
CRank: 5Score: 9440

How is this any different from a constant stream of mass murder? Seems kinda hypocritical of you ask me. You all would make Jack Thompson proud.

5789d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

This is very interesting and quite scary at the same time. What's even more interesting and scary is the fact that this is the most thought provoking article to appear on n4g in a while and no one has commented about it.

5789d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Totally agree but it really is no ones fault but Nintendo. Appealing to the masses is essentially appealing to the lowest common denominator. Nintendo took a gamble by making the Wii's image that of a "family friendly" console.

If these dumb@sses were intelligent by any means, they would go after manufactures of dvd players because who doesn't love a machine that can play porn and the newest disney films.

5789d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Am I the only one that's not at all excited for this game? It looks pretty boring.

5790d ago 18 agree14 disagreeView comment

I think traditional would be a better term instead of hardcore and leisurely could be used for casual. These terms would take out the elitist context from the debate, but I think traditionalist do have a valid argument in the sense that they feel somewhat neglected by the fact that Nintendo isn't catering to both camps equally. It's especially prevalent with single console Wii owners. While most traditionalists are multi-console owners, such as myself, when seen in a larger context the Wii ...

5792d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

What I think we need is a direct competitor to Square Enix. They constantly rehash and simply don't innovate like they used too. We need someone to go out on a limb and make a truly giant and epic jrpg that puts FF13 to shame and can reignite that fire that they once had. 100 gig blu-ray disc anyone?

5792d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Personally this is one of the things I hate about the movie industry. Thousands of people make a movie but a handful of people get credit and thats garbage. Look at all these jack@ss developers now that won't keep their mouths shut. It is extremely annoying and childish. The development team should get credit not the publisher or not the head game developer.

5792d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well I like Metroid Prime 3 and No More Heroes, and by my standards they are the only two games I would consider hardcore and exclusive. I am a hardcore player and I spend most of my gaming on my Ps3. When and if Nintendo utilize 1:1 maybe I will consider the Wii a game machine and not a toy.
For the record I think the Wii had the most promise of actually being something truly unique in the way games would be played, but instead it is having an effect on how games are made. Sorry if...

5792d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Well in my town, which is comprised of mostly college students, many sorority girls and women in general are buying Wiis in much more abundance then men. I am not saying that this is definitive proof that the Wii is a fad, but I have yet to see women buy 360s and Ps3s at the same pace.

5792d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Geoff wins. Adam gets so excited sometimes that its just uncomfortable and weird. Just watch some of the videos with him and Cliffy B. It's just strange is all I am saying.

5794d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Well said. Remember how R&C:TOD tried to do "too much" and got criticized for it. Hypocrisy seems to run rampant in game journalism.

5794d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I liked Killzone on PS2 but I guess, according to this article, I suffer from a rare disease that allows me to formulate my own opinions. I should probably reevaluate all my previous likes and dislikes. Thank you sir for enlightening me to my own stupidity.

Now I will do a review of this article. This article seems to be similar to those that came before it. There has been many better articles and this one seems to stagnate the genre. It's dull and lifeless and has no color ...

5794d ago 9 agree4 disagreeView comment

That one about Guinness and MGS4 is spot on. I would also recommend Sam Adams Light and Dos Equis with some salt and lime. Good stuff.

5794d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This article was pointless. The reason the terms casual and hardcore exist is because video games are no longer a niche market. These terms are used to describe demographics by the executives of these game companies. The very fact that there is a new demographic to cater to puts forth a question about the future of gaming. Change is coming it is just up in the air as to what will be on the other side.

On a side note, this article seems like the authors way of making himself f...

5795d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Foodbox if you could kindly state your facts I would be more than happy to jump onto your bandwagon, and just for the record arbitrary review scores are not facts. Semantics does not win arguments. For example, I could state that my reviews for all PS3 and Wii games are a 10 and all Xbox 360 games are 5. While it is indeed a fact that I stated it, it is not a fact in the sense that it is true it is merely "arbitrary". Hopefully you can understand that and I await your rebutta...

5795d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Sounds to me like someone is doing a "preemptive strike" in damage control. Sorry Sir irony is not becoming.

Poeo I agree with you completely. I wouldn't get to riled up about it though, because most people are neither logical or intelligent. Just look at these forums.

5796d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

What is fascinating to me is why they put all their creative people in the PR department. If they spent half the time on their products as they do opening their mouths they could actually make something worth while.

5796d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

Sorry, sometimes I just get annoyed. It's really all about the advertisements and polarization. You can't have objective journalism if you constantly have to worry about your flow of cash. Video games are a microcosm of news and politics. Sometimes I like to be an idealist and think that video games won't go the route of the music and movie industries, but it seems it is going to be worse. Also I think there is a vague undertone in this article that belittles critical discussion and is m...

5797d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Reviews should not be about opinions, but should be about objective criticisms. Satire is overrated. It is merely away to skirt around the point you were trying to make by being cute. I am tired of the word journalists, fan boys, and video games. The are demeaning and counterproductive and are only used for and by people who can't adequately make a point. Why so serious? We should be serious because of what "interactive entertainment/art" means for the future and how all these...

5797d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'll take the perks over weapon camping any day.

5797d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment