CRank: 5Score: 13240

if i had a demo for GTA4 or SF4 or COD4 or Elder Scrolls 4 i would have been saved from buying the fatal 4 i hated or ended disappointed with these titles ( which ironically have 4 in the title yet none as fun as RE4 the greatest 4th game ) but thankfully rental did save me from disappointment ( COD4 & GTA4 ) and hated games ( SF4 & Elder Scrolls 4 GTA4 was hated but i realised i just hated the MP ) and thanks to demos i bought Dead Space but if other games had demos i would have tota...

5552d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

the article is fail why should Sony drop LBP it sold pretty well for a non hardcore game on a hardcore system this is like saying Bungie should stop making Halo DLC because Halo 3 sold whole lot DLC ain't to get ppl to want to buy the game it's for the ppl who bought

5552d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

i feel like i'm taking crazy pills do ppl honestly believe it would be cheap god knows how much money went to make it and god knows how much 1 Natal cost to make and that ppl believe Mechael Patcher the only thing he said that will happen is how PS3 wand thing will sell and how well it's supported that's the only thing he's right about PS3 wand thing not selling alot and not alot of games to support it but Natal cheaper than $50 is MS wanting bankruptcy expect Natal to be around a $100 and th...

5553d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

when will he leave Bioware ready to expose PS3 advantage were's the proof really HHG just reads articles that are posted on N4G and uses that for his show . HHG if you don't have anything to contribute to the gaming community than leave close down your site and get a real job you bum and if you have a real job that isn't this pispoor excuse of journalism do that do that job and just play the games not try to report it go do or get a real job you bum

5553d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

well at least they have more than 2 franchises on there console to make ppl wanna buy it and a metacritic of around 90 disagrees with KZ2 sucks also also MS head is deeper in there ass than Sony filled with all the pieces of sh!t called 360 fanboys with you in it with them

5553d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

who gives a sh!t , i ain't writing for a writing exam i'm replying to you so who cares if i use punctuation unless you have something to say about what i wrote and not how i wrote don't reply

5553d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

well than what's the fvcking problem Sony gave you 3 top exclusives this year with 5 more to go for the rest of the year why complain what Sony says did they offend anyone no did they rape anyone no did they force you to buy something you don't want no ppl complain about what Sony says and does yet no one complains what the other guys do MS releases a faulty system that needs to be sent for repairs and no biggie i don't pay the repair or how nintendo just shoves down every Wii owners sh!t gam...

5553d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

but the whole article was just terrible anyone who says good read needs to get there head examine the article is written in such away that it passes as a 360 fanboy rant because someone said something very positive about PS3 . like Sony needing activision why does Sony need milked yearly franchise with the only improvement that has happened to it is taking place in modern day conflict ? or a series that not only requires you to pay more $$$ to get add ons you need to play that every month the...

5553d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

like Sony needs activision more than activision needs Sony did he forget that a large chunk of income is generated by the Playstation brand if the dropped Sony they drop a huge chunk a chunk of income 360 can't produce second there's not 1 game activision has that hasn't been outdone by other games from other companies Skate better than Tony Hawk , Rock Band better than GH , BF better than COD and ppl quickly forget all of MS arrogance like ohh in the upcoming future we'll have games that loo...

5553d ago 8 agree3 disagreeView comment

truly amazing this is being the best looking TPS ever Uncharted 1 was already better looking than Gears and now ND has raised the bar again for graphics if Epic wants Gears to be the graphical beast it was use to be know they have to use a new engine or use a new platform for Gears 3 because Gears on 360 with UE3 can't compete with this off topic has anyone seen inFAMOUS sales numbers 600.000 copies sold in 1 month it's even outsold Prototype on 360 by 10.000 just adding some info not trying ...

5553d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

White Knight Chronicles , Demon's Souls , Valkyria Chronicles and soon Final Fantasy Versus XIII all RPGs all really good RPGs and all on PS3 yeah PS3 has no good RPGs . YOU FAIL ! also MS would go third party before Sony ever does now leave troll

5554d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

back in my fanboy day that's what i thought Crackdown was a throw away game no one cared for they just bought it for Halo 3 beta but now that i've seen the light i have to say Crackdown looks to be a very awesome game that i'd buy a 360 for but you have to admit it wouldn't have sold as much as it did without Halo 3 beta can't say the same for inFAMOUS since Uncarted 2 beta was only for best buy or it was gamestop pre order deal while Crackdown had the beta in the case since day 1

5554d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

second inFAMOUS was released a month ago when did Crackdown release 07 ( or 06 i don't know exactly ) so right now your whole ohh it won't sell a million is bullsh!t it's going to sell over a million just like every high profile exclusive will nothing prevents that third you and everyone comparing Crackdown to inFAMOUS is a idiot both games are different Crackdown all about driving and being a supercop inFAMOUS all about climbing buildings and be a superhero Crackdown has you driving cars to ...

5554d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

Zeebo is being dumber than those 2

5555d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

WTF is that suppose to mean wait let me guess you saw MS press conference and than you fell as sleep during nintendo's boring press conference and didn't wake up until it was midnight after Sony's press conference because from alot of real game sites Sony had the better line up than MS at E3 but again something i don't expect brainless trolls like you would understand

5555d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

don't ever call a 360 fanboy a zombie as a zombie i feel insulated you would bash zombies zombies are ppl 2 with feelings if you going to insulat a bot do so without calling em zombies we zombies are better than fanboys .

@ Zeebo . no PS3 owners complain when 360 gets exclusive DLC for multiplatform games like The Lost & The Damned and for a while i was pissed that Bethseda that they weren't putting Fallout 3 DLC on PS3 but i never said the DLC sucked there's a huge differe...

5555d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

it's not going to be Mass Efect or Splinter Cell Mass Efect on PS3 will never happen if Bioware and EA actually wanted Mass Efect on PS3 they would have ported it right after the PC port and chances are if there's actually a another former 360 exclusive going to PS3 it's probably a XBL game or there probably referring to Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 i don't believe this site there a no named site what game developer would actually tell a no named site that a popular 360 game would be heading to PS3 h...

5555d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

drop the fanboy act and get real and be a gamer for once Bioshock on PS3 only had texture and a few graphical problems that needed a patch and stop being pissed Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 won't be on 360 nor that Tecmo isn't releasing the new content on 360 Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 still has blood still has gore or are you too fvcking blind to see but i will agree on this that Mass Efect won't ever make a PS3 debut it's already way to late and if EA wanted a PS3 port it would have happened already best...

5555d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Reasons why your reasons are invalid
1) Forza is barley competition just a well made racing with costumizations .
2) so what if there more ppl now
3)there's no proof or solid numbers to prove many Forza fans all 3 -4 million of them were GT fans of around 10 million or more.
listen i'm not in the mood for along argument of which is better GT 1 sold more than Forza 1 & 2 combined GT has made influences in real life cars Forza hasn't reached the numbers or populari...

5555d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

you guys do it every time when multiplats look slightly better on 360 and the only 360 exclusives that sell alot are shooters but that doesn't matter you ppl don't buy em to play it you buy em to play the sales number Killzone 2 will sell 2 million asswipe don't you wrry but since you ppl love playing sales number games i wonder if you'll play it when Gran Turismo 5 comes out since that game will do Halo numbers

5555d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment