot of the fans of the older games speak poorly of it back when it launched, but as someone new to the franchise I thought SOCOM 4 was incredibly fun and enjoyable to play. I was really disappointed when Sony shut down the servers for that game.

I was really impressed with that game on a technical level as well. The gameplay was enjoyable enough, but the levels being so large, with complex geometry and so much foliage while letting 32 players run around with no lag was very impressive at the time, especially since the graphics were actually really good in my opinion.

It was frustrating to see Sony shut down Zipper Interactive. I guess their games weren't for everyone but I really liked MAG and SOCOM 4. Same goes for Sony Liverpool and Wipeout HD. Sad to see great developers like that gone and Sony use the money to fund rubbish like The Order instead.

Commodore3325d ago (Edited 3325d ago )

To Crimzon:

SOCOM 4 (We don't even consider it a SOCOM game) was so terrible, it was amazing that the game even got made with the amount of misdirection Zipper went with. Every previous SOCOM was based on 1 life, no respawn. That gave it the thrill and intensity that no other game has ever done to this day. It was a cluster **** of every current game at the time. Call of Duty and Uncharted mainly. Wall hugging? No thank you.

SOCOM 2 would still have it's core base but people today who can't handle waiting 5 minutes for the next round when they die. They do something stupid like rushing into a room and not working together as a team....and then they die.

morganfell3325d ago (Edited 3325d ago )

Compared to the other SOCOMs, SOCOM 4 was bad because the MP was completely different from previous titles and what people wanted was the gameplay they had previously enjoyed.

Confrontation turned out to be good but you wouldn't know it from some people. Persons that liked SOCOM 2 didn't like Confrontation because they played it for the first month or so then quit. It took 6 months and over 600MB of patches but eventually Confrontation had a really good SOCOM II vibe. Those that stuck it out or else came back to the game after that 6th month were pleasantly surprised.

The main thing missing from COnfrontation, and SOCOM III for that matter was the Breach mode as itr was never the same after II and it was my favorite game mode. Playing SOCOM II and Breach on Sujo or Sandstorm was a blast. But it was winning Breach mode as a SEAL on Enowapi that took the most skill.

Sujo: https://www.youtube.com/wat...

Sandstorm: https://www.youtube.com/wat...

2014 Gameplay for Fish Hook, SOCOM II: https://www.youtube.com/wat...

BattleAxe3325d ago (Edited 3325d ago )

It will never happen. I'm not sure why people keep kicking this dead horse. The Playstation Blog already had a petition with something like the second highest votes out of all the petitions on Playstation.Blog Share, and Sony didn't do anything about it back then. H-Hour is what everyone should be concentrating on right about now. Socom 2 was awesome, but it's time to stop living in the past, and start moving on with your lives.

Helix3324d ago

you all do realize HHOUR is coming out by Sofstudios


morganfell3324d ago

Yes, but despite the pedigree H Hour isn't SOCOM. If you look at the most recent vids it is quite apparent.

BattleAxe3323d ago


Well at this stage of H-Hour's development, what do you expect? And unless you've been playing the alpha, how can you talk about pedigree? Zipper was a well funded studio, whereas SOF Studios is just getting started.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3323d ago
Bigpappy3325d ago

Being a huge Ghost fan, I have always had an interest in playing the early Socom games. It was this and GOW that always caught my interest. Not big on Uncharted and Bloodborne or D'Souls (not saying those are bad games).

lilbrat233325d ago

I remember never sleeping playing this game on the PSP I wish they would also release a Vita version of this game. The online was epic.

ZombieKiller3325d ago

I would buy this again in a flash. I've been waiting for another really good Socom game. Where camping is legitimate instead of running around like a chicken without a head.

Sorry A.D.D. world, but camping IS A STRATEGY.

harbie3324d ago

Damn can't agree 1million times lol ;)>. Never before have truer words been spoken. SOCOM II is the greatest game of all time.

You can still play it today via Xlink, come join us, until SOCOM II HD finally comes out! :)


+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3323d ago
s2Celerity3325d ago (Edited 3325d ago )

We can do better than this people, let's get it started! http://imgur.com/w2yBsrg

NO_FEAR3325d ago

This was the all time best game on any console at it's launch. It was a pivotal moment in console gaming history. Millions of fans enjoyed it and it formed bonds of friendships that survive to this day. It spurred the competitive gaming scene. A great game will always be a great game. This timeless remaster would be enjoyed again by old fans and new alike.

s2Celerity3325d ago

Still playing multiplayer on LAN through a PC application that connects ps2 ip's together. Cant believe it's been almost 12 years

harbie3324d ago

Xlink is the app if anyone is interested in playing SOCOM 2

HELVEG263325d ago

Yup Sony should bring back a Classic SOCOM, its still sorely missed by thousands even after all these years. There is a lot of money to be made for them if they get it right. This game sold consoles!! Always a deciding factor in the past when choosing between a PS or XBOX.

s2Celerity3325d ago

No doubt in my mind this would sell consoles. It's the most addictive experience out for almost a decade now.

OUROSMAG3325d ago

Wasn't the studio behind SOCOM shut down?

s2Celerity3325d ago

Sony still owns the rights and has given it to another studio before as well. Anything could happen

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Broadening your Audience - It Can be the Death of you

Ever wondered how the third iteration of video game series always end of worse than the second part? Kyle Flanagan explains how the concept of broadening your audience can make your games worse.

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MasterCornholio3651d ago (Edited 3651d ago )

Imagine if they made Dark Souls for casuals?

The franchise would never be the same after that.

Mutant-Spud3651d ago

Yeah and we casuals still wouldn't want to play it!

DCfan3651d ago

MGS is unfortunately going that route.

DCfan3651d ago

Everything about MGSV screams 'westernization'.
Its not like the game is not popular enough.
And did you forget Kojima's talk about westernizing MGO?

DanielGearSolid3651d ago

Personally, the game still feels like good ol' MGS, but with better controls, to me...

I don't think they're trying to "broaden their audience" per say... I feel like it's more taking elements from Western games that can fundamentally improve their game... But, thats just me

jeremyj29133651d ago

That's what Capcom tried doing last gen and look at them now.


SOCOM: Developer Home Movies

TRS writes: "As a token of appreciation for the SOCOM fanbase’s support with H-Hour, David Sears has shared some never before seen footage from his home movie collection. The following footage was filmed during the early production days of SOCOM at Zipper Interactive on a research trip to Morocco."

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SynGamer3978d ago

Looking at the kickstarter, it doesn't look like they are on pace to hit their goal. Perhaps if it was $100,000? That, or if it actually had "SOCOM" in the name, but sadly Sony owns that IP.

BattleAxe3978d ago

Come on people, where is the Socom fanbase when we need them? Help support the H-Hour kickstarter!


r213978d ago

Journalists need to spread this info. It should help gain more support.

REAL13978d ago

We seriously need this. I hope it really happens.

JordanCabot3978d ago (Edited 3978d ago )

I think we should follow them on social media websites and people will also come to know about them.


RowSand3978d ago

i smell New socom game in the future