CRank: 5Score: 13240

i thought it was pretty good i was hyped for the game it had crazy marketing like the band Corn actually making a song for Haze but after the reviews i tried to stay away but i ended up liking it ( SP for Haze is way better than COD4 SP ) it was a fun game to play i highly recommend the game for rental it's got some good ideas but i think it failed because the lack of polish if it was more polished it would have been better .
@ TheDarkCynici don't disagree with what the definition of...

5468d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Gabe Newell has lost 40 pounds by going to subway . we take you now to Gabe Newell and how he feels about losing 40 pounds by going to subway .

Gabe Newell: This is the greatest day of my life and me and my friends at Valve are going to celebrate at Hooters WOOOOOOOOOW , come on guys lets eat BBQ & chicken wings until we explode .

ZOMBIEMAN: And now in other news the Wii has just been declared guilty for attempting murder on funny man, actor & rocker Jack Black ...

5468d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

a new RESIDENT EVIL movie in 2010 NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! damn you Anderson damn you to hell if you kill of another RE character

5469d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Radical & Prototype just got Sucker Punched lol

5469d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

i don't disagree but i believe that the pantent is to insure a future PSEye if we go back and see the wand they used at E3 for the tech demo you notice a glowing ball on it which was what the PSEye was tracking that's probably why it's so accurate but this pantent is yes to have ppl hold a real world object to mimic a sword but that's something PSEye doesn't do to mimic a sword you need to wand but this pantent for this feature is so you can use a real world object so it probably means there ...

5469d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

your ready to dismiss any Eye Toy PSEye but the fact is what there tech demo video showed are things Sony's Eye Toy PSEye did i'm not saying all of em but the scanning of a real world item to appear on screen as part of a game has been done and in some way mastered by Sony with Eye of Judgement which is i believe the only game to use PSEye but you have to see beyond this Sony is doing this to limit what Natal can do and since Sony has been working on this for years i don't think Sony will let...

5469d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

i so want to get Punisher No Mercy as soon as i get a $50 PSN card for Punisher No Mercy , Fallout 3 DLC , Resident Evil Director's Cut soon Resident Evil 2 & 3 and 3 more DLC for Fallout 3 wow slow down Sony you have to much awesome things coming that not even a $50 PSN card can satisfy by digital download gaming needs . hey does anyone else feel like re watching Punisher Warzone because Punisher No Mercy id getting you pumped up for some Punisher action

5469d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

what most popular franchises Halo is there only popular franchises ( Gears isn't a franchises yet ) and even than it gets raped by Gran Turismo that's a bigger name than Halo and Sony has more popular franchises like GOW , R&C Jak & Dexter , Soccom, Yakuza , MLB The Show and more and all true exclusives . also PS3 is beating 360 in japan , PS3's have sold faster than 360 in the same time period , PS3 has the better exclusives and just see all the great games of 09 , KZ2 , MLB 09 The S...

5470d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

you just thought me something today you thought me it is possible for a fanboy to be that retarded you are more retarded than jason 360 360 man & why dis congratulations your 2 comments are so retarded and just delusional really have you seen the PS3 games of 09 even Aaron Greenburg from MS thinks MLB 09 The Show for PS3 is the best baseball game really i could go and prove you wrong on everything you just said but what would be the point you'd just call me a droid and make sh!t up to pro...

5470d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

did anyone hear the song of inFAMOUS in the background funny i think that's GT's way in saying inFAMOUS is better lol i love that song

5470d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

didn't read worst fighting game i've played which means I in my opinion find Street Fighter 4 to be the worst fighting game i've played i ain't say i played a truck load of fighting games but i played SC4 a couple DBZ games a few MK games , Virtua Fighter 5 & SF2 all i never had a problem with but i did have problems with SF4 for 1 the unforgiving difficulty 2 the combo combination some broken , some hard to pull off and some just stupid like Sonic boom charge left than punch to me it's s...

5470d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i forgot how americans call ppl that aren't american stupid for bad english grammar and why am i a trol because i hate Street Fighter 4 . dumbass

5470d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i am a fanboy a fanboy of the classic Resident Evil games and i say it again thank god i bought a PS3 over a 360 because now i can play the original Resident Evil games because i never owned a PSOne i owned a N64 and now Sony & Capcom are giving me a chance to get Resident Evil 1 , 2 & 3 something 360 would never give me . douchebag .

5470d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

5470d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Resident Evil 2 & Resident Evil 3 Nemisis GOD FVCKING YES!!!!!!!!! i'm so fvcking glad i bought a PS3 over a 360 GOD YES now i can finally get the original 3 Resident Evil games i own Resident Evil remake , Resident Evil 0 Zero , Resident Evil 4 (GC & PS2) Resident Evil Code Veronica X , Resident Evil Outbreak & Resident Evil 5 i can finally finally get the full canon story thanks to my PS3 thank you Sony & Capcom thank you now i forgive you capcom for making that sh!tty ass S...

5470d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

july 2nd there will be No Mercy for the wicked they will be Punished by The Punisher . The Punisher No Mercy will kick major ass

5471d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

hello there i am the ZOMBIEMAN joined here today with my co announcer General Love with special guest announcer the Hulk lets watch as this match gets under way . ( bell rings )

ZOMBIEMAN: Ohh Alex seems to be in a hurry to end this match early as he just changed his arms to clubs and smashed Cole to a wall be by some miracle he's still standing .

General Love: That's the power love ZOMBIEMAN Cole has love with him and love is giving Cole the strength he needs and al...

5471d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

is disappointed in the replacing of fountains of blood to purple stylish mist but with all the content ( and by content i mean the extra set of cleavage ) there still keeping the gore but i do hope it's true that what they showed at E3 was a toned down version of the final game and that it would retain the blood & gore from the original but this game still looks kick ass and the guy writing the article needs glasses the X360 version does not look better they look identical except the PS3 ...

5471d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

thank you i do my best to bring a laugh to N4G . who disagreed with me ? i didn't bash anyone ? or was it the phantom disagreer

5471d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

finally ran out of useless gaming bullsh!t & rumors to say

5471d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment