
Why I’m more interested in the next Xbox

Microsoft's entertainment focus for its next home console is more appealing than it seems. This MMGN.com blogger tries to make sense of Microsoft's hope to dominate home entertainment.

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ShugaCane4082d ago

"I used my 360 more for entertainment than I do gaming"

So, gaming is not entertainment ?

Why o why4081d ago

...and whats wrong with wanting something for entertainment. ...nothing

Ult iMate4081d ago

On a gaming console? Which main feature is, you know, gaming?

Why o why4081d ago (Edited 4081d ago )

im a gamer first and formost but I know people who purchased a ps3 because it was the cheapest blu ray player available for a long time. Nowhere did I say it should be MS' s focus or sonys main focu.

I use my ps3 for games and my xbox for its few exclusives but mainly for sky player as that service is exclusive to the 360 here in in-ger-land.

LackTrue4K4081d ago Show
MikeMyers4081d ago


What do you think Microsoft does with all of that data?

Ask yourself, how much time do people spend on their iphones actually talking to people? People buy smartphones because they do so much more and gamers who used to buy dedicated devices just for gaming also want more out of their consoles.

I am part of the minority who buys a console mainly for the games but at the same time I don't ignore the trends out there.

camel_toad4081d ago

I'd honestly play a great game over a great movie/show any day. Gaming is my entertainment priority.

PeaSFor4081d ago

"Why I’m more interested in the next Xbox"

...and again, why should we care about a random dude and his blog?

Ares84HU4081d ago

"Why I'm more interested in the next xbox."

Because you are a xbox fanboy and you feel the need for the whole world to know it. We know nothing about the next Xbox. At this point you could say that you are cuorious what it will bring but after seeing what the PS4 will bring, you should be more interested in that at this point. After MS shows off the next xbox and they blow everyone away just like sony did than this might be a valid opinion. At this point you just sound like a desperate MS fanboy who can't deal with the fact that Sony showed us a ton of amazing stuff at the PS4 reveal. More than people were expecting.

creatchee4081d ago

@Ult iMate

"On a gaming console? Which main feature is, you know, gaming?"

I browse the web and use apps on my iPod Touch more than I listen to music on it. People use their phones for texting and Facebook more than they actually make phone calls. And I use my game consoles for movies, music, web browsing, TV, and other stuff besides games.

Just because something has a "main function" doesn't mean that the "secondary" ones can't be used and enjoyed just as much or even more.

Godmars2904081d ago

Having to pay extra to access it for one. Not knowing exactly what all its going to offer before jumping all in is another.

No one officially knows what the NextBox is going to offer yet. And if what is rumored is true, then BR if not DVDs wont be playable on it.

JoGam4081d ago (Edited 4081d ago )

Maybe XBOX should be describe as a cable box that plays games.

honkayjeezus4081d ago

If you want a gaming console, you probably want gaming to be forefront.

Otherwise you are paying for a subscription just to use the entertainment that can be streamed free elsewhere.

Or, you can just use every other device in your house for it.

TheSurg4081d ago

@ Ares84HU

Please do not talk about fanboism. All I needed to do is check your comment history. Your comments wll become relevant when you will be a real gamer. Now go to bed with your sony poster.

MysticStrummer4081d ago

It's not wrong exactly, but it is amusing to see this kind of talk from MS and their fans now. PS3's extra entertainment capabilities were derided for awhile, until 360 got some of those same functions, then suddenly they were desirable and cool. That went along well with N4G's 360 fans switching from the "PS3 has no exclusives" shtick to the "exclusives aren't important" shtick. People are funny.

Eventually someone here will probably claim MS originated the idea of a multimedia console, just like Kinect had nothing similar to evolve from according to some people.

ALLWRONG4081d ago (Edited 4081d ago )

Apparently and according to the PS fanboys above "PS3 is never used for entertainment and only used for gaming and the Xbox is only a casual console for movies and TV".

In the real world, Netflix and Blu-ray are the most used features on the PS3. In fact, in reality, PS3 users watch more and play less than Xbox users. Also that "great core machine" the PS3 hasn't had any real core games in over a year.

moparful994081d ago

@ALLWRONG Do you have any proof or statistics that back up your claim that ps3 users use their console for blu/rays and netflix more? Don't make statements like that if you don't have any proof..

darthv724081d ago

I am interested in both the ps4 and next xbox because i like hardware and games and i have a wii-u and just want to have the next iterations of the ps and xbox in my collection.

No fanboyish comments or disrespectful derogatory allegations.

just pure honest excitement for what is to come.

ALLWRONG4081d ago (Edited 4081d ago )

Here http://www.nowgamer.com/new...

I'm sure you guys will ignore and deny that link the same way you deny the existence of the PS4 Kinect rip off device.

MrBeatdown4081d ago (Edited 4081d ago )


"In the real world, Netflix and Blu-ray are the most used features on the PS3. In fact, in reality, PS3 users watch more and play less than Xbox users. Also that "great core machine" the PS3 hasn't had any real core games in over a year."

I swear, at this point, between your name and your posts, I'm beginning to think you use your account as one big troll attempt. There's no way someone can believe the nonsense you come up with.

I mean... you actually think more PS3 Netflix usage instantly proves PS3 sees less gameplay time, as opposed to, oh I don't know... less TV time for PS3 owners?

And "the PS3 hasn't had any real core games in over a year"? I know a few people like you like to pretend stuff like AllStars, LBP, and Sly Cooper aren't for the core based purely on it's cartoonish style, even though everything from Crash Bandicoot to Mario Kart to Banjo-Kazooie has never been considered anything less than core... but ignoring stuff like Starhawk and Twisted Metal? That's a whole new level of deluded fanboyism.

BattleAxe4081d ago

The author is the target audience for Microsoft., an audience that thinks of video games as secondary entertainment.

Play B3yond

potedude4081d ago

This 'extra entertainment' isn't just limited to the nextbox. The PS4 will be an entertainment hub also.

But I think it won't be the main focus of the PS4, it will be just as capable (without the kinect which we can all do without) instead it will be present but Sony don't have to shout about it.

Currently I can do all that stuff on the PS3 anyways.

loulou4080d ago

so, when someone is more interested in xbox they are fanboys, but when the same blogs say the same thing about playstation it is ok???

lol what a joke this site and it's fanboys are. i have never seen a site more stricken with the worst type of fanboys than n4g

moparful994080d ago

@ALLWRONG So a statemet by a Netflix employee claiming that more of their usage comes from PS3 users means that they automatically play less games? Why can't ps3 users do both? I certainly do.. I spent 4 hours plaing God of War earlier today and will watch some netflix before bed... So again you are making baseless claims with no real proof to support them..

+ Show (19) more repliesLast reply 4080d ago
Ult iMate4081d ago

So every kind entertainment is gaming?

Christopher4081d ago

Logic fail?

Entertainment covers a broad spectrum of activities, from tv and movies to gaming, sports, theater, and concerts.

You essentially took the logic that since humans are animals, all animals must be humans. Doesn't work that way.

Ult iMate4081d ago

Logic failed in the very first comment. The one from KarmicDemon. Gaming IS entertainment. BUT gaming is not the only kind of entertainment. AND the gaming console should focus mainly on gaming side of entertainment in the first place.

Jockamo4081d ago

cgoodno are you really not picking up on the point he was trying to make? :/

fermcr4081d ago ShowReplies(1)
x5exotic4081d ago

Why I don't care about what console you're interested in:

I don't care.


kneon4081d ago

or a Boxee, Apple TV, Google TV, WD TV media box etc, Even most bluray players and smart Tv's offer access to pretty much the same set of services.

I really don't need Netflix on every device connected to my TV, especially when the TV already has it.

Aceman184081d ago

Unless Microsoft shows me something other than the unless apps, kinect, and the same 4 main franchises they have; plus not charging to play online the 360 is the last product i'll ever purchase from them.

3rd party games i can always play for free on playstation like I've always done with friends.

so M$ if you want my $$$$$ for this new coming generation you'll have to show me why i should spend my $$$$$ on your product as Im not easily brainwashed by advertising like some people.

Minato-Namikaze4081d ago

Simple I want a games console that does other things and not the other way around. My PS3 is used 90% for gaming and 10% for other things. I enjoy the other features when i use them but 1st and foremost gaming is what the console and company needs to be focused on when it comes to these devices.

TopDudeMan4081d ago

I think they meant other forms of entertainment.

Mottsy4081d ago

Ya the author clearly put "alternative entertainment" but the first comment just took the word alternative out of his inaccurate quote

typical troll strategy

SnakeCQC4081d ago Show
MariaHelFutura4081d ago

I'll be buying both eventually, but I don't know enough about the next xbox to be excited for it. TBH if I went by the last 2 years of the 360s life, I'm more worried about what direction they are going to be heading w/ it more than anything. I just want to hear some real info about it, rather than speculation.

4081d ago Replies(3)
DeadlyFire4081d ago (Edited 4081d ago )

Basically this one just plays Halo once a month and watches netflix everyday on their Xbox and finds nothing else interesting.

Which to me = Casual Kinect gamer. So I see why this person like Xbox better.

4081d ago
shutUpAndTakeMyMoney4081d ago (Edited 4081d ago )

Just knowing kinect is successful means they will have to partially focus on the 30 million people who bought it. ugh..

According to the dude they raided 720 can't work without kinect. I think the UI will be like windows 8 and you wave your hand to navigate the menu.

Also with nintendo, valve and sony around I refuse to pay for multi player. Xbox is not special and definitely not a better service than steam.

otherZinc4081d ago (Edited 4081d ago )

I'm buying a Next Box 720 day 1 because:

All of my Live Information for the past 10 years will transfer to Next Box 720.

All the downloaded library of games will transfer.

All of my friends list will return to the Next Box 720.

I wont be gouged into buying games I've already purchased: 720 will be backwards compatible.

The Campaign Co-op experience with Halo & Gears will be back with every game in the series.

The PS4 wont be B/C
PSN wont transfer to PS4
Theyre going to make you pay to play games youve already purchased
AND thats what youre excited about...Please.

That's why I'll have 3 Next Box 720 consoles to play with my family.

M$ has their best: Halo, Gears, Forza, Fable! & more...
People say SONY has new games for the PS4 & what do we see: Killzone PS4, Infamous PS4, & some Nak game. And no one says anything about another Non Killing Halo Killzone game. Whatever.

kneon4081d ago

What makes you think the Xbox.next will be backwards compatible? If the rumors are true then it will also be going x86, the current CPU is PowerPC based and therefore is incompatible.

They could try to use an emulator but I wouldn't count on it.

MariaHelFutura4081d ago

Fanboyism 101- Assume everything and state it as a fact.

FITgamer4081d ago

otherZinc delusional much?

punisher994081d ago

"People say SONY has new games for the PS4 & what do we see: Killzone PS4, Infamous PS4, & some Nak game. And no one says anything about another Non Killing Halo Killzone game. Whatever."

And where is all these new great games for the next xbox????

DEATHSTROKE-cro-4081d ago

"M$ has their best: Halo, Gears, Forza, Fable! & more... "


what new IP's has Microsoft made in last 7 years ?

every sony studio is making new IP's so yeah, troll harder. and sony has made the most IP's this gen

insomnium24081d ago (Edited 4081d ago )


"M$ has their best: Halo, Gears, Forza, Fable! & more... "

LOL @ the &more-part. Ran out of names and had to resort to &more already did we?

Negative down there @ 1.16 is a perfect example why exclusives became important back in the day. It was all about "PS3 haz no gaemz" and "PS3 iz only a BD-player". Thank you negative.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4081d ago
bigfish4081d ago

after the ps4 reveal,, i couldnt care less what MS show with 720

negative4081d ago ShowReplies(4)
DarthJay4081d ago

@Ares84HU - which is ironically the same reason PS3 owners are excited for PS4. It's hysterical and corny how the "Playstation fanboys" present everything as if what they say is gospel. There hasn't even been a formal announcement of the new Xbox. There will be a ton of gaming to be had.

When all is said and done, there isn't going to be a whole lot different between the two. It will be those that want the Playstation and those that want the Xbox... or people like me who will have both.

Having both is the best.

TheSurg4081d ago

You will be Disagreed till you sink, brother. This site has gone very low. No more mature discussions. Just sony fanboys disagreeing to anything that offend their mother (Sony) or even consider something about worst enemy (MS).


Hicken4081d ago (Edited 4081d ago )

Er, no.

See, we actually KNOW stuff about the next Playstation, including a handful of the games at launch. Sure, there will be assumptions, and those are based on what Sony is doing RIGHT NOW. The same can be said of assumptions based on Microsoft's actions RIGHT NOW: they're going to be more focused on the casual, on social apps and services, and gaming will be secondary.

If you don't see a difference between the two companies, in a gaming capacity, then I don't know what to tell you.

Yes, it'll be best to have both. Don't think anybody's arguing that. But if you can only have one, it doesn't make sense for a gamer to get a console that isn't focused first on games.

Edit: Being focused on games means putting games at the forefront of the console's functions. Isn't that obvious?

Who cares if you're not enthused by the recent exclusives. Plenty of people will be, and that's the point: Sony makes sure to cater to everybody. Not just me, not just you. You like racing games? Great: you don't have to rely simply on third parties, as Sony fields numerous titles of their own.

It's not just about the game, but about MORE of them.

Sony's being in the red, by the way, is due to poor management in other divisions not directly related to gaming. Or are you going to be one of those people that stupidly insists their current situation is ALL on the gaming front?

No, there's not really a problem with Microsoft going after different audiences, so long as they don't forget about the gaming base that made them what they are. I wonder what you would categorize their all-in approach to the casual market as?

If the games- and gaming-related features- are there, if the support from the manufacturer is there, I'll buy any system. Sony caters to me the MOST, but I don't shut out the idea of buying other consoles.

But when you look at the three makers, Microsoft is, by far, the WORST at giving gamers what they want. Some people are satisfied- I struggle not to call them SIMPLE- with the small bit of support they give their own system, with being charged to play online and access services they already have a bill for.

I want more than that. As long as Microsoft is showing me their FOCUS is elsewhere, I'll be sure to spend my money- and do my gaming- elsewhere.

DarthJay4081d ago

@Hicken What does focused on games even mean? That they have their own first party studios and make a ton of games I might not even care about? One of the biggest reasons I even got a PS3 was for the super duper awesome exclusives I just had to have and two of them came out in the last two weeks and I have zero interest. And I don't know, the PS4 sure looked focused on updating Facebook statuses. See how easy it is to play that game?

Meanwhile, on my Xbox 360, I'm enjoying a ridiculous amount of games that I literally do not even have the time for. Does the fact that they are dirty multi-plats make me a bad person? I play the games I enjoy, without regard to what platform they happen to land on, and when they are on both, I get them on the 360 because I enjoy the 360 substantially more. And guess what... there is absolutely ZERO shortage of games to play on the Xbox 360.

If the new Xbox plays video games, there is absolutely ZERO reason to believe this is going to change. So what if Microsoft looks for other audiences and not just the gamer. Good for them. That's why they are in the black and Sony is constantly in the red. All this silly nonsense is such hyperbole.

There is absolutely NO right or wrong answer here, especially when you own both consoles. If you think you will enjoy the PS4 more than the new Xbox, go get your PS4. What does that have to do with me or anyone else that makes the opposite choice? Nothing. Both will have a metric shitton of games that no one in their right mind will have time to play, and I can say that with the utmost confidence without Microsoft announcing a single thing.

It just cracks me up how much people that have no intention of owning an Xbox get so worked up about what it may or may not have while beating off to a PS4 spec sheet. C'est la vie.

SDF Repellent4081d ago (Edited 4081d ago )

Darth, just ignore him, Hicken is one of the worst troll on N4G. He claims he is not a fanboy but he is one of the worst one due to the length of his posts; it is literally a college essay. Most of the things that he had posted make absolutely no sense whatsoever.

And here is good example of what I am talking about.

Quote Hicken:
"Oh, look: another 5-bubble troll in a Sony article"

LOL, but then he would go on Xbox articles and do the same thing like this one and the articles below.





MikeMyers4081d ago (Edited 4081d ago )

"But when you look at the three makers, Microsoft is, by far, the WORST at giving gamers what they want. Some people are satisfied- I struggle not to call them SIMPLE- with the small bit of support they give their own system, with being charged to play online and access services they already have a bill for.
I want more than that. As long as Microsoft is showing me their FOCUS is elsewhere, I'll be sure to spend my money- and do my gaming- elsewhere."

You're all over the map. You were never a supporter pre-Kinect and you're certainly not post-Kinect. So like DarthJay asked, what does focused on games even mean?

All this guy does is talk about Sony. Whether it's in Sony articles and making sure nobody says anything negative or in Microsoft articles telling everyone how Sony is doing such a better job. If Sony is making you such a satisfied customer why do you seem so unhappy and fearful what Microsoft is doing?

moparful994080d ago

@Darth Regardless of how you rationalize it the ps3 has a better track record of exclusives
Just because you don't have any interest in them does not negate the fact that Sony has placed more emphasis on games rather then social aspects. Microsoft has put all of their efforts over the last couple of years into Apps, timed exlcusive DLC, and LIVE in general..

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4080d ago
inFAMOUS_KRATOS4081d ago

i dont understand? but 360 doesnt have blueray player, i dont think people have right to say 360 is more of entertainment then the playstation 3 is, ps3 has way better navigation for the casual etc etc.....

truth is - his fanboy.

3-4-54081d ago

The 360 controller is " The Gaming " controllers IMO....

I hope they don't change it up much.

I want the next xbox but all the rumors so far make it sound awful.

kingmushroom4081d ago

OMG ! Its not Entertainment ?

Cam9774081d ago

That... Or Kinect. I don't know what else he would use it for apart from COD.

AngelicIceDiamond4081d ago (Edited 4081d ago )

EDIT: Sorry read the headline wrong

Different strokes for different folks if somebody likes the Xbox for the apps then let him its his money and his preference?

Its funny because MS didn't turn the Xbox into a media box over night it wasn't just a random decision they up and made one day.

It was the consumers, buyers, mainstream that turned Xbox into a media box so don't point fingers at MS point fingers at the people. Mainstream decided to do other things besides gaming on Xbox and all MS did was shift to the market. That market that Sony wanted and predicted at the beginning of the current gen.

MS isn't posting "An ___X % of people are using Xbox for none gaming" for no reason. MS is adapting to that % of users who aren't gaming which is a large % I might add.

Again blame the changing and shifting market that molded the way Xbox is currently.

Mottsy4081d ago

I use my ps3 and 360 for more then games. I still feel like the real winners our the ones who get both. If you don't you will be missing out on great games; and through all this noise that is what it really is about the games. To favor one is fine and all but the fact of the matter is their is great games and all systems and I just hope everyone gets a chance to play some of them! This bickering and picking sides is just childish and petty. Research and choose the product to better suite your needs, be confident in your purchase and if you are happy then leave it at that. We should leave the fighting and competing to the companies.

chrismichaels044081d ago

So an xbox gamer on a 360 gamer community website prefers an xbox system that hasnt even been confirmed yet? Bias or ignorance? You decide.

Mottsy4081d ago

He did state some really good facts about the PS3 so I don't believe he is being biased.

But your right opinions are so over rated! I much rather live in a world without any. Damn this so called internet!

chrismichaels044081d ago

@mottsy...your obviously missing the point. No one said people's opinions don't matter. I just laugh at how someone is comparing an existing console to a console that hasn't even been officially confirmed or revealed. And then based on that incomplete information, is determining that one system is more preferable over the other. I can understand his opinion making more sense after both consoles have been presented and revealed. Thats his freedom of choice, but as of right now he's basing his biased opinion on rumors and speculation. This article has "fanboy" written all over it. Opinions are allowed. Ignorant bias is not.

Mottsy4080d ago

Don't get me wrong this article is a hit seeking article for sure! But I mean look at how much attention this brings to N4G. This site eats up these opinion and fanboyism journalist. I guess I just find it funny how many people our quick to claim the latter but really everyone commenting on this article and getting worked up over it is just as guilty for being a fanboy. But ya you are right, we know little but I mean that's all we can do right now is speculate.
BTW I didnt disagree with you.

Mottsy4081d ago

@ KarmicDemon
As i agree with your initial idea but he did say "alternate entertainment" so i mean I see what you did their, But if your gonna quote , quote it right.

On point, I do love the entertainment aspect the xbox offers which is gonna be a living room machine, but the ps3 is my time along with all my games!
But I always get both systems anyways so I guess it doesn't matter much.

xtremeimport4081d ago

Sometimes its as simple as, you preferring a company over the other.

kikizoo4081d ago

"Why I’m more interested in the next Xbox"

because you have a blog called 360mmgn.com.

nosferatuzodd4081d ago

like Microsoft care about fanbase Microsoft just use the xbox fanboys to get in the gaming thing now that they see other openings what do you guys think?

That Microsoft care about you Microsoft said we charge for online service and you're going to love it we only give 2 aaa games and kinect all day and guess what? you're going to love it.
everybody said yes sir Microsoft sir and hold their head down like a b#tch..

ICECREAM4080d ago

ps3 is still raging in the games department, so if you think that you are a proud gamer, you know what to choose, but if you like heavy doses of entertainment buy yourself tablets or mid range pc will work fine.

