CRank: 5Score: 13240

are smoking ?

5474d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

HHG is like a disease infecting the web a disease that must be removed . alot of his articles are bullsh!t and flamebait articles and alot of the times there wrong like Ninja Blade MS GOW and everyone knows that it wasn't ii looked like a Ninja Gaiden wanna be with GTE and the GTAV PS3 exclusive rumor and than HHG just goes giving a list of things that came and said Agent was GTAV i say bullsh!t he just said that to make it look like he was right but he's not ,most of the sh!t that he says is...

5474d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

you are correct Koinic Warlord222 or should i say ML Koinic Warlord222 is a member of HHG community i know because i was once a member before i opened my eyes and tried to get banned by insulting ppl and demanding to get banned

5474d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

very true very true

5474d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment
5474d ago

@ Conviction GoTy 2009. i've only seen your kind only once in my web surfing exploration but never did i think i'll see another 1 especially on N4G but i have found the rare MS ass kissing fanboy . it's the rarest species of fanboy that blindly believes that everything MS does is perfect and hates Sony with all there might . GO KILL YOURSELF just do it i can't believe this lvl of fanboism go kill yourself your pathetic even more pathetic than guys that live with there mom really do you believ...

5474d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

are you insane HHG do you want Alan Wake to be broken common . listen to me it's not possible for Natal to do that TPS & FPS can't be done using Natal if Alan Wake was to use Natal it would cripple it i saw Alan Wake it looks good as it is and i saw Natal and Natal would cripple the experience common even the 360 fanboys can agree Natal won't do Alan Wake justice but hey what do i expect from HHG he and every low profile game sites are destroying game journalism use your brain HHG

5474d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

are you a) stupid b) retarded c) can't use your brain to think before you speak or d) all of the above , correct answer is d) all of the above . you don't understand Sony can't drop the price whenever they want or whenever ppl want they need to see when it's a perfect time to drop the price and Activision won't drop Sony they can't if we look at sales PS3 versions of Activision's games have sold very well they only want Sony to drop the price so Activision can sell there overpriced bundle gam...

5474d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

ate you a) stupid b) retarded c) can't use your brain to think before you speak or d) all of the above , correct answer is d) all of the above . you don't understand Sony can't drop the price whenever they want or whenever ppl want they need to see when it's a perfect time to drop the price and Activision won't drop Sony they can't if we look at sales PS3 versions of Activision's games have sold very well they only want Sony to drop the price so Activision can sell there overpriced bundle gam...

5474d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

are you blind RE5 looks amazing and a serious contender for best looking game of 2009 ( but Uncharted 2 will win )

5474d ago 1 agree14 disagreeView comment
5474d ago

your comment is fanboish just go back and read it yourself like the whole activion part that's being a fanboy asshole . your saying only PS3 fanboys play KZ2 because it looks good and nothing else so what ppl can't like KZ2 for other reason i like KZ2 gameplay so screw you dude

5474d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

now you Xbots have reached a new low calling KZ2 bad really you guys are desperate now KZ2 is awesome both in graphics and gameplay you 2 should kill yourselves fanboys don't deserve to live if there going to insult great games just because it's not on your system , seriously go kill yourselves you'll be doing everyone a favour if you do it

5474d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

the fanboys are on high alert here

5474d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

waw that joke was so not funny really duh is that the best you can say are you running out of bad PS3 fanboys fail jokes but hurt is the most over used insult on n4g you must be losing your touch go back to the drawing board come back when you have a fresh insult man oh and to the whole but hurt thing MAG all i'm going to say but knowing you and your kind i'll be called LAG by you ppl

5475d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

go get some help and i mean real help so they can see why your mentality of a fanboy is so annoying or why seeing PS3 owners not get L4D2 is so important to you i bet at E3 08 when MS announced FFXIII you probably jizzed your pants and said it's the greatest day of your life , i seriously believe you should check in a mental hospital not even Star Trek fanboys are this annoying and probably smarter too . (I know your going to call me a PS3 fanboy because that's how you 360 fanboys are someone...

5475d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment

but you never know maybe EA wants to officially announce L4D2 on PS3 if not it's ok PS3 owners still have MAG for our FPS MP needs

5475d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

really duh is a child trying to sound like an adult keyword here is trying

5475d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

you do realise that's not right Halo yes it will never go to PS3 Gears that does have a chance since MS doesn't own Epic unless they bought the rights of the game if not Epic can make Gears multi platform if they wanted and L4D is not owned by MS Valve owns it and Valve is not owned by MS so it can happen if EA wants to develop the PS3 version Valve will give it to EA to do a part get your facts straight bub . jesus does anyone on n4g use there brain

5475d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

L4D2 on PS3 FTW

5475d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment