CRank: 5Score: 13240

Sony will re name Playstation 3 to Paramountstation 3 no word on why the re naming but here we have Michael Pacher with his thoughts and prediction . Michael .

Michael Pacher : Thank you ZOMBIEMAN i believe Sony is re naming the PS3 to Paramountstation 3 because Sony is merging with Tayotta and my prediction for the Paramountstation 3 is that it's going to be the biggest and greatest thing to happen to gaming since i became an analyst .

ZOMBIEMAN1: Thank you Michael P...

5564d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

your mom was raped by a PS3 , your dad gundowned by a PS3 , your cat was eaten by a PS3 , your girlfriend/boyfriend left you for a PS3 and that's why you would never openly admit supporting PS3

5564d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

someone give this guy a tv show and call it bullsh!tting with pachter . are you serious pachter ok here's a scenario ppl bought a Wii for motion controls that's it if nintendo drops Wii for Wii HD the ppl that bought a Wii won't buy it because by that time PS3 & X360 have launched there motion controllers and camera ( maybe Natal will be out by than ) and if Sony & MS do the smort thing and bundle it with the system Wii HD would be suicide for nintendo hell it's either come up with a ...

5564d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

what i'm going to say will basically make your comment dumb and irrelevant MS had to close down there own developer the ones that made Halo Wars because MS went and wrote checks for exclusive DLC money that could have prevented them from closing down a first party developers while Sony has closed none of there's how many 360 exclusives of 09 is made by MS 2 Forza 3 & Halo Wars how many PS3 exclusives are made by Sony in 09, 6 KZ2 , MLB 09 The Show , inFAMOUS , MAG , Rachet & Clank ACi...

5564d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

it's the time of year no named sites give a top x reasons why Sony should [ insert topic of doom for PS3 ] to get hits to there no named site and to start a flame war.

"Please keep in mind, we're not saying this is necessarily going to happen, nor should this be viewed as "Sony bashing." We happen to think the PS3 is a fantastic machine with some great horsepower and an increasingly solid software lineup. That said, here are six reasons for Sony to exit hardware.&...

5565d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

to all mis informed ppl here Aron doesn't think MLB 09 The Show is the best he said it because of the mind controlling code in the game making ppl to believe that MLB 09 The Show is the best baseball game lol ( joking )

5565d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

didn't you hear it's Sony bashing season again

5565d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

bloggers are so dumb ppl want a PS3 it's not like they see it and say nah i'm good with my PS2/Xbox/GC/X360/Wii they see it and they want it but hello $399.99 if Sony drops to $299.99 PS3's will be selling faster than ever especially during the holidays with games like Rachet & Clank , Uncharted 2, MAG , Demon's Souls & Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 why wouldn't anyone buy one point is this site is looking for hits and trying to start a flame war which i predict will happen after my comment so...

5565d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

playstation controllers always had a button in the middle only in PS3 they changed the look and what the button did and you forget what MS copied like Natal do you ppl honestly believe Natal is original and that there's never been something like it before 5 words ,Eye Toy & Playstation Eye . Sony has been working on these motion controllers for years before Wii came out . and tell me why does PSN suck ? and why does there holiday line up suck ? and to your whole Natal is better just keep ...

5565d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

will bring to the table with SC : C but it has to beat MGS4 and i'll never beat MGS4's story

5565d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

so if you have a european PSN account you will sign in and acces everything

5565d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

on topic why is PSP Go a rip off if it's not even out and ppl should stop complaining do they know it's cheaper now than a normal PSP without UMD ? i say STFU about price it's not a replacement PSP and it's got a few more things going for it to justify a $250 price tag it's not like there's no games for it look in the PS store there already turning UMD PSP games to downloadable games

5565d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

5565d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

except this time he's not saying it's the 360 or PS3 answer to a 360 or PS3 amazing exclusive franchise but if you ask me the opening intro they showed in GT was really cheesy but hopefully it will be good but why did he have to talk about this game he ran out of ideas for rumors

5565d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

can't say anything positive when there's a pro Sony article that has nothing to do with MS or 360 truly these men , boys whatever are a credit to there ppl . here's an idea guys if you don't like playstation why comment on articles about FW or possible PS3 getting backwards capabilities again and posting something negative like it's late for that really why ? it doesn't have anything to do with your usual Sony bashing . on a side not if PS3 gets backwards capabilities again i'll be the second...

5565d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

need actual GT5 footage for comparison

5565d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

and i never cry NEVER but hey that's your response to ppl who say the truth you say stop crying or call em droids or even buthurt fanboys i know the trick i've read your comment history but here's something i bet you can understand Forza going up against GT is like Haze going up against Halo you know the outcome of that so you should what the outcome of Forza going up against GT and you'll see it when GT5 comes out and gets better scores than Forza 3 and outsell Forza 3 by huge numbers you wa...

5565d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

you can prefer Forza if you want but GT5 will outdo Forza in everything the only thing Forza will outdo GT5 in is car costumezation i ain't denying what PD showed was CG i believe it is CG but i've also seen GT5P and if the graphics are any indication of the final product this E3 trailer can be surpassed by GT5 personally i'm not a fan of either Forza or GT i prefer Motor Storm but i see both and respect both if you can't respect GT fine it's not my problem if you prefer being a 360 fanboy bu...

5566d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

just stop Forza 3 will not outdo GT5 the developers of Forza are amateurs compared to PD they've been doing this since the PSOne days and there games have sold more than Forza hell Forza 1 & 2 sales combined isn't close to GT3 it's an unwinable argument not in sales or in meta GT1 & 2 scored better than Forza 1 & 2 the GT franchise has sold more than Zelda franchise really guys Forza is good and all but GT is just better accept it there's no shame in agreeing you can still say you...

5566d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

even funnier when the one saying actual game footage that uses 2 disc doesn't look as impressive as GT5P . Forza 3 looks fantastic no doubt but the car looks unnatural and also you could see they used some CG models in there trailer since the cars in actual gameplay footage doesn't look as good as the cutscene cars and it's noticeable . either way does this matter ? F3 will be out this october while GT5 will be in 2010 if were lucky which is good for Forza 3 because honestly ppl GT5 will beat...

5566d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment