
G4 TV Reviews Mass Effect - A Perfect Score

The freedom of a new IP and far stronger horsepower of the Xbox 360 have resulted in a title that has no precedent in how the gameplay, visuals, ...

Entrancing story
Being able to see your unique character in cut scenes
Combat that mixes strategy with fast paced action
Amazing visuals
Unique and exciting character interaction

Vehicle cannot be customized
Minor technical hitches

Kleptic6015d ago

this is the kind of crap that breaks the review system overall...

I bought this game this morning...and it truly is great imo...and thats "great"...far from perfect...not even "superb"...

there are not "minor technical hitches" in Mass Effect...the 360 simply barely runs it...frame rate during combat is absolutely unacceptable...and the Resistance type pause to switch weapons/bionics/abilities doesn't help either...the texture streaming is as noticable as Vegas imo...and I haven't even started on the AI and control glitches...

the graphics are extremely good once things load in properly, but the framerate problems make animations during combat not seem smooth...and the mo-cap of facial expressions during speech doesn't look quite right imo...above the nose nothing moves...at all...eyes blink, and sort of aimlessly dart around...it doesn't hurt anything, its just something I started to notice during the speech...and there sure is a lot of it...

don't get me wrong...the game is still fantastic...the story is setting up to be about as good as a sci fi story can get...and the voice acting is totally on par with HS (which up until now was arguably the best acted video game of all time)...and there are some familiar voices...

its just giving a game a perfect score is absolutely retarded if the game isn't perfect...ME isn't perfect...perfect involves no glitches, gameplay problems, technical faults...perfect invovles every single thing being...perfect...ME doesn't have that...8.5-9.0 is definitely the territory of where this game should be...its awesome story is what completely makes up for the gameplay short-comings...

this is not a post to criticize ME...its a post to criticize G4TV for being retarded...thats all...

mesh16014d ago

SHUT UP cry cry cry ok lemme explain when a game it self the actually game they made is amazing there is no ware becuase of tech issue which is not part of the game story line immersiveness or what is there does not mean a good game they made shud not be 10/10 the game it self is perfect u cant fault the game only the hardware so SHUT UP U KID U dont knwo anything abotu games ill alwsy want amazing game with slight tech isusees like LAME GAMES THAT HAVE \been over polished as they bring alinear story so stop cry 100% of reviews say mass effect the game is amazing but the heard ware issses are ther eliek anyother game but the game it self the 1 bioware made is a 10/10 so cry

Skerj6014d ago

mesh, there's no such thing as over polishing a game. Do you honestly play a game and say "oh man they've fixed too many bugs and balancing issues for me, I won't hear of it!!"? No, you don't. It's a great game yes, but not perfect thus not deserving a perfect score. If you're going to give a game a perfect score you can't give it cons in the same paragraph, that denotes imperfection.

The_Engineer6014d ago

you will never get xbots to admit that the 360 STRUGGLES to run this game. I don't know what's a bigger shame, ME having so many GLARING glitches on the 360 or the fact that MS's business practices kept the rest of the gaming world from enjoying this excellent game.

allforcalisto6014d ago

8.5-9.0 makes the most sense to me given all thats been written about this.
i find it very frustrating that reviwewers will mark up a game over another and ignore the bugs and downright dire blemishes(poor facial work, reptitive combat, recycled locales lack of deep oldskool bioware character stats and spells customization), but then mark down a game probably because it's not "EPIC" ugh.

by the sounds of it this game is an evolution from kotor, not a revolution from bioware. I loved kotor, it's still one of my favourite games ever, but a lot of polish and an immense catalog of dialogue shouldnt be seen as Next gen just because there's space exploration, especially when the space exploration is as shallow as a lot of these reviewers are making out.

games like indigo prophecy last gen were showing how different games could be. Looking at the performance in the heavy rain trailer makes me think wow they could be onto something.
Looking at mass effect makes me think great game, but nowhere near the best we'll see this gen.

Feihc Retsam6014d ago

They had a very diverse crowd to cater to...
Xbox360 fans, PS3 fans, Wii fans and PC fans...
So, whenever they review a game, I've found them to be very discriminating when giving it a score...
Since a game score is all a matter of opinion based upon a set scoring system, it's very possible for a game to get a perfect 10/10.

The reason a game can get a 10/10 is because it is being held up against the other games that are out there...

If a game got a 9 in one category, and Mass Effect is superior in that category, you have to show that and give it a 10... If this happens across the board, well, then you have a perfect score...

If you don't have an Xbox360, don't hate... If you do have one, go get this game!

Double-Edged6014d ago

those hiccups and glitches or whatever you wanna call it...

it doesnt affect the gameplay. or the experience why? because the Pros outweight it by far. Why dont you watch the GT video review.. they will explain what you idiots are crying about.


Kleptic6014d ago

Mesh...don't bother posting anything in my direction...no one can understand anything you are saying...mostly because you are an idiot, and partially because all you do is make 100 word run-ons over and over...I own the game you half-wit, and I clearly stated this was not a critique of ME...it was a critique of what I felt was a poorly constructed review...

go read up on what "women" are...I am sure someone would appreciate your insanely comical over-protective'ness...

bubbles for the rest of you...again that game is great...put about 8 hours into it so far (anyone else feel like some of the dialouge has nothing to do with anything?...guess I am not far enough along yet)...I was only commenting on why I wouldn't rate a game with glitches as "perfect"...

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 6014d ago
Prismo_Fillusion6015d ago

Vehicle cannot be customized
Minor technical hitches"

Even if you list one con, how can a game get a perfect score? A perfect score means it's perfect and has absolutely no negative points. At least that's how the thinking goes on in my head. I can't think of a game in existence that I would give 100/100. (Rating a scale of 1-10 or 1-5 is stupid in the first place)

celticlonewolf6014d ago

No game is ever going to be perfect ever. There is always going to be some sort of problems or to some people it just doesnt click with them. 5 out 0f 5 doesnt mean it hasnt got problems it means simply that the game is a must buy that it is really good and worth your money. It means that this game is up there with the top dogs so to speak. Good gaming

lawman11086014d ago

I belive they are letting you know that your $60 bucks is well spent here.

iilluminate6014d ago

celticlonewolf is spot on.

If they use half marks, 5/5 does not mean it is without cons and could translate to as low as 91% or as high as 100%.

bumnut6014d ago

your spelling and puncuation is astonishing.

not one comma or full stop in the whole post.

rayc00136014d ago

I watched the special last night, is thing a shooter because it looked more like a shooter than a rpg.

adalwolfe6014d ago

its an rpg, when you play the game you will see that its an rpg first. It has fps elements, but the pausing system to cast spells and control squadmates as well as how much dialog there is in the game you will see its an rpg. It literally feels like your watching an animated movie, the main character (customized the way you want him to look) says what you want him to say. Then you control the fighting/action. It is really well done, far superior to any rpg to date gameplay wise.. not to sure about replayability. I haven't noticed much of the "unbareable lag" the other posters are reporting. Although bioware has been releasing games a little early lately.. such as nwn2, it was covered in bugs on release. I trust them enough now to know that they will work through them nwn2 even runs smoothly now.

Still for me I would rather have the game available early with some minor hiccups and patched later.. then having to wait forever.. as per the delaystation..

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ApocalypseShadow348d ago

Good games but no Phantasy Star?

merlox347d ago

Why do people forget Phantasy Star? That is one of my favorite RPG series. Another ther good but overlooked series is ,Y's.

anast347d ago

ES3 set things off, it's a shame they got greedy and decided to cut corners so the executives could get huge pay days.


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LordoftheCritics548d ago

Better not bring back Shepherd from the dead with some half assed space magic.

Snowb420548d ago

If you get your readiness level high enough in Mass Effect 3, *spoilers* you can see Shepard taking in a breath of air under some rubble. It would depend on whichever ending is canon.

547d ago
Fearmonkey547d ago

.....Search in youtube, mass effect shepard lives

MrVux000547d ago

Where is my ''Indoctrination Theory'' and ''Destroy'' ending gang at?

FPS_D3TH547d ago

I came here to say the indoctrination theory absolutely solidified the ending of this trilogy for me in the best way

Yui_Suzumiya546d ago

Guess you never played it then, lol

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 546d ago
rlow1547d ago

Yeah I saw that at the end of my play through as well. I think they will bring Shepard back….. or at least a mutant version turned villain. Lol