
The Top 5 First Person Shooters

From Halo: Combat Evolved to Doom, GoldenEye, and more, the 411 staff counts down their top 5 first-person shooter games of all time!

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claud34332d ago

GOLDENEYE 007 all the way

Eyeco4332d ago (Edited 4332d ago )

IMO Goldeneye is an overrated shooter and hasn't held up at all, to me all it was , was those old 2.5d shooters only less complex and in souped up 64 bit graphics, coupled with the most backwards, awkward control scheme ever, great for it's time ,

But its influence on the genre is questionable compared to the likes of Doom, System Shock, Half-Life 1-2 (why that isnt on the list is beyond me)or even Halo.

Pozzle4332d ago (Edited 4332d ago )

I'd say Goldeneye definitely had more impact on the FPS genre than the games you listed. Sure, it might be outdated nowadays, but Goldeneye was revolutionary at the time of its release. Not only did it prove FPSs can work on consoles (and that they didn't have to be half-assed ports from PC), but it also introduced many gamers to things that were rarely seen in video games at that time (zoom in snipers, AI enemies who patrolled and strategized, dual wielding weapons, varied multiplayer modes, a 'proper' 3D world, etc).

Doom might have brought FPS games into the mainstream, but Goldeneye proved that console FPS games can work.

claud34331d ago

You living under a rock... go back and rethink that comment

4332d ago Replies(1)
Dark_Overlord4332d ago

I'd take Halo and Left4Dead off that list and replace them with Deus Ex and Half Life.

I have fond memories of UT, shame the series has never matched the awesomeness of the first one since :(

3GenGames4332d ago (Edited 4332d ago )

If Battlefield 2 (Or even 1942!) can't nudge one of those 5 out (only 2 that it could IMO) it's definitely number 6. And where is counter strike? And like others said, Half-Life?

Hate to say it, but multiplayer aside to a point, COD4 was one of the most epic single player FPS's of any generation. Shame it didn't continue that way. It may be number 7-8ish.

Blastoise4332d ago (Edited 4332d ago )

Left 4 dead would not be in my top 5.

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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III Coming to Game Pass July 24

Everything you need to know about Modern Warfare III coming to Xbox Game Pass and PC Game Pass.

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darthv7259d ago (Edited 59d ago )

Will be interesting to see what sort of numbers GP users draw in come tomorrow. It is believed that this is one many have been waiting for.

59d ago
thesoftware73058d ago


That is not accurate; this game is old, and most people who want it have already bought it. You might get a small number of subs, but we will mostly see a good influx of players(not new subs) from people with Game Pass who will try it, which is what happened with D4.

CoD: BO 6 will be the test for actual sub numbers.

darthv7258d ago

That's fair... seeing as many have been saying they want CoD in GP. My comment was more of , now that its here... what can it do. Im sure there will be other titles in the franchise that will either entice or turn off different users.

Bathyj58d ago

No one's buying a console and signing up for a monthly bill just to get this game to avoid buying it. That's ridiculous. Besides everyone bagged the crap out of this on release for the 4 hour campaign.

andy8558d ago

Sweet. Never got round to it on release. I'll give the campaign a go

chicken_in_the_corn57d ago

Severly underrated game. Big improvement over 2.


Games That Took An Absolutely Bizzare Turn In Their Narrative

Some titles out there focus on introducing a bizarre turn in their narrative. Check out this list for some solid recommendations for those.

Inverno81d ago

"INSIDE" was bloody amazing, and I miss Uncharted's sci-fi and paranormal aspects greatly.

TricksterArrow80d ago (Edited 80d ago )

TBH, 3 and 4 still have them, but they are heavily implied, which can be terrifying the more you think about it, but it is admittedly, much less scary and less interesting gameplay-wise than what 1 and 2 have done.

Inverno80d ago

U3 did show the Jinn's "bottle" in the end and the city was pretty f-ing dope. Just a little disappointing that they didn't lean just a bit more on the mythical parts of the series. Uncharted is a world rooted in reality and Drake knowing all these mythical stuff exists could've led into something cool.

porkChop81d ago

I remember being particularly confused by the twist in LA Noire where Cole Phelps is sort of "exposed". If you've played it you know what I'm talking about. It always felt weird and odd because the player is Cole Phelps. How can the player not know about these sorts of things happening with their own character? I felt like it came out of nowhere.

Yui_Suzumiya80d ago

Soma, Doki Doki Literature Club, Saya no Uta

UnbreakableAlex80d ago

Is Twelve Minutes on that list? Because IT HAS TO BE ON THAT LIST!
Don’t spoiler yourself with that humongous twist :D

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Report: Halo: Combat Evolved Remaster in Development, Being Considered for PS5

According to insider sources, a Halo Combat Evolved remaster is in development and being considered for launch on PS5.

Rynxie105d ago

So the better version will be on PS5 with VR, haptic feedback, 4k, HDR and so on? Can we ban Xbox owners from buying the PS5 version? Put a requirement to have a psn log in to play it.

andy85105d ago

Tbf considering the Pro will be out you're right. Console wise anyway

BlindMango105d ago (Edited 105d ago )

Why do these news websites keep labeling RUMORS as "Report"? Why even have the word "Report" in the title at all? It's like they are faking an announcement to get more clicks

andy85105d ago

Imagine seeing that headline 2 years ago 😂😂