+ Show (25) more repliesLast reply 4080d ago
PSVita4081d ago (Edited 4081d ago )

Ps3 has more entertainment apps than Xbox and you don't have to pay twice to use them. Blu-ray along sets it miles ahead. You can also download movies from the browser(stagevu anyone?). Plus the FAT has card readers. I just don't see how the Xbox is his prime entertainment system when it lacks all that. The article doesn't even mention why he likes the Xbox 360, it's just him saying way they aren't good in the gaming department. So if he's talking next-gen if its anything like this you'll be getting great exclusives along with more entertainment from the ps4...

Kanzes4081d ago

I think the next xbox will used Blu-ray and free LIVE too.. because if they don't.. they already lose the next console war (not mention the DRM and Disc-watermark rumor)

princeofthabay4081d ago

If you think MS is going to give up the millions of dollars they make from live, you're crazy.

Skate-AK4081d ago

Blu-ray, yes. Free Live, highly doubt it.

PSVita4081d ago

The blu-ray is possible but I doubt MS want to give Sony money. Even if they did get blu-ray for games it could be locked and not be able to play movies to spare the royalties. I really hope Xbox live goes free but I doubt it.

Hellsvacancy4081d ago (Edited 4081d ago )

Ms will probably have their own disc format for the 720, like what the Wii U has done, this time though it will be built in, not an added extra like the HD player was

On topic I find this a totally pointless article, does anybody here honestly even give a damn what decisions this dude makes in his life?

MariaHelFutura4081d ago

I'm saying MS adds a few things (like a PS+ service) and raises the price of XBL.

kneon4081d ago


The Wii U drive is little more than a bluray drive without the codecs needed for movie playback. This is just what they did with the Wii and it's DVD drive.

The Xbox will have a bluray drive, but like the Wii U it may not play movies, at least not until the hackers get their hands on it.

It just makes no sense to create an entirely new disk format. The costs of the drive, media and media production would be several times higher then just using off the shelf bluray.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4081d ago
mayberry4081d ago

Everyone seems to forget that the PS3 also has a exclusive component not found on any other console to date that also sets it apart as a true entertainment powerhouse... i.e. the only console with true digital 7.1 surround sound capability. Watching a blockbuster movie or playing Killzone 3 in 7.1 and in 3D is a step beyond imho.

PSVita4081d ago (Edited 4081d ago )

It is if you want to watch a blu-ray. :)

madjedi4081d ago

If you don't want to be using 2 dvds+ per game for the 720 yes it is, if it's a entertainment machine and it doesn't play br movies ms is stupid.

fsfsxii4081d ago

Geez, no one takes a joke here.

alousow4081d ago Show
black9114081d ago ShowReplies(2)
urwifeminder4081d ago

Im mostly pc gaming now but i will make room for a new xbox and maybe wii u if the price drops that will more than satisfy my needs.

Ares84HU4081d ago

Why would you need an Xbox for if you are a PC gamer? Almost all Xbox exclusives end up on PC. The WiiU I can understand because those exclusives are only on that system.

xPhearR3dx4081d ago

Maybe because the exclusives on Wii U/PS3 don't appeal to that person. Not everyone loves Mario/Zelda/Uncharted/Killzone etc. you know. There's a reason why the 360 sold 70+ million units. Some people just love their Halo or Gears of War. I'm a PC gamer with a 360, and honestly, none of the exclusives on any console make me want them anymore.

I bought a PS3 specifically for SOCOM. I played SOCOM 2 for 6 years straight and hardly anything else. Once SOCOM died, I got rid of my PS3. I kept my 360 for Forza (I've never cared for GT so don't bring it up) and switched to PC gaming. OMG those people exist I know. Crazy someone else likes something you don't.

Ares84HU4081d ago

I never said that I don't like what the 360 has. But most 360 exclusives end up on PC so I don't see the point of having a 360. Also you seam like you don't like anything BUT what is on the 360......that sounds a bit fanboyish.

urwifeminder4081d ago

Wow thanks for the interest in what i play and spend my money on, i got alot of my fav games on both pc and xbox just to go through them again,i must admit i dont care what you are into.

xPhearR3dx4081d ago


Nope, I LOVED Heavy Rain, LBP & MAG. I use to love Gears of War but now I'm sick of it. Fable I still enjoy but those are on PC. The real only exclusive I like on 360 is Forza. Everything else I can do without or play on PC. I could have gone without playing those PS3 exclusives I mentioned and been fine, but like I said, I'm a HUGE SOCOM fan so I couldn't miss out. Sadly, every game since SOCOM 2 has been crap. Had Zipper not screwed up their own series, and continued it on PS4, I would probably never switch to PC nor bothered ever getting an Xbox.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4081d ago
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