CRank: 5Score: 13240

i respect you guys Halo 1 & 2 were fun to play ( IMO not even close to all the hype and praise ppl give it ) but right now you guys are in no position to talk graphics especially since the graphical let down of Halo 3 you promised MC's armor would be extremely detailed but it wasn't and right now KZ2 holds title for best looking console FPS of all time with Doom coming in at second ( lol kidding about Doom ..... or am i ? ) so i recommend less talking more showing because i'm questioning ...

5566d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

says it all anyone can see your a 360 fanboy and that's sad

5566d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

your a 360 fanboy without a doubt , ppl who bought 360 are original Xbox owners a few PS2 owners and ppl who love shooters the 360 is only popular in the US and the 360 only has 3 things going for it it's cheaper it's got Halo and it's got Gears but PS3 has more reasons and if next year GT5 is released it's a garanteed to move more consoles than any other exclusive this gen especially when Sony announces a price drop at TGS ( i believe Sony will announce it there in there homeland ) GT5 is a ...

5566d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

made a Singstar based of MJ's songs the sales would go of the roof especially if they bundle it with a PS3

5566d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

5567d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

is real so lookout for anyone that looks like a young Terminator ( i'm kidding )

5567d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The Celebernator must have short circuit it wasn't suppose to kill these 4 celebes it was suppose to kill Britny Spears, Angaline Jolie , Paris Hilton , Nicole Richie & Lindsy Lohan

5567d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

your not HHG not the real one he never leaves comments like this and also write in normal english not gangsta english

5567d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

i'd rip Dr Phils trout with my bare hands and whose crying not me cause i never cry so again screw you you don't know me

5567d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

the 4 celebrities were all murdered by The Celevernator part man part machine and he has one purpose murder ,sent from the year 2015 were the celebrities rule the world after Paris Hilton defeated Obama to be president she made other celebes in to world leaders and they are Nicole Richie , Lindsy Lohan , Britny Spears , Angaline Jolie and the arch enemy of the leader of the resistance Tom Cruise , in this dark future 1 man stood up against the celebrities his name The ZOMBIEMAN he united long...

5567d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"good show great intro. haters are stupid and he has the first comment."

but the supporters are even more stupid than the haters

5567d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

his fans are fanboys from PS3 to 360 , he hasn't met industry leaders he may have met a few big names but it still doesn't excuse him from the bullsh!t he post he said once he doesn't write most of the articles that's his staf but lets his staf post flamebait articles so hes to blame he doesn't report or talk about news he talks about rumors and he's annoying as hell . if someone wants to do work like this they should actually contribute something good HHG has contributed nothing and you don'...

5567d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment

sound more important than they are but actually this is tthe work of The Celebernator part man part machine sent from the future to terminate celebrities that will one day be the global super powers with every nation wide crisis decisions being made by them there's no presidents kings or queens there's only celebrities but than 1 man stood against them and started a resistance to take them down that mans name is The ZOMBIEMAN him and his zombie human armies tried to take em out and now they'v...

5567d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

FVCK YOU . why can't you get a real job and do that instead of your pathetic attempts at being a journalist , but i have someone from id on my show so what i've seen your so called interviews with these kinda ppl and the best you got to ask is hey what game would you like to make or update ever wonder why they never talk about any upcoming games on your site because your a joke but if they were being interviewed by REAL journalist like Greg Miller , Hillary Goldstein ( don't be fooled by the ...

5567d ago 6 agree8 disagreeView comment

you should get some help or maybe kill yourself the cr@p you say most of the time isn't true and offensive what's your problem with germans huh ? also Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 still has blood and gore you should check your eyes the video shows blood and guys getting chopped up . really go get help your fvcked up in da head

5567d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

is the weakest out of the three . inFAMOUS has the advantage of being exclusive with amazing graphics but weird character animation and the gameplay is amazing while Red Faction Guerilla has destruction advantage and it also looks amazing and puts Prototype to shame with almost everything can be destroyed with real physics added when you stop to think about it there's no reason why Prototype couldn't have amazing graphics look at Red Faction Guerilla it's multiplatform but it looks better and...

5568d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

oh boy Jack Natal is the Eye Toy rip off ok the sooner you admit it to sooner you can rebuil your life and be a functional normal human being Eye Toy & Playstation Eye does what Natal does even the E3 09 demo they showed with they were using the Playstation Eye to show of there new technology Sony could release a game using Playstation Eye and it would be like Natal hell it already beat Natal to the punch with scanning an object for a game ( Eye of Judgement ) you can go write what some g...

5568d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

you need to get your head out of your ass MS hasn't done any innovation lately and don't say Natal because it's not innovation Eye Toy and it's successor Playstation Eye were innovation both can do anything Natal can do also no PS3 owner brought hate here unless your a PS3 fanboy yourself than yeah PS3 fanboy brought the hate because your the only one that's hating here . on a side note MS just stick to what you do best providing hardcore games to hardcore gamers going casual won't be a smart...

5568d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

what truth ? his site post rumors , opinions and bullsh!t flamebait articles if that's what someone offers he shouldn't be allowed to post articles and the game doesn't need publicity it's a downloadable game every PS3 owner will see it in the playstation store when they go to see what's new . i stand by what i say and i ask that N4G community makes a petition to ban HHG from N4G he only brings trouble and alot of ppl hate him

5568d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

or does Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 look absolutely nothing like Ninja Gaiden 2 at first it was but now it doesn't look like Ninja Gaiden 2

5568d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment