CRank: 5Score: 13240

Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 has blood

5474d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

really is this what he calls news worthy saying the trailer for The Punisher game looks awesome really this is his second article that points out the obvious from trailers we already saw a while ago HHG just stop your an amateur that will never get to the same lvl as IGN and sites like IGN , GT & G4 will never give you a job because your a joke so stop putting articles up your not a journalist your a wanna be

5475d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

you can say whatever you want but Natal is an Eye Toy / Playstation Eye rip off you can go look up all the tech behind Natal but the truth is there the same only difference Sony released there's with Eye of Judgement being a game that uses it , remember the E3 Natal vid were the kid shows his skateboard to Natal so it could scan it guess what Eye of Judgement did it already ,hell Sony doesn't need the wand thing they could just make another game like Eye of Judgement that uses Playstation Eye...

5475d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

i wonder what would the world be like if Hitler won the war chances are ppl wouldn't be this retarded ,it pisses me off when these articles come up they don't know anything just like fanboys with ohh Halo sold 9 million or 360 has RROD really why do these BLOGGERS think there journalist ppl like this and HHG should be shot in the head so they can leave us alone and so the fanboy thing can die it's all ppl like HHG's fault game journalism is sh!t and there's fanboys because of ppl like him

5475d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Game "journalism" just hit an all time high on the stupidity factor. Holy jesus. Newsflash - EVERY game is subject to personal opinions and preferences. Someone telling me a game is "AAA material" doesn't mean jack crap to me if I don't enjoy it personally. God... who writes this crap? "

the same guy that writes HHG's material

5475d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

what in hell does blu ray have to do with new IP's and last i checked blu ray and the cell is helping Sony get more new IP's from Tecmo & Rockstar games and a hard to develop console theory doesn't hold water anymore after a few years when developers get to know how the system works example Resistance Fall of Man Insomniacs first PS3 game it looked good for a launch title but when you see the other games Insomniac games did after Resistance Fall of Man you can see how amazing they look . ...

5475d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

i'm not saying reviewers are gods but reviewers are a big part as they help give a general idea of what to expect before you play it i never base my opinions on reviewers nor do i follow em if i did i wouldn't have played Haze , Vampire Rain Altered Species , Shellshock 2 & Damnation which i've enjoyed ( except Damnation it felt to big ) but from all i saw in footage nothing that impressive MP3C and House of the Dead Overkill those are impressive and Dead Space Wii again it looks average ...

5476d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

dude the game is average ok and you can't trust what users think either i swear if you go any site that has Prototype alot of ppl will say 10 of 10 or 9 out of 10 or GOTY 2009 now tell me are they right no they enjoy the game yes but those are bold claims like alot of ppl dis like Shellshock i rented it end found it to be very enjoyable really the critics just gives ppl what they thought of a game what they liked what they didn't like and give it a score for you to see if it's worth buying an...

5476d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

you obviously don't get it do you tell me if your dad died and someone just disrespected him would you like that well ? Michael believe it or not has friends and a family that will miss him alot and that's why Godvomit should have kept his opinion to himself Michael will be missed and if you still side with Godvomit go ahead and but you better not post here again

5476d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

it's not about religion you ass it's about respecting someone who has died that will be missed by his friends and family something you probably don't understand and when you disrespect the dead bad things will happen to you

5476d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

the dead do not take kindly to those that disrespect them

5476d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

hmm sad as real talent like Heath Ledger & Michael Jackson die while talentless stars like Britney Spears, Paris Hilton & Lindsy Lohan still live very sad indeed now watching Nostalgia Critic review of Moonwalker will be very akward and not as funny . damnit Michael why did you have to die well at least your black again wherever you are

5476d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

ppl whine to much so what if a PSP Go is $249.99 . i'm buying it i like the new style and been wanting a PSP for a while now so i'm buying it hope Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops , Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII and God of War COO are available for download

5476d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

(looks at G4 review article)

5477d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

puts popcorn in microwave getting a coke sit back and count the time it takes for the cry babies to cry baised

5477d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

are you kidding me they approved this ? MY GOD , that's HHG for you stating the obvious weeks after we saw the amazing E3 09 vids really is this what he calls news worthy by stating the obvious we know GOW3 looks amazing already HHG jesus christ ppl need to stop approving this junk especially from a guy that is easily blown away by CG trailer ( remember when he mentioned Halo ODST months ago that it looks amazing from a teaser trailer ) seriously HHG LEAVE! we don't want you your not a journa...

5477d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

what now there's a conspiracy against a Wii game waw you guys are unbelievable just face it The Conduit isn't that really hardcore awesome game everyone wanted it to be ( Madworld was it ) i say again i've seen better looking PS2 , Xbox & GC games and Conduit is just a good FPS on Wii and face facts that this is the year of disappointments : RE5 ( WHHHHHHHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY ) Bionic Commando , The Conduit , Afro Samurai , FEAR 2 , Prototype and soon MW2 ( Bioshock 2 won't disappointment i...

5477d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

it's a 360 fangirl now i've seen everything and yes i've seen a man eat his own head . you just pissed inFAMOUS is only on PS3 and Alan Wake it looks good but it doesn't look to be as massive of an open world game as inFAMOUS , Prototype , SR2 or GTA4 and it's too dark you can barley see how your enemies look like which i ain't saying is bad but is a trick they could be using to make it look better but IMO The Darkness looks better graphically than Alan Wake but that's just me

5477d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

it wasn't poorly written it was lacking some info but if i recall some reviewers didn't talk about RFOM & KZ2's MP portion

5477d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

your joking right ? because it's impossible for X360 to get inFAMOUS

5477d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